AFNI program: FSread_annot

Output of -help

  FSread_annot   <-input ANNOTFILE>  
                 [-col_1D annot.1D.col]  
                 [-roi_1D annot.1D.roi] 
                 [-cmap_1D annot.1D.cmap]
  Reads a FreeSurfer annotaion file and outputs
  an equivalent ROI file and/or a colormap file 
  for use with SUMA.

  Required options:
     -input ANNOTFILE: Binary formatted FreeSurfer
                       annotation file.
     AND one of the optional options.
  Optional options:
     -col_1D annot.1D.col: Write a 4-column 1D color file. 
                           The first column is the node
                           index followed by r g b values.
                           This color file can be imported 
                           using the 'c' option in SUMA.
                           If no colormap was found in the
                           ANNOTFILE then the file has 2 columns
                           with the second being the annotation
     -roi_1D annot.1D.roi: Write a 5-column 1D roi file.
                           The first column is the node
                           index, followed by its index in the
                           colormap, followed by r g b values.
                           This roi file can be imported 
                           using the 'Load' button in SUMA's
                           'Draw ROI' controller.
                           If no colormap was found in the
                           ANNOTFILE then the file has 2 columns
                           with the second being the annotation
     -cmap_1D annot.1D.cmap: Write a 4-column 1D color map file.
                             The first column is the color index,
                             followed by r g b and flag values.
                             The name of each color is inserted
                             as a comment because 1D files do not
                             support text data.
     -show_FScmap: Show the info of the colormap in the ANNOT file.

++ SUMA version 2.5000, June 10 2004

Compile Date:
   Aug  3 2004

       Ziad S. Saad SSCC/NIMH/NIH     

This page generated on Tue Aug 3 16:42:46 EDT 2004