#!/bin/tcsh -f # @AddEdge # script to compute and display composite edge enhanced datasets for the # purpose of assessing alignment set olist = () set dd = $PWD:t set uname = `whoami` set prs = "_ae." set PLUGOUT_OPTIONS = "-name @AddEdge -com QUIET_PLUGOUTS" # turn off recording jpeg images by default set auto_record = 0 # remove temporary files by default set rm_ae_temp = 1 # do not remove SPM files from selected lists for review set remove_SPM = 0 set rs = "_rs" set do_score = 0 set do_rand = 0 set listlog = "${prs}ExamineList.log" set ax_geom = '777x702+433+334' set sag_geom = '540x360+4+436' set lay = () set hostopt = '-host' set unlayed = 1 set do_deoblique = 1 PARSE: set Narg = $# set cnt = 1 set ax_mont='2x2:24' set opa=9 set epionly = 0 set argrem = () set auto = 1 set epi_edge_perc_thresh = 10 set anat_edge_perc_thresh = 10 while ($cnt <= $Narg && $#argrem == 0) set donext = 1; if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-help" || "$argv[$cnt]" == "-h") then goto HELP endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-echo") then set echo set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-ax_mont") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a montage string (like $ax_mont) after -ax_mont" goto END else @ cnt ++ set ax_mont = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-single_edge") then set epionly = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-no_layout") then set unlayed = 0 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-keep_temp") then set rm_ae_temp = 0 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-no_deoblique") then set do_deoblique = 0 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-edge_percentile") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a percentile threshold value (default 10)" goto END else @ cnt ++ set epi_edge_perc_thresh = $argv[$cnt] set anat_edge_perc_thresh = $argv[$cnt] set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-ax_geom") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a montage string (like $ax_geom) after -ax_geom" goto END else @ cnt ++ set ax_geom = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-sag_geom") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a montage string (like $sag_geom) after -sag_geom" goto END else @ cnt ++ set sag_geom = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-opa") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a number (0-9) after -opa" goto END else @ cnt ++ set opa = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-layout") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a layout file after -layout" goto END else @ cnt ++ #Get remove ***LAYOUT string and delete blank lines set lay = ${prs}lay sed '/\*\*\*LAYOUT/d' "$argv[$cnt]" | sed '/^$/d' > $lay set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-examinelist") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a layout file after -examinelist" goto END else @ cnt ++ set listlog = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-auto_record") then set auto_record = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-auto") then set auto = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-no_auto") then set auto = 0 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext) then #no more options, this is assumed to be the list of