AFNI program: 3dIntracranial

Output of -help

Program: 3dIntracranial 
Author:  B. D. Ward 
Initial Release:  04 June 1999 
Latest Revision:  02 December 2002 

This program performs automatic segmentation of intracranial region.

-anat filename    Filename of anat dataset to be segmented            
[-min_val   a]    Minimum voxel intensity limit                       
                     Default: Internal PDF estimate for lower bound   
[-max_val   b]    Maximum voxel intensity limit                       
                     Default: Internal PDF estimate for upper bound   
[-min_conn  m]    Minimum voxel connectivity to enter                 
                     Default: m=4                                     
[-max_conn  n]    Maximum voxel connectivity to leave                 
                     Default: n=2                                     
[-nosmooth]       Suppress spatial smoothing of segmentation mask     
[-mask]           Generate functional image mask (complement)         
                     Default: Generate anatomical image               
[-quiet]          Suppress output to screen                           
-prefix pname     Prefix name for file to contain segmented image     

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