#!/bin/tcsh -f if ("$1" == '' || "$1" == '-h' || "$1" == '-help') then goto USAGE endif set or = `echo "$1" | cut -c1` set or = ($or `echo "$1" | cut -c2`) set or = ($or `echo "$1" | cut -c3`) set di = ($or) #echo "$di" #where is the Right direction? set cnt = 1 foreach tmp ($or) if ($tmp == 'r' || $tmp == 'R') then set di[1] = $cnt else if ($tmp == 'l' || $tmp == 'L') then set di[1] = -$cnt endif @ cnt ++ end #where is the Anterior direction? set cnt = 1 foreach tmp ($or) if ($tmp == 'a' || $tmp == 'A') then set di[2] = $cnt else if ($tmp == 'p' || $tmp == 'P') then set di[2] = -$cnt endif @ cnt ++ end #where is the Inferior direction? set cnt = 1 foreach tmp ($or) if ($tmp == 'i' || $tmp == 'I') then set di[3] = $cnt else if ($tmp == 's' || $tmp == 'S') then set di[3] = -$cnt endif @ cnt ++ end echo $di goto ENDALL USAGE: echo "Usage: `basename $0` ....." echo "returns the index map fo the RAI directions" echo "" echo "examples:" echo "`basename $0` RAI" echo "returns: 1 2 3" echo "`basename $0` LSP" echo "returns: -1 -3 -2" echo "" echo "Ziad Saad (saadz@mail.nih.gov)" echo "SSCC/NIMH/ National Institutes of Health, Bethesda Maryland" goto ENDALL ENDALL: