#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os # system libraries : test, then import as local symbols import module_test_lib testlibs = ['signal', 'time'] if module_test_lib.num_import_failures(testlibs): sys.exit(1) import signal, time # AFNI libraries (besides module_test_lib) import option_list as OL import lib_realtime as RT import afni_util as UTIL # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # globals g_help_string = """ ============================================================================= realtime_receiver.py - program to receive and display real-time plugin data This program receives motion parameters and optionally ROI averages or voxel data each TR from the real-time plugin to afni. Which data will get sent is controlled by the real-time plugin. All data is sent as floats. Motion parameters: 6 values per TR ROI averages: N values per TR, where N is the number of ROIs All voxel data: 8 values per voxel per TR (might be a lot of data!) The 8 values include voxel index, 3 ijk indices, the 3 xyz coordinates, and oh yes, the data Examples: 1. Run in test mode to just display data on the terminal window. realtime_receiver.py -show_data 2. Provide a serial port, sending the Euclidean norm of the motion params. realtime_receiver.py -show_data yes -serial_port /dev/ttyS0 \\ -data_choice motion_norm 3. Run a feedback demo. Assume that the realtime plugin will send 2 values per TR. Request the receiver to plot (a-b)/(a+b), scaled to some small integral range. realtime_receiver.py -show_demo_gui yes -data_choice diff_ratio 4. Adjust the defaults of the -data_choice diff_ratio parameters from those for AFNI_data6/realtime.demos/demo.2.fback.1.receiver, to those for the s620 demo: realtime_receiver.py -show_demo_gui yes -data_choice diff_ratio \ -dc_params 0.008 43.5 TESTING NOTE: This following setup can be tested off-line using Dimon, afni and this realtime_receiver.py program. Note that while data passes from Dimon to afni to realtime_receiver.py, the programs essentially should be started in the reverse order (so that the listener is always ready for the talker, say). See the sample scripts: AFNI_data6/realtime.demos/demo.2.fback.* step 1. start the receiver: demo.2.fback.1.receiver realtime_receiver.py -show_data yes -show_demo_gui yes \\ -data_choice diff_ratio step 2. start realtime afni: demo.2.fback.2.afni Note: func_slim+orig is only loaded to ensure a multiple volume overlay dataset, so that the rtfeedme command "DRIVE_AFNI SET_SUBBRICKS 0 1 1" finds sub-brick 1. # set many REALTIME env vars or in afni's realtime plugin setenv AFNI_REALTIME_Registration 3D:_realtime setenv AFNI_REALTIME_Base_Image 2 setenv AFNI_REALTIME_Graph Realtime setenv AFNI_REALTIME_MP_HOST_PORT localhost:53214 setenv AFNI_REALTIME_SEND_VER YES setenv AFNI_REALTIME_SHOW_TIMES YES setenv AFNI_REALTIME_Mask_Vals ROI_means setenv AFNI_REALTIME_Function FIM cd ../afni afni -rt -yesplugouts \\ -com "SWITCH_UNDERLAY epi_r1+orig" \\ -com "SWITCH_OVERLAY func_slim+orig" & # at this point, the user should open a graph window and: # FIM->Ignore->2 # FIM->Pick Ideal->epi_r1_ideal.1D step 3. feed data to afni (can be repeated): demo.2.fback.3.feedme cd ../afni set episet = epi_r1+orig set maskset = mask.left.vis.aud+orig plugout_drive -com "SETENV AFNI_REALTIME_Mask_Dset $maskset" -quit rtfeedme \\ -drive 'DRIVE_AFNI OPEN_WINDOW axialimage geom=285x285+3+533' \\ -drive 'DRIVE_AFNI OPEN_WINDOW axialgraph keypress=A' \\ -drive 'DRIVE_AFNI SET_SUBBRICKS 0 1 1' \\ -drive 'DRIVE_AFNI SET_DICOM_XYZ 52 4 12' \\ -drive 'DRIVE_AFNI SET_FUNC_RANGE 0.9' \\ -drive 'DRIVE_AFNI SET_THRESHNEW 0.4' \\ -dt 200 -3D $episet COMMUNICATION NOTE: This program listens for connections at TCP port 53214, unless an alternate port is specified. The real-time plugin (or some other program) connects at that point, opening a new data socket. There is a "handshake" on the data socket, and then data is recieved until a termination signal is received (or the socket goes bad). Data is sent per run, meaning the connection should be terminated and restarted at the end of each run. The handshake should be the first data on the data socket (per run). The real-time plugin (or other program) will send the hello bytes: 0xabcdefab, where the final byte may be incremented by 0, 1 or 2 to set the version number, e.g. use 0xabcdefac for version 1. Version 0: only motion will be sent Version 1: motion plus N ROI averages will be sent Version 2: motion plus all voxel data for N voxels will be sent If the version is 1 or 2, the 4-byte handshake should be followed by a 4-byte integer, specifying