#!/usr/bin/env python # system libraries import sys, os if 0 : # for testing, might add the current dir and ~/abin to the PATH try: sys.path.extend(['.', '%s/abin' % os.getenv('HOME')]) except: pass import gc, math # AFNI libraries import option_list as OL import lib_afni1D as LAD import afni_util as UTIL import afni_base as BASE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # globals g_help_string = """ ============================================================================= 1d_tool.py - for manipulating and evaluating 1D files This program is meant to read/manipulate/write/diagnose 1D datasets. Input can be specified using AFNI sub-brick[]/time{} selectors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- examples (very basic for now): 1. Select by rows and columns, akin to 1dcat. 1d_tool.py -infile 'data/X.xmat.1D[0..3]{0..5}' -write t1.1D 2. Compare with selection by separate options. 1d_tool.py -infile data/X.xmat.1D \\ -select_cols '0..3' -select_rows '0..5' \\ -write t2.1D diff t1.1D t2.1D 2b. Select or remove columns by label prefixes. Keep only bandpass columns: 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -write X.bandpass.1D \\ -label_prefix_keep bandpass Remove only bandpass columns (maybe for 3dRFSC): 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -write X.no.bandpass.1D \\ -label_prefix_drop bandpass Keep polort columns (start with 'Run') motion shifts ('d') and labels starting with 'a' and 'b'. But drop 'bandpass' columns: 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -write X.weird.1D \\ -label_prefix_keep Run d a b \\ -label_prefix_drop bandpass 2c. Select columns by group values, 3 examples. First be sure of what the group labels represent. 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -show_group_labels i) Select polort (group -1) and other baseline (group 0) terms. 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -select_groups -1 0 -write baseline.1D ii) Select everything but baseline groups (anything positive). 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -select_groups POS -write regs.of.int.1D iii) Reorder to have rests of interest, then motion, then polort. 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -select_groups POS 0, -1 -write order.1D 3. Transpose a dataset, akin to 1dtranspose. 1d_tool.py -infile t3.1D -transpose -write ttr.1D 4a. Pad a file of regressors for a single run (#2) with zeros, so that it becomes run 2 of 7 (runs are 1-based). 1d_tool.py -infile ricor_r02.1D -pad_into_many_runs 2 7 \\ -write ricor_r02_all.1D 4b. Similar to 4a, but specify varying TRs per run. The number of runs must match the number of run_lengths parameters. 1d_tool.py -infile ricor_r02.1D -pad_into_many_runs 2 7 \\ -set_run_lengths 64 61 67 61 67 61 67 \\ -write ricor_r02_all.1D 5. Display small details about a 1D dataset: a. Display number of rows and columns for a 1D dataset. 1d_tool.py -infile ricor_r02.1D -show_rows_cols b. Display indices of regressors of interest. 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -show_indices_interest c. Display labels by group. 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -show_group_labels 6a. Show correlation matrix warnings for this matrix. 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -show_cormat_warnings 6b. Show entire correlation matrix. 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -show_cormat 7a. Output temporal derivative of motion regressors. There are 9 runs in dfile.rall.1D, and derivatives are applied per run. 1d_tool.py -infile dfile.rall.1D -set_nruns 9 \\ -derivative -write motion.deriv.1D 7b. Similar to 7a, but let the run lengths vary. The sum of run lengths should equal the number of time points. 1d_tool.py -infile dfile.rall.1D \\ -set_run_lengths 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 \\ -derivative -write motion.deriv.rlens.1D 7c. Use forward differences, instead of the default backward differences. 1d_tool.py -infile dfile.rall.1D \\ -set_run_lengths 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 \\ -forward_diff -write motion.deriv.rlens.1D 8. Verify whether labels show slice-major ordering (where all slice0 regressors come first, then all slice1 regressors, etc). Either show the labels and verify visually, or print whether it is true. 1d_tool.py -infile scan_2.slibase.1D'[0..12]' -show_labels 1d_tool.py -infile scan_2.slibase.1D -show_labels 1d_tool.py -infile scan_2.slibase.1D -show_label_ordering 9a. Given motion.1D, take the derivative (ignoring run breaks) and the Euclidean Norm, and write as e.norm.1D. This might be plotted to show show sudden motion as a single time series. 1d_tool.py -infile motion.1D -set_nruns 9 \\ -derivative -collapse_cols euclidean_norm \\ -write e.norm.1D 9b. Similar to 9a, but supposing the run lengths vary (still 576 TRs). 1d_tool.py -infile motion.1D \\ -set_run_lengths 64 61 67 61 67 61 67 61 67 \\ -derivative -collapse_cols euclidean_norm \\ -write e.norm.rlens.1D 9c. Similar to 9b, but weight the rotations as 0.9 mm. 1d_tool.py -infile motion.1D \\ -set_run_lengths 64 61 67 61 67 61 67 61 67 \\ -derivative -collapse_cols weighted_enorm \\ -weight_vec .9 .9 .9 1 1 1 \\ -write e.norm.weighted.1D 10. Given motion.1D, create censor files to use in 3dDeconvolve, where a TR is censored if the derivative values have a Euclidean Norm above 1.2. It is common to also censor each previous TR, as motion may span both (previous because "derivative" is actually a backward difference). The file created by -write_censor can be used with 3dD's -censor option. The file created by -write_CENSORTR can be used with -CENSORTR. They should have the same effect in 3dDeconvolve. The CENSORTR file is more readable, but the censor file is better for plotting against the data. a. general example 1d_tool.py -infile motion.1D -set_nruns 9 \\ -derivative -censor_prev_TR \\ -collapse_cols euclidean_norm \\ -moderate_mask -1.2 1.2 \\ -show_censor_count \\ -write_censor subjA_censor.1D \\ -write_CENSORTR subjA_CENSORTR.txt b. using -censor_motion The -censor_motion option is available, which implies '-derivative', '-collapse_cols euclidean_norm', 'moderate_mask -LIMIT LIMIT', and the prefix for '-write_censor' and '-write_CENSORTR' output files. This option will also result in subjA_enorm.1D being written, which is the euclidean norm of the derivative, before the extreme mask is applied. 1d_tool.py -infile motion.1D -set_nruns 9 \\ -show_censor_count \\ -censor_motion 1.2 subjA \\ -censor_prev_TR c. allow the run lengths to vary 1d_tool.py -infile motion.1D \\ -set_run_lengths 64 61 67 61 67 61 67 61 67 \\ -show_censor_count \\ -censor_motion 1.2 subjA_rlens \\ -censor_prev_TR Consider also '-censor_prev_TR' and '-censor_first_trs'. 