AFNI program: 3dttest
Output of -help
Gosset (Student) t-test sets of 3D datasets
Usage 1: 3dttest [options] -set1 datasets ... -set2 datasets ...
for comparing the means of 2 sets of datasets (voxel by voxel).
Usage 2: 3dttest [options] -base1 bval -set2 datasets ...
for comparing the mean of 1 set of datasets against a constant.
A single dataset is created that is the voxel-by-voxel difference
of the mean of set2 minus the mean of set1 (or minus 'bval').
The output dataset will be of the intensity+Ttest ('fitt') type.
The t-statistic at each voxel can be used as an interactive
thresholding tool in AFNI.
-set1 datasets ... = Specifies the collection of datasets to put into
the first set. The mean of set1 will be tested
with a 2-sample t-test against the mean of set2.
N.B.: -set1 and -base1 are mutually exclusive!
-base1 bval = 'bval' is a numerical value that the mean of set2
will be tested against with a 1-sample t-test.
-set2 datasets ... = Specifies the collection of datasets to put into
the second set. There must be at least 2 datasets
in each of set1 (if used) and set2.
-paired = Specifies the use of a paired-sample t-test to
compare set1 and set2. If this option is used,
set1 and set2 must have the same cardinality.
N.B.: A paired test is intended for use when the set1 and set2
dataset function values may be pairwise correlated.
If they are in fact uncorrelated, this test has less
statistical 'power' than the unpaired (default) t-test.
This loss of power is the price that is paid for
insurance against pairwise correlations.
-unpooled = Specifies that the variance estimates for set1 and
set2 be computed separately (not pooled together).
This only makes sense if -paired is NOT given.
N.B.: If this option is used, the number of degrees
of freedom per voxel is a variable, rather
than a constant.
-dof_prefix ddd = If '-unpooled' is also used, then a dataset with
prefix 'ddd' will be created that contains the
degrees of freedom (DOF) in each voxel.
You can convert the t-value in the -prefix
dataset to a z-score using the -dof_prefix dataset
using commands like so:
3dcalc -a 'pname+orig[1]' -b ddd+orig \
-datum float -prefix ddd_zz -expr 'fitt_t2z(a,b)'
3drefit -substatpar 0 fizt ddd_zz+orig
At present, AFNI is incapable of directly dealing
with datasets whose DOF parameter varies between
voxels. Converting to a z-score (with no parameters)
is one way of getting around this difficulty.
-workmem mega = 'mega' specifies the number of megabytes of RAM
to use for statistical workspace. It defaults
to 12. The program will run faster if this is
larger (see the NOTES section below).
The -base1 or -set1 command line switches must follow all other options
(including those described below) except for the -set2 switch.
INPUT EDITING OPTIONS: The same as are available in 3dmerge.
OUTPUT OPTIONS: these options control the output files.
-session dirname = Write output into given directory (default=./)
-prefix pname = Use 'pname' for the output directory prefix
-datum type = Use 'type' to store the output difference
in the means; 'type' may be short or float.
How the default is determined is described
in the notes below.
** To economize on memory, 3dttest makes multiple passes through
the input datasets. On each pass, the entire editing process
will be carried out again. For efficiency's sake, it is
better to carry out the editing using 3dmerge to produce
temporary datasets, and then run 3dttest on them. This applies
with particular force if a 'blurring' option is used.
Note also that editing a dataset requires that it be read into
memory in its entirety (so that the disk file is not altered).
This will increase the memory needs of the program far beyond
the level set by the -workmem option.
** The input datasets are specified by their .HEAD files,
but their .BRIK files must exist also! This program cannot
'warp-on-demand' from other datasets.
** This program cannot deal with time-dependent or complex-valued datasets!
By default, the output dataset function values will be shorts if the
first input dataset is byte- or short-valued; otherwise they will be
floats. This behavior may be overridden using the -datum option.
This program accepts datasets that are modified on input according to the
following schemes:
'r1+orig[3..5]' {sub-brick selector}
'r1+orig<100.200>' {sub-range selector}
'r1+orig[3..5]<100..200>' {both selectors}
'3dcalc( -a r1+orig -b r2+orig -expr 0.5*(a+b) )' {calculation}
For the gruesome details, see the output of 'afni -help'.
This page generated on
Tue Aug 3 16:42:45 EDT 2004