Current Linux : normal user
basic instructions (as of Feb 16, 2011)
The computer's operating system should be a recent release of Linux.
The commands listed below assume that the user is running the T-shell
(/bin/tcsh). This makes a difference here only when setting the path,
but in general, /bin/tcsh is recommended over /bin/bash.
To change the shell to /bin/tcsh, see notes: change the shell
Note: /bin/tcsh must be installed, even if not as the user's shell.
To set the PATH under /bin/bash, see notes: set the PATH in /bin/bash
There are basically 6 steps to installing and running AFNI, though some
depend on the version of Linux installed. The commands associated with
these steps can be entered into a terminal window.
For a user with very modest experience, it may be best to copy-and-paste
the commands into a terminal window, rather than to type them in. If a
typo is not noticed or understood, it can be difficult to figure out how
to correct a mistake.
AFNI: download and install
Step 0: Install any needed libraries or other packages. At a minumum
libXp and tcsh are commonly needed. Some python packages might
also be desired, as well as R.
sudo yum install libXp tcsh
sudo yum install PyQt4 R
Step 1: Make a home abin directory, where the AFNI binaries will go.
mkdir abin
Step 2: Download current binaries. Since this may vary depending on the
OS and version, here are some package options:
1. linux_openmp : for multi-CPU systems, (needs libgomp)
2. linux_openmp_64 : 64-bit version of the same
3. linux_xorg7 : otherwise current linux package
4. linux_xorg7_64 : 64-bit version of the same
5. linux_gcc32 : oldie but a goodie
6. linux_gcc33_64 : similar, but 64-bit
Choose an appropriate package for the "set package" command.
set package = linux_openmp_64
tar xvfz $package.tgz
mv $package/* abin
rmdir $package
Step 3: Add the AFNI package directory ~/abin to your path. This is only
done once on a new system. You can look at the .cshrc file in a
text editor.
echo 'set path = ( $path ~/abin )' >> ~/.cshrc
Step 4: (optional, but helpful) Update help files for tab-completion.
Run this command, and then follow the brief instructions.
apsearch -update_all_afni_help
Step 5: Log out and log back in. This is to make sure that the AFNI
programs are recognized in your path.
Step 6: Start playing!
See Class Setup for details on getting the data and handouts needed
for an AFNI class.