AFNI program: 3drefit
Output of -help
Changes some of the information inside a 3D dataset's header.
Note that this program does NOT change the .BRIK file at all;
the main purpose of 3drefit is to fix up errors made when
using to3d.
To see the current values stored in a .HEAD file, use the command
'3dinfo dataset'. Using 3dinfo both before and after 3drefit is
a good idea to make sure the changes have been made correctly!
Usage: 3drefit [options] dataset ...
where the options are
-orient code Sets the orientation of the 3D volume(s) in the .BRIK.
The code must be 3 letters, one each from the
pairs {R,L} {A,P} {I,S}. The first letter gives
the orientation of the x-axis, the second the
orientation of the y-axis, the third the z-axis:
R = right-to-left L = left-to-right
A = anterior-to-posterior P = posterior-to-anterior
I = inferior-to-superior S = superior-to-inferior
** WARNING: when changing the orientation, you must be sure
to check the origins as well, to make sure that the volume
is positioned correctly in space.
-xorigin distx Puts the center of the edge voxel off at the given
-yorigin disty distance, for the given axis (x,y,z); distances in mm.
-zorigin distz (x=first axis, y=second axis, z=third axis).
Usually, only -zorigin makes sense. Note that this
distance is in the direction given by the corresponding
letter in the -orient code. For example, '-orient RAI'
would mean that '-zorigin 30' sets the center of the
first slice at 30 mm Inferior. See the to3d manual
for more explanations of axes origins.
** SPECIAL CASE: you can use the string 'cen' in place of
a distance to force that axis to be re-centered.
-xorigin_raw xx Puts the center of the edge voxel at the given COORDINATE
-yorigin_raw yy rather than the given DISTANCE. That is, these values
-zorigin_raw zz directly replace the offsets in the dataset header,
without any possible sign changes.
-duporigin cset Copies the xorigin, yorigin, and zorigin values from
the header of dataset 'cset'.
-dxorigin dx Adds distance 'dx' (or 'dy', or 'dz') to the center
-dyorigin dy coordinate of the edge voxel. Can be used with the
-dzorigin dz values input to the 'Nudge xyz' plugin.
** WARNING: you can't use these options at the same
time you use -orient.
-xdel dimx Makes the size of the voxel the given dimension,
-ydel dimy for the given axis (x,y,z); dimensions in mm.
-zdel dimz ** WARNING: if you change a voxel dimension, you will
probably have to change the origin as well.
-TR time Changes the TR time to a new value (see 'to3d -help').
-notoff Removes the slice-dependent time-offsets.
-Torg ttt Set the time origin of the dataset to value 'ttt'.
(Time origins are set to 0 in to3d.)
** WARNING: these 3 options apply only to 3D+time datasets.
-newid Changes the ID code of this dataset as well.
-nowarp Removes all warping information from dataset.
-apar aset Set the dataset's anatomy parent dataset to 'aset'
** N.B.: The anatomy parent is the dataset from which the
transformation from +orig to +acpc and +tlrc coordinates
is taken. It is appropriate to use -apar when there is
more than 1 anatomical dataset in a directory that has
been transformed. In this way, you can be sure that
AFNI will choose the correct transformation. You would
use this option on all the +orig dataset that are
aligned with 'aset' (i.e., that were acquired in the
same scanning session).
** N.B.: Special cases of 'aset'
aset = NULL --> remove the anat parent info from the dataset
aset = SELF --> set the anat parent to be the dataset itself
-clear_bstat Clears the statistics (min and max) stored for each sub-brick
in the dataset. This is useful if you have done something to
modify the contents of the .BRIK file associated with this
-statpar v ... Changes the statistical parameters stored in this
dataset. See 'to3d -help' for more details.
-markers Adds an empty set of AC-PC markers to the dataset,
if it can handle them (is anatomical, is in the +orig
view, and isn't 3D+time).
** WARNING: this will erase any markers that already exist!
-view code Changes the 'view' to be 'code', where the string 'code'
is one of 'orig', 'acpc', or 'tlrc'.
** WARNING: The program will also change the .HEAD and .BRIK
filenames to match. If the dataset filenames already
exist in the '+code' view, then this option will fail.
You will have to rename the dataset files before trying
to use '-view'. If you COPY the files and then use
'-view', don't forget to use '-newid' as well!
-byteorder bbb Sets the byte order string in the header.
Allowable values for 'bbb' are:
Note that this does not change the .BRIK file!
This is done by programs 2swap and 4swap.
-appkey ll Appends the string 'll' to the keyword list for the
whole dataset.
-repkey ll Replaces the keyword list for the dataset with the
string 'll'.
-empkey Destroys the keyword list for the dataset.
-'type' Changes the type of data that is declared for this
dataset, where 'type' is chosen from the following:
spgr == Spoiled GRASS fse == Fast Spin Echo
epan == Echo Planar anat == MRI Anatomy
ct == CT Scan spct == SPECT Anatomy
pet == PET Anatomy mra == MR Angiography
bmap == B-field Map diff == Diffusion Map
omri == Other MRI abuc == Anat Bucket
fim == Intensity fith == Inten+Thr
fico == Inten+Cor fitt == Inten+Ttest
fift == Inten+Ftest fizt == Inten+Ztest
fict == Inten+ChiSq fibt == Inten+Beta
fibn == Inten+Binom figt == Inten+Gamma
fipt == Inten+Poisson fbuc == Func-Bucket
-copyaux auxset Copies the 'auxiliary' data from dataset 'auxset'
over the auxiliary data for the dataset being
modified. Auxiliary data comprises sub-brick labels,
keywords, and statistics codes.
'-copyaux' occurs BEFORE the '-sub' operations below,
so you can use those to alter the auxiliary data
that is copied from auxset.
The options below allow you to attach auxiliary data to sub-bricks
in the dataset. Each option may be used more than once so that
multiple sub-bricks can be modified in a single run of 3drefit.
-sublabel n ll Attach to sub-brick #n the label string 'll'.
-subappkey n ll Add to sub-brick #n the keyword string 'll'.
-subrepkey n ll Replace sub-brick #n's keyword string with 'll'.
-subempkey n Empty out sub-brick #n' keyword string
-substatpar n type v ...
Attach to sub-brick #n the statistical type and
the auxiliary parameters given by values 'v ...',
where 'type' is one of the following:
type Description PARAMETERS
---- ----------- ----------------------------------------
fizt Ztest N/A
fibt Beta A (numerator) and B (denominator)
figt Gamma SHAPE and SCALE
fipt Poisson MEAN
The following options allow you to modify VOLREG fields:
-vr_mat ... Use these twelve values for VOLREG_MATVEC_index.
[-vr_mat_ind ] Index of VOLREG_MATVEC_index field to be modified. Optional, default index is 0.
Note: You can only modify one VOLREG_MATVEC_index at a time.
-vr_center_old Use these 3 values for VOLREG_CENTER_OLD.
-vr_center_base Use these 3 values for VOLREG_CENTER_BASE.
Last modified: Oct 04/02.
This page generated on
Tue Aug 3 16:42:45 EDT 2004