#!/bin/tcsh -fe set stat = 0 set sdir = $PWD set demo = FATCAT_DEMO goto PARSE RET_PARSE: if ( -d ./$demo) then echo "" echo "ERROR:" echo " Directory ./$demo exists already" echo " If you want to recreate it, remove it with:" echo "\rm -rf ./$demo" echo " then run `basename $0` $argv[*] again." echo "" echo "Otherwise to run demos, see content of ./$demo/README.txt" echo "" goto END endif which curl if ($status) then wget http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/tgz/$demo.tgz else curl -O http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/tgz/$demo.tgz endif tar xvzf $demo.tgz cd $demo echo "********************************************************" echo "Follow examples in ./$demo/README.txt " #echo "---------------------------------------------------------" #PT: Normally here you can consider running one or all of the" #scripts and quide the users to look at the results. #You could eventually script the whole deal to include self " #executing AFNI/SUMA commands to show results. echo "********************************************************" cd - goto END PARSE: set Narg = $# set cnt = 1 while ($cnt <= $Narg) set donext = 1; if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-echo") then set echo set donext = 0; goto NEXT endif if ($donext && ("$argv[$cnt]" == "-h" || "$argv[$cnt]" == "-help")) then goto HELP set donext = 0; goto NEXT endif if ($donext == 1) then echo "Error: Option or parameter '$argv[$cnt]' not understood" goto END endif NEXT: @ cnt ++ end goto RET_PARSE HELP: echo "Installs the demo archive for Paul Taylor's tractography tools" echo "After the archive is downloaded and unpacked, see its README.txt" echo "for details." goto END BEND: echo "Failed" set stat = 1 goto END END: exit $stat