AFNI program: ent16
Output of -help
Usage: ent16 [-%nn]
Computes an estimate of the entropy of stdin.
If the flag '-%75' is given (e.g.), then the
exit status is 1 only if the input could be
compressed at least 75%, otherwise the exit
status is 0. Legal values of 'nn' are 1..99.
In any case, the entropy and compression estimates
are printed to stdout, even if no '-%nn' flag is.
METHOD: entropy is estimated by building a histogram
of all 16 bit words in the input, then summing
over -p[i]*log2(p[i]), i=0..65535. Compression
estimate seems to work pretty good for gzip -1
in most cases of binary image data.
SAMPLE USAGE (csh syntax):
ent16 -%75 < fred+orig.BRIK
if( $status == 1 ) gzip -1v fred+orig.BRIK
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:46 EDT 2004