11. Demean the data. Use motion parameters as an example. The demean operation is done per run (default is 1 when 1d_tool.py does not otherwise know). a. across all runs (if runs are not known from input file) 1d_tool.py -infile dfile.rall.1D -demean -write motion.demean.a.1D b. per run, over 9 runs of equal length 1d_tool.py -infile dfile.rall.1D -set_nruns 9 \\ -demean -write motion.demean.b.1D c. per run, over 9 runs of varying length 1d_tool.py -infile dfile.rall.1D \\ -set_run_lengths 64 61 67 61 67 61 67 61 67 \\ -demean -write motion.demean.c.1D 12. "Uncensor" the data, zero-padding previously censored TRs. Note that an X-matrix output by 3dDeconvolve contains censor information in GoodList, which is the list of uncensored TRs. a. if the input dataset has censor information 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -censor_fill -write X.uncensored.1D b. if censor information needs to come from a parent 1d_tool.py -infile sum.ideal.1D -censor_fill_parent X.xmat.1D \\ -write sum.ideal.uncensored.1D 13. Show whether the input file is valid as a numeric data file. a. as any generic 1D file 1d_tool.py -infile data.txt -looks_like_1D b. as a 1D stim_file, of 3 runs of 64 TRs (TR is irrelevant) 1d_tool.py -infile data.txt -looks_like_1D \\ -set_run_lengths 64 64 64 c. as a stim_times file with local times 1d_tool.py -infile data.txt -looks_like_local_times \\ -set_run_lengths 64 64 64 -set_tr 2 d. as a 1D or stim_times file with global times 1d_tool.py -infile data.txt -looks_like_global_times \\ -set_run_lengths 64 64 64 -set_tr 2 e. report modulation type (amplitude and/or duration) 1d_tool.py -infile data.txt -looks_like_AM f. perform all tests, reporting all errors 1d_tool.py -infile data.txt -looks_like_test_all \\ -set_run_lengths 64 64 64 -set_tr 2 14. Split motion parameters across runs, but keep them at the original length so they apply to the same multi-run regression. Each file will be the same as the original for the run it applies to, but zero across all other runs. Note that -split_into_pad_runs takes the output prefix as a parameter. 1d_tool.py -infile motion.1D \\ -set_run_lengths 64 64 64 \\ -split_into_pad_runs mot.padded The output files are: mot.padded.r01.1D mot.padded.r02.1D mot.padded.r03.1D If the run lengths are the same -set_nruns is shorter... 1d_tool.py -infile motion.1D \\ -set_nruns 3 \\ -split_into_pad_runs mot.padded 15a. Show the maximum pairwise displacement in the motion parameter file. So over all TRs pairs, find the biggest displacement. In one direction it is easy (AP say). If the minimum AP shift is -0.8 and the maximum is 1.5, then the maximum displacement is 2.3 mm. It is less clear in 6-D space, and instead of trying to find an enveloping set of "coordinates", distances between all N choose 2 pairs are evaluated (brute force). 1d_tool.py -infile dfile.rall.1D -show_max_displace 15b. Similar to 15a, but do not include displacement from censored TRs. 1d_tool.py -infile dfile.rall.1D -show_max_displace \\ -censor_infile motion_censor.1D 16. Randomize a list of numbers, say, those from 1..40. The numbers can come from 1deval, with the result piped to '1d_tool.py -input stdin -randomize_trs ...'. 1deval -num 40 -expr t+1 | \\ 1d_tool.py -infile stdin -randomize_trs -write stdout See also -seed. 17. Display min, mean, max, stdev of 1D file. 1d_tool.py -show_mmms -infile data.1D To be more detailed, get stats for each of x, y, and z directional blur estimates for all subjects. Cat(enate) all of the subject files and pipe that to 1d_tool.py with infile - (meaning stdin). cat subject_results/group.*/sub*/*.results/blur.errts.1D \\ | 1d_tool.py -show_mmms -infile - 18. Just output censor count for default method. This will output nothing but the number of TRs that would be censored, akin to using -censor_motion and -censor_prev_TR. 1d_tool.py -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_nruns 3 -quick_censor_count 0.3 1d_tool.py -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_run_lengths 100 80 120 \ -quick_censor_count 0.3 19. Compute GCOR from some 1D file. * Note, time should be in the vertical direction of the file (else use -transpose). 1d_tool.py -infile data.1D -show_gcor Or get some GCOR documentation and many values. 1d_tool.py -infile data.1D -show_gcor_doc 1d_tool.py -infile data.1D -show_gcor_all 20. Display censored or uncensored TRs lists (maybe for use in 3dTcat). TRs which were censored: 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -show_trs_censored encoded TRs which were applied in analysis (those NOT censored): 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -show_trs_uncensored encoded Only those applied in run #2 (1-based). 1d_tool.py -infile X.xmat.1D -show_trs_uncensored encoded \\ -show_trs_run 2 21. Convert to rank order. a. show rank order of slice times from a 1D file 1d_tool.py -infile slice_times.1D -rank -write - b. show rank order of slice times piped directly from 3dinfo 3dinfo -slice_timing epi+orig | 1d_tool.py -infile - -rank -write - c. show rank order using 'competition' rank, instead of default 'dense' 3dinfo -slice_timing epi+orig \\ | 1d_tool.py -infile - -rank_style competition -write - 22. Guess volreg base index from motion parameters. 1d_tool.py -infile dfile_rall.1D -collapse_cols enorm -show_argmin 23. Convert volreg parameters to those suitable for 3dAllineate. 1d_tool.py -infile dfile_rall.1D -volreg2allineate \\ -write allin_rall_aff12.1D --------------------------------------------------------------------------- basic informational options: -help : show this help -hist : show the module history -show_valid_opts : show all valid options -ver : show the version number ---------------------------------------- required input: -infile DATASET.1D : specify input 1D file ---------------------------------------- general options: -add_cols NEW_DSET.1D : extend dset to include these columns -backward_diff : take derivative as first backward difference Take the backward differences at each time point. For each index > 0, value[index] = value[index] - value[index-1], and value[0] = 0. This option is identical to -derivative. See also -forward_diff, -derivative, -set_nruns, -set_run_lens. -collapse_cols METHOD : collapse multiple columns into one, where METHOD is one of: min, max, minabs, maxabs, euclidean_norm, weighted_enorm. Consideration of the euclidean_norm method: For censoring, the euclidean_norm method is used (sqrt(sum squares)). This combines rotations (in degrees) with shifts (in mm) as if they had the same weight. Note that assuming rotations are about the center of mass (which should produce a minimum average distance), then the average arc length (averaged over the brain mask) of a voxel rotated by 1 degree (about the CM) is the following (for the given datasets): TT_N27+tlrc: 0.967 mm (average radius = 55.43 mm) MNIa_caez_N27+tlrc: 1.042 mm (average radius = 59.69 mm) MNI_avg152T1+tlrc: 1.088 mm (average radius = 62.32 mm) The point of these numbers is to suggest that equating degrees and mm should be fine. The average distance caused by a 1 degree rotation is very close to 1 mm (in an adult human). * 'enorm' is short for 'euclidean_norm'. * Use of weighted_enorm requires the -weight_vec option. e.g. -collapse_cols weighted_enorm -weight_vec .9 .9 .9 1 1 1 -censor_motion LIMIT PREFIX : create censor files This option implies '-derivative', '-collapse_cols euclidean_norm', 'moderate_mask -LIMIT LIMIT' and applies PREFIX for '-write_censor' and '-write_CENSORTR' output files. It also outputs the derivative of the euclidean norm, before the limit it applied. The temporal derivative is taken with run breaks applied (derivative of the first run of a TR is 0), then the columns are collapsed into one via each TR's vector length (Euclidean Norm: sqrt(sum of squares)). After that, a mask time