AFNI program: 3dresample

Output of -help

/var/www/html/pub/dist/bin/linux_gcc32/3dresample - reorient and/or resample a dataset

    This program can be used to change the orientation of a
    dataset (via the -orient option), or the dx,dy,dz
    grid spacing (via the -dxyz option), or change them
    both to match that of a master dataset (via the -master

 ** Warning: this program is not meant to transform datasets
             between view types (such as '+orig' and '+tlrc').

             For that purpose, please see '3dfractionize -help'.


  usage: /var/www/html/pub/dist/bin/linux_gcc32/3dresample [options] -prefix OUT_DSET -inset IN_DSET


    /var/www/html/pub/dist/bin/linux_gcc32/3dresample -orient asl -rmode NN -prefix asl.dset -inset in+orig
    /var/www/html/pub/dist/bin/linux_gcc32/3dresample -dxyz 1.0 1.0 0.9 -prefix 119.dset -inset in+tlrc
    /var/www/html/pub/dist/bin/linux_gcc32/3dresample -master master+orig -prefix new.dset -inset old+orig


    Information about a dataset's voxel size and orientation
    can be found in the output of program 3dinfo



    -help            : show this help information

    -hist            : output the history of program changes

    -debug LEVEL     : print debug info along the way
          e.g.  -debug 1
          default level is 0, max is 2

    -version         : show version information

    -dxyz DX DY DZ   : resample to new dx, dy and dz
          e.g.  -dxyz 1.0 1.0 0.9
          default is to leave unchanged

          Each of DX,DY,DZ must be a positive real number,
          and will be used for a voxel delta in the new
          dataset (according to any new orientation).

    -orient OR_CODE  : reorient to new axis order.
          e.g.  -orient asl
          default is to leave unchanged

          The orientation code is a 3 character string,
          where the characters come from the respective
          sets {A,P}, {I,S}, {L,R}.

          For example OR_CODE = LPI is the standard
          'neuroscience' orientation, where the x-axis is
          Left-to-Right, the y-axis is Posterior-to-Anterior,
          and the z-axis is Inferior-to-Superior.

    -rmode RESAM     : use this resampling method
          e.g.  -rmode Linear
          default is NN (nearest neighbor)

          The resampling method string RESAM should come
          from the set {'NN', 'Li', 'Cu', 'Bk'}.  These
          are for 'Nearest Neighbor', 'Linear', 'Cubic'
          and 'Blocky' interpolation, respectively.
          See 'Anat resam mode' under the 'Define Markers'
          window in afni.

    -master MAST_DSET: align dataset grid to that of MAST_DSET
          e.g.  -master master.dset+orig

          Get dxyz and orient from a master dataset.  The
          resulting grid will match that of the master.  This
          option cannot be used with -dxyz or -orient.

    -prefix OUT_DSET : required prefix for output dataset
          e.g.  -prefix reori.asl.pickle

    -inset IN_DSET   : required input dataset to reorient
          e.g.  -inset old.dset+orig


  Author: R. Reynolds - Version 1.7 

This page generated on Tue Aug 3 16:42:45 EDT 2004