AFNI program: ROI2dataset
Output of -help
ROI2dataset <-prefix dsetname> [...] <-input ROI1 ROI2 ...>
[<-of ni_bi|ni_as|1D>]
[<-dom_par_id idcode>]
This program transforms a series of ROI files
to a node dataset. This data set will contain
the node indices in the first column and their
ROI values in the second column.
Duplicate node entries (nodes that are part of
multiple ROIs) will get ignored. You will be
notified when this occurs.
Mandatory parameters:
-prefix dsetname: Prefix of output dataset.
Program will not overwrite existing
-input ROI1 ROI2....: ROI files to turn into a
data set. This parameter MUST
be the last one on command line.
Optional parameters:
(all optional parameters must be specified before the
-input parameters.)
-h | -help: This help message
-of FORMAT: Output format of dataset. FORMAT is one of:
ni_bi: NIML binary
ni_as: NIML ascii (default)
1D : 1D AFNI format.
-dom_par_id id: Idcode of domain parent.
When specified, only ROIs have the same
domain parent are included in the output.
If id is not specified then the first
domain parent encountered in the ROI list
is adopted as dom_par_id.
1D roi files do not have domain parent
information. They will be added to the
output data under the chosen dom_par_id.
-prefix dsetname: Prefix of output data set.
++ SUMA version 2.5000, June 10 2004
Compile Date:
Aug 3 2004
This page generated on
Tue Aug 3 16:42:47 EDT 2004