series is made from TRs with values outside (-LIMIT,LIMIT), i.e. if >= LIMIT or <= LIMIT, result is 1. This binary time series is then written out in -CENSORTR format, with the moderate TRs written in -censor format (either can be applied in 3dDeconvolve). The output files will be named PREFIX_censor.1D, PREFIX_CENSORTR.txt and PREFIX_enorm.1D (e.g. subj123_censor.1D, subj123_CENSORTR.txt and subj123_enorm.1D). Besides an input motion file (-infile), the number of runs is needed (-set_nruns or -set_run_lengths). Consider also '-censor_prev_TR' and '-censor_first_trs'. See example 10. -censor_fill : expand data, filling censored TRs with zeros -censor_fill_parent PARENT : similar, but get censor info from a parent The output of these operation is a longer dataset. Each TR that had previously been censored is re-inserted as a zero. The purpose of this is to make 1D time series data properly align with the all_runs dataset, for example. Otherwise, the ideal 1D data might have missing TRs, and so will align worse with responses over the duration of all runs (it might start aligned, but drift earlier and earlier as more TRs are censored). See example 12. -censor_infile CENSOR_FILE : apply censoring to -infile dataset This removes TRs from the -infile dataset where the CENSOR_FILE is 0. The censor file is akin to what is used with "3dDeconvolve -censor", where TRs with 1 are kept and those with 0 are excluded from analysis. See example 15b. -censor_first_trs N : when censoring motion, also censor the first N TRs of each run -censor_next_TR : for each censored TR, also censor next one (probably for use with -forward_diff) -censor_prev_TR : for each censored TR, also censor previous -cormat_cutoff CUTOFF : set cutoff for cormat warnings (in [0,1]) -demean : demean each run (new mean of each run = 0.0) -derivative : take the temporal derivative of each vector (done as first backward difference) Take the backward differences at each time point. For each index > 0, value[index] = value[index] - value[index-1], and value[0] = 0. This option is identical to -backward_diff. See also -backward_diff, -forward_diff, -set_nruns, -set_run_lens. -extreme_mask MIN MAX : make mask of extreme values Convert to a 0/1 mask, where 1 means the given value is extreme (outside the (MIN, MAX) range), and 0 means otherwise. This is the opposite of -moderate_mask (not exactly, both are inclusive). Note: values = MIN or MAX will be in both extreme and moderate masks. Note: this was originally described incorrectly in the help. -forward_diff : take first forward difference of each vector Take the first forward differences at each time point. For index0: regressors of interest This option can be used to select columns by integer groups, with special cases of POS (regs of interest), NEG (probably polort). Note that NONNEG is unneeded as it is the pair POS 0. See also -show_group_labels. -select_cols SELECTOR : apply AFNI column selectors, [] is optional e.g. '[5,0,7..21(2)]' -select_rows SELECTOR : apply AFNI row selectors, {} is optional e.g. '{5,0,7..21(2)}' -set_nruns NRUNS : treat the input data as if it has nruns (e.g. applies to -derivative and -demean) See examples 7a, 10a and b, and 14. -set_run_lengths N1 N2 ... : treat as if data has run lengths N1, N2, etc. (applies to -derivative, for example) Notes: o option -set_nruns is not allowed with -set_run_lengths o the sum of run lengths must equal NT See examples 7b, 10c and 14. -set_tr TR : set the TR (in seconds) for the data -show_argmin : display the index of min arg (of first column) -show_censor_count : display the total number of censored TRs -show_cormat : display correlation matrix -show_cormat_warnings : display correlation matrix warnings -show_gcor : display GCOR: the average correlation -show_gcor_all : display many ways of computing (a) GCOR -show_gcor_doc : display descriptions of those ways -show_group_labels : display group and label, per column -show_indices_baseline : display column indices for baseline -show_indices_motion : display column indices for motion regressors -show_indices_interest : display column indices for regs of interest -show_label_ordering : display the labels -show_labels : display the labels -show_max_displace : display max displacement (from motion params) - the maximum pairwise distance (enorm) -show_mmms : display min, mean, max, stdev of columns -show_rows_cols : display the number of rows and columns -show_trs_censored STYLE : display a list of TRs which were censored -show_trs_uncensored STYLE : display a list of TRs which were not censored STYLE can be one of: comma : comma delimited space : space delimited encoded : succinct selector list verbose : chatty See example 20. -show_trs_run RUN : restrict -show_trs_[un]censored to the given 1-based run -sort : sort data over time (smallest to largest) - sorts EVERY vector - consider the -reverse option -split_into_pad_runs PREFIX : split input into one padded file per run e.g. -split_into_pad_runs motion.pad This option is used for breaking a set of regressors up by run. The output would be one file per run, where each file is the same as the input for the run it corresponds to, and is padded with 0 across all other runs. Assuming the 300 row input dataset spans 3 100-TR runs, then there would be 3 output datasets created, each still be 300 rows: motion.pad.r01.1D : 100 rows as input, 200 rows of 0 motion.pad.r02.1D : 100 rows of 0, 100 rows as input, 100 of 0 motion.pad.r03.1D : 200 rows of 0, 100 rows as input This option requires either -set_nruns or -set_run_lengths. See example 14. -transpose : transpose the input matrix (rows for columns) -transpose_write : transpose the output matrix before writing -volreg2allineate : convert 3dvolreg parameters to 3dAllineate This option should be used when the -input file is a 6 column file of motion parameters (roll, pitch, yaw, dS, dL, dP). The output would be converted to a 12 parameter file, suitable for input to 3dAllineate via the -1Dparam_apply option. volreg: roll, pitch, yaw, dS, dL, dP 3dAllinate: -dL, -dP, -dS, roll, pitch, yaw, 0,0,0, 0,0,0 These parameters would be to correct the motion, akin to what 3dvolreg did (i.e. they are the negative estimates of how the subject moved). See example 23. -write FILE : write the current 1D data to FILE -weight_vec v1 v2 ... : supply weighting vector e.g. -weight_vec 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 1 1 This vector currently works only with the weighted_enorm method for the -collapse_cols option. If supplied (as with the example), it will weight the angles at 0.9 times the weights of the shifts in the motion parameters output by 3dvolreg. See also -collapse_cols. -write_censor FILE : write as boolean censor.1D e.g. -write_censor subjA_censor.1D This file can be given to 3dDeconvolve to censor TRs with excessive motion, applied with the -censor option. e.g. 3dDeconvolve -censor subjA_censor.1D This file works well for plotting against the data, where the 0 entries are removed from the regression of 3dDeconvolve. Alternatively, the file created with -write_CENSORTR is probably more human readable. -write_CENSORTR FILE : write censor times as CENSORTR string e.g. -write_CENSORTR subjA_CENSORTR.txt This file can be given to 3dDeconvolve to censor