AFNI program: cdf

Output of -help

Usage 1: cdf [-v] -t2p statname t params
Usage 2: cdf [-v] -p2t statname p params
Usage 3: cdf [-v] -t2z statname t params

This program does various conversions using the cumulative distribution
function (cdf) of certain canonical probability functions.  The optional
'-v' indicates to be verbose -- this is for debugging purposes, mostly.

Usage 1: Converts a statistic 't' to a tail probability.
Usage 2: Converts a tail probability 'p' to a statistic.
Usage 3: Converts a statistic 't' to a N(0,1) value (or z-score)
         that has the same tail probability.

The parameter 'statname' refers to the type of distribution to be used.
The numbers in the params list are the auxiliary parameters for the
particular distribution.  The following table shows the available
distribution functions and their parameters:

   statname  Description  PARAMETERS
   --------  -----------  ----------------------------------------
       fitt  Ttest        DEGREES-of-FREEDOM
       fift  Ftest        NUMERATOR and DENOMINATOR DEGREES-of-FREEDOM
       fizt  Ztest        N/A
       fict  ChiSq        DEGREES-of-FREEDOM
       fibt  Beta         A (numerator) and B (denominator)
       fibn  Binom        NUMBER-of-TRIALS and PROBABILITY-per-TRIAL
       figt  Gamma        SHAPE and SCALE
       fipt  Poisson      MEAN

This page generated on Tue Aug 3 16:42:46 EDT 2004