Output of -help

Usage: 3dAFNItoANALYZE [-4D] [-orient code] aname dset
Writes AFNI dataset 'dset' to 1 or more ANALYZE 7.5 format
.hdr/.img file pairs (one pair for each sub-brick in the
AFNI dataset).  The ANALYZE files will be named
  aname_0000.hdr aname_0000.img   for sub-brick #0
  aname_0001.hdr aname_0001.img   for sub-brick #1
and so forth.  Each file pair will contain a single 3D array.

* If the AFNI dataset does not include sub-brick scale
  factors, then the ANALYZE files will be written in the
  datum type of the AFNI dataset.
* If the AFNI dataset does have sub-brick scale factors,
  then each sub-brick will be scaled to floating format
  and the ANALYZE files will be written as floats.
* The .hdr and .img files are written in the native byte
  order of the computer on which this program is executed.

-4D [30 Sep 2002]:
 If you use this option, then all the data will be written to
 one big ANALYZE file pair named aname.hdr/aname.img, rather
 than a series of 3D files.  Even if you only have 1 sub-brick,
 you may prefer this option, since the filenames won't have
 the '_0000' appended to 'aname'.

-orient code [19 Mar 2003]:
 This option lets you flip the dataset to a different orientation
 when it is written to the ANALYZE files.  The orientation code is
 formed as follows:
   The code must be 3 letters, one each from the
   pairs {R,L} {A,P} {I,S}.  The first letter gives
   the orientation of the x-axis, the second the
   orientation of the y-axis, the third the z-axis:
      R = Right-to-Left          L = Left-to-Right
      A = Anterior-to-Posterior  P = Posterior-to-Anterior
      I = Inferior-to-Superior   S = Superior-to-Inferior
   For example, 'LPI' means
      -x = Left       +x = Right
      -y = Posterior  +y = Anterior
      -z = Inferior   +z = Superior
 * For display in SPM, 'LPI' or 'RPI' seem to work OK.
    Be careful with this: you don't want to confuse L and R
    in the SPM display!
 * If you DON'T use this option, the dataset will be written
    out in the orientation in which it is stored in AFNI
    (e.g., the output of '3dinfo dset' will tell you this.)
 * The dataset orientation is NOT stored in the .hdr file.
 * AFNI and ANALYZE data are stored in files with the x-axis
    varying most rapidly and the z-axis most slowly.
 * Note that if you read an ANALYZE dataset into AFNI for
    display, AFNI assumes the LPI orientation, unless you
    set environment variable AFNI_ANALYZE_ORIENT.

This page generated on Tue Aug 3 16:42:44 EDT 2004