AFNI program: 1dplot
Output of -help
Usage: 1dplot [options] tsfile ...
Graphs the columns of a *.1D type time series file to the screen.
-install = Install a new X11 colormap.
-sep = Plot each column in a separate sub-graph.
-one = Plot all columns together in one big graph.
[default = -sep]
-dx xx = Spacing between points on the x-axis is 'xx'
[default = 1]
-xzero zz = Initial x coordinate is 'zz' [default = 0]
-nopush = Don't 'push' axes ranges outwards.
-ignore nn = Skip first 'nn' rows in the input file
[default = 0]
-use mm = Plot 'mm' points [default = all of them]
-xlabel aa = Put string 'aa' below the x-axis
[default = no axis label]
-ylabel aa = Put string 'aa' to the left of the y-axis
[default = no axis label]
-stdin = Don't read from tsfile; instead, read from
stdin and plot it. You cannot combine input
from stdin and tsfile(s). If you want to do
so, see program 1dcat.
-ps = Don't draw plot in a window; instead, write it
to stdout in PostScript format.
N.B.: If you view this result in 'gv', you should
turn 'anti-alias' off, and switch to
landscape mode.
-xaxis b:t:n:m = Set the x-axis to run from value 'b' to
value 't', with 'n' major divisions and
'm' minor tic marks per major division.
For example:
-xaxis 0:100:5:20
Setting 'n' to 0 means no tic marks or labels.
-yaxis b:t:n:m = Similar to above, for the y-axis. These
options override the normal autoscaling
of their respective axes.
-ynames aa bb ... = Use the strings 'aa', 'bb', etc., as
labels to the right of the graphs,
corresponding to each input column.
These strings CANNOT start with the
'-' character.
-volreg = Makes the 'ynames' be the same as the
6 labels used in plug_volreg for
Roll, Pitch, Yaw, I-S, R-L, and A-P
movements, in that order.
You may also select a subset of columns to display using
a tsfile specification like 'fred.1D[0,3,5]', indicating
that columns #0, #3, and #5 will be the only ones plotted.
For more details on this selection scheme, see the output
of '3dcalc -help'.
Example: graphing a 'dfile' output by 3dvolreg, when TR=5:
1dplot -volreg -dx 5 -xlabel Time 'dfile[1..6]'
You can also input more than one tsfile, in which case the files
will all be plotted. However, if the files have different column
lengths, the shortest one will rule.
The colors for the line graphs cycle between black, red, green, and
blue. You can alter these colors by setting Unix environment
variables of the form AFNI_1DPLOT_COLOR_xx -- cf. README.environment.
You can alter the thickness of the lines by setting the variable
AFNI_1DPLOT_THIK to a value between 0.00 and 0.05 -- the units are
fractions of the page size.
A timeseries file is in the form of a 1D or 2D table of ASCII numbers;
for example: 3 5 7
2 4 6
0 3 3
7 2 9
This example has 3 rows and 4 columns. Each column is considered as
a timeseries in AFNI. The convention is to store this type of data
in a filename ending in '.1D'.
When specifying a timeseries file to an command-line AFNI program, you
can select a subset of columns using the '[...]' notation:
'fred.1D[5]' ==> use only column #5
'fred.1D[5,9,17]' ==> use columns #5, #9, and #12
'fred.1D[5..8]' ==> use columns #5, #6, #7, and #8
'fred.1D[5..13(2)]' ==> use columns #5, #7, #9, #11, and #13
Sub-brick indexes start at 0. You can use the character '$'
to indicate the last sub-brick in a dataset; for example, you
can select every third sub-brick by using the selection list
'fred.1D[0..$(3)]' ==> use columns #0, #3, #6, #9, ....
Similarly, you select a subset of the rows using the '{...}' notation:
'fred.1D{0..$(2)}' ==> use rows #0, #2, #4, ....
You can also use both notations together, as in
'fred.1D[1,3]{1..$(2)}' ==> columns #1 and #3; rows #1, #3, #5, ....
You can also input a 1D time series 'dataset' directly on the command
line, without an external file. The 'filename' for such input has the
general format
where each 'n_i' is an integer and each 'val_i' is a float. For
-a '1D:5@0,10@1,5@0,10@1,5@0'
specifies that variable 'a' be assigned to a 1D time series of 35,
alternating in blocks between values 0 and value 1.
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:44 EDT 2004