AFNI program: sfim
Output of -help
MCW SFIM: Stepwise Functional IMages, by RW Cox
Usage: sfim [options] image_files ...
+ image_files are in the same format AFNI accepts
+ options are from the following:
-sfint iname: 'iname' is the name of a file which has
the interval definitions; an example is
3*# 5*rest 4*A 5*rest 4*B 5*rest 4*A 5*rest
which says:
- ignore the 1st 3 images
- take the next 5 as being in task state 'rest'
- take the next 4 as being in task state 'A'
and so on;
task names that start with a nonalphabetic character
are like the '#' above and mean 'ignore'.
*** the default 'iname' is 'sfint'
-base bname: 'bname' is the task state name to use as the
baseline; other task states will have the mean
baseline state subtracted; if there are no task
states from 'iname' that match 'bname', this
subtraction will not occur.
*** the default 'bname' is 'rest'
-localbase: if this option is present, then each non-base
task state interval has the mean of the two
nearest base intervals subtracted instead of the
grand mean of all the base task intervals.
-prefix pname: 'pname' is the prefix for output image filenames for
all states: the i'th interval with task state name
'fred' will be writen to file 'pname.fred.i'.
*** the default 'pname' is 'sfim'
Output files are the base-mean-removed averages for each non-base
task interval, and simply the mean for each base task interval.
Output images are in the 'flim' (floating pt. image) format, and
may be converted to 16 bit shorts using the program 'ftosh'.
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Tue Aug 3 16:42:48 EDT 2004