AFNI program: strblast

Output of -help

Usage: strblast targetstring filename ...
Finds exact copies of the target string in each of
the input files, and replaces all characters with
some junk string.
  strings I.001 | more # see if Subject Name is present
  strblast 'Subject Name' I.*
Notes and Warnings:
  * strblast will modify the input files irreversibly!
      You might want to test if they are still usable.
  * strblast reads files into memory to operate on them.
      If the file is too big to fit in memory, strblast
      will fail.
  * strblast  will do internal wildcard expansion, so
      if there are too many input files for your shell to
      handle, you can do something like
         strblast 'Subject Name' 'I.*'
      and strblast will expand the 'I.*' wildcard for you.

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