#!/bin/tcsh if( $#argv < 2 ) then echo " " echo "Script to take a collection of datasets and transform them" echo "to 1x1x1 mm MNI space with an affine transformation." echo "These datasets should already have been skull-stripped." echo " " echo "Usage: @toMNI_Awarp dirname dataset1 dataset2 ..." echo " " echo "where 'dirname' is the name of the directory which will be created and" echo "then get the results, and 'dataset1 dataset2 ...' is a list of datasets" echo "to be transformed." echo " " echo "The results can further be nonlinearly registered to form a template" echo "using script @toMNI_Qwarpar (which will take a long time)." exit 0 endif set basename = MNI152_1mm_uni+tlrc ## max number of jobs to run in parallel (less than or equal to number of CPUS) ## (these are single-threaded jobs) set numjob = 7 ## check if output directory is already there set dname = $argv[1] if( -e $dname ) then echo "***** @toMNI_Awarp: Directory $dname already exists -- cannot continue" exit 1 endif ## find the base template set tpath = `@FindAfniDsetPath $basename` if( $tpath == '' ) then echo "***** @toMNI_Awarp: Failed to find template $basename -- cannot continue" exit 1 endif ## create the list of input datasets set dlist = ( ) set nerr = 0 foreach nnn ( `count -dig 1 2 $#argv` ) set dlist = ( $dlist $argv[$nnn] ) if( ! -f $argv[$nnn] ) then echo " *** @toMNI_Awarp: Dataset file $argv[$nnn] does not exist" @ nerr++ endif end if( $nerr > 0 ) then echo "***** @toMNI_Awarp: Cannot continue after such flagrant problems" exit 1 endif ## create the output directory \mkdir -pv $dname if( ! -d $dname ) then echo "***** @toMNI_Awarp: Failed to create directory $dname -- cannot continue" exit 1 endif set ndset = $#dlist set flist = ( ) echo " " echo "===== @toMNI_Awarp: copying input datasets to $dname =====" echo " " foreach nnn ( `count -dig 1 1 $ndset` ) set pan = `@parse_afni_name $dlist[$nnn]` set isn = `3dinfo -is_nifti $dlist[$nnn]` if( $isn ) then set nip = `echo $pan[2] | sed 's/.nii.gz$//g' | sed 's/.nii$//g'` 3dcopy $dlist[$nnn] $dname/$nip set fname = `echo $dname/${nip}+????.HEAD` else 3dcopy $dlist[$nnn] $dname/$pan[2] set fname = `echo $dname/$pan[2]+????.HEAD` endif set flist = ( $flist $fname:t ) end cd $dname echo " " echo "===== @toMNI_Awarp: beginning 3dUnifize loop =====" echo " " setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 1 foreach nnn ( `count -dig 1 1 $ndset` ) set pan = `@parse_afni_name $flist[$nnn]` set pre = $pan[2] set vvv = $pan[3] ## work for the nnn-th file is done in the Temp${nnn} directory \mkdir -pv Temp${nnn} cp ${pre}${vvv}.* Temp${nnn} cd Temp${nnn} nice 3dUnifize -prefix ${pre}_uni -GM -input ${pre}${vvv}.HEAD & cd .. @ rrr = $nnn % $numjob if( $rrr == 0 ) wait end unsetenv OMP_NUM_THREADS wait echo " " echo "===== @toMNI_Awarp: beginning @auto_tlrc loop =====" echo " " foreach nnn ( `count -dig 1 1 $ndset` ) set pan = `@parse_afni_name $flist[$nnn]` set pre = $pan[2] set vvv = $pan[3] cd Temp${nnn} nice @auto_tlrc -base $basename \ -input ${pre}_uni${vvv} \ -no_ss -init_xform AUTO_CENTER \ -rmode quintic & cd .. @ rrr = $nnn % $numjob if( $rrr == 0 ) wait end wait mv Temp*/*_uni+tlrc.* . \rm -rf Temp* echo " " echo "===== @toMNI_Awarp compressing output BRIK files =====" echo " " which pigz >& /dev/null if ( $status == 0 ) then set GZIP = pigz else set GZIP = gzip endif nice $GZIP -9v *.BRIK cd .. echo " " echo "===== @toMNI_Awarp is wrapped up, done, finished, and over =====" echo " " exit 0