OHBM 2014


MVM ______________________________________________________

MVM poster MVM in AFNI Slides: OHBM 2014 MVM talk Chen et al. Neuroimage 2014 (in press)

FATCAT additions ______________________________________________________

FATCAT toolbox Poster Il Gatto Sta Ingrassando: Novel connectivity tools and additions in AFNI-FATCAT Demo Script: @Install_FATCAT_Demo (available with full AFNI install) Refs: Paul Taylor & Ziad S. Saad. Brain Connectivity 2013 Paul Taylor et al. PLOS 1

Data Provenance ______________________________________________________

Data Provenance Poster A Method to Automate Processing Provenance in AFNI

Connectivity Tools in AFNI and SUMA ______________________________________________________

AFNI+SUMA Connectivity Poster Anatomical and Functional Connectivity in AFNI & SUMA Movie night: Presentation Video (1hr, bring wine & cheese)