AFNI program: 3dAnhist

Output of -help

Usage: 3dAnhist [options] dataset
Input dataset is a T1-weighted high-res of the brain (shorts only).
Output is a list of peaks in the histogram, to stdout, in the form
  ( datasetname #peaks peak1 peak2 ... )
In the C-shell, for example, you could do
  set anhist = `3dAnhist -q -w1 dset+orig`
Then the number of peaks found is in the shell variable $anhist[2].

  -q  = be quiet (don't print progress reports)
  -h  = dump histogram data to Anhist.1D and plot to
  -F  = DON'T fit histogram with stupid curves.
  -w  = apply a Winsorizing filter prior to histogram scan
         (or -w7 to Winsorize 7 times, etc.)

  -label xxx = Use 'xxx' for a label on the plot file
                instead of the input dataset filename.
  -fname fff = Use 'fff' for the filename instead of 'Anhist'.

This page generated on Tue Aug 3 16:42:44 EDT 2004