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Daniel Glen
September 01, 2006 05:11PM
Thanks to help from Wolfgang and Yingli (and Bob too), I've put together two scripts to do the rotation of the gradient vectors. The first script, I'll include in this message and a second script in the following message. The first script rotates all the gradient vectors based on the rotation of a single-brick dataset (or the first brick of a dataset). The script used 3dvolreg rotation history in the header if it is available. If not, it will try 3dWarpDrive instead.

If you save it as it is named here, you can use it like this:

tcsh @rotatevectorsallx1 volreg_dset gradients.1D

where volreg_dset is the name of your volume registered or 3dWarpDrive aligned dataset and gradients.1D is the name of the gradient vector file to be transformed. The output gradient vector file is named rotatedgrads.1D.

# @rotatevectorsallx1
# rotate vectors from tensor.1D based on first brick of a volume
# registered dataset
# use the matrix vector rotation fields from the header attributes
# if 3dvolreg was used, they will be named VOLREG_MATVEC_nnnnnn
# if 3dWarpDrive was used, they will be named

if ("$1" == '' || "$1" == '-help' || "$1" == '-h') then
goto HELP

if ("$#" < 2) then
echo "Not enough parameters"
goto END

set dset = $1
set tensor1D = $2
1dcat $2 > rotatedgrads.1D
set ngrads = `cat rotatedgrads.1D|wc -l`
echo "Number of gradients is $ngrads"
@ ngrads--
echo "Dataset: $dset"
echo "Gradient vectors: $tensor1D"
echo "Rotating vectors..."
rm -f rotatedgrads.1D

# put the matrix vector on three rows to be compatible with Vecwarp
( cat_matvec "$dset"'::VOLREG_MATVEC_000000' > tempmatvec.1D ) >
& /dev/null

# if there are no attributes from 3dvolreg in header, try 3dWarpDrive
set check = `wc tempmatvec.1D`
if ($check[1] == 0) then
echo "Looking for WARPDRIVE attribute instead"
( cat_matvec "$dset"'::WARPDRIVE_ROTMAT_FOR_000000' >
tempmatvec0.1D ) > & /dev/null
set check = `wc tempmatvec0.1D`
if ($check[1] == 0) then
echo "No rotation matrix in header"
goto END
# replace the translation vector with 0s
1dcat tempmatvec.1D'[0..2]' '1D:3@0' > tempmatvec0.1D

foreach grad ( `count 0 $ngrads`)
# get the original vector for the current gradient
1dcat "$tensor1D{$grad}" > tempvector.1D
# rotate the vector for the current gradient
Vecwarp -matvec tempmatvec0.1D -backward -input tempvector.1D -
force -output temprotgrad.1D > & /dev/null
# append the rotated gradients to a single file
cat temprotgrad.1D >> rotatedgrads.1D
rm temprotgrad.1D
rm tempvector.1D
rm tempmatvec*.1D

echo "Output gradient vector file is rotatedgrads.1D"

goto END

echo "Usage: `basename $0` volreg_dset gradients.1D"
echo "Rotate DTI gradient vectors based on rotations from volume
echo "Current script assumes 3dvolreg or 3dWarpDrive corrected
dataset with"
echo "preference to 3dvolreg rotation parameters"
echo "Output file is rotatedgrads.1D"
echo ""
echo "Daniel Glen SSCC/NIMH/NIH"
echo ""
goto END

Subject Author Posted

Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Sally Durgerian June 07, 2006 05:37PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

RWCox June 08, 2006 05:51AM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Sally Durgerian June 08, 2006 11:17AM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Daniel Glen June 09, 2006 11:52AM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Wolfgang June 14, 2006 07:11AM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

tony August 02, 2006 01:55PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Daniel Glen September 01, 2006 05:11PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Wolfgang August 12, 2008 12:31PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Megan February 11, 2009 07:11PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Daniel Glen September 01, 2006 05:20PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

_durai_ June 19, 2014 12:00PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Daniel Glen June 20, 2014 04:12PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Lin October 28, 2011 08:54PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Daniel Glen October 28, 2011 10:19PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Lin October 28, 2011 11:28PM

Re: Rotating gradient vectors for Diffusion Tensors

Daniel Glen October 31, 2011 09:08AM