AFNI program: AlphaSim
Output of -help
Program: AlphaSim
Author: B. Douglas Ward
Initial Release: 18 June 1997
Latest Revision: 02 December 2002
This program performs alpha probability simulations.
-nx n1 n1 = number of voxels along x-axis
-ny n2 n2 = number of voxels along y-axis
-nz n3 n3 = number of voxels along z-axis
-dx d1 d1 = voxel size (mm) along x-axis
-dy d2 d2 = voxel size (mm) along y-axis
-dz d3 d3 = voxel size (mm) along z-axis
[-mask mset] Use the 0 sub-brick of dataset 'mset' as a mask
to indicate which voxels to analyze (a sub-brick
selector is allowed) [default = use all voxels]
Note: The -mask command REPLACES the -nx, -ny, -nz,
-dx, -dy, and -dz commands.
[-fwhm s] s = Gaussian filter width (FWHM)
[-fwhmx sx] sx = Gaussian filter width, x-axis (FWHM)
[-fwhmy sy] sy = Gaussian filter width, y-axis (FWHM)
[-fwhmz sz] sz = Gaussian filter width, z-axis (FWHM)
[-sigma s] s = Gaussian filter width (1 sigma)
[-sigmax sx] sx = Gaussian filter width, x-axis (1 sigma)
[-sigmay sy] sy = Gaussian filter width, y-axis (1 sigma)
[-sigmaz sz] sz = Gaussian filter width, z-axis (1 sigma)
[-power] perform statistical power calculations
[-ax n1] n1 = extent of active region (in voxels) along x-axis
[-ay n2] n2 = extent of active region (in voxels) along y-axis
[-az n3] n3 = extent of active region (in voxels) along z-axis
[-zsep z] z = z-score separation between signal and noise
-rmm r r = cluster connection radius (mm)
-pthr p p = individual voxel threshold probability
-iter n n = number of Monte Carlo simulations
[-quiet] suppress screen output
[-out file] file = name of output file
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:46 EDT 2004