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August 17, 2022 01:20PM
This is my first time posting a question so I apologize if my question is not clear.

I am running group analysis of 75 subjects for a task that has 6 conditions (6 sub-bricks for extraction). When I run our script to extract the data using 3dROIstats, only the first 50 subjects data are extracted as output. I tried re-running the script with just the remaining subjects, and only the next 17 subjects' data was extracted into output. I don't know what is going on. We have used this script before for analyses for a task that had 3 conditions and had no issues with the extraction and output.

This is the code we run fin the terminal or the full extraction process with the mask for the significant clusters for the main effect of "block", and then the "stripped" 3dLME file (no headers), and the name of the output file I want created (and then below, is the script embedded in the "" command"):

tcsh mainblock.F10.p001_mask+tlrc MID.LME.gxc_stripped brainact_gxc_block

The "":


# Settings #
set SD = '/mnt/c/TS_MID' # Subjects directory

set Grp = '/mnt/c/TS_MID' #The directory with the masks and 3dLME cmd
set maskName = $1 # mask you want to extract from
set mask = $Grp'/'$maskName
set cmd = $Grp'/'$2 #script with participant info, e.g. lme
set dbName = $3 #make up a name for the output

# e.g. ./ Amy+tlrc lme amyg_activation.txt

# Extract the dataTable from the 3dMVM/3dLME command
# strip trailing continuation line
sed 's/\\$//g' < $cmd > rm_temp

# delete blank lines, strip the leading and trailing spaces, tabs
sed -e '/^$/d' -e 's/^\t*\(.*\)/\1/g' < rm_temp > rm_temp3

set Subj = `cut -f1 rm_temp3`
set Group = `cut -f2 rm_temp3`
set Cond = `cut -f3 rm_temp3`
set File = `cut -f4 rm_temp3`

rm rm_temp*

foreach i (`seq $#Subj`)
echo "$File[$i]"
eval "3dROIstats -nzmean -nzsigma -nzmedian -nzvoxels -nzminmax -mask $mask $File[$i] > rm_temp"
cat rm_temp
if ($i == 1) then
head -1 rm_temp | sed 's/^/Subject\tGroup\tCond\t /' >> $dbName
tail -1 rm_temp | sed 's/^/'"$Subj[$i]"'\t'"$Group[$i]"'\t'"$Cond[$i]"'\t /' >> $dbName
tail -1 rm_temp | sed 's/^/'"$Subj[$i]"'\t'"$Group[$i]"'\t'"$Cond[$i]"'\t /' >> $dbName
rm rm_temp

Thanks for your help!
Subject Author Posted

Issue with data extraction using 3dROIstats

katekp August 17, 2022 01:20PM

Re: Issue with data extraction using 3dROIstats

katekp August 17, 2022 03:53PM

Re: Issue with data extraction using 3dROIstats

rick reynolds August 18, 2022 02:21PM

Re: Issue with data extraction using 3dROIstats

katekp August 19, 2022 11:52AM

Re: Issue with data extraction using 3dROIstats

rick reynolds August 19, 2022 12:33PM