Functional Display (32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256) in X11 window. EPI images in 256x256 Signa format are accepted too. It displays EPI time or frequency course window. Usage: /var/www/html/pub/dist/bin/linux_gcc32/FD2 [options] image1, [image2, ..., image10000] Where options are: -d display - X11 display -geom geometry - initial geometry -nc #_of_colors - initial number of colors [2-200] (def 64) -sp #_of_degree - range of color spectrum [0-360] degree (def 240) -gam gamma - gamma correction (1 for no correction) -num #_of_images - # of images in time course [2-10000]. -im1 image_# - first image in time course. Previous images will be filled with this one for proper timing of others. -ideal ref_file - use ref_file for fim-like calculations -pcthresh # - use # as threshold for correlation -extra - files after this are not used in time course (used instead of -num option) -fim_colors L thr1 pos1 neg2 ... thrL posL negL - set up L thresholds and colors for FIM overlay -gsize x y - set graph window size to x by y pixels -fmag val - magnify scale of FFT by val -grid val - initial grid separation -phase - image has negative values (for FFT) -cf - center image to the frame Events: Program quit :orChange to colors :Change to B & W : Swap colors : Restore colors : Button_3 at image center Squeeze colors : #2 or #3 button - right side of image Expand colors : left side of image Circ. color bar : #2 or #3 button at the color bar Color saturation : #2 or #3 button - the top or bottom Exact image number: press , enter_number,First image : 1 Last image : l Next image : > Previous image : < dragging red pointer works too Scale Plot up : + Scale Plot down : - Increase Grid Spacing : G Decrease Grid Spacing : g Toggle Grid and Colors: r Toggle Frame colors : R Increase matrix size : M Decrease matrix size : m Exact matrix size : N #of_size (1 to 25 only) Save minigraph in ASCII file : press [with xxx_yyy.suffix filename] press
Save current image to a file : press Save averaged image (not norm) : pressPosition frame in the image : press Button_1 in the image area, drag cursor, and release button. Center frame on desired pixel : press Button_1 over desired minigraph. Rotate image 90 deg. clockwise : press Button_3 in [Rot] window. counterclockwise : press Button_1 in [Rot] window. Change to differential display : press [Diff] window. Set first and last image for averaged reference. Average of set of images : press [AvIm] (can be used in Diff mode). Compute FIM overlay : press [FIM], choose ref file,threshold, then press [GO] Last image in time course : L Toggle autoscale of images : A Hide FIM overlay : H Hide frame in image : h Toggle overlay checkerboard : O Read image into program : F (for file) Remove image from program : K (for kill) Move to image 1..9 : 1,2,...9 Toggle common graph baselines : b Toggle baseline to zero : x Add/[subtract] 3600 from pixel : D / [d] In FT edit mode: increase value : Arrow Up decrease value : Arrow Down Shift or Control Arrow : larger changes undo last change : u undo all changes : U