Using 3dvolreg and 3drotate to Align Intra-Subject Inter-Session Datasets ========================================================================= When you study the same subject on different days, to compare the datasets gathered in different sessions, it is first necessary to align the volume images. This note discusses the practical difficulties posed by this problem, and the AFNI solution. The difficulties include: (A) Subject's head will be positioned differently in the scanner -- both in location and orientation. (B) Low resolution echo-planar images are harder to re-align accurately that high resolution SPGR images, when the subject's head is rotated. (C) Anatomical coverage of the slices will be different, meaning that exact overlap of the data from two sessions may not be possible. (D) The anatomical relationship between the EPI and SPGR (MP-RAGE, etc.) images may be different on different days. (E) The coordinates in the scanner used for the two scanning sessions may be different (e.g., slice coverage from 40I to 50S on one day, and from 30I to 60S on another). (B-D) imply that simply using 3dvolreg to align the EPI data from session 2 with EPI data from session 1 won't work well. 3dvolreg's calculations are based on matching voxel data, but if the images don't cover the same part of the brain fully, they won't register well. The AFNI solution is to register the SPGR images from session 2 to session 1, to use this transformation to move the EPI data from session 2 in the same way. The use of the SPGR images as the "parents" gets around difficulty (B), and is consistent with the extant AFNI processing philosophy. The SPGR alignment procedure specifically ignores the data at the edges of the bricks, so that small (5%) mismatches in anatomical coverage shouldn't be important. (This also helps eliminate problems with various artifacts that occur at the edges of images.) Problem (C) is addressed by zero-padding the EPI datasets in the slice- direction. In this way, if the EPI data from session 2 covers a somewhat different patch of brain than from session 1, the bricks can still be made to overlap, as long as the zero-padding is large enough to accomodate the required data shifts. Zero-padding can be done in one of 3 ways: (1) At dataset assembly time, in to3d (using the -zpad option); or (2) At any later time, using the program 3dZeropad; or (3) By 3drotate (using -gridparent with a previously zero-padded dataset). Suppose that you have the following 4 datasets: S1 = SPGR from session 1 E1 = EPI from session 1 S2 = SPGR from session 2 E2 = EPI from session 2 Then the following commands will create datasets registered from session 2 into alignment with session 1: 3dvolreg -twopass -twodup -heptic -clipit -base S1+orig \ -prefix S2reg S2+orig 3drotate -heptic -clipit -rotparent S2reg+orig -gridparent E1+orig \ -prefix E2reg E2+orig You may want to create the datasets E1 and E2 using the -zpad option to to3d, so that they have some buffer space on either side to allow for mismatches in anatomical coverage in the slice direction. Note that the use of the "-gridparent" option to 3drotate implies that the output dataset E2reg will be sampled to the same grid as dataset E1. If needed, E2reg will be zeropadded in the slice-direction to make it have the same size as E1. If you want to zeropad a dataset after creation, this can be done using a command line like: 3dZeropad -prefix E1pad -z 2 E1+orig which will add 2 slices of zeros to each slice-direction face of each sub-brick of dataset E1, and write the results to dataset E1pad. ***************************************************************************** Registration Information Stored in Output Dataset Header by 3dvolreg ===================================================================== The following attributes are stored in the header of the new dataset: VOLREG_ROTCOM_NUM = number of sub-bricks registered (1 int) [may differ from number of sub-bricks in dataset] [if "3dTcat -glueto" is used later to add images] VOLREG_ROTCOM_xxxxxx = the string that would be input to 3drotate to (string) describe the operation, as in -rotate 1.000I 2.000R 3.000A -ashift 0.100S 0.200L 0.300P [xxxxxx = printf("%06d",n); n=0 to ROTCOM_NUM-1] VOLREG_MATVEC_xxxxxx = the 3x3 matrix and 3 vector of the transformation (12 floats) generated by the above 3drotate parameters; if U is the matrix and v the vector, then they are stored in the order u11 u12 u13 v1 u21 u22 u23 v2 u31 u32 u33 v3 If extracted from the header and stored in a file in just this way (3 rows of 4 numbers), then that file can be used as input to "3drotate -matvec_dicom" to specify the rotation/translation. VOLREG_CENTER_OLD = Dicom order coordinates of the center of the input (3 floats) dataset (about which the rotation takes place). VOLREG_CENTER_BASE = Dicom order coordinates of the center of the base (3 floats) dataset. VOLREG_BASE_IDCODE = Dataset idcode for base dataset. (string) VOLREG_BASE_NAME = Dataset .HEAD filename for base dataset. (string) These attributes can be extracted in a shell script using the program 3dAttribute, as in the csh example: set rcom = `3dAttribute VOLREG_ROTCOM_000000 Xreg+orig` 3drotate $rcom -heptic -clipit -prefix Yreg Y+orig which would apply the same rotation/translation to dataset Y+orig as was used to produce sub-brick #0 of dataset Xreg+orig. To see all these attributes, one could execute 3dAttribute -all Xreg+orig | grep VOLREG ***************************************************************************** Robert W Cox - 07 Feb 2001 National Institutes of Mental Health