AFNI program: Imon
Output of -help
Imon - monitor real-time acquisition of I-files
This program is intended to be run during a scanning session
on a GE scanner, to monitor the collection of I-files. The
user will be notified of any missing slice or any slice that
is aquired out of order.
It is recommended that the user runs 'Imon' just after the
scanner is first prepped, and then watches for error messages
during the scanning session. The user should terminate the
program whey they are done with all runs.
Note that 'Imon' can also be run separate from scanning, either
to verify the integrity of I-files, or to create a GERT_Reco2
script, which is used to create AFNI datasets.
At the present time, the user must use to terminate
the program.
usage: Imon [options] -start_dir DIR
examples (no real-time options):
Imon -start_dir 003
Imon -help
Imon -start_dir 003 -GERT_reco2 -quit
Imon -start_dir 003 -nt 120 -start_file 043/I.901
Imon -debug 2 -nice 10 -start_dir 003
examples (with real-time options):
Imon -start_dir 003 -rt
Imon -start_dir 003 -rt -host pickle
Imon -start_dir 003 -nt 120 -rt -host pickle
** detailed real-time example:
This example scans data starting from directory 003, expects
160 repetitions (TRs), and invokes the real-time processing,
sending data to a computer called
(where afni is running, and which considers THIS computer to
be trusted - see the AFNI_TRUSTHOST environment variable).
Multiple DRIVE_AFNI commands are passed through '-drive_afni'
options, one requesting to open an axial image window, and
another requesting an axial graph, with 160 data points.
See README.driver for acceptable DRIVE_AFNI commands.
Also, multiple commands specific to the real-time plugin are
passed via the '-rt_cmd' options. The 'REFIX command sets the
prefix for the datasets output by afni. The GRAPH_XRANGE and
GRAPH_YRANGE commands set the graph dimensions for the 3D
motion correction graph (only). And the GRAPH_EXPR command
is used to replace the 6 default motion correction graphs with
a single graph, according to the given expression, the square
root of the average squared entry of the 3 rotaion parameters,
roll, pitch and yaw, ignoring the 3 shift parameters, dx, dy
and dz.
See README.realtime for acceptable DRIVE_AFNI commands.
Imon \
-start_dir 003 \
-nt 160 \
-rt \
-host \
-drive_afni 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage' \
-drive_afni 'OPEN_WINDOW axialgraph pinnum=160' \
-rt_cmd 'PREFIX eat.more.cheese' \
-rt_cmd 'GRAPH_XRANGE 160' \
-rt_cmd 'GRAPH_YRANGE 1.02' \
-rt_cmd 'GRAPH_EXPR sqrt((d*d+e*e+f*f)/3)'
- Once started, this program exits only when a fatal error
occurs (single missing or out of order slices are not
considered fatal).
** This has been modified. The '-quit' option tells Imon
to terminate once it runs out of new data to use.
- To terminate this program, use .
main option:
-start_dir DIR : (REQUIRED) specify starting directory
e.g. -start_dir 003
The starting directory, DIR, must be of the form 00n,
where n is a digit. The program then monitors all
directories of the form ??n, created by the GE scanner.
For instance, with the option '-start_dir 003', this
program watches for new directories 003, 023, 043, etc.
real-time options:
-rt : specify to use the real-time facility
With this option, the user tells 'Imon' to use the real-time
facility, passing each volume of images to an existing
afni process on some machine (as specified by the '-host'
option). Whenever a new volume is aquired, it will be
sent to the afni program for immediate update.
Note that afni must also be started with the '-rt' option
to make use of this.
Note also that the '-host HOSTNAME' option is not required
if afni is running on the same machine.
-drive_afni CMND : send 'drive afni' command, CMND
e.g. -drive_afni 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage'
This option is used to pass a single DRIVE_AFNI command
to afni. For example, 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage' will open
such an axial view window on the afni controller.
Note: the command 'CMND' must be given in quotes, so that
the shell will send it as a single parameter.
Note: this option may be used multiple times.
See README.driver for more details.
-host HOSTNAME : specify the host for afni communication
e.g. -host
e.g. -host
e.g. -host mycomputer
the default host is 'localhost'
The specified HOSTNAME represents the machine that is
running afni. Images will be sent to afni on this machine
during the execution of 'Imon'.