datasets set argrem = ($argv[$cnt-]) else #found an option, continue @ cnt ++ endif end if ($epionly && $do_rand) then echo "Error: Cannot use -single_edge with randomization" goto END endif if ($#argrem == 0) goto DANCE #Notice, 3dresample is now done with -rmode Li instead of -rmode Cu #to avoid negative values #Set resolutions set epi = $argrem[1] set analist = ($argrem[2-]) RESAMPLE_ANATS: set anabox = $analist[1] set minres = 1000 foreach ana ($analist) set mm = `@GetAfniRes -min $ana` if (`ccalc -i -expr "step($minres-$mm)"`) then set minres = $mm set anabox = $ana endif end #resample all anatomies set analistn = () foreach ana ($analist) set anapref = `@GetAfniPrefix $ana` set anapref = `@NoExt $anapref nii nii.gz` set scene = `3dAttribute -name SCENE_DATA $ana` if ($scene[3] == 2) then set anaview = "+tlrc" else if ($scene[3] == 2) then set anaview = "+acpc" else set anaview = "+orig" endif if ("$ana" != "$anabox") then set anapref = ${anapref}${rs} 3dresample -master $anabox -inset $ana -prefix $anapref \ -rmode Li -overwrite else # want data in AFNI format here set afni_type = `@CheckForAfniDset $ana` if($afni_type == 3) then echo "Copying dataset to AFNI format" 3dcopy $ana $anapref endif endif #deoblique if necessary if ( ($do_deoblique == 1) && (`@isOblique $ana`) ) then 3dWarp -deoblique -overwrite -prefix $anapref \ $anapref$anaview endif set analistn = ($analistn $anapref$anaview) end set analist = ($analistn) RES_EPI: #create a resampled version of epi set epipref = `@GetAfniPrefix $epi` set epipref = `@NoExt $epipref nii nii.gz` 3dresample -master $anabox -inset $epi'[0]' -prefix ${prs}$epipref -rmode Li set epi = ${prs}$epi set epipref = `@GetAfniPrefix $epi` set epipref = `@NoExt $epipref nii nii.gz` set base_epipref = `echo $epipref| sed "s/$prs//g" ` CROP_ANATS: #Get average of anats if ($#analist > 1) then 3dMean -overwrite -prefix tmp_avg $analist else rm -f tmp_avg+????.* >& /dev/null 3dcopy $analist tmp_avg endif #Get a nice cropping box 3dAutobox -input "3dcalc( -a tmp_avg+orig -b $epi -expr ((a+b)/2.0) )" \ -noclust -overwrite -prefix tmp_box+orig EPI_EDGES: #Get epi edges 3dedge3 -input $epi -prefix ${base_epipref}_e3 set eth = ` 3dBrickStat -non-zero \ -percentile $epi_edge_perc_thresh 1 $epi_edge_perc_thresh \ ${base_epipref}_e3+orig` set eth = $eth[2] set eminval = `3dBrickStat -non-zero -min $epi` set emaxval = `3dBrickStat -non-zero -max $epi` 3dcalc -a $epi -b ${base_epipref}_e3+orig -overwrite -prefix ${epipref}_e \ -expr "(1-step(b-$eth))*a+step(b-$eth)*$eminval" 3dresample -master tmp_box+orig -rmode NN \ -overwrite -prefix ${base_epipref}_ec+orig \ -inset ${epipref}_e+orig set olist = ($olist ${base_epipref}_ec+orig.HEAD) rm -f ${epipref}_e+orig* foreach anain ($analist) set anat = $anain set anatpref = `@GetAfniPrefix $anat` set anatpref = `@NoExt $anatpref nii nii.gz` #deoblique if necessary if ( ($do_deoblique == 1) && (`@isOblique $anat`) ) then 3dWarp -deoblique -overwrite -prefix $anat $anat endif #Get anat edges 3dedge3 -input $anat -overwrite -prefix ${anatpref}_e3 #Create an edgized anat and an edgized EPI for display set ath = `3dBrickStat -non-zero \ -percentile $anat_edge_perc_thresh 1 $anat_edge_perc_thresh \ ${anatpref}_e3+orig` set ath = $ath[2] set amaxval = `3dBrickStat -max $anat` 3dcalc -a $anat -b ${anatpref}_e3+orig -overwrite -prefix ${anatpref}_e \ -expr "(1-step(b-$ath))*a+step(b-$ath)*$amaxval[1]" 3dresample -master tmp_box+orig -rmode NN \ -overwrite -prefix ${anatpref}_ec+orig \ -inset ${anatpref}_e+orig set olist = ($olist ${anatpref}_ec+orig.HEAD) if (1) then #new highlighting method #Scale epi from 5 to 250 rm -f ${prs}epi_sc* >& /dev/null @ScaleVolume -input $epi -prefix ${prs}epi_sc \ -perc_clip 2 98 -val_clip 6 249 #put some of the anat edge in the epi image #Crazed equation # line1: Keep value where there is no edge # 2: Use 252 (blue) when both edges are present # 3: Use 255 (cyan) when ONLY epi has an edge # 4: Use 2 (purple) when ONLY anat has an edge # Used to be 255, 2, 252 (paper figures made me change mapping) 3dcalc -a ${prs}epi_sc+orig \ -b ${anatpref}_e3+orig \ -c ${base_epipref}_e3+orig \ -nscale -datum byte \ -overwrite -prefix ${epipref}_${anatpref}_e \ -expr "(1-step((step(c-$eth)+step(b-$ath))))*a\ + step(step(c-$eth)+step(b-$ath)-1.9)*252 \ + (1-step(b-$ath))*step(c-$eth)*255 \ + (1-step(c-$eth))*step(b-$ath)*2" #rm -f ${prs}epi_sc* >& /dev/null else ### Old highlighting method #put some of the anat edge in the epi image #Crazed equation # line1: Keep value where there is no edge # 2: Use 1.2* the maximum when both edges are present # 3: Use eminval when ONLY epi has an edge # 4: Use emaxval when ONLY anat has an edge 3dcalc -a $epi \ -b ${anatpref}_e3+orig \ -c ${base_epipref}_e3+orig \ -overwrite -prefix ${epipref}_${anatpref}_e \ -expr "(1-step((step(c-$eth)+step(b-$ath))))*a\ + step(step(c-$eth)+step(b-$ath)-1.9)*$emaxval*1.2 \ + (1-step(b-$ath))*step(c-$eth)*$eminval \ + (1-step(c-$eth))*step(b-$ath)*$emaxval" endif set ooo = `echo ${base_epipref}_${anatpref}_ec` 3dresample -master tmp_box+orig -rmode NN \ -overwrite -prefix ${ooo}+orig \ -inset ${epipref}_${anatpref}_e+orig set olist = ( $olist \ ${ooo}+orig.HEAD) if($rm_ae_temp == 1) then rm -f ${anatpref}_e+orig* ${epipref}_${anatpref}_e+orig* endif end if($rm_ae_temp == 1) then rm -f ${prs}* rm -f ${prs}epi_sc* >& /dev/null rm -f tmp_box+orig* tmp_avg+orig* endif echo "Recommended commands:" echo " @AddEdge " echo "" if (-f ${listlog}) then echo "" echo "File ${listlog} already exists, writing log to" echo "temporary name ${listlog}.new" echo "Backup ${listlog} then mv ${listlog}.new to ${listlog}" echo "to view results later." echo "" set listlog = ${listlog}.new endif echo "$olist" > ${listlog} #better not go into interactive mode now since this mode is slow and not done repeatedly goto END # drive AFNI's display using the _ae.ExamineList.log entries DANCE: if ($auto == 1) then #Kill other versions: @Quiet_Talkers -pif ADD_EDGE_PROCESSES >& /dev/null set NPB = "-npb `afni -available_npb_quiet`" afni $NPB -niml -yesplugouts -pif ADD_EDGE_PROCESSES & else set NPB = '' endif # read the listlog file that contains only the names of the input datasets # in a single row if ("$olist" == "") set olist = (`cat ${listlog}`) #trim what is not desired from list # testing required removing some datasets from consideration if ($remove_SPM == 1) then set qlist = ($olist) set olist = () foreach ll ($qlist) if ( "$ll" !~ *SPM*norm* && \ "$ll" !