AFNI Message Board

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History of AFNI updates  

January 19, 2021 11:33AM
Hello pt,

So here are my answers to your questions
- When I type conda env list, the terminal shows that I have python 2.7 activated.
- The reason I showed you the afni_sytem_check results produced in bash, not tcsh (my preferred shell) is that I wanted to let you do a side-by-side comparison of failed and successful results obtained from the same shell. This, because I never had a successful run of the afni_system_check under the tcsh.

And here is what I’ve discovered:
- When I delete the following lines from the .cshrc file, conda no longer works in tcsh, but the afni_system_check again starts to run successfully in bash

# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
if ( -f "/Users/achoe2/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.csh" ) then
    source "/Users/achoe2/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.csh"
    setenv PATH "/Users/achoe2/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"
# <<< conda initialize <<<

And here is the /Users/achoe2/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.csh

setenv CONDA_EXE "/Users/achoe2/miniconda3/bin/conda"
setenv _CONDA_ROOT "/Users/achoe2/miniconda3"
setenv _CONDA_EXE "/Users/achoe2/miniconda3/bin/conda"
setenv CONDA_PYTHON_EXE "/Users/achoe2/miniconda3/bin/python"
echo "Copyright (C) 2012 Anaconda, Inc" > /dev/null
echo "SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause" > /dev/null

if (! $?_CONDA_EXE) then
  set _CONDA_EXE="${PWD}/conda/shell/bin/conda"
  if ("$_CONDA_EXE" == "") then
      set _CONDA_EXE="${PWD}/conda/shell/bin/conda"

if ("`alias conda`" == "") then
    if ($?_CONDA_EXE) then
        # _CONDA_PFX is named so as not to cause confusion with CONDA_PREFIX
        # If nested backticks were possible we wouldn't use any variables here.
        set _CONDA_PFX=`dirname "${_CONDA_EXE}"`
        set _CONDA_PFX=`dirname "${_CONDA_PFX}"`
        alias conda source "${_CONDA_PFX}/etc/profile.d/conda.csh"
        # And for good measure, get rid of it afterwards.
        unset _CONDA_PFX
        alias conda source "${PWD}/conda/shell/etc/profile.d/conda.csh"
    setenv CONDA_SHLVL 0
    if (! $?prompt) then
        set prompt=""
    setenv PATH "`dirname ${_CONDA_EXE}`:$PATH"
    switch ( "${1}" )
        case "activate":
            set ask_conda="`(setenv prompt '${prompt}' ; '${_CONDA_EXE}' shell.csh activate '${2}' ${argv[3-]})`" || exit ${status}
            eval "${ask_conda}"
        case "deactivate":
            set ask_conda="`(setenv prompt '${prompt}' ; '${_CONDA_EXE}' shell.csh deactivate '${2}' ${argv[3-]})`" || exit ${status}
            eval "${ask_conda}"
        case "install" | "update" | "upgrade" | "remove" | "uninstall":
            $_CONDA_EXE $argv[1-]
            set ask_conda="`(setenv prompt '${prompt}' ; '${_CONDA_EXE}' shell.csh reactivate)`" || exit ${status}
            eval "${ask_conda}"
            $_CONDA_EXE $argv[1-]

So if this bit of code (conda.csh) is run on the tcsh shell, while the conda can now run(?) in tcsh, the conda no longer responds to the ‘conda activate py27_afni_tiny’ command. In fact, once the conda.csh is run, no matter which environment I activate, the ‘which python’ returns the same path (i.e., /Users/achoe2/miniconda3/bin/python). Prior to running conda.csh, if I activate the py27_afni_tiny, and ask ‘which python’, the path is correctly set for /Users/achoe2/miniconda3/envs/py27_afni_tiny/bin/python.

It pretty clear to me that something wicked is happening with conda.csh, but I don’t know how to fix it.

Wheeeeee (used in the same context as your previous wheee).

Thank you,
Subject Author Posted

tcsh vs. Miniconda

annschoe January 18, 2021 04:33PM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

ptaylor January 18, 2021 08:25PM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

annschoe January 18, 2021 11:59PM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

ptaylor January 19, 2021 09:09AM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

annschoe January 19, 2021 11:33AM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

ptaylor January 19, 2021 04:25PM