AFNI program: 3dTSgen

Output of -help

Program: 3dTSgen 
Author:  B. Douglas Ward 
Date:    09 September 1999 

This program generates an AFNI 3d+time data set.  The time series for 
each voxel is generated according to a user specified signal + noise  

-input fname       fname = filename of prototype 3d + time data file  
[-inTR]            set the TR of the created timeseries to be the TR  
                     of the prototype dataset                         
                     [The default is to compute with TR = 1.]         
                     [The model functions are called for a  ]         
                     [time grid of 0, TR, 2*TR, 3*TR, ....  ]         
-signal slabel     slabel = name of (non-linear) signal model         
-noise  nlabel     nlabel = name of (linear) noise model              
-sconstr k c d     constraints for kth signal parameter:              
                      c <= gs[k] <= d                                 
-nconstr k c d     constraints for kth noise parameter:               
                      c+b[k] <= gn[k] <= d+b[k]                       
-sigma  s          s = std. dev. of additive Gaussian noise           
[-voxel num]       screen output for voxel #num                       
-output fname      fname = filename of output 3d + time data file     
The following commands generate individual AFNI 1 sub-brick datasets: 
[-scoef k fname]   write kth signal parameter gs[k];                  
                     output 'fim' is written to prefix filename fname 
[-ncoef k fname]   write kth noise parameter gn[k];                   
                     output 'fim' is written to prefix filename fname 
The following commands generate one AFNI 'bucket' type dataset:       
[-bucket n prefixname]   create one AFNI 'bucket' dataset containing  
                           n sub-bricks; n=0 creates default output;  
                           output 'bucket' is written to prefixname   
The mth sub-brick will contain:                                       
[-brick m scoef k label]   kth signal parameter regression coefficient
[-brick m ncoef k label]   kth noise parameter regression coefficient 

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