TRs with excessive motion, applied with the -CENSORTR option. e.g. 3dDeconvolve -CENSORTR `cat subjA_CENSORTR.txt` Which might expand to: 3dDeconvolve -CENSORTR '1:16..19,44 3:28 4:19,37..39' Note that the -CENSORTR option requires the text on the command line. This file is in the easily readable format applied with -CENSORTR. It has the same effect on 3dDeconvolve as the sister file from -write_censor, above. -verb LEVEL : set the verbosity level ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R Reynolds March 2009 ============================================================================= """ g_history = """ 1d_tool.py history: (also refers to lib_afni1D.py) 0.0 Mar 18, 2009 - initial library (lib_1D.py) version 0.1 Mar 19, 2009 - added some options and basic help 0.2 Mar 26, 2009 - small array fix for older python in write() 0.3 Mar 31, 2009 - added -pad_to_many_runs, -reverse 0.4 Apr 8, 2009 - added -show_rows_cols 0.5 Apr 9, 2009 - added -show_cormat_warnings and -cormat_cutoff 0.6 Apr 10, 2009 - update for old python versions (e.g. on solaris) - each of copy.deepcopy, sum, and sort(reverse=True) failed - note all-zero vectors in -show_cormat_warnings 0.7 Apr 11, 2009 - added -derivative and -set_nruns - fixed typo in use of -show_cormat_warnings 0.8 Jul 27, 2009 - added -show_labels and -show_label_ordering 0.9 Aug 20, 2009 - added motion censoring, motivated by L Thomas and B Bones - added -censor_motion, -censor_prev_TR, -collapse_cols, -extreme_mask, -set_tr, -write_censor, -write_CENSORTR 0.10 Aug 21, 2009 - added -show_censor_count 0.11 Aug 25, 2009 - with -censor_motion, also output PREFIX_enorm.1D 0.12 Oct 2, 2009 - also output cosines with -show_cormat_warnings 0.13 Oct 6, 2009 - added -set_run_lengths option 0.14 Oct 15, 2009 - added -demean 0.15 Oct 23, 2009 - added -censor_fill and -censor_fill_par 0.16 Nov 16, 2009 - allow motion censoring with varying run lengths 0.17 Mar 25, 2010 - small help update 0.18 Mar 25, 2010 - added -censor_first_trs for A Barbey 0.19 Jul 30, 2010 - added "Looks like" options - added -looks_like_1D, -looks_like_local_times, -looks_like_global_times, -looks_like_test_all 0.20 Aug 02, 2010 - small change to looks_like text formatting - removed useless TR from looks_like_1D function 0.21 Oct 29, 2010 - added -show_indices_baseline, _motion and _interest 0.22 Nov 4, 2010 - fixed print vs. return problem in -show_indices 0.23 Dec 16, 2010 - updates to file type (looks like) errors and warnings 0.24 May 27, 2010 - added -split_into_pad_runs (for regress motion per run) 1.00 Jul 14, 2011 - call this a release version, kept forgetting (maybe release v2 can be when dealing with married timing is robust) - added -show_max_displace (see example 15) 1.01 Oct 3, 2011 - added -censor_infile (e.g. to restrict motion params) - added for N Adleman 1.02 Feb 22, 2012 - added -randomize_trs and -seed 1.03 Feb 24, 2012 - added -moderate_mask - fixed help (-extreme_mask was described backwards) - as noted by R Kuplicki 1.04 May 1, 2012 - added -look_like_AM 1.05 May 3, 2012 - added -backward_diff (same as -derivative) and new -forward_diff 1.06 May 7, 2012 - added weighted_enorm method for -collapse_cols - added corresponding -weight_vec option 1.07 Jul 30, 2012 - added -show_mmms 1.08 Jul 30, 2012 - display -show_mmms output to 4 decimal places 1.09 Oct 3, 2012 - some options do not allow dashed parameters 1.10 Oct 5, 2012 - added option -quick_censor_count 1.11 Jan 16, 2013 - added -show_gcor, and _all and _doc 1.12 Mar 27, 2013 - added -show_group_labels (for xmat.1D format) - added -label_prefix_keep/_drop (e.g. for removing bandpass regressors) 1.13 Apr 24, 2013 - added -censor_next_TR 1.14 Apr 26, 2013 - added options -show_trs_censored/uncensored 1.15 May 6, 2013 - added option -transpose_write 1.16 May 8, 2013 - added options -rank, -rank_style 1.17 May 14, 2013 - added -show_argmin/argmax 1.18 Jun 10, 2013 - added -select_groups, -show_cormat, -volreg2allineate 1.19 Oct 31, 2013 - added -show_trs_run """ g_version = "1d_tool.py version 1.19, Oct 31, 2013" class A1DInterface: """interface class for Afni1D""" def __init__(self, verb=1): # main variables self.status = 0 # exit value self.valid_opts = None self.user_opts = None self.infile = None # main input file self.adata = None # main Afni1D class instance self.dtype = 0 # 1=Afni1D, 2=AfniData # action variables self.add_cols_file = None # filename to add cols from self.rank = '' # convert data to rank order # method '', 'dense', or 'competition' self.reverse_rank = 0 # convert data to reverse rank order self.censor_dset = None # censor dataset from censor_infile self.censor_infile = None # for -censor_infile self.censor_fill = 0 # zero-fill censored TRs self.censor_fill_par = '' # same, but via this parent dset self.censor_first_trs= 0 # number of first TRs to also censor self.censor_next_TR = 0 # if censor, also censor next TR self.censor_prev_TR = 0 # if censor, also censor previous TR self.collapse_method = '' # method for collapsing columns self.demean = 0 # demean the data self.derivative = 0 # take temporal derivative self.direct = 0 # for deriv: 0=backward diff, 1=forward self.overwrite = 0 # whether to allow overwriting self.pad_to_runs = [] # pad as run #A out of #B runs self.rand_trs = 0 # randomize order of data over time self.rand_seed = 0 # randomization seed, set if positive self.reverse = 0 # reverse data over time self.select_groups = [] # column selection list self.select_cols = '' # column selection string self.select_rows = '' # row selection string self.label_pre_drop = [] # columns to drop - label prefix list self.label_pre_keep = [] # columns to keep - label prefix list self.set_extremes = 0 # make mask of extreme TRs self.set_moderates = 0 # make mask of moderate TRs self.set_nruns = 0 # assume input is over N runs self.set_run_lengths = [] # assume input has these run lengths self.set_tr = 0 # set the TR of the data self.split_into_pad_runs = '' # prefix, for splitting into many runs self.cormat_cutoff = -1 # if > 0, apply to show_cormat_warns self.show_argmax = 0 # show index of max arg self.show_argmin = 0 # show index of min arg self.show_censor_count= 0 # show count of censored TRs self.show_cormat = 0 # show cormat self.show_cormat_warn= 0 # show cormat warnings self.show_displace = 0 # max_displacement (0,1,2) self.show_gcor = 0 # bitmask: GCOR, all, doc self.show_group_labels = 0 # show the groups and labels self.show_indices = 0 # bitmask for index lists to show # (base, motion, regs of interest) self.show_label_ord = 0 # show the label ordering self.show_labels = 0 # show the labels self.show_mmms = 0 # show min, mean, max, stdev self.show_rows_cols = 0 # show the number of rows and columns self.show_trs_censored = '' # style variable can be in: self.show_trs_uncensored = '' # style variable can be in: # {'', 'comma', 'space', 'encoded', 'verbose'} self.show_trs_run = -1 # restrict 'show_trs' to (0-based) run self.sort = 0 # sort data over time self.transpose = 0 # transpose the input matrix self.transpose_w = 0 # transpose the output matrix self.vr2allin = 0 # -volreg2allineate self.censor_file = None # output as 1D censor file self.censortr_file = None # output as CENSORTR string self.collapse_file = None # output as 1D collapse file