AFNI program: 1dfft
Output of -help
Usage: 1dfft [options] infile outfile
where infile is an AFNI *.1D file (ASCII list of numbers arranged
in columns); outfile will be a similar file, with the absolute
value of the FFT of the input columns. The length of the file
will be 1+(FFT length)/2.
-ignore sss = Skip the first 'sss' lines in the input file.
[default = no skipping]
-use uuu = Use only 'uuu' lines of the input file.
[default = use them all, Frank]
-nfft nnn = Set FFT length to 'nnn'.
[default = length of data (# of lines used)]
-tocx = Save Re and Im parts of transform in 2 columns.
-fromcx = Convert 2 column complex input into 1 column
real output.
-hilbert = When -fromcx is used, the inverse FFT will
do the Hilbert transform instead.
-nodetrend = Skip the detrending of the input.
Nota Bene:
* Each input time series has any quadratic trend of the
form 'a+b*t+c*t*t' removed before the FFT, where 't'
is the line number.
* The FFT length will be a power-of-2 times at most one
factor of 3 and one factor of 5. The smallest such
length >= to the specified FFT length will be used.
* If the FFT length is longer than the file length, the
data is zero-padded to make up the difference.
* Do NOT call the output of this program the Power Spectrum!
That is something else entirely.
* If 'outfile' is '-', the output appears on stdout.
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:44 EDT 2004