AFNI Message Board

Dear AFNI users-

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The current Message Board discussion threads have been migrated to the new framework. The current Message Board will remain visible, but read-only, for a little while.

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History of AFNI updates  

November 26, 2022 07:14PM
Well, OK. If your points are all in a single plane, as in that image, here is a script to connect successive points (defined as a 3-column text file of XYZ locations, and the first line should be repeated as the last, so that the shape gets closed.

I used the following file as the "points.txt" below:
-6.2    6.2   43.8
    6.2    6.2   43.8
   16.2    6.2   41.2
   23.8    6.2   36.2
   28.8    6.2   26.2
   21.2    6.2   18.8
   11.2    6.2   21.2
   -8.8    6.2   23.8
   -3.8    6.2   11.2
    6.2    6.2    6.2
   -3.8    6.2   -1.2
  -16.2    6.2    3.8
  -28.8    6.2    8.8
  -31.2    6.2   21.2
  -28.8    6.2   38.8
  -13.8    6.2   41.2
   -6.2    6.2   43.8
... and the input dataset (for setting the grid), was the "mask_epi_extents+tlrc.HEAD" in the output FT.results directory of the AFNI Bootcamp s05* output script. but it should probably work in many datasets with a reaonable field of view, just as an example.

The images show the points-to-be-connected as white underlay points, and then lines that are created to connect them (just looping over all successive pairs of points in the file, walking with a reasonably small step size (based on min voxel dim) to the next point), and then the planar infill of *that*.

Hope that might be useful. This would not extend to a case of arbitrary points in 3D---it depends on them being in a single plane, so that a closed curve can be drawn.



# this program tries to connect points with a line.  The file "

set dset_grid = mask_epi_extents+tlrc.HEAD      # dset with grid to use
set file_pts  = points.txt                           # input text: XYZ coord
set dset_lines = dset_connect_the_dots.nii.gz        # output dset

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set npts   = `cat "${file_pts}" | wc -l`       # number of points in file

# set step size from voxel dims
set ad3    = `3dinfo -ad3 "${dset_grid}"`      # input voxel dims
set minad3 = ${ad3[1]}
foreach ii ( `seq 2 1 $#ad3` )
    if ( `echo "${ad3[$ii]} < ${minad3}" | bc` ) then
        set minad3 = ${ad3[$ii]}
set step   = `echo "scale=5; ${minad3}/3.0" | bc`
echo "++ The step is: ${step} (from vox: ${ad3})"

# create file: temporary list of points for this line
set file_tmp = _tmp_file_line.txt
set dset_tmp = _tmp_file_line.nii.gz
printf "" > ${file_tmp}

foreach nn ( `seq 2 1 ${npts}` )
    @ mm = ${nn} - 1

    # XYZ coords of points
    set xyz0 = `sed -n ${mm}p "${file_pts}"`        # start point
    set xyz1 = `sed -n ${nn}p "${file_pts}"`        # end point

    # dist between start and end points
    set dist = `echo "scale=5; sqrt(($xyz1[1] - $xyz0[1])^2 + ($xyz1[2] - $xyz0[2])^2 + ($xyz1[3] - $xyz0[3])^2)" | bc`

    # how many steps to take; shouldn't need to bother about
    # remainder, bc both endpoints are already included
    set nstep = `echo "scale=0; ${dist}/${step}" | bc`
    echo "++ The dist and nstep are:  ${dist} and ${nstep}"

    set coord = ( $xyz0 )
    foreach ss ( `seq 1 1 ${nstep}` )
        foreach ii ( `seq 1 1 $#ad3` )
            set coord[$ii] = `echo "scale=5; ${coord[$ii]} + ${step}*($xyz1[$ii] - $xyz0[$ii])/${dist}" | bc`
            # start walkin'
            printf "%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n" ${coord[1]} ${coord[2]} ${coord[3]} >> ${file_tmp}

    echo "-----------------"
    cat  "${file_tmp}"
    echo "-----------------"


# remove repeated locations
cat  "${file_tmp}" | uniq > FINAL.txt

#create a starter file with the given points
3dUndump                                                                \
    -overwrite                                                          \
    -xyz                                                                \
    -orient  RAI                                                        \
    -master  "${dset_grid}"                                             \
    -prefix  "${dset_tmp}"                                              \
    -datum   short                                                      \

# fill holes in any plane (I think)
3dmask_tool                                                                  \
    -fill_dirs   AP                                                          \
    -fill_dirs   IS                                                          \
    -fill_dirs   LR                                                          \
    -fill_holes                                                              \
    -overwrite                                                               \
    -inputs      "${dset_tmp}"                                               \
    -prefix      "${dset_lines}"

exit 0
open | download - pts_with_lines.jpg (3.3 KB)
open | download - pts_filled.jpg (3.1 KB)
Subject Author Posted

Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices Attachments

gbarisano November 21, 2022 11:15PM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices

ptaylor November 22, 2022 06:21AM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices

gbarisano November 23, 2022 11:13PM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices Attachments

ptaylor November 26, 2022 07:14PM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices

ptaylor November 26, 2022 07:16PM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices Attachments

gbarisano November 28, 2022 02:42PM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices

ptaylor November 28, 2022 03:08PM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices

gbarisano November 29, 2022 02:44PM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices

ptaylor November 29, 2022 07:29PM

Re: Filling a closed curve ROI from coordinates of the vertices

Daniel Glen December 05, 2022 04:35PM