self.write_file = None # output filename self.weight_vec = None # weight vector (for enorms?) # test variables self.looks_like = 0 # 1,2,4,8,16 = TEST,1D,local,global,AM # general variables self.extreme_min = 0 # minimum for extreme limit self.extreme_max = 0 # maximum for extreme limit self.verb = verb # verbose level # initialize valid_opts self.init_options() def init_from_file(self, fname): """load a 1D file, and init the main class elements""" self.status = 1 # init to failure # the looks_like options imply AfniData, else use Afni1D if self.looks_like: adata = LAD.AfniData(fname, verb=self.verb) self.dtype = 2 else: adata = LAD.Afni1D(fname, verb=self.verb) self.dtype = 1 if not adata.ready: return 1 if self.verb > 2: print "++ read 1D data from file '%s'" % fname self.fname = fname self.adata = adata self.status = 0 return 0 def write_1D(self, fname): """write the current 1D data out (return status)""" if self.verb > 1: print '++ writing 1D file %s' % fname if not self.adata: print '** no 1D data to write' return 1 return self.adata.write(fname, overwrite=self.overwrite) def write_as_timing(self, fname, invert=0): """write the current 1D data out as a timing file, where a time is written if data at the current TR is set (non-zero)""" if not self.adata: print '** no 1D data to write as timing' return 1 return self.adata.write_as_timing(fname, invert=invert) def write_split_into_pad_runs(self, prefix): """break input file into one file per run, where each output file has all non-current runs as 0 (so file lengths stay the same)""" if not self.adata: print '** no 1D data to write as timing' return 1 if self.set_nruns == 0 and len(self.set_run_lengths) == 0: print '** -split_into_pad_runs requires -set_nruns or -set_run_lengths' return 1 return self.adata.split_into_padded_runs(prefix, overwrite=self.overwrite) def init_options(self): self.valid_opts = OL.OptionList('valid opts') # short, terminal arguments self.valid_opts.add_opt('-help', 0, [], \ helpstr='display program help') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-hist', 0, [], \ helpstr='display the modification history') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_valid_opts', 0, [],\ helpstr='display all valid options') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-ver', 0, [], \ helpstr='display the current version number') # required parameter self.valid_opts.add_opt('-infile', 1, [], req=1, helpstr='read the given 1D file') # general options self.valid_opts.add_opt('-add_cols', 1, [], helpstr='extend dataset with columns from new file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-backward_diff', 0, [], helpstr='compute first backward differences') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censor_fill', 0, [], helpstr='zero-fill previously censored TRs') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censor_fill_parent', 1, [], helpstr='-censor_fill, but via this parent dataset') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censor_first_trs', 1, [], helpstr='number of initial TRs to censor, per run') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censor_infile', 1, [], helpstr='apply censor file to input file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censor_motion', 2, [], helpstr='censor motion data with LIMIT and PREFIX') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censor_next_TR', 0, [], helpstr='if censoring a TR, also censor next one') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censor_prev_TR', 0, [], helpstr='if censoring a TR, also censor previous one') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-collapse_cols', 1, [], acplist=['min','max','minabs','maxabs', 'euclidean_norm', 'enorm', 'weighted_enorm'], helpstr='collapse into one column via supplied METHOD') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-cormat_cutoff', 1, [], helpstr='set the cutoff for cormat warnings') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-demean', 0, [], helpstr='demean each run of each column') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-derivative', 0, [], helpstr='take temporal derivative of each column') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-extreme_mask', 2, [], helpstr='create mask for values outside (MIN,MAX)') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-forward_diff', 0, [], helpstr='compute first forward differences') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-moderate_mask', 2, [], helpstr='create mask for values within [MIN,MAX]') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-label_prefix_drop', -1, [], okdash=0, helpstr='label prefix list for columns to drop') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-label_prefix_keep', -1, [], okdash=0, helpstr='label prefix list for columns to keep') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-looks_like_1D', 0, [], helpstr='show whether file has 1D format') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-looks_like_AM', 0, [], helpstr='show whether file has amp/dur modulators') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-looks_like_local_times', 0, [], helpstr='show whether file has local stim_times format') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-looks_like_global_times', 0, [], helpstr='show whether file has global stim_times format') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-looks_like_test_all', 0, [], helpstr='test file for all 1D and timing formats') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-overwrite', 0, [], helpstr='allow overwriting any output files') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-pad_into_many_runs', 2, [], helpstr='make data run #k of N runs (pad with 0)') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-quick_censor_count', 1, [], helpstr='show #TRs that would be censored at LIMIT') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-randomize_trs', 0, [], helpstr='randomize the data over time (fixed per TR)') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-rank', 0, [], helpstr='conver input to rank order') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-rank_style', 1, [], acplist=['dense', 'competition'], helpstr='conver input to rank order using given STYLE') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-reverse_rank', 0, [], helpstr='conver input to reverse rank order') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-reverse', 0, [], helpstr='reverse the data per column (over time)') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-seed', 1, [], helpstr='integegral random number seed') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-select_cols', 1, [], helpstr='select the list of columns from the dataset') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-select_rows', 1, [], helpstr='select the list of rows from the dataset') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-select_groups', -1, [], helpstr='select columns by the given list of groups') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-set_nruns', 1, [], helpstr='specify the number of runs in the input') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-set_run_lengths', -1, [], okdash=0, helpstr='specify the lengths of all runs') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-set_tr', 