AFNI program: ConvertSurface

Output of -help

Usage:  ConvertSurface <-i_TYPE inSurf> <-o_TYPE outSurf> 
    [<-sv SurfaceVolume [VolParam for sf surfaces]>] [-tlrc] [-MNI_rai/-MNI_lpi]
    reads in a surface and writes it out in another format.
    Note: This is a not a general utility conversion program. 
    Only fields pertinent to SUMA are preserved.
    -i_TYPE inSurf specifies the input surface, TYPE is one of the following:
       fs: FreeSurfer surface. 
           Only .asc surfaces are read.
       sf: SureFit surface. 
           You must specify the .coord followed by the .topo file.
       vec: Simple ascii matrix format. 
            You must specify the NodeList file followed by the FaceSetList file.
            NodeList contains 3 floats per line, representing X Y Z vertex coordinates.
            FaceSetList contains 3 ints per line, representing v1 v2 v3 triangle vertices.
       ply: PLY format, ascii or binary.
            Only vertex and triangulation info is preserved.
    -o_TYPE outSurf specifies the output surface, TYPE is one of the following:
       fs: FreeSurfer ascii surface. 
       sf: SureFit surface. (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
           You must specify the .coord followed by the .topo file.
       vec: Simple ascii matrix format. 
            see help for vec under -i_TYPE options for format specifications.
       ply: PLY format, ascii or binary.
    -make_consistent: Check the consistency of the surface's mesh (triangle
                      winding). This option will write out a new surface even 
                      if the mesh was consistent.
                      See SurfQual -help for mesh checks.
    -sv SurfaceVolume [VolParam for sf surfaces]
       This option must not come before the -i_TYPE option.
       If you supply a surface volume, the coordinates of the input surface.
        are modified to SUMA's convention and aligned with SurfaceVolume.
        You must also specify a VolParam file for SureFit surfaces.
    -acpc: Apply acpc transform (which must be in acpc version of 
        SurfaceVolume) to the surface vertex coordinates. 
        This option must be used with the -sv option.
    -tlrc: Apply Talairach transform (which must be in talairach version of 
        SurfaceVolume) to the surface vertex coordinates. 
        This option must be used with the -sv option.
    -MNI_rai/-MNI_lpi: Apply Andreas Meyer Lindenberg's transform to turn 
        AFNI tlrc coordinates (RAI) into MNI coord space 
        in RAI (with -MNI_rai) or LPI (with -MNI_lpi)).
        NOTE: -MNI_lpi option has not been tested yet (I have no data
        to test it on. Verify alignment with AFNI and please report
        any bugs.
        This option can be used without the -tlrc option.
        But that assumes that surface nodes are already in
        AFNI RAI tlrc coordinates .
   NOTE: The vertex coordinates coordinates of the input surfaces are only
         transformed if -sv option is used. If you do transform surfaces, 
         take care not to load them into SUMA with another -sv option.

    Options for applying arbitrary affine transform:
    [xyz_new] = [Mr] * [xyz_old - cen] + D + cen
    -xmat_1D mat: Apply transformation specified in 1D file mat.1D.
                  to the surface's coordinates.
                  [mat] = [Mr][D] is of the form:
                  r11 r12 r13 D1
                  r21 r22 r23 D2
                  r31 r32 r33 D3
    -xcenter x y z: Use vector cen = [x y z]' for rotation center.
                    Default is cen = [0 0 0]'
++ SUMA version 2.5000, June 10 2004

Compile Date:
   Aug  3 2004

		 Ziad S. Saad SSCC/NIMH/NIH 	 Wed Jan  8 13:44:29 EST 2003 

This page generated on Tue Aug 3 16:42:46 EDT 2004