A sample AFNI.version file is shown below AFNI_2006_06_30_1332 no date given motd=MOTD/MOTD_2006_Apr_07.txt The first line is the version string. The second line is there for older versions of AFNI, which expected a date string (DD MM YY, I think) there. Succeeding lines should be of the form "name=value". At present, the only "name" looked for is "motd". This should be the name of a file (relative to http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/) to fetch for the MOTD. ** N.B.: You cannot make this a fixed string (e.g., to MOTD.txt) and get the MOTD to work. When AFNI fetches AFNI.version, it checks if the "motd" string value is the same as the last time it checked (cf. file ~/.afni.vctime). If you keep the value as "MOTD.txt", then AFNI will not ever fetch the MOTD again after it gets it the first time!