AFNI program: 3dmaskave
Output of -help
Usage: 3dmaskave [options] dataset
Computes average of all voxels in the input dataset
which satisfy the criterion in the options list.
If no options are given, then all voxels are included.
-mask mset Means to use the dataset 'mset' as a mask:
Only voxels with nonzero values in 'mset'
will be averaged from 'dataset'. Note
that the mask dataset and the input dataset
must have the same number of voxels.
-mindex miv Means to use sub-brick #'miv' from the mask
dataset. If not given, miv=0.
-mrange a b Means to further restrict the voxels from
'mset' so that only those mask values
between 'a' and 'b' (inclusive) will
be used. If this option is not given,
all nonzero values from 'mset' are used.
Note that if a voxel is zero in 'mset', then
it won't be included, even if a < 0 < b.
-dindex div Means to use sub-brick #'div' from the dataset.
If not given, all sub-bricks will be processed.
-drange a b Means to only include voxels from the dataset whose
values fall in the range 'a' to 'b' (inclusive).
Otherwise, all voxel values are included.
-slices p q Means to only included voxels from the dataset
whose slice numbers are in the range 'p' to 'q'
(inclusive). Slice numbers range from 0 to
NZ-1, where NZ can be determined from the output
of program 3dinfo. The default is to include
data from all slices.
[There is no provision for geometrical voxel]
[selection except in the slice (z) direction]
-sigma Means to compute the standard deviation as well
as the mean.
-median Means to compute the median instead of the mean.
('-sigma' is meaningless if you use '-median'.)
-dump Means to print out all the voxel values that
go into the average.
-udump Means to print out all the voxel values that
go into the average, UNSCALED by any internal
N.B.: the scale factors for a sub-brick
can be found using program 3dinfo.
-indump Means to print out the voxel indexes (i,j,k) for
each dumped voxel. Has no effect if -dump
or -udump is not also used.
N.B.: if nx,ny,nz are the number of voxels in
each direction, then the array offset
in the brick corresponding to (i,j,k)
is i+j*nx+k*nx*ny.
-q or
-quiet Means to print only the minimal results.
This is useful if you want to create a *.1D file.
The output is printed to stdout (the terminal), and can be
saved to a file using the usual redirection operation '>'.
This program accepts datasets that are modified on input according to the
following schemes:
'r1+orig[3..5]' {sub-brick selector}
'r1+orig<100.200>' {sub-range selector}
'r1+orig[3..5]<100..200>' {both selectors}
'3dcalc( -a r1+orig -b r2+orig -expr 0.5*(a+b) )' {calculation}
For the gruesome details, see the output of 'afni -help'.
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:45 EDT 2004