Note that the enviroment variable AFNI_TRUSTHOST must be
set on the machine running afni. Set this equal to the
name of the machine running Imon (so that afni knows to
accept the data from the sending machine).
-rev_byte_order : pass the reverse of the BYTEORDER to afni
Reverse the byte order that is given to afni. In case the
detected byte order is not what is desired, this option
can be used to reverse it.
See the (obsolete) '-swap' option for more details.
-rt_cmd COMMAND : send COMMAND(s) to realtime plugin
e.g. -rt_cmd 'GRAPH_XRANGE 120'
e.g. -rt_cmd 'GRAPH_XRANGE 120 \n GRAPH_YRANGE 2.5'
This option is used to pass commands to the realtime
plugin. For example, 'GRAPH_XRANGE 120' will set the
x-scale of the motion graph window to 120 (repetitions).
Note: the command 'COMMAND' must be given in quotes, so
that the shell will send it as a single parameter.
Note: this option may be used multiple times.
See README.realtime for more details.
-swap (obsolete) : swap data bytes before sending to afni
Since afni may be running on a different machine, the byte
order may differ there. This option will force the bytes
to be reversed, before sending the data to afni.
** As of version 3.0, this option should not be necessary.
'Imon' detects the byte order of the image data, and then
passes that information to afni. The realtime plugin
will (now) decide whether to swap bytes in the viewer.
If for some reason the user wishes to reverse the order
from what is detected, '-rev_byte_order' can be used.
-zorder ORDER : slice order over time
e.g. -zorder alt
e.g. -zorder seq
the default is 'alt'
This options allows the user to alter the slice
acquisition order in real-time mode, simliar to the slice
pattern of the '-sp' option. The main differences are:
o only two choices are presently available
o the syntax is intentionally different (from that
of 'to3d' or the '-sp' option)
ORDER values:
alt : alternating in the Z direction (over time)
seq : sequential in the Z direction (over time)
other options:
-debug LEVEL : show debug information during execution
e.g. -debug 2
the default level is 1, the domain is [0,3]
the '-quiet' option is equivalent to '-debug 0'
-help : show this help information
-hist : display a history of program changes
-nice INCREMENT : adjust the nice value for the process
e.g. -nice 10
the default is 0, and the maximum is 20
a superuser may use down to the minimum of -19
A positive INCREMENT to the nice value of a process will
lower its priority, allowing other processes more CPU
-nt VOLUMES_PER_RUN : set the number of time points per run
e.g. -nt 120
With this option, if a run stalls before the specified
VOLUMES_PER_RUN is reached (notably including the first
run), the user will be notified.
Without this option, Imon will compute the expected number
of time points per run based on the first run (and will
allow the value to increase based on subsequent runs).
Therefore Imon would not detect a stalled first run.
-quiet : show only errors and final information
-quit : quit when there is no new data
With this option, the program will terminate once a delay
in new data occurs. This is most appropriate to use when
the image files have already been collected.
-start_file S_FILE : have Imon process starting at S_FILE
e.g. -start_file 043/I.901
With this option, any earlier I-files will be ignored
by Imon. This is a good way to start processing a later
run, if it desired not to look at the earlier data.
In this example, all files in directories 003 and 023
would be ignored, along with everything in 043 up through
I.900. So 043/I.901 might be the first file in run 2.
-version : show the version information
GERT_Reco2 options:
-GERT_Reco2 : output a GERT_Reco2 script
Create a script called 'GERT_Reco2', similar to the one
that Ifile creates. This script may be run to create the
AFNI datasets corresponding to the I-files.
-gert_outdir OUTPUT_DIR : set output directory in GERT_Reco2
e.g. -gert_outdir subject_A7
e.g. -od subject_A7
the default is '-gert_outdir afni'
This will add '-od OUTPUT_DIR' to the @RenamePanga command
in the GERT_Reco2 script, creating new datasets in the
OUTPUT_DIR directory, instead of the 'afni' directory.
-sp SLICE_PATTERN : set output slice pattern in GERT_Reco2
e.g. -sp alt-z
the default is 'alt+z'
This options allows the user to alter the slice
acquisition pattern in the GERT_Reco2 script.
See 'to3d -help' for more information.
Author: R. Reynolds - version 3.3 (February 13, 2004)
(many thanks to R. Birn)
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:47 EDT 2004