AFNI Message Board

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We are very pleased to announce that the new AFNI Message Board framework is up! Please join us at:

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The current Message Board discussion threads have been migrated to the new framework. The current Message Board will remain visible, but read-only, for a little while.

Sincerely, AFNI HQ

History of AFNI updates  

January 09, 2014 02:24PM
Hi Rick,

If you have time, I know one user (me), who would really appreciate some (hopefully easy) changes to some of the options.

I'm trying to get into the habit of running for each new study, and anytime I make changes in processing stream, rather than edit old ones. This way I stay tuned in to the latest and greatest going-ons over at AFNI.

Anyway, I'm one of those crazies that would prefer to use underscore '_' instead of '.' as the separation character in the filenames. And all these issues stem from that one problem.

-sep_char CHAR : apply as separation character in filenames


If (for some crazy reason) an underscore (_) character would be
preferable, the result would be:

If "-sep_char _" is applied, so is -subj_curly.

See also -subj_curly.

There seem to be some files other than transformation matrix 1D files and rm. files that keep the '.' separation.

For my purposes - this is the problem bit (I'll include the full output at the end of the message).
# ==========================================================================
# script generated by the command:
# -script -scr_overwrite -out_dir \
# '${subj}' -blocks tshift align tlrc volreg blur mask scale -copy_anat \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821.nii.gz \
# -dsets \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/BOLDRUN1SC01821A.nii.gz \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/BOLDRUN2SC01821A.nii.gz \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/BOLDRUN3SC01821A.nii.gz \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/BOLDRUN4SC01821A.nii.gz \
# -volreg_align_to first -volreg_interp -heptic -volreg_opts_vr \
# -maxdisp1D 'md_r${run}.1D' -1Dfile 'motion_r${run}}.1D' \
# -volreg_align_e2a -subj_curly -sep_char _ -blur_size 6 -align_opts_aea \
# -AddEdge -move_preproc_files -tlrc_NL_warp -tlrc_base \
# ~/abin/MNI152_1mm_uni+tlrc -blur_to_fwhm \
# -volreg_tlrc_warp

Issue with option -out_dir:
In the verification step, it prints out the old format (not an issue, but aesthetically displeasing)
# assign output directory name
set output_dir = ${subj}

# verify that the results directory does not yet exist
if ( -d $output_dir ) then
echo output dir "$subj.results" already exists

Issue with sep_char
individual outcount runs
# ========================== auto block: outcount ==========================
# data check: compute outlier fraction for each volume
touch out.pre_ss_warn.txt
foreach run ( $runs )
3dToutcount -automask -fraction -polort 4 -legendre \
pb00_${subj}_r${run}_tcat+orig > outcount.r$run.1D

# outliers at TR 0 might suggest pre-steady state TRs
if ( `1deval -a outcount.r$run.1D"{0}" -expr "step(a-0.4)"` ) then
echo "** TR #0 outliers: possible pre-steady state TRs in run $run" \
>> out.pre_ss_warn.txt

# catenate outlier counts into a single time series
cat outcount.r*.1D > outcount_rall.1D

Similarly w/ the volreg dfile (but I can get around that with adding a -volreg_opts_vr -1Dfile 'motion_r${run}}.1D')
# register and warp
foreach run ( $runs )
# register each volume to the base
3dvolreg -verbose -zpad 1 -base pb01_${subj}_r01_tshift+orig'[0]' \
-1Dfile dfile.r$run.1D -prefix rm.epi.volreg.r$run \
-heptic \
-maxdisp1D md_r${run}.1D -1Dfile motion_r${run}}.1D \
-1Dmatrix_save mat.r$run.vr.aff12.1D \


# make a single file of registration params
cat dfile.r*.1D > dfile_rall.1D

Making the final anat file
# create an anat_final dataset, aligned with stats
3dcopy MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+tlrc anat_final.${subj}

and mask of the anatomy (this also lacks the curly _${subj}
# convert to binary anat mask; fill gaps and holes
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input rm.resam.anat+tlrc \
-prefix mask_anat.$subj

Issue with option -subj_curly (mask block, review scripts, and move_preproc_files block)
# ================================== mask ==================================
# create 'full_mask' dataset (union mask)
foreach run ( $runs )
3dAutomask -dilate 1 -prefix rm.mask_r$run pb03_${subj}_r${run}_blur+tlrc

# get mean and compare it to 0 for taking 'union'
3dMean -datum short -prefix rm.mean rm.mask*.HEAD
3dcalc -a rm.mean+tlrc -expr 'ispositive(a-0)' -prefix full_mask_$subj

# ---- create subject anatomy mask, mask_anat.$subj+tlrc ----
# (resampled from tlrc anat)
3dresample -master full_mask_$subj+tlrc -input \
MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+tlrc \
-prefix rm.resam.anat

# convert to binary anat mask; fill gaps and holes
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input rm.resam.anat+tlrc \
-prefix mask_anat.$subj

# compute overlaps between anat and EPI masks
3dABoverlap -no_automask full_mask_$subj+tlrc mask_anat.$subj+tlrc \
|& tee out.mask_overlap.txt

# ---- create group anatomy mask, mask_group+tlrc ----
# (resampled from tlrc base anat, MNI152_1mm_uni+tlrc)
3dresample -master full_mask_$subj+tlrc -prefix ./ \
-input ~/abin/MNI152_1mm_uni+tlrc

# convert to binary group mask; fill gaps and holes
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input \
-prefix mask_group

# ================== auto block: generate review scripts ===================

# generate a review script for the unprocessed EPI data -script @epi_review.$subj \
-dsets pb00_${subj}_r*_tcat+orig.HEAD

# generate scripts to review single subject results
# (try with defaults, but do not allow bad exit status) -exit0

# ========================== auto block: finalize ==========================

# remove temporary files
\rm -fr rm.* awpy

# move preprocessing files to '' directory
mv dfile.r*.1D pb*.$subj.r*.* outcount.*

# if the basic subject review script is here, run it
# (want this to be the last text output)
if ( -e @ss_review_basic ) ./@ss_review_basic |& tee out.ss_review.$subj.txt

Again the move preprocessing files has both issues.
# move preprocessing files to '' directory
mv dfile.r*.1D pb*.$subj.r*.* outcount.*

Those are all the issues that I caught with my command, hopefully you will find them useful if you are willing to make those changes.
Here is the full output (plus a quality assurance block that makes a jpg of various parameters I like seeing graphically).

Thanks so much,
Hugo Decker

Full Output of script

#!/bin/tcsh -xef

echo "auto-generated by, Thu Jan 9 14:18:46 2014"
echo "(version 4.06, December 1, 2013)"
echo "execution started: `date`"

# execute via :
# tcsh -xef |& tee

# =========================== auto block: setup ============================
# script setup

# take note of the AFNI version
afni -ver

# check that the current AFNI version is recent enough
afni_history -check_date 29 Nov 2013
if ( $status ) then
echo "** this script requires newer AFNI binaries (than 29 Nov 2013)"
echo " (consider: @update.afni.binaries -defaults)"

# the user may specify a single subject to run with
if ( $#argv > 0 ) then
set subj = $argv[1]
set subj = SUBJ

# assign output directory name
set output_dir = ${subj}

# verify that the results directory does not yet exist
if ( -d $output_dir ) then
echo output dir "$subj.results" already exists

# set list of runs
set runs = (`count -digits 2 1 4`)

# create results and stimuli directories
mkdir $output_dir
mkdir $output_dir/stimuli

# copy anatomy to results dir
3dcopy \
/Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821.nii.gz \

# ============================ auto block: tcat ============================
# apply 3dTcat to copy input dsets to results dir, while
# removing the first 0 TRs
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00_${subj}_r01_tcat \
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00_${subj}_r02_tcat \
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00_${subj}_r03_tcat \
3dTcat -prefix $output_dir/pb00_${subj}_r04_tcat \

# and make note of repetitions (TRs) per run
set tr_counts = ( 202 202 202 202 )

# -------------------------------------------------------
# enter the results directory (can begin processing data)
cd $output_dir

# ========================== auto block: outcount ==========================
# data check: compute outlier fraction for each volume
touch out.pre_ss_warn.txt
foreach run ( $runs )
3dToutcount -automask -fraction -polort 4 -legendre \
pb00_${subj}_r${run}_tcat+orig > outcount.r$run.1D

# outliers at TR 0 might suggest pre-steady state TRs
if ( `1deval -a outcount.r$run.1D"{0}" -expr "step(a-0.4)"` ) then
echo "** TR #0 outliers: possible pre-steady state TRs in run $run" \
>> out.pre_ss_warn.txt

# catenate outlier counts into a single time series
cat outcount.r*.1D > outcount_rall.1D

# ================================= tshift =================================
# time shift data so all slice timing is the same
foreach run ( $runs )
3dTshift -tzero 0 -quintic -prefix pb01_${subj}_r${run}_tshift \

# ================================= align ==================================
# for e2a: compute anat alignment transformation to EPI registration base
# (new anat will be intermediate, stripped, MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+orig) -anat2epi -anat MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821+orig \
-save_skullstrip -suffix _al_junk \
-epi pb01_${subj}_r01_tshift+orig -epi_base 0 \
-epi_strip 3dAutomask \
-AddEdge \
-volreg off -tshift off

# ================================== tlrc ==================================
# warp anatomy to standard space (non-linear warp) -base ~/abin/MNI152_1mm_uni+tlrc -input \
MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+orig \
-skull_strip_input no

# move results up out of the awpy directory
# (NL-warped anat, affine warp, NL warp)
# (use typical standard space name for anat)
3dbucket -prefix MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns \
mv awpy/anat.un.aff.Xat.1D .
mv awpy/anat.un.aff.qw_WARP.nii .

# ================================= volreg =================================
# align each dset to base volume, align to anat, warp to tlrc space

# verify that we have a +tlrc warp dataset
if ( ! -f MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+tlrc.HEAD ) then
echo "** missing +tlrc warp dataset: \

# register and warp
foreach run ( $runs )
# register each volume to the base
3dvolreg -verbose -zpad 1 -base pb01_${subj}_r01_tshift+orig'[0]' \
-1Dfile dfile.r$run.1D -prefix rm.epi.volreg.r$run \
-heptic \
-maxdisp1D md_r${run}.1D -1Dfile motion_r${run}}.1D \
-1Dmatrix_save mat.r$run.vr.aff12.1D \

# create an all-1 dataset to mask the extents of the warp
3dcalc -overwrite -a pb01_${subj}_r${run}_tshift+orig -expr 1 \
-prefix rm.epi.all1

# catenate volreg, epi2anat and tlrc transformations
cat_matvec -ONELINE \
anat.un.aff.Xat.1D \
MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_al_junk_mat.aff12.1D -I \
mat.r$run.vr.aff12.1D > mat.r$run.warp.aff12.1D

# apply catenated xform: volreg, epi2anat and tlrc
# then apply non-linear standard-space warp
3dNwarpApply -master MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+tlrc -dxyz 3 \
-source pb01_${subj}_r${run}_tshift+orig \
-nwarp anat.un.aff.qw_WARP.nii \
-affter mat.r$run.warp.aff12.1D \
-prefix rm.epi.nomask.r$run

# warp the all-1 dataset for extents masking
3dNwarpApply -master MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+tlrc -dxyz 3 \
-source rm.epi.all1+orig \
-nwarp anat.un.aff.qw_WARP.nii \
-prefix rm.epi.1.r$run \
-affter mat.r$run.warp.aff12.1D \
-ainterp NN -quiet

# make an extents intersection mask of this run
3dTstat -min -prefix rm.epi.min.r$run rm.epi.1.r$run+tlrc

# make a single file of registration params
cat dfile.r*.1D > dfile_rall.1D

# compute motion magnitude time series: the Euclidean norm
# (sqrt(sum squares)) of the motion parameter derivatives -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_nruns 4 \
-derivative -collapse_cols euclidean_norm \
-write motion_${subj}_enorm.1D

# ----------------------------------------
# create the extents mask: mask_epi_extents+tlrc
# (this is a mask of voxels that have valid data at every TR)
3dMean -datum short -prefix rm.epi.mean rm.epi.min.r*.HEAD
3dcalc -a rm.epi.mean+tlrc -expr 'step(a-0.999)' -prefix mask_epi_extents

# and apply the extents mask to the EPI data
# (delete any time series with missing data)
foreach run ( $runs )
3dcalc -a rm.epi.nomask.r$run+tlrc -b mask_epi_extents+tlrc \
-expr 'a*b' -prefix pb02_${subj}_r${run}_volreg

# create an anat_final dataset, aligned with stats
3dcopy MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+tlrc anat_final.${subj}

# ================================== blur ==================================
# blur each volume of each run
foreach run ( $runs )
3dBlurToFWHM -FWHM 6 -mask mask_epi_extents+tlrc \
-input pb02_${subj}_r${run}_volreg+tlrc \
-prefix pb03_${subj}_r${run}_blur

# ================================== mask ==================================
# create 'full_mask' dataset (union mask)
foreach run ( $runs )
3dAutomask -dilate 1 -prefix rm.mask_r$run pb03_${subj}_r${run}_blur+tlrc

# get mean and compare it to 0 for taking 'union'
3dMean -datum short -prefix rm.mean rm.mask*.HEAD
3dcalc -a rm.mean+tlrc -expr 'ispositive(a-0)' -prefix full_mask_$subj

# ---- create subject anatomy mask, mask_anat.$subj+tlrc ----
# (resampled from tlrc anat)
3dresample -master full_mask_$subj+tlrc -input \
MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821_ns+tlrc \
-prefix rm.resam.anat

# convert to binary anat mask; fill gaps and holes
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input rm.resam.anat+tlrc \
-prefix mask_anat.$subj

# compute overlaps between anat and EPI masks
3dABoverlap -no_automask full_mask_$subj+tlrc mask_anat.$subj+tlrc \
|& tee out.mask_overlap.txt

# ---- create group anatomy mask, mask_group+tlrc ----
# (resampled from tlrc base anat, MNI152_1mm_uni+tlrc)
3dresample -master full_mask_$subj+tlrc -prefix ./ \
-input ~/abin/MNI152_1mm_uni+tlrc

# convert to binary group mask; fill gaps and holes
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input \
-prefix mask_group

# ================================= scale ==================================
# scale each voxel time series to have a mean of 100
# (be sure no negatives creep in)
# (subject to a range of [0,200])
foreach run ( $runs )
3dTstat -prefix rm.mean_r$run pb03_${subj}_r${run}_blur+tlrc
3dcalc -a pb03_${subj}_r${run}_blur+tlrc -b rm.mean_r$run+tlrc \
-c mask_epi_extents+tlrc \
-expr 'c * min(200, a/b*100)*step(a)*step(b)' \
-prefix pb04_${subj}_r${run}_scale

# ================================ QA =================================

# Already got outcount, motion, md, now getting 3dTqual and mean signal
# Then concatenating each into an allruns file
# Then ploting as jpeg and moving to QA folder
foreach run ( $runs )
#3dTqual: compute quality index for time series data
3dTqual -range pb04_${subj}_r${run}_scale+tlrc > \
1dplot -jpeg ${subj}_r${run}_3dTqual -one -title \
'Data quality across time' -xlabel 'Time in TRs' -ylabel \
'Signal variability and bands +-3.5SD' 3dTqual_r${run}.1D

#3dROIstats: calculate mean values in brain and then plot
3dROIstats -quiet -mask mask_epi_extents+tlrc \
pb04_${subj}_r${run}_scale+tlrc > meanscale_r${run}.1D
1dplot -nopush -jpg ${subj}_r${run}_psc -title \
'Mean Signal over Time' -xlabel 'Time in TRs' -ylabel \
'Mean signal level' meanscale_r${run}.1D

#plot Motion and MaxDisplacemnt and Outcount
1dplot -jpg ${subj}_r${run}_md -title \
'Maximum movement collapsed across planes' md_r${run}.1D
1dplot -volreg -jpg ${subj}_r${run}_motion motion_r${run}.1D
1dplot -jpg ${subj}_r${run}_oc -one -title \
'Histogram of outlying voxels' -xlabel 'Time in TRs' \
-ylabel 'Outlier count' outcount.r${run}.1D
# I'd prefer to use outcount_r$run.1D

#Plot graphs concatenated together
cat 3dTqual_r*.1D > 3dTqual_all.1D
cat meanscale_r*.1D > meanscale_all.1D
cat md_r*.1D > md_all.1D
cat motion_r*.1D > motion_all.1D
1dplot -jpeg ${subj}_all_3dTqual -one -title \
'Data quality across time' -xlabel 'Time in TRs' -ylabel \
'Signal variability and bands +-3.5SD' 3dTqual_all.1D
1dplot -nopush -jpg ${subj}_all_psc -title 'Mean Signal over Time' \
-xlabel 'Time in TRs' -ylabel 'Mean signal level' \
1dplot -jpg ${subj}_all_md -title \
'Maximum movement collapsed across planes' md_all.1D
1dplot -volreg -jpg ${subj}_all_motion motion_all.1D
1dplot -jpg ${subj}_all_oc -one -title \
'Histogram of outlying voxels' -xlabel 'Time in TRs' -ylabel \
'Outlier count' outcount_rall.1D

mkdir QA QA/individual_runs QA/all_runs
mv *_all*.jpg QA/all_runs
mv *_r?*.jpg QA/individual_runs
mv *all.1D QA/all_runs/
mv *r?.1D QA/individual_runs/

# ================== auto block: generate review scripts ===================

# generate a review script for the unprocessed EPI data -script @epi_review.$subj \
-dsets pb00_${subj}_r*_tcat+orig.HEAD

# generate scripts to review single subject results
# (try with defaults, but do not allow bad exit status) -exit0

# ========================== auto block: finalize ==========================

# remove temporary files
\rm -fr rm.* awpy

# move preprocessing files to '' directory
mv dfile.r*.1D pb*.$subj.r*.* outcount.*

# if the basic subject review script is here, run it
# (want this to be the last text output)
if ( -e @ss_review_basic ) ./@ss_review_basic |& tee out.ss_review.$subj.txt

# return to parent directory
cd ..

echo "execution finished: `date`"

# ==========================================================================
# script generated by the command:
# -script -scr_overwrite -out_dir \
# '${subj}' -blocks tshift align tlrc volreg blur mask scale -copy_anat \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/MPRage160sl7degp2SC01821.nii.gz \
# -dsets \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/BOLDRUN1SC01821A.nii.gz \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/BOLDRUN2SC01821A.nii.gz \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/BOLDRUN3SC01821A.nii.gz \
# /Volumes/BuckleyProjects/RAWorganization/Imaging/MBMF/BOLDRUN4SC01821A.nii.gz \
# -volreg_align_to first -volreg_interp -heptic -volreg_opts_vr \
# -maxdisp1D 'md_r${run}.1D' -1Dfile 'motion_r${run}}.1D' \
# -volreg_align_e2a -subj_curly -sep_char _ -blur_size 6 -align_opts_aea \
# -AddEdge -move_preproc_files -tlrc_NL_warp -tlrc_base \
# ~/abin/MNI152_1mm_uni+tlrc -blur_to_fwhm \
# -volreg_tlrc_warp
Subject Author Posted -sep_char, -out_dir, -subj_curly, -move_preproc_files request

Hugo Decker January 09, 2014 02:24PM

Re: -sep_char, -out_dir, -subj_curly, -move_preproc_files request

Hugo Decker January 09, 2014 04:35PM

Re: -sep_char, -out_dir, -subj_curly, -move_preproc_files request

rick reynolds January 10, 2014 11:01AM

Re: -sep_char, -out_dir, -subj_curly, -move_preproc_files request

Hugo Decker January 10, 2014 02:02PM