~ *SPM*seg* ) set olist = ($olist $ll) end endif #Number of elements must be odd # it seems the first entry is never used # pairs are created from pairs of entries after the first set n_pairs = `ccalc -form int "($#olist-1)/2"` if (`ccalc -form int "$n_pairs*2+1"` != $#olist) then echo "Error:" echo "If log file ${listlog} is not here then you" echo "Need to run @AddEdge in the first mode before" echo "running @AddEdge to look at results." echo "Otherwise, there is a mismatch between files " echo "in ${listlog} and file pairs." goto END endif if ($do_rand == 1) then #Randomize list #Get a random sequence for the pairs set rli = `count -digits 1 1 $n_pairs S -sseed "${dd}_${uname}"` #Now randomize the volume order AND rename them #first copy first volume in list (never used!) set qlist = ($olist) set olist = ($qlist[1]) #Get name of epionlyvol, the one with _e3 in the name set epionlyvol = `echo $olist | sed 's;_ec+;_e3+;'` echo "" >> ${uname}${dd}_randmap.txt echo "$PWD `date` $uname" >> ${uname}${dd}_randmap.txt set cnt = 1 while ($cnt <= $#rli) set pair_ana_ind = `ccalc -form int "2*$rli[$cnt]"` set pair_epi_ind = `ccalc -form int $pair_ana_ind + 1` set vola = $qlist[$pair_ana_ind] set vole = $qlist[$pair_epi_ind] set rvola = ${uname}_ana${cnt}+orig set rvole = ${uname}_epi${cnt}+orig echo "$cnt <-- $rli[$cnt]" >> ${uname}${dd}_randmap.txt if (`@CheckForAfniDset ${rvola}` == 0) then echo "Creating $rvola, patience..." 3dcopy $vola $rvola 3dNotes -HH "pair map $rli" $rvola else echo "Reusing $rvola ..." echo "$rvola <-- $vola " \ >> ${uname}${dd}_randmap.txt endif if (`@CheckForAfniDset ${rvole}` == 0) then echo "Copying $rvole, patience..." 3dcopy $vole $rvole 3dNotes -HH "pair map $rli" $rvole else echo "Reusing $rvole ..." echo "$rvole <-- $vole " \ >> ${uname}${dd}_randmap.txt endif set olist = ($olist ${rvola}.HEAD ${rvole}.HEAD ) @ cnt ++ end echo "Randomized list is:" echo "$olist" else set qlist = ($olist) set rli = `count -digits 1 1 $n_pairs` #Do not allow rating when there is no randomization set do_score = 0 endif #It is time to dance plugout_drive $NPB -pif ADD_EDGE_PROCESSES $hostopt \ $PLUGOUT_OPTIONS -com "RESCAN_THIS A" -quit #Get name of epionlyvol, the one with _e3 in the name set epionlyvol = `echo $olist[1] | sed 's;_ec+;_e3+;'` set cnt = 2 while ($cnt < $#olist) set ilbl = `ccalc -form int $cnt/2` set ana = `@GetAfniPrefix $olist[$cnt]` @ cnt ++ set ep = `@GetAfniPrefix $olist[$cnt]` @ cnt ++ if ($epionly) then set ana = `echo $ana | sed 's;_ec;;'` set ep = `@GetAfniPrefix $epionlyvol` set FUNC_RANGE = "SET_FUNC_RANGE A.1" else set FUNC_RANGE = "SET_FUNC_RANGE A.0" endif plugout_drive $NPB -pif ADD_EDGE_PROCESSES $hostopt \ -com "SWITCH_UNDERLAY $ana" \ -com "SWITCH_OVERLAY $ep" \ -com "SEE_OVERLAY +" \ -com "SET_THRESHOLD A.0" \ -com "SET_PBAR_ALL A.+99 1.0 Add_Edge" \ -com "$FUNC_RANGE" \ -quit if ($unlayed) then #Take a breather, allow previous settings to finish and #connection to be closed. Else you will get errors sleep 1 if ($lay == "") then plugout_drive $NPB -pif ADD_EDGE_PROCESSES $hostopt \ -com "OPEN_WINDOW A.axialimage mont=$ax_mont opacity=$opa"\ -com "OPEN_WINDOW A.axialimage ifrac=0.9"\ -com "OPEN_WINDOW A.axialimage geom=$ax_geom "\ -com "OPEN_WINDOW A.sagittalimage ifrac=0.9"\ -com "OPEN_WINDOW A.sagittalimage opacity=$opa"\ -com "OPEN_WINDOW A.sagittalimage geom=$sag_geom"\ -quit else set lcnt = 1 set nn = `sed -n "${lcnt}p" $lay` #echo $nn $#nn #set echo while ($#nn > 0) echo $lcnt $nn plugout_drive $NPB -pif ADD_EDGE_PROCESSES $hostopt \ -com "OPEN_WINDOW $nn" -quit sleep 0.3 @ lcnt ++ set nn = `sed -n "${lcnt}p" $lay` end endif set unlayed = 0 endif set ilst = 2 set iii = 0 while ($ilst < $#olist) @ iii ++ echo "$iii---`@GetAfniPrefix $olist[$ilst]`" @ ilst ++ @ ilst ++ end set stay = 1 while ($stay == 1) # next label number @ nextlbl = $ilbl + 1 if ($nextlbl > $n_pairs) then set nextlbl = 1 endif if ($epionly == 0) then echo "" echo "Default colors are cyan (light blue) for the overlay edges." echo "and purple for the underlay edges." echo "Overlapping edges are shown in dark red" echo "" else echo "" echo "Single edge colors shown in overlay as cyan (light blue)" echo "Use rotate in overlay for other colors" echo "" endif # echo "Enter: proceed to next inline (`ccalc -form int $ilbl + 1`)" @ ilst = $ilbl * 2 # show name of just second dataset for single edge if ($epionly == 1) then @ ilst += 1 endif set ilblname = `@GetAfniPrefix $olist[$ilst]` echo "Current display is $ilbl : $ilblname" echo "Press enter to go to next entry ($nextlbl)" echo "i: proceed to number i" echo "'r': record current" # echo "'s': save automatically recorded images and quit" echo "'q': quit" set stay = 1 set nx = $< # integer entry check if ("$nx" != "" ) then expr $nx + 2 >& /dev/null if ("$status" == 0) then set stay = 0 endif else # for just return, advance to next entry set stay = 0 endif if ("$nx" == 'r') then set stay = 1 if ($do_rand == 1) then set ojpg = ${uname}${dd} else set ojpg = ${prs} endif plugout_drive $NPB -pif ADD_EDGE_PROCESSES $hostopt \ -com "SEE_OVERLAY +" \ -com "SAVE_JPEG A.axialimage ${ojpg}axi_$ana.jpg" \ -com "SAVE_JPEG A.sagittalimage ${ojpg}sag_$ana.jpg" \ -quit endif if ("$nx" == 'q') goto END end #auto_record if ($auto_record == 1) then echo "auto_record $auto_record *****************************" echo "" if ($do_rand == 1) then set ojpg = at${uname}${ilbl}${dd} else set ojpg = ${prs} endif echo "Autorecording number ${ilbl} to ${ojpg}..." plugout_drive $NPB -pif ADD_EDGE_PROCESSES $hostopt \ -com "SAVE_JPEG A.axialimage ${ojpg}axi_$ana.jpg" \ -com "SAVE_JPEG A.sagittalimage ${ojpg}sag_$ana.jpg"\ -quit if ("$nx" == 's') then if ($do_rand == 1) then set flr = '_all' else set flr = '_all_norand' endif #auto_stitch imcat -nx 3 -overwrite -gap 1 -gap_col 0 0 255 \ -zero_wrap \ -prefix at${uname}${dd}axi${flr} \ at${uname}*${dd}axi*.jpg imcat -nx 3 -overwrite -gap 1 -gap_col 0 0 255 \ -zero_wrap \ -prefix at${uname}${dd}sag${flr} \ at${uname}*${dd}sag*.jpg aiv -quiet at${uname}${dd}axi${flr}.ppm at${uname}${dd}sag${flr}.ppm & goto SCORE endif endif if ($nx >= 1) then set cnt = `ccalc -form int $nx\*2` endif if ($cnt > $#olist) set cnt = 2 echo "Opening "`@GetAfniPrefix $olist[$cnt]`" results" end goto END SCORE: if ($do_score == 1) then echo "" echo "Enter scores for dsets 1..$#rli (just one 0 to score all with 0s):" echo "" set scl = `count -quiet -digits 1 0 0 S$#rli` set sc = "" if (1) then while ("$sc" == "") set sc = ($<) if ($#sc > 0 && $sc[1] == 0) then set sc = ($scl) else if ($#sc != $#rli) then echo "Need $#rli values" set sc = "" endif end set scl = ($sc) echo "Scores are: $scl" echo "#Scores: $PWD `date` $uname :" >> ${uname}${dd}_scores.1D echo $scl >> ${uname}${dd}_scores.1D goto RANK else set cnt = 1 while ($cnt <= $#rli) set cnt2 = `ccalc -form int $cnt\* 2` echo "$olist[$cnt2]" set sc = $< set scl[$cnt] = sc echo "Enter dset number to score" set nn = $< if ("$nn" == "") then @ cnt ++ else if ($nn > $#rli) then echo "Scores are: $scl" echo "#Scores: $PWD `date` $uname :" >> ${uname}${dd}_scores.1D echo $scl >> ${uname}${dd}_scores.1D goto RANK else set cnt = $nn endif end endif RANK: echo "" echo "Enter ranks for dsets 1..