AFNI program: CreateIcosahedron
Output of -help
Usage: CreateIcosahedron [-rad r] [-rd recDepth] [-ld linDepth]
[-ctr ctr] [-prefix fout] [-help]
-rad r: size of icosahedron. (optional, default 100)
-rd recDepth: recursive (binary) tesselation depth for icosahedron
(optional, default:3)
(recommended to approximate number of nodes in brain: 6
let rd2 = 2 * recDepth
Nvert = 2 + 10 * 2^rd2
Ntri = 20 * 2^rd2
Nedge = 30 * 2^rd2
-ld linDepth: number of edge divides for linear icosahedron tesselation
(optional, default uses binary tesselation).
Nvert = 2 + 10 * linDepth^2
Ntri = 20 * linDepth^2
Nedge = 30 * linDepth^2
-nums: output the number of nodes (vertices), triangles, edges, total volume and total area then quit
-nums_quiet: same as -nums but less verbose. For the machine in you.
-ctr ctr: coordinates of center of icosahedron.
(optional, default 0,0,0)
-prefix fout: prefix for output files.
(optional, default CreateIco)
-help: help message
++ SUMA version 2.5000, June 10 2004
Compile Date:
Aug 3 2004
Brenna D. Argall LBC/NIMH/NIH
This page generated on
Tue Aug 3 16:42:46 EDT 2004