AFNI program: 3dWarp
Output of -help
Usage: 3dWarp [options] dataset
Warp (spatially transform) a 3D dataset.
Transform Defining Options: [exactly one of these must be used]
-matvec_in2out mmm = Read a 3x4 affine transform matrix+vector
from file 'mmm':
x_out = Matrix x_in + Vector
-matvec_out2in mmm = Read a 3x4 affine transform matrix+vector
from file 'mmm':
x_in = Matrix x_out + Vector
** N.B.: The coordinate vectors described above are
defined in DICOM ('RAI') coordinate order.
(Also see the '-fsl_matvec option, below.)
** N.B.: Using the special name 'IDENTITY' for 'mmm'
means to use the identity matrix.
** N.B.: You can put the matrix on the command line
directly by using an argument of the form
in place of 'mmm', where the aij values are the
matrix entries (aij = i-th row, j-th column),
separated by commas.
* You will need the 'forward single quotes' around
the argument.
-tta2mni = Transform a dataset in Talairach-Tournoux Atlas
coordinates to MNI-152 coordinates.
-mni2tta = Transform a dataset in MNI-152 coordinates to
Talairach-Tournoux Atlas coordinates.
Other Transform Options:
-linear }
-cubic } = Chooses spatial interpolation method.
-NN } = [default = linear]
-quintic }
-fsl_matvec = Indicates that the matrix file 'mmm' uses FSL
ordered coordinates ('LPI'). For use with
matrix files from FSL and SPM.
-newgrid ddd = Tells program to compute new dataset on a
new 3D grid, with spacing of 'ddd' mmm.
* If this option is given, then the new
3D region of space covered by the grid
is computed by warping the 8 corners of
the input dataset, then laying down a
regular grid with spacing 'ddd'.
* If this option is NOT given, then the
new dataset is computed on the old
dataset's grid.
-gridset ggg = Tells program to compute new dataset on the
same grid as dataset 'ggg'.
-zpad N = Tells program to pad input dataset with 'N'
planes of zeros on all sides before doing
Miscellaneous Options:
-prefix ppp = Sets the prefix of the output dataset.
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:45 EDT 2004