$#rli (just one 0 to rank all with 0s):" echo "" set rnl = `count -quiet -digits 1 0 0 S$#rli` set rn = "" if (1) then while ("$rn" == "") set rn = ($<) if ($#rn > 0 && $rn[1] == 0) then set rn = ($rnl) else if ($#rn != $#rli) then echo "Need $#rli values" set rn = "" endif end set rnl = ($rn) echo "Ranks are: $rnl" echo "#Ranks: $PWD `date` $uname :" >> ${uname}${dd}_rank.1D echo $rnl >> ${uname}${dd}_rank.1D goto STORE else set cnt = 1 while ($cnt <= $#rli) set cnt2 = `ccalc -form int $cnt\*2` echo "$olist[$cnt2]" set rn = $< set rnl[$cnt] = rn echo "Enter dset number to rank" set nn = $< if ("$nn" == "") then @ cnt ++ else if ($nn > $#rli) then echo "Ranks are: $rnl" echo "#Ranks: $PWD `date` $uname :" >> ${uname}${dd}_rank.1D echo $rnl >> ${uname}${dd}_rank.1D goto STORE else set cnt = $nn endif end endif STORE: #Now spit out the score sheet correctly set rnlunt = `count -quiet -digits 1 0 0 S$#rli` set sclunt = ($rnlunt) set dlist = "" set cnt = 1 while ($cnt <= $#rli) set rnlunt[$rli[$cnt]] = $rnl[$cnt] set sclunt[$rli[$cnt]] = $scl[$cnt] set cnt2 = `ccalc -form int $cnt\*2` set dlist = ($dlist $qlist[$cnt2]) @ cnt ++ end echo "#Ranks Untangled: $PWD `date` $uname :" > ${uname}${dd}_untrank.1D echo "#dlist $dlist" >> ${uname}${dd}_untrank.1D echo $rnlunt >> ${uname}${dd}_untrank.1D echo "#Scores Untangled: $PWD `date` $uname :" > ${uname}${dd}_untscores.1D echo "#dlist $dlist" >> ${uname}${dd}_untscores.1D echo $sclunt >> ${uname}${dd}_untscores.1D endif goto END HELP: echo "A script to create composite edge-enhanced datasets and drive" echo " the AFNI interface to display the results" echo "The script helps visualize registration results and is an important" echo " part of assessing image alignmnent" echo "" echo "Basic usage:" echo "" echo " @AddEdge base_dset dset1 dset2 ...." echo "" echo " The output is a composite image of each dset nn with the base" echo " dataset where the composite image is the base dataset with the" echo " edges of each input dataset and its own edges" echo "" echo " Use without any parameters to drive AFNI's display to show" echo " the previously computed results from this script" echo "" echo " The script requires all input datasets to share the same grid, so" echo " a previous resample step may be required. Also it is recommended" echo " to use skull-stripped input datasets to avoid extraneous and" echo " extracranial edges." echo "" echo "A typical use may be to compare the effect of alignment" echo " as in this example for the alignment of anatomical dataset with an" echo " epi dataset:" echo "" echo " @AddEdge epi_rs+orig. anat_ns+orig anat_ns_al2epi+orig" echo "" echo " Note this particular kind of usage is included in the" echo " align_epi_anat.py script as the -AddEdge option" echo "" echo "To examine results, rerun @AddEdge with -auto" echo "" echo " @AddEdge -auto" echo "" echo "Using the typical case example above, the edges from the EPI" echo " are shown in cyan (light blue); the edges from the anat dataset" echo " are