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July 28, 2016 05:24PM
Hi Experts,

I am having a difficult time understanding how the the @ss_review_driver output "num TRs per stim (orig) 111 66 66 103 111 66 66 103" is being calculated for my task. My study has 540 total TRs (2 seconds per TR or 1080 seconds). It is a block design in which the 540 TR task is split in half (540sec or 270TRs each). During each half they repeat a task 3 times. There are 4 conditions (Base 60sec., Script 30sec., Recall 30sec., Rest 60sec.) that make up 1 task. I have a difficult time understanding how the "111 66 66 103..." pattern fits in my dataset.

My script can be seen below, and the timing files are below that at the very end.

Thank you kindly for the time!

I look forward to understanding this better :)



# Created by Jessica Hanson on 7/26/16.
# Copyright 2012 __LaurenTaubitz!__. All rights reserved.

#This script runs for the IRC_PTSD Study for the IMAGERY conditions ONLY!

#Removes stack size allocation limits to prevent killing this script
#ulimit -s unlimited

#Sets the folder containing the subject data
setenv subfolder /media/larson_buffalo/MRI7/IRC_PTSD/Data

#Creates a variable called "study" and sets its value.
set study = IRCPTSD

setenv scriptfolder /media/larson_buffalo/MRI7/IRC_PTSD/Scripts/Linear_Imagery

setenv timing_files /media/larson_buffalo/MRI7/IRC_PTSD/Scripts/Linear_Imagery/Timing_Files

#Opens the scripts directory
cd /media/larson_buffalo/MRI7/IRC_PTSD/Scripts/Linear_Imagery

foreach subject (sub16)

# sub80 sub116 sub269 sub sub sub sub) generates a script that does all single-subject processing through 3dDeconvolve \
-subj_id ${subject} \
-script proc_${subject}.UPDATED_TIMING_FILES.imagery.results \
-out_dir ${subfolder}/${subject}/${subject}.UPDATED_TIMING_FILES.imagery.results \
-dsets ${subfolder}/${subject}/${subject}.${study}.neutral_im+orig.HEAD \
${subfolder}/${subject}/${subject}.${study}.trauma_im+orig.HEAD \
-copy_anat ${subfolder}/${subject}/${subject}.${study}.spgr+orig \
-do_block align tlrc \
-tcat_remove_first_trs 3 \
-volreg_align_to third \
-volreg_align_e2a \
-volreg_tlrc_warp \
-regress_stim_times ${timing_files}/imagery_stim_times.*.1D \
-regress_stim_labels im_neut_base im_neut_script im_neut_recall im_neut_rest \
im_trauma_base im_trauma_script im_trauma_recall im_trauma_rest \
-regress_basis_multi 'BLOCK(60,1)' 'BLOCK(30,1)' 'BLOCK(30,1)' 'BLOCK(60,1)' \
'BLOCK(60,1)' 'BLOCK(30,1)' 'BLOCK(30,1)' 'BLOCK(60,1)' \
-regress_censor_motion 0.3 \
-regress_censor_outliers 0.1 \
-regress_opts_3dD \
-gltsym 'SYM: +im_neut_recall -im_neut_base' -glt_label 1 im_neutrecall_vs_base \
-gltsym 'SYM: +im_trauma_recall -im_trauma_base' -glt_label 2 im_traumarecall_vs_base \
-gltsym 'SYM: +im_neut_rest -im_neut_base' -glt_label 3 im_neutrest_vs_base \
-gltsym 'SYM: +im_trauma_rest -im_trauma_base' -glt_label 4 im_traumarest_vs_base \
-gltsym 'SYM: +im_trauma_recall -im_neut_recall' -glt_label 5 im_traumarecall_vs_neutrecall \
-gltsym 'SYM: +im_trauma_rest -im_neut_rest' -glt_label 6 im_traumarest_vs_neutrest \
-gltsym 'SYM: +im_trauma_script -im_neut_script' -glt_label 7 im_traumascript_vs_neutscript \
-gltsym 'SYM: +im_trauma_base -im_neut_base' -glt_label 8 im_traumabase_vs_neutbase \
-jobs 4 \
-regress_run_clustsim no \
-regress_est_blur_epits \

#This runs the script generated by
tcsh -xef proc_${subject}.UPDATED_TIMING_FILES.imagery.results |& tee ${scriptfolder}/output.${subject}_UPDATED_TIMING_FILES.imagery_proc_script

#Ends the foreach subject loop


0.0 180.0 360.0

60.0 240.0 420.0

90.0 270.0 450.0

120.0 300.0 480.0

0.0 180.0 360.0

60.0 240.0 420.0

90.0 270.0 450.0

120.0 300.0 480.0
Subject Author Posted

Understanding "num TRs per stim (orig)" in the @ss_review_driver

lindsle6 July 28, 2016 05:24PM

Re: Understanding "num TRs per stim (orig)" in the @ss_review_driver

rick reynolds July 28, 2016 08:03PM

Re: Understanding "num TRs per stim (orig)" in the @ss_review_driver

lindsle6 July 29, 2016 10:08AM