AFNI program: count
Output of -help
Usage: count [options] bot top [step]
* Produces many numbered copies of the root and/or suffix,
counting from 'bot' to 'top' with stride 'step'.
* If 'bot' > 'top', counts backwards with stride '-step'.
* If step is of the form 'R#', then '#' random counts are produced
in the range '' (inclusive).
* If step is of the form 'S', then a random sequence of unique integers
in the range '' (inclusive) is output.
A number after S ('S#') indicates the number of unique integers
to output. If # exceeds the number of unique values, the shuffled
sequence will simply repeat itself. (N.B.: 'S' is for 'Shuffle'.)
* 'bot' and 'top' must not be negative; step must be +ve (defaults to 1).
* 'bot' and 'top' can be any character between 'A' and 'Z' or 'a' and 'z'.
In these instances, the counting is from character bot
to character top. If you do not specify -form, the program
will automatically choose -form '%c'. For example:
count a z
or to get the ASCII value of the characters:
count -form %d a z
-seed seed number for random number generator (for S and R above)
-sseed seed string for random number generator (for S and R above)
-column writes output, one number per line (with root and suffix, if any)
-digits n prints numbers with 'n' digits [default=4]
-form CFRM print the numbers with the CFRM formatting string.
e.g.: count -form %c 49 130
or count -form '%03d<:-)' 97 99
You can't use any type of C formatting, only those who
take an integer for an input. Using '%f', or '%s' will
cause a crash.
-form overrides -digits.
-root rrr prints string 'rrr' before the number [default=empty]
-sep s prints single character 's' between the numbers [default=blank]
[normally you would not use '-sep' with '-column']
-suffix sss prints string 'sss' after the number [default=empty]
-scale fff multiplies each number by the factor 'fff';
if this option is used, -digits is ignored and
the floating point format '%g' is used for output.
('fff' can be a floating point number.)
-comma put commas between the outputs, instead of spaces
(same as '-sep ,')
-skipnmodm n m skip over numbers with a modulus of n with m
-skipnmodm 15 16 would skip 15, 31, 47, ...
not valid with random number sequence options
The main application of this program is for use in C shell programming:
foreach fred ( `count_afni 1 20` )
mv wilma.${fred} barney.${fred}
The backward quote operator in the foreach statement executes the
count program, captures its output, and puts it on the command line.
The loop body renames each file wilma.0001 to wilma.0020 to barney.0001
to barney.0020. Read the man page for csh to get more information. In
particular, the csh built-in command '@' can be useful.
Shuffle Example:
You can use the 'S' mode to reorder a dataset or 1D file randomly.
Suppose you have several 1D files with 60 columns and you want to rearrange
each one in the same random way -- interchanging columns to scramble some
stimulus amplitude modulation sequences, say:
count -dig 1 0 59 S > randorder.1D
1dcat A.1D"[`cat randorder.1D`]" > Areordered.1D
1dcat B.1D"[`cat randorder.1D`]" > Breordered.1D
1dcat C.1D"[`cat randorder.1D`]" > Creordered.1D
Unlike 'R', which can produce duplicates, 'S' will give set of unique numbers.
-- Written by RWCox back in the ancient mists of forgotten time --
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Tue Feb 25 12:34:12 AM EST 2025