AFNI program: 3dfim
Output of -help
Program: 3dfim
Author: R. W. Cox and B. D. Ward
Initial Release: 06 Sept 1996
Latest Revision: 15 August 2001
Program: 3dfim
Purpose: Calculate functional image from 3d+time data file.
Usage: 3dfim [-im1 num] -input fname -prefix name
-ideal fname [-ideal fname] [-ort fname]
options are:
-im1 num num = index of first image to be used in time series
correlation; default is 1
-input fname fname = filename of 3d + time data file for input
-prefix name name = prefix of filename for saving functional data
-ideal fname fname = filename of a time series to which the image data
is to be correlated.
-percent p Calculate percentage change due to the ideal time series
p = maximum allowed percentage change from baseline
Note: values greater than p are set equal to p.
-ort fname fname = filename of a time series to which the image data
is to be orthogonalized
N.B.: It is possible to specify more than
one ideal time series file. Each one is separately correlated
with the image time series and the one most highly correlated
is selected for each pixel. Multiple ideals are specified
using more than one '-ideal fname' option, or by using the
form '-ideal [ fname1 fname2 ... ]' -- this latter method
allows the use of wildcarded ideal filenames.
The '[' character that indicates the start of a group of
ideals can actually be any ONE of these: [{/%
and the ']' that ends the group can be: ]}/%
[Format of ideal time series files:
ASCII; one number per line;
Same number of lines as images in the time series;
Value over 33333 --> don't use this image in the analysis]
N.B.: It is also possible to specify more than
one ort time series file. The image time series is
orthogonalized to each ort time series. Multiple orts are
specified by using more than one '-ort fname' option,
or by using the form '-ort [ fname1 fname2 ... ]'. This
latter method allows the use of wildcarded ort filenames.
The '[' character that indicates the start of a group of
ideals can actually be any ONE of these: [{/%
and the ']' that ends the group can be: ]}/%
[Format of ort time series files:
ASCII; one number per line;
At least same number of lines as images in the time series]
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:45 EDT 2004