AFNI program: adwarp

Output of -help

Program:          adwarp.c 
Author:           R. W. Cox and B. D. Ward 
Initial Release:  02 April 1999 
Latest Revision:  15 August 2001 

Usage: adwarp [options]
Resamples a 'data parent' dataset to the grid defined by an
'anat parent' dataset.  The anat parent dataset must contain
in its .HEAD file the coordinate transformation (warp) needed
to bring the data parent dataset to the output grid.  This
program provides a batch implementation of the interactive
AFNI 'Write' buttons, one dataset at a time.

  Example: adwarp -apar anat+tlrc -dpar func+orig

  This will create dataset func+tlrc (.HEAD and .BRIK).

Options (so to speak):
-apar aset  = Set the anat parent dataset to 'aset'.  This
                is a nonoptional option (must be present).

-dpar dset  = Set the data parent dataset to 'dset'.  This
                is a nonoptional option (must be present).
              Note: dset may contain a sub-brick selector,
              e.g.,  -dpar 'dset+orig[2,5,7]'             

-prefix ppp = Set the prefix for the output dataset to 'ppp'.
                The default is the prefix of 'dset'.

-dxyz ddd   = Set the grid spacing in the output datset to
                'ddd' mm.  The default is 1 mm.

-verbose    = Print out progress reports.
-force      = Write out result even if it means deleting
                an existing dataset.  The default is not
                to overwrite.

-resam rrr  = Set resampling mode to 'rrr' for all sub-bricks
                     --- OR ---                              
-thr   rrr  = Set resampling mode to 'rrr' for threshold sub-bricks
-func  rrr  = Set resampling mode to 'rrr' for functional sub-bricks

The resampling mode 'rrr' must be one of the following:
                 NN = Nearest Neighbor
                 Li = Linear Interpolation
                 Cu = Cubic Interpolation
                 Bk = Blocky Interpolation

NOTE:  The default resampling mode is Li for all sub-bricks. 

This page generated on Tue Aug 3 16:42:45 EDT 2004