AFNI program: @CommandGlobb

Output of -help

Usage: @CommandGlobb -com  -session  -newxt  -list   ...

 : The entire command line for the program desired
The command is best put between single quotes, do not use the \ to break a long line within the quotes
 : a list of bricks (or anything)
 : if the program requires a -prefix option, then you can specify the extension
 which will get appended to the Brick names before +orig
 : The output directory 

@CommandGlobb -com '3dinfo -v' -list *.HEAD
will execute 3dinfo -v on each of the A*.HEAD headers

@CommandGlobb -com '3dZeropad -z 4' -newxt _zpd4 -list ADzst*vr+orig.BRIK
will run 3dZeropad with the -z 4 option on all the bricks ADzst*vr+orig.BRIK

Ziad S. Saad ( FIM/LBC/NIMH/NIH. Wed Jan 24 

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