1, [], helpstr='specify the TR (in seconds) of the data') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_argmax', 0, [], helpstr='show index of max element in column 0') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_argmin', 0, [], helpstr='show index of min element in column 0') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_censor_count', 0, [], helpstr='display the total number of censored TRs') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_cormat', 0, [], helpstr='display the correlation matrix (all pairs)') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_cormat_warnings', 0, [], helpstr='display warnings for the correlation matrix') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_gcor', 0, [], helpstr='display GCOR : the average correlation') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_gcor_all', 0, [], helpstr='display many ways to compute GCOR') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_gcor_doc', 0, [], helpstr='display documentation of ways to compute GCOR') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_group_labels', 0, [], helpstr='display group and label for each column') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_indices_baseline', 0, [], helpstr='display index list for baseline regressors') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_indices_interest', 0, [], helpstr='display index list for regressors of interest') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_indices_motion', 0, [], helpstr='display index list for motion regressors') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_label_ordering', 0, [], helpstr='show whether labels are in slice-major order') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_labels', 0, [], helpstr='display the labels from the file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_max_displace', 0, [], helpstr='display maximum displacements over TRs') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_mmms', 0, [], helpstr='display min, mean, max, stdev, per column') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_rows_cols', 0, [], helpstr='display the number of rows and columns') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_trs_censored', 1, [], acplist=['comma', 'space', 'encoded', 'describe', 'verbose'], helpstr='display TRs censored from Xmat in given STYLE') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_trs_uncensored', 1, [], acplist=['comma', 'space', 'encoded', 'describe', 'verbose'], helpstr='display TRs applied from Xmat in given STYLE') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-show_trs_run', 1, [], helpstr='restrict -show_trs to given (1-based) run') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-sort', 0, [], helpstr='sort the data per column (over time)') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-split_into_pad_runs', 1, [], helpstr='write input as one zero-padded file per run') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-transpose', 0, [], helpstr='transpose the input matrix') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-transpose_write', 0, [], helpstr='transpose the output matrix before writing') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-volreg2allineate', 0, [], helpstr='convert volreg parameters to 3dAllineate') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-weight_vec', -1, [], helpstr='specify weights (for enorm computation)') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-write', 1, [], helpstr='write 1D data to the given file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-write_censor', 1, [], helpstr='write as 1D censor file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-write_CENSORTR', 1, [], helpstr='write CENSORTR format string to file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-verb', 1, [], helpstr='set the verbose level (default is 1)') return 0 def process_options(self): """return None on completion, else error code (0 being okay)""" # process terminal options without the option_list interface self.valid_opts.check_special_opts(sys.argv) if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or '-help' in sys.argv: print g_help_string return 0 if '-hist' in sys.argv: print g_history return 0 if '-show_valid_opts' in sys.argv: self.valid_opts.show('', 1) return 0 if '-ver' in sys.argv: print g_version return 0 # ============================================================ # read options specified by the user # ============================================================ self.user_opts = OL.read_options(sys.argv, self.valid_opts) uopts = self.user_opts # convenience variable if not uopts: return 1 # error condition # ------------------------------------------------------------ # process verb first val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(int, '-verb') if val != None and not err: self.verb = val # ------------------------------------------------------------ # process all other options: for opt in uopts.olist: # ---- main options ----- if opt.name == '-infile': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.infile = val # ----- general options ----- elif opt.name == '-add_cols': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.add_cols_file = val elif opt.name == '-set_nruns': val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(int, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val > 0: self.set_nruns = val else: print '** -set_nruns must be positive' return 1 if len(self.set_run_lengths) > 0: print '** cannot use both -set_nruns and -set_run_lengths' return 1 elif opt.name == '-set_run_lengths': val, err = uopts.get_type_list(int, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.set_run_lengths = val if self.set_nruns > 0: print '** cannot use both -set_nruns and -set_run_lengths' return 1 elif opt.name == '-set_tr': val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(float, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val > 0: self.set_tr = val else: print '** -set_tr must be positive' return 1 # ----- general options ----- elif opt.name == '-rank': self.rank = 'dense' elif opt.name == '-rank_style': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.rank = val elif opt.name == '-reverse_rank': self.reverse_rank = 1 if opt.name == '-censor_infile': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.censor_infile = val elif opt.name == '-censor_fill': self.censor_fill = 1 elif opt.name == '-censor_fill_parent': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.censor_fill_par = val elif opt.name == '-censor_motion': val, err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 try: limit = float(val[0]) except: print "** -censor_motion: bad limit '%s'" % val[0] return 1 if limit < 0: print "** -censor_motion: LIMIT must be positive, have %g"%limit return 1 # check for redundant options errors = 0 olist = ['-derivative', '-collapse_cols', '-extreme_mask', 'moderate_mask', '-write_censor', '-write_CENSORTR'] for oname in olist: if uopts.find_opt(oname): print "** option %s is redundant with -censor_motion" % oname errors += 1 if errors: ss = "\n** -censor_motion implies each of: %s"%', '.join(olist) print UTIL.add_line_wrappers(ss, wrapstr='\n') return 1 # set implied options self.derivative = 1 self.collapse_method = 