Introduction to Using Unix -- Sunday, 25 Mar 2012 at 2:00 pm

AFNI runs under Unix-based computer systems: Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, et cetera. For those of you who do not have any experience using Unix from the command line, we are offering a 90 minute (or so) overview of how to get things done by typing on the computer.

This class will be held in the Southeast Patio Room of the NIH Clinical Center, Building 10 -- it will not be at the Lister Hill center where the weekday classes will be held! For those of you at the NIH, this room is near the Lipsett ampitheater. This map of the Clinical Center may help you find the room, which is marked on the middle-right. To help victims students get to this venue, someone from the AFNI group will be in the north lobby of the Clinical Center until about 1:55 pm to gather up people and shepherd them to the class.

For those of you without NIH badges, the directions to get to this site are a little involved, and are outlined below.

You should bring your laptop, fully charged up with electric energy, AFNI, and the AFNI course materials (presentations and data), to this class, so you can follow along with the instructions and see how things work for yourself. (There are few electric outlets in the room, so charge up your battery before arrival.) We will not be able to provide laptops for this class, or for the bootcamp in general.

Directions to Clinical Center North Lobby
Please also refer to this Google map which shows the path from the Medical Center Metro to the CVIF (in red) and thence to the Clinical Center north entrance (in purple). You should allow 30+ minutes for this walk plus the badge-issuing process, so try to arrive at the Metro stop by 1:15 pm at the latest, so that the class can start with some semblance of promptitude.