shown in purple. Overlapping edges are shown in dark purple" echo " Non-edge areas (most of the volume) are shown in a monochromatic" echo " amber color scale in the overlay layer of the AFNI image window" echo " The underlay contains the edge-enhanced anat dataset with edges" echo " of the anat dataset alone snd no EPI edges" echo "By looking for significant overlap and close alignment of the" echo " edges of internal structures of the brain, one can assess the" echo " quality of the alignment." echo "The script prompts the user in the terminal window to cycle between" echo " the pre-aligned and post-aligned dataset views. Options are also" echo " given to save images as jpeg files or to quit the @AddEdge script" echo "" echo "The colormap used is the AddEdge color scale which uses a monochrome" echo " amber for the overlay and purple, cyan and dark purple for edges" echo "" echo "Several types of datasets are created by this script, but using the" echo " @AddEdge script without options is the best way to visualize these" echo " datasets. The result datasets can be grouped by their suffix as" echo " follows:" echo "" echo "dset_nn_ec : edge composite image of dataset with its own edges" echo "base_dset_dset_nn_ec : edge composite image of base dataset together" echo " with the edges of the input dset_nn dataset" echo "base_dset_e3, dset_nn_e3: edge-only datasets - used in single edge" echo " display option" echo "" echo "Available options (must precede the dataset names):" echo "" echo " -help : this help screen" echo " -examinelist mmmm : use list of paired datasets from file mmmm" echo " (default is _ae.ExamineList.log)" echo " -ax_mont 'montformat': axial montage string (default='2x2:24')" echo " -ax_geom 'geomformat': axial image window geometry" echo " (default = '777x702+433+334')" echo " -sag_geom 'geomformat': sagittal image window geometry" echo " (default = '540x360+4+436')" echo " -layout mmmm : use AFNI layout file mmmm for display" echo " -no_layout : do not use layout. Use AFNI as it is open." echo " -edge_percentile nn: specify edge threshold value (default=30%)" echo " -single_edge : show only a single edge in composite image" echo " -opa : set opacity of overlay (default=9 opaque)" echo " -keep_temp : do not remove temporary files" echo " -no_deoblique : do not deoblique any data to show overlap" echo " -auto_record : save jpeg files of current slices without prompting" echo " -auto: Closes old AFNI sessions and relaunch a new one that" echo " ready to listen to @AddEdge in review mode. This is " echo " the current default in review mode" echo " -no_auto: Opposite of -auto" echo "" goto END if (0) then #Info for registration comparison. echo " Note: Had to prep SPM dset that way:" echo "3dresample -master Alline_aff_lpc.nii -rmode Cu \" echo " -inset SPManat_coreg.nii -prefix SPManat_coreg_rs.nii" echo "3dresample -master Alline_aff_lpc.nii -rmode Cu \" echo " -inset SPManat_seg.nii -prefix SPManat_seg_rs.nii" echo "3dWarp -deoblique -overwrite -prefix SPManat_norm_do.nii\" echo " SPManat_norm.nii" echo "3dresample -master Alline_aff_lpc.nii -rmode Cu \" echo " -inset SPManat_norm_do.nii -prefix SPManat_norm_rs.nii" echo "ALSO: Note that for SPM, only coreg can be compared to our results" echo " Only coreg results used MI for cost but with only 6 params." endif END: