AFNI program: 3dDetrend

Output of -help

Usage: 3dDetrend [options] dataset
This program removes components from voxel time series using
linear least squares.  Each voxel is treated independently.
The input dataset may have a sub-brick selector string; otherwise,
all sub-bricks will be used.

General Options:
 -prefix pname = Use 'pname' for the output dataset prefix name.
 -session dir  = Use 'dir' for the output dataset session directory.
                   [default='./'=current working directory]
 -verb         = Print out some verbose output as the program runs.
 -replace      = Instead of subtracting the fit from each voxel,
                   replace the voxel data with the time series fit.
 -normalize    = Normalize each output voxel time series; that is,
                   make the sum-of-squares equal to 1.
           N.B.: This option is only valid if the input dataset is
                   stored as floats!
 -byslice      = Treat each input vector (infra) as describing a set of
                   time series interlaced across slices.  If NZ is the
                   number of slices and NT is the number of time points,
                   then each input vector should have NZ*NT values when
                   this option is used (usually, they only need NT values).
                   The values must be arranged in slice order, then time
                   order, in each vector column, as shown here:
                       f(z=0,t=0)       // first slice, first time
                       f(z=1,t=0)       // second slice, first time
                       f(z=NZ-1,t=0)    // last slice, first time
                       f(z=0,t=1)       // first slice, second time
                       f(z=1,t=1)       // second slice, second time
                       f(z=NZ-1,t=NT-1) // last slice, last time

Component Options:
These options determine the components that will be removed from
each dataset voxel time series.  They may be repeated to specify
multiple regression.  At least one component must be specified.

 -vector vvv   = Remove components proportional to the columns vectors
                   of the ASCII *.1D file 'vvv'.  You may use a
                   sub-vector selector string to specify which columns
                   to use; otherwise, all columns will be used.
                   For example:
                    -vector 'xyzzy.1D[3,5]'
                   will remove the 4th and 6th columns of file xyzzy.1D
                   from the dataset (sub-vector indexes start at 0).

 -expr eee     = Remove components proportional to the function
                   specified in the expression string 'eee'.
                   Any single letter from a-z may be used as the
                   independent variable in 'eee'.  For example:
                    -expr 'cos(2*PI*t/40)' -expr 'sin(2*PI*t/40)'
                   will remove sine and cosine waves of period 40
                   from the dataset.  Another example:
                    -expr '1' -expr 't' -expr 't*t'
                   will remove a quadratic trend from the data.

 -del ddd      = Use the numerical value 'ddd' for the stepsize
                   in subsequent -expr options.  If no -del option
                   is ever given, then the TR given in the dataset
                   header is used for 'ddd'; if that isn't available,
                   then 'ddd'=1.0 is assumed.  The j-th time point
                   will have independent variable = j * ddd, starting
                   at j=0.  For example:
                     -expr 'sin(x)' -del 2.0 -expr 'z**3'
                   means that the stepsize in 'sin(x)' is delta-x=TR,
                   but the stepsize in 'z**3' is delta-z = 2.

 N.B.: expressions are NOT calculated on a per-slice basis when the
        -byslice option is used.  If you want to do this, you could
        compute vectors with the required time series using 1devel.

This program accepts datasets that are modified on input according to the
following schemes:
  'r1+orig[3..5]'                                    {sub-brick selector}
  'r1+orig<100.200>'                                 {sub-range selector}
  'r1+orig[3..5]<100..200>'                          {both selectors}
  '3dcalc( -a r1+orig -b r2+orig -expr 0.5*(a+b) )'  {calculation}
For the gruesome details, see the output of 'afni -help'.

This page generated on Tue Aug 3 16:42:44 EDT 2004