the value of N. Hence, the combination of the version number and any received N will determine how much data will be sent to the program each TR. At the end of the run, the sending program should send the 4-byte good-bye sequence: 0xdeaddead. This program is based on the structure of serial_helper, but because it is meant as a replacement, it will have different options. ------------------------------------------ Options: terminal options: -help : show this help -hist : show module history -show_valid_opts : list valid options -ver : show current version other options -data_choice CHOICE : pick which data to send as feedback -dc_params P1 P2 ... : set data_choice parameters e.g. for diff_ratio, parmas P1 P2 P1 = dr low limit, P2 = scalar -> [0,1] result is (dr-P1)*P2 {applied in [0,1]} -serial_port PORT : specify serial port file for feedback data -show_comm_times : display communication times -show_data yes/no : display incoming data in terminal window -show_demo_data : display feedback data in terminal window -show_demo_gui : demonstrate a feedback GUI -swap : swap bytes incoming data -tcp_port PORT : specify TCP port for incoming connections -verb LEVEL : set the verbosity level ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R Reynolds July 2009 ============================================================================= """ g_history = """ realtime_receiver.py history: 0.0 Jul 06, 2009 : initial version (show data, no serial, little help) 0.1 Jul 16, 2009 : includes optional serial connection 0.2 Aug 04, 2009 : added basic demo interface and itemized exception traps 0.3 Sep 08, 2009 : bind to open host (so /etc/hosts entry is not required) 0.4 Jul 26, 2012 : added -show_comm_times 0.5 Jan 16, 2013 : added -dc_params 0.6 Sep 16, 2016 : proceed even if requested GUI fails to load """ g_version = "realtime_receiver.py version 0.6, Sep 16, 2016" g_RTinterface = None # global reference to main class (for signal handler) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # In this module, handing signals and options. Try to keep other # operations in separate libraries (e.g. lib_realtime.py). # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class ReceiverInterface: """main interface for realtime_receiver.py""" def __init__(self): self.valid_opts = None self.user_opts = None self.data_choice = 'motion' self.TR_data = [] # store computed TR data self.verb = 1 self.serial_port = None # serial port (filename) # lib_realtime.py class instances self.RTI = None # real-time interface RTInterface self.SER = None # serial port interface Serial # data choice parameters self.dc_params = [] # demo attributes self.show_demo_data = 0 self.demo_frame = None # for demo plot self.wx_app = None # wx App for demo plot self.valid_opts = self.init_options() def init_options(self): """return an option list instance""" valid_opts = OL.OptionList('valid opts') # short, terminal arguments valid_opts.add_opt('-help', 0, [], helpstr='display program help') valid_opts.add_opt('-hist', 0, [], helpstr='display the modification history') valid_opts.add_opt('-show_valid_opts', 0, [], helpstr='display all valid options') valid_opts.add_opt('-ver', 0, [], helpstr='display the current version number') # general options valid_opts.add_opt('-verb', 1, [], helpstr='set the verbose level (default is 1)') valid_opts.add_opt('-data_choice', 1, [], helpstr='which data to send (motion, motion_norm,...)') valid_opts.add_opt('-dc_params', -2, [], helpstr='set parameters for data_choice processing') valid_opts.add_opt('-serial_port', 1, [], helpstr='serial port filename (e.g. /dev/ttyS0 or COM1)') valid_opts.add_opt('-show_data', 1, [], acplist=['no', 'yes'], helpstr='whether to display received data in terminal') valid_opts.add_opt('-show_comm_times', 0, [], helpstr='display communication times') # demo options valid_opts.add_opt('-show_demo_data', 1, [], acplist=['no', 'yes'], helpstr='whether to display demo data in terminal') valid_opts.add_opt('-show_demo_gui', 1, [], acplist=['no', 'yes'], helpstr='whether to display demo data in a GUI') valid_opts.add_opt('-swap', 0, [], helpstr='byte-swap numerical reads') valid_opts.add_opt('-tcp_port', 1, [], helpstr='TCP port for incoming connections') return valid_opts def check_terminal_opts(self): """check argv for terminal options, start with a global library call to check_special_opts""" self.valid_opts.check_special_opts(sys.argv) # if no arguments are given, apply -help if len(sys.argv) < 2 or '-help' in sys.argv: print g_help_string return 1 if '-hist' in sys.argv: print g_history return 1 if '-show_valid_opts' in sys.argv: self.valid_opts.show('', 1) return 1 if '-ver' in sys.argv: print g_version return 1 return 0 def process_options(self): """process all options, applying to interfaces where appropriate""" # ================================================== # first fire up the TCP interface self.RTI = RT.RTInterface() if not self.RTI: return None # and store globally global g_RTinterface g_RTinterface = self.RTI # global for signal handler # ================================================== # gather and process the user options self.user_opts = OL.read_options(sys.argv, self.valid_opts) uopts = self.user_opts # for convenience if not uopts: return 1 # process -verb first val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(int, '-verb') if val != None and not err: self.verb = val self.RTI.verb = val # ================================================== # --- serial options --- # port first: if set, create SerialInterface val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('-serial_port') if val != None and not err: self.SER = RT.SerialInterface(val, verb=self.verb) if not self.SER: return 1 # ================================================== # --- feedback options --- val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('-data_choice') if val != None and not err: self.data_choice = val val, err = uopts.get_type_list(float, '-dc_params') if val != None and not err: self.dc_params = val # ================================================== # --- tcp options --- val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('-show_data') if val != None and not err: if val == 'no': self.RTI.show_data = 0 else: self.RTI.show_data = 1 if uopts.find_opt('-show_comm_times'): self.RTI.show_times = 1 if uopts.find_opt('-swap'): self.RTI.swap = 1 val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(int, '-tcp_port') if val != None and not err: self.RTI.server_port = val # ================================================== # --- demo options --- val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('-show_demo_data') if val != None and not err: if val == 'no': self.show_demo_data = 0 else: self.show_demo_data = 1 val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('-show_demo_gui') if val != None and not err: if val == 'yes': if self.set_demo_gui(): print '\n** GUI demo failed, proceeding without GUI...\n' return 0 # so continue and listen def set_demo_gui(self): """create the GUI for display of the demo data""" testlibs = ['numpy', 'wx'] if module_test_lib.num_import_failures(testlibs): return 1 try: import numpy as N, wx import lib_RR_plot as LPLOT except: return 1 self.wx_app = wx.App() self.demo_frame = LPLOT.CanvasFrame(title='receiver demo') self.demo_frame.EnableCloseButton(True) self.demo_frame.Show(True) self.demo_frame.style = 'bar' self.demo_frame.xlabel = 'most recent 10 TRs' self.demo_frame.ylabel = 'scaled diff_ratio' # for the current demo, set an ranges for 10 numbers in [0,10] if self.demo_frame.style == 'graph': self.demo_frame.set_limits(0,9.1,-0.1,10.1) elif self.demo_frame.style == 'bar': self.demo_frame.set_limits(0,10.1,-0.1,10.1) def set_signal_handlers(self): """capture common termination signals, to properly close ports""" if self.verb > 1: print '++ setting signals' slist = [ signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIGTERM ] if self.verb > 2: print ' signals are %s' % slist for sig in slist: signal.signal(sig, clean_n_exit) return def close_data_ports(self): """close TCP and socket ports, except for server port""" if self.RTI: self.RTI.close_data_ports() if self.SER: self.SER.close_data_ports() def process_demo_data(self): length = len(self.TR_data) if length == 0: return if self.show_demo_data: print '-- TR %d, demo value: ' % length, self.TR_data[length-1][0] if self.demo_frame: if length > 10: bot = length-10 else: bot = 0 pdata = [self.TR_data[ind][0] for ind in range(bot,length)] self.demo_frame.plot_data(pdata) def process_one_TR(self): """return 0 to continue, 1 on valid termination, -1 on error""" if self.verb>2: print '-- process_one_TR, show_demo_data = %d,' % self.show_demo_data rv = self.RTI.read_TR_data() if rv: if self.verb > 3: print '** process 1 TR: read data failure' return rv rv, data = compute_TR_data(self) # PROCESS DATA HERE if rv or len(data) == 0: return rv self.TR_data.append(data) if self.SER: self.SER.write_4byte_data(data) if self.show_demo_data or self.demo_frame: self.process_demo_data() return rv def process_one_run(self): """repeatedly: process all incoming data for a single run return 0 on success and 1 on error """ # clear any old data if len(self.TR_data) > 0: del(self.TR_data) self.TR_data = [] # wait for the real-time plugin to talk to us if self.RTI.wait_for_new_run(): return 1 # possibly open a serial port if self.SER: if self.SER.open_data_port(): return 1 # process one TR at a time until if self.verb > 1: print '-- incoming data, data_choice = %s' % self.data_choice rv = self.process_one_TR() while rv == 0: rv = self.process_one_TR() if self.verb > 1: print '-- processed %d TRs of data' % self.RTI.nread , if rv > 0: print '(terminating on success)' else: print '(terminating on error)' if self.verb > 0: print '-'*60 if rv > 0: return 0 # success for one run else: return 1 # some error def clean_n_exit(signum, frame): verb = g_RTinterface.verb if verb > 1: print '++ signal handler called with signal', signum g_RTinterface.close_data_ports() # at last, close server port if g_RTinterface.server_sock: if g_RTinterface.verb > 1: print 'closing server port...' try: g_RTinterface.server_sock.close() except (RT.socket.error, RT.socket.timeout): pass if g_RTinterface.verb > 0: print '-- exiting on signal %d...' % signum sys.exit(signum) def compute_TR_data(rec): """If writing to the serial port, this is the main function to compute results from rec.motion and/or rec.extras for the current TR and return it as an array of floats. Note that motion and extras are lists of time series of length nread, so processing a time series is easy, but a single TR requires extracting the data from the end of each list. The possible computations is based on data_choice, specified by the user option -data_choice. If you want to send data that is not listed, just add a condition. ** Please add each data_choice to the -help. Search for motion_norm to find all places to edit. return 2 items: error code: 0 on success, -1 on error data array: (possibly empty) array of data to send """ rti = rec.RTI # for convenience if not rec.data_choice: return 0, [] # case 'motion': send all motion if rec.data_choice == 'motion': if rti.nread > 0: return 0, [rti.motion[ind][rti.nread-1] for ind in range(6)] else: return -1, [] # case 'motion_norm': send Euclidean norm of motion params # --> sqrt(sum of squared motion params) elif rec.data_choice == 'motion_norm': if rti.nread > 0: motion = [rti.motion[ind][rti.nread-1] for ind in range(6)] return 0, [UTIL.euclidean_norm(motion)] else: return -1, [] # case 'all_extras': send all extra data elif rec.data_choice == 'all_extras': if rti.nextra > 0: return 0, [rti.extras[i][rti.nread-1] for i in range(rti.nextra)] else: return -1, [] # case 'diff_ratio': (a-b)/(abs(a)+abs(b)) elif rec.data_choice == 'diff_ratio': npairs = rti.nextra//2 if npairs > 0: vals = [rti.extras[i][rti.nread-1] for i in range(rti.nextra)] # modify vals array, setting the first half to diff_ratio for ind in range(npairs): a = vals[2*ind] b = vals[2*ind+1] if a == 0 and b == 0: newval = 0.0 else: newval = (a-b)/float(abs(a)+abs(b)) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # VERY data dependent: convert from diff_ratio to int in {0..10} # assume AFNI_data6 demo 15 Jan 2013 # now scale [bot,inf) to {0..10}, where val>=top -> 10 # AD6: min = -0.1717, mean = -0.1605, max = -0.1490 bot = -0.17 # s620: bot = 0.008, scale = 43.5 scale = 55.0 # =~ 1.0/(0.1717-0.149), rounded up if len(rec.dc_params) == 2: bot = rec.dc_params[0] scale = rec.dc_params[1] val = newval-bot if val < 0.0: val = 0.0 ival = int(10*val*scale) if ival > 10: ival = 10 vals[ind] = ival if rti.verb > 1: if rti.verb > 2: pstr = ', (params = %s)' % rec.dc_params else: pstr = '' print '++ diff_ratio: ival = %d (from %s)%s'%(ival,newval,pstr) return 0, vals[0:npairs] # return the partial list else: if rti.verb > 0 and rti.nread < 2: print '** no pairs to compute diff_ratio from...' return 0, [] # failure! else: print "** invalid data_choice '%s', shutting down ..." % rec.data_choice return -1, [] def main(): # create main interface receiver = ReceiverInterface() if receiver == None: return 1 # set options and look for early termination if receiver.check_terminal_opts(): return 0 # then exit # read and process user options if receiver.process_options(): return 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ready to rock: set signal handlers and look for data receiver.set_signal_handlers() # require signal to exit # prepare for incoming connections if receiver.RTI.open_incoming_socket(): return 1 # repeatedly: process all incoming data for a single run while 1: rv = receiver.process_one_run() if rv: time.sleep(1) # on error, ponder life briefly receiver.close_data_ports() return -1 # should not be reached if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())