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#   See COPYING file distributed along with the NiBabel package for the
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''' Header reading functions for SPM2 version of analyze format '''

import numpy as np

from .spatialimages import HeaderDataError
from .batteryrunners import Report
from . import spm99analyze as spm99 # module import

image_dimension_dtd = spm99.image_dimension_dtd[:]
    image_dimension_dtd.index(('funused2', 'f4'))
    ] = ('scl_inter', 'f4')

# Full header numpy dtype combined across sub-fields
header_dtype = np.dtype(spm99.header_key_dtd +
                        image_dimension_dtd +

class Spm2AnalyzeHeader(spm99.Spm99AnalyzeHeader):
    ''' SPM2 header; adds possibility of reading, but not writing DC
    offset for data'''

    # Copies of module level definitions
    template_dtype = header_dtype

    def get_slope_inter(self):
        ''' Get data scaling (slope) and offset (intercept) from header data

        Uses the algorithm from SPM2 spm_vol_ana.m by John Ashburner

        self : header
           Mapping with fields:
           * scl_slope - slope
           * scl_inter - possible intercept (SPM2 use - shared by nifti)
           * glmax - the (recorded) maximum value in the data (unscaled)
           * glmin - recorded minimum unscaled value
           * cal_max - the calibrated (scaled) maximum value in the dataset
           * cal_min - ditto minimum value

        scl_slope : None or float
            scaling (slope).  None if there is no valid scaling from
            these fields
        scl_inter : None or float
            offset (intercept).  Also None if there is no valid scaling,

        >>> fields = {'scl_slope':1,'scl_inter':0,'glmax':0,'glmin':0,'cal_max':0, 'cal_min':0}
        >>> hdr = Spm2AnalyzeHeader()
        >>> for key, value in fields.items():
        ...     hdr[key] = value
        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
        (1.0, 0.0)
        >>> hdr['scl_inter'] = 0.5
        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
        (1.0, 0.5)
        >>> hdr['scl_inter'] = np.nan
        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
        (1.0, 0.0)

        If 'scl_slope' is 0, nan or inf, cannot use 'scl_slope'.
        Without valid information in the gl / cal fields, we cannot get
        scaling, and return None

        >>> hdr['scl_slope'] = 0
        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
        (None, None)
        >>> hdr['scl_slope'] = np.nan
        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
        (None, None)

        Valid information in the gl AND cal fields are needed

        >>> hdr['cal_max'] = 0.8
        >>> hdr['cal_min'] = 0.2
        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
        (None, None)
        >>> hdr['glmax'] = 110
        >>> hdr['glmin'] = 10
        >>> np.allclose(hdr.get_slope_inter(), [0.6/100, 0.2-0.6/100*10])
        # get scaling factor from 'scl_slope' (funused1)
        scale = float(self['scl_slope'])
        if np.isfinite(scale) and scale:
            # try to get offset from scl_inter
            dc_offset = float(self['scl_inter'])
            if not np.isfinite(dc_offset):
                dc_offset = 0.0
            return scale, dc_offset
        # no non-zero and finite scaling, try gl/cal fields
        unscaled_range = self['glmax'] - self['glmin']
        scaled_range = self['cal_max'] - self['cal_min']
        if unscaled_range and scaled_range:
            scale = float(scaled_range) / unscaled_range
            dc_offset = self['cal_min'] - scale * self['glmin']
            return scale, dc_offset
        return None, None

    def _chk_scale(klass, hdr, fix=True):
        rep = Report(HeaderDataError)
        scale, offset = hdr.get_slope_inter()
        # scl_slope of 0 is valid and implies no scaling OR intercept
        if not scale is None or hdr['scl_slope'] == 0:
            return hdr, rep
        rep.problem_level = 30
        rep.problem_msg = ('no valid scaling in scalefactor (=%s) '
                           'or cal / gl fields; scalefactor assumed 1.0'
                           % scale)
        if fix:
            hdr['scl_slope'] = 1
            rep.fix_msg = 'setting scalefactor "scl_slope" to 1'
        return hdr, rep

class Spm2AnalyzeImage(spm99.Spm99AnalyzeImage):
    header_class = Spm2AnalyzeHeader

load = Spm2AnalyzeImage.load
save = Spm2AnalyzeImage.instance_to_filename