'euclidean_norm' self.set_moderates = 1 self.extreme_min = -limit self.extreme_max = limit self.censor_file = '%s_censor.1D' % val[1] self.censortr_file = '%s_CENSORTR.txt' % val[1] self.collapse_file = '%s_enorm.1D' % val[1] elif opt.name == '-censor_first_trs': val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(int, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.censor_first_trs = val elif opt.name == '-censor_next_TR': self.censor_next_TR = 1 elif opt.name == '-censor_prev_TR': self.censor_prev_TR = 1 elif opt.name == '-collapse_cols': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.collapse_method = val elif opt.name == '-cormat_cutoff': val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(float, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val >= 0 and val < 1.0: self.cormat_cutoff = val else: print '** -cormat_cutoff must be in [0,1)' return 1 elif opt.name == '-demean': self.demean = 1 elif opt.name == '-derivative': self.derivative = 1 elif opt.name == '-weight_vec': val, err = uopts.get_type_list(float, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.weight_vec = val elif opt.name == '-extreme_mask': val, err = uopts.get_type_list(float, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val[0]<=val[1]: self.set_extremes = 1 self.extreme_min = val[0] self.extreme_max = val[1] else: print '** -extreme_mask: must have min <= max' return 1 elif opt.name == '-backward_diff': self.derivative = 1 elif opt.name == '-forward_diff': self.derivative = 1 self.direct = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_argmax': self.show_argmax = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_argmin': self.show_argmin = 1 elif opt.name == '-moderate_mask': val, err = uopts.get_type_list(float, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val[0]<=val[1]: self.set_moderates = 1 self.extreme_min = val[0] self.extreme_max = val[1] else: print '** -extreme_mask: must have min <= max' return 1 elif opt.name == '-label_prefix_drop': val, err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.label_pre_drop = val elif opt.name == '-label_prefix_keep': val, err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.label_pre_keep = val # looks_like options, to test AfniData (not Afni1D) elif opt.name == '-looks_like_1D': self.looks_like |= 2 elif opt.name == '-looks_like_local_times': self.looks_like |= 4 elif opt.name == '-looks_like_global_times': self.looks_like |= 8 elif opt.name == '-looks_like_AM': self.looks_like |= 16 elif opt.name == '-looks_like_test_all': self.looks_like = -1 elif opt.name == '-overwrite': self.overwrite = 1 elif opt.name == '-pad_into_many_runs': vals, err = uopts.get_type_list(int, '', len_name='-pad_into_many_runs', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.pad_to_runs = vals elif opt.name == '-quick_censor_count': val, err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 try: limit = float(val[0]) except: print "** -censor_motion: bad limit '%s'" % val[0] return 1 if limit < 0: print "** -quick_censor_count: LIMIT must be > 0, have %g"%limit return 1 # check for redundant options errors = 0 olist = ['-derivative', '-demean', '-collapse_cols', 'moderate_mask', '-show_censor_count', '-show_censor_count', '-verb'] for oname in olist: if uopts.find_opt(oname): print "** option %s is redundant with -quick_censor_count" \ % oname errors += 1 olist = ['-censor_motion', '-write_censor', '-extreme_mask'] for oname in olist: if uopts.find_opt(oname): print "** option %s is not allowed with -quick_censor_count" \ % oname errors += 1 if errors: return 1 # set implied options self.censor_prev_TR = 1 self.derivative = 1 self.demean = 1 self.collapse_method = 'euclidean_norm' self.set_moderates = 1 self.extreme_min = 0 self.extreme_max = limit self.verb = 0 self.show_censor_count = 1 elif opt.name == '-randomize_trs': self.rand_trs = 1 elif opt.name == '-reverse': self.reverse = 1 elif opt.name == '-seed': val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(int, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.rand_seed = val elif opt.name == '-select_cols': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.select_cols = val elif opt.name == '-select_rows': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.select_rows = val elif opt.name == '-select_groups': val, err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.select_groups = val elif opt.name == '-show_cormat': self.show_cormat = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_cormat_warnings': self.show_cormat_warn = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_censor_count': self.show_censor_count = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_gcor': # show_gcor is bit mask self.show_gcor |= 1 elif opt.name == '-show_gcor_all': self.show_gcor |= 2 elif opt.name == '-show_gcor_doc': self.show_gcor |= 4 elif opt.name == '-show_group_labels': self.show_group_labels = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_indices_baseline': self.show_indices |= 1 elif opt.name == '-show_indices_motion': self.show_indices |= 2 elif opt.name == '-show_indices_interest': self.show_indices |= 4 elif opt.name == '-show_label_ordering': self.show_label_ord = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_labels': self.show_labels = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_max_displace': self.show_displace = 3 elif opt.name == '-show_mmms': self.show_mmms = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_rows_cols': self.show_rows_cols = 1 elif opt.name == '-show_trs_censored': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.show_trs_censored = val elif opt.name == '-show_trs_uncensored': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.show_trs_uncensored = val elif opt.name == '-show_trs_run': val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(int, '', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.show_trs_run = val-1 # convert 1-based to 0-based elif opt.name == '-sort': self.sort = 1 elif opt.name == '-split_into_pad_runs': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.split_into_pad_runs = val elif opt.name == '-transpose': self.transpose = 1 elif opt.name == '-transpose_write': self.transpose_w = 1 elif opt.name == '-volreg2allineate': self.vr2allin = 1 elif opt.name == '-write': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.write_file = val elif opt.name == '-write_censor': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.censor_file = val elif opt.name == '-write_CENSORTR': val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.censortr_file = val return def process_afnidata(self): """return None on completion, else error code (0 being okay)""" if not self.adata.ready and self.dtype != 2: print '** not ready to process AfniData' return 1 if self.verb > 1: print '++ process_afnidata: looks_like = %d' % self.looks_like if not self.looks_like: print '** no looks_like action to perform on AfniData' return 1 # use verb of at least 1 to print result verb = self.verb if verb < 1: verb = 1 if self.looks_like & 2: self.adata.looks_like_1D(run_lens=self.set_run_lengths, verb=verb) if self.looks_like & 4: self.adata.looks_like_local_times(run_lens=self.set_run_lengths, tr=self.set_tr, verb=verb) if self.looks_like & 8: self.adata.looks_like_global_times(run_lens=self.set_run_lengths, tr=self.set_tr, verb=verb) if self.looks_like & 16: self.adata.show_married_info() return 0 def process_data(self): """return None on completion, else error code (0 being okay)""" # ---- data input options ----- if not self.infile: print '** missing -infile option' return 1 elif self.init_from_file(self.infile): return 1 # process AfniData separately if self.dtype == 2: return self.process_afnidata() if self.censor_infile: cdata = LAD.Afni1D(self.censor_infile, verb=self.verb) if cdata == None: print '** failed to censor input file' return 1 self.adata.apply_censor_dset(cdata) if self.add_cols_file: newrd = LAD.Afni1D(self.add_cols_file,verb=self.verb) if not newrd.ready: return 1 if self.adata.append_vecs(newrd): return 1 if self.select_cols: ilist=UTIL.decode_1D_ints(self.select_cols, verb=self.verb, imax=self.adata.nvec-1) if ilist == None: return 1 if self.adata.reduce_by_vec_list(ilist): return 1 if self.select_rows: ilist = UTIL.decode_1D_ints(self.select_rows, verb=self.verb, imax=self.adata.nt-1) if ilist == None: return 1 if self.adata.reduce_by_tlist(ilist): return 1 if len(self.select_groups) > 0: if self.adata.reduce_by_group_list(self.select_groups): return 1 if self.label_pre_drop or self.label_pre_keep: if self.adata.reduce_by_label_prefix(keep_pre=self.label_pre_keep, drop_pre=self.label_pre_drop): return 1 if self.transpose: # possibly transpose on read if self.adata.transpose(): return 1 # ---- processing options ----- if self.set_nruns > 0: if self.adata.set_nruns(self.set_nruns): return 1 # pad_to_runs is special case, do not set run info if len(self.set_run_lengths) > 0 and not self.pad_to_runs: if self.adata.set_nruns(run_lens=self.set_run_lengths): return 1 if self.set_tr > 0: self.adata.tr = self.set_tr if self.derivative: if self.adata.derivative(self.direct): return 1 if self.demean: if self.adata.demean(): return 1 if self.sort: self.adata.sort(reverse=self.reverse) # steal any reverse option self.reverse = 0 if self.reverse: if self.adata.reverse(): return 1 if len(self.pad_to_runs) > 0: if self.transpose: print '** -transpose is illegal with -pad_into_many_runs' return 1 val = self.pad_to_runs rlens = self.set_run_lengths # pass empty or not # if run_len list, verify number of runs if len(rlens) > 0 and len(rlens) != val[1]: print '** -pad_into_many_runs: nruns=%d != length of run list: %s'\ % (val[1], rlens) return 1 if self.adata.pad_into_many_runs(val[0], val[1], rlens): return 1 if self.collapse_method: if self.adata.collapse_cols(self.collapse_method, self.weight_vec): return 1 if self.collapse_file: if self.write_1D(self.collapse_file): return 1 if self.set_extremes: if self.adata.extreme_mask(self.extreme_min, self.extreme_max): return 1 if self.set_moderates: if self.adata.moderate_mask(self.extreme_min, self.extreme_max): return 1 if self.rand_trs: self.adata.randomize_trs(seed=self.rand_seed) if self.censor_fill: if self.adata.apply_goodlist(padbad=1): return 1 if self.censor_fill_par: parent = LAD.Afni1D(self.censor_fill_par, verb=self.verb) if self.adata.apply_goodlist(padbad=1, parent=parent): return 1 if self.censor_next_TR: if self.adata.clear_next_TRs(): return 1 if self.censor_prev_TR: if self.adata.clear_prior_TRs(): return 1 if self.censor_first_trs: if self.adata.set_first_TRs(self.censor_first_trs, newval=0): return 1 if self.vr2allin: if self.adata.volreg_2_allineate(): return 1 # ---- show options come after all other processing ---- if self.show_label_ord: self.adata.show_major_order_of_labels() if self.show_labels: self.adata.show_labels() if self.show_group_labels: self.adata.show_group_labels() # treat reverse as a toggl if self.reverse_rank: if self.rank: style = self.rank else: style = 'dense' if self.adata.rank(style=style, reverse=1, verb=self.verb): return 1 elif self.rank: if self.adata.rank(style=self.rank, verb=self.verb): return 1 if self.show_argmax: amax = UTIL.argmax(self.adata.mat[0]) if self.verb > 1: print '-- val[%d] = %s' % (amax, self.adata.mat[0][amax]) print '%d' % amax if self.show_argmin: amin = UTIL.argmin(self.adata.mat[0]) if self.verb > 1: print '-- val[%d] = %s' % (amin, self.adata.mat[0][amin]) print '%d' % amin if self.show_indices: istr = self.adata.get_indices_str(self.show_indices) print istr if self.show_displace: print self.adata.get_max_displacement_str(verb=self.verb) if self.show_gcor: if self.show_gcor & 1: self.adata.show_gcor(verb=self.verb) if self.show_gcor & 2: self.adata.show_gcor_all() if self.show_gcor & 4: self.adata.show_gcor_doc_all() if self.show_mmms: self.adata.show_min_mean_max_stdev(verb=self.verb) if self.show_rows_cols: self.adata.show_rows_cols(verb=self.verb) if self.show_trs_censored != '': self.show_TR_censor_list(1) if self.show_trs_uncensored != '': self.show_TR_censor_list(0) if self.show_censor_count: self.adata.show_censor_count() if self.show_cormat: self.adata.show_cormat() if self.show_cormat_warn: err, wstr = self.adata.make_cormat_warnings_string(self.cormat_cutoff, name=self.infile) print wstr # ---- possibly write: last option ----- if self.transpose_w: # if transpose on write, do it now if self.adata.transpose(): return 1 if self.censortr_file: bdata = self.adata.copy() bdata.bool_negate() if bdata.write_censortr(self.censortr_file): return 1 if self.censor_file: if self.write_1D(self.censor_file): return 1 if self.split_into_pad_runs: if self.write_split_into_pad_runs(self.split_into_pad_runs): return 1 if self.write_file: if self.write_1D(self.write_file): return 1 return def show_TR_censor_list(self, censored=0): """output either the cencored or uncensored TR index list in the specified style """ if censored: action = 'censored' else: action = 'kept' if censored: rv, tlist = self.adata.get_censored_trs(self.show_trs_run) style = self.show_trs_censored else: rv, tlist = self.adata.get_uncensored_trs(self.show_trs_run) style = self.show_trs_uncensored # check bad style or failure if style == '': return if rv: return 1 if style == 'comma': print UTIL.int_list_string(tlist, sepstr=',') elif style == 'space': print UTIL.int_list_string(tlist, sepstr=' ') elif style == 'encoded': print UTIL.encode_1D_ints(tlist) elif style == 'describe': if len(self.adata.goodlist) > 0: ntot = self.adata.nrowfull else: ntot = self.adata.nt print '%s %d of %d TR indices: %s' \ % (action, len(tlist), ntot, UTIL.encode_1D_ints(tlist)) else: # assume verbose = describe + actual list if len(self.adata.goodlist) > 1: ntot = self.adata.nrowfull else: ntot = self.adata.nt print '%s %d of %d TR indices: %s' \ % (action, len(tlist), ntot, UTIL.encode_1D_ints(tlist)) print UTIL.int_list_string(tlist, mesg='TRs = ',sepstr=', ') def test(self, verb=3): # init print '------------------------ initial reads -----------------------' self.verb = verb # these should not fail, so quit if they do # first try AFNI_data4, then regression data # reset print '------------------------ reset files -----------------------' # failures print '------------------------ should fail -----------------------' # more tests return None def main(): aint = A1DInterface() if not aint: return 1 rv = aint.process_options() if rv != None: return rv rv = aint.process_data() if rv != None: return rv return aint.status if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())