#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import option_list as OL import random from afni_base import * from db_mod import * from math import pow help_string = """ afni_restproc.py This script takes care of preprocessing commonly done prior to resting state analyses. The process is similar to ANATICOR and RETROICOR and consists of removing a number of regressors of noninterest. Some regressors need to be computed prior to running this script, others do not. These regressors include all or a subset of (with requirements in parentheses): motion parameters (-align on, default) local or global WM signal (supply appropriate mask or segmentation file) average ventricle signal (supply appropriate mask or segmentation file) average whole brain signal (-includebrain) RVT signal (compute first using RetroTS.m) arbitrary ROI average regressors (supply masks) other arbitrary regressors supplied by the user (compute first) Additionally, this script takes care of alignment, registration, and slice timing correction via align_epi_anat.py. It will also talairach the data if desired-either before or after processing, your choice. Additionally, this script implements two censoring methods. One is based on outliers and the other is identical to the method used by Power et al. (Neuroimage 2012) Required Options: -anat aa :aa is the high resolution anatomy file -epi ee :ee is the epi timeseries to process Optional Options: Informational Options: -help :Display this help message -changelog :Display a log of changes to this script Output Options: -prefix p :Prepend p to each of the final output files. Default is rest_proc. -dest d :Put the results in directory d. Default is to match p. -tsnr :Compute the tSNR of the EPI as described below. -snr n c :Compute the SNR of the EPI. n should be a scan collected with the RF turned off. This will look like static on an old TV and is used to estimate the variance of the noise inherent in the system. c should be the number of channels in the coil you used and will determine a correction factor. -corrmap :Run 3dTcorrMap on the clean data. -corrmapt t :Use t as the threshold when computing average correlation strengths. Default is 0.3. The idea here is that you may be interested in the average correlation between each voxel and all other voxels it is connected to, but below a certain threshold two voxels could be considered disconnected, so discard those weak correlations. Regardless of what t is, mean correlations without thresholding are also stored. -script sc :Write all commands to a script named sc. This script can be modified and run later, similar to the output from afni_proc.py Alignment Options: -tlrc :Do the preprocessing in talairach space. Default is to stay in orig space. -tlrclast :Do all preprocessing in orig space, but then talairach the results. Pick either -tlrc or -tlrclast (or neither). -episize mm :Cubic voxel size of all datasets (other than the anatomy) after transforming them to talairach space. Default is 2. This only works with -tlrclast or -tlrc. -align [on]/off :Do the Alignment etc. step. Turn this option off if all of the datasets are already aligned. -alignbase b :Align both the epi and anat datasets to b. b should be an epi dataset and the first image will be used for alignment. This option makes sense if you have several epi runs and you want all of them aligned to the same base. Also, this option only makes sense when not using -tlrc or -epi2anat (-tlrclast is ok). -epi2anat :Align epi to anat instead of anat to epi. This only makes sense when not using -tlrc. -uniformize :Uniformize anat before alignment. Sometimes This helps with skull stripping problems. -anat_has_skull [yes]/no :Set this option to no if the anatomy has already been skull stripped (useful when default skull stripping doesn't work right). Regressor Options: -aseg a :a is the aseg segmentation file from freesurfer. It should be aligned with the anatomy supplied as -anat and can be in .mgz, .nii, or .BRIK format. -wmsize w :Radius (in mm) of the sphere to use when computing the local white matter regressors. Default is 15mm -globalwm :Use the global wm average as a single regressor instead of computing local wm regressors. -venterode v :Number of nonmask neighbors required to cause erosion in the ventricles. Default is 2 -wmerode we :Number of nonmask neighbors required to cause erosion in the WM mask. Default is 1. -rvt r :r is the RVT file produced by RetroTS.m -includebrain :Include the whole brain average regressor. -dreg :Add the derivatives of all regressors as regressors. -regressor re :Use re as a regressor. re will be processed in the same way the other regressors are (detrended, catenated). If you do alignment and registration outside of this script, it may be a good idea to provide the motion parameters as a regressor. re can be either a 3d+t volume (specifying a different regressor for each voxel) or a .1D file (specifying a single global regressor). -globalregmask g:Use the average signal extracted from the mask g as a global regressor of noninterest. This will produce one regressor used for all voxels. -localregmask rm rr :Use the local average signal extracted from rm as a regressor of noninterest. This will produce a different regressor for each voxel. rm should be a mask defining the ROI to use and rr is the radius in mm to use when computing local average signals. -regressor, -globalregmask and -localregmask can be used multiple times to supply an arbitrary number of regressors. Censoring Options: -outcensor :Censor timepoints based on their number of outliers and head motion magnitude. Censored time points are cut out. -fraclimit f :When using -outcensor, fraction of voxels identified as outliers needed to censor a time point. Default is 0.05. -motlimit m :When using -outcensor, limit on rms motion to censor a point. Default is 0.3. -dvarscensor :Create a censor file based on FD (framewise displacement) and DVARS as from Power et. al, Neuroimage 2012. -fdlimit ff :Set the FD limit to be ff -dvarslimit dd :Set the DVARS limit to be dd -censorleft s :Censor s steps to the left of bad time points. Default is 1. -censorright ss :Censor ss steps to the right of bad time points. Default is 2. -censorunion :Censor the union of fraclimit and motlimit or FD and DVARS, instead of the intersection. -keepuncensored :Keep a copy of the uncensored timeseries. It will be called [prefix].cleanEPI.uncensored+[view] Normalization Options: -localnorm :Normalize based on voxelwise mean -globalnorm :Normalize based on global mean -modenorm :Normalize based on global mode using 100 bins -normval n :Scale the selected attribute to be n Smoothing Options: -smooth [on]/off:Smooth the clean timeseries data. -smoothrad s :FWHM size of smoothing to apply after cleaning the data. Default is 4mm. Smoothing is done using a grey/nongrey matter mask by default. -smoothtogether :Smooth everything inside a brain mask together, rather than smoothing the grey/nongrey matter separately. -smoothfirst :Smooth the data before doing regression, instead of after. Misc. Processing Options: -despike[on]/off:Despike the timeseries as the fist preprocessing step. -trcut t :Number of TRs to throw away. Default is 4. -polort p :Polynomial to detrend from the regressors and the timeseries. Similar to 3dDeconvolve -polort A, default is floor(1 + TR*nVOLS / 150). -bandpass :Do bandpass filtering with LHz < f < HHz. Default is 0.009 and 0.08. -setbands L H :Set L and H for bandpass filtering -bpassregs :Also bandpass filter the regressors. -exec [on]/off :Execute the commands. Turn this off and use -script to get things setup without running anything. Other Options: -apply_censor e c p :This option is used to apply a censor file to remove timepoints from a timeseries. If it is given, this is the only option that will be processed. e is the timeseries to censor. c is a 1D file consisting of a single column of 0's and 1's which must be the same length as e. Time points with 1's in c will be kept, 0's will be discarded. p is the prefix to use for the output timeseries. The following steps should be done before running this script: Create anatomical regressor masks: If you want to remove anatomical regressors or noninterest, the average ventricle signal, for example, you will need to provide masks used to extract these signals. This can be done in two different ways. Either supply the aseg file produced by freesurfer, which is used to extract the ventricle and white matter ROIs, or supply your own arbitrary masks with the -globalregmask or -localregmask options. Align the segmentation file with the experimental anatomy: If given, The aseg file from freesurfer (it can be in mgz, nii, or BRIK format) is assumed to be in alignment with the experimental anatomy. The aseg and anat files will already be aligned if the anatomy is the one used by freesurfer. If it is not, you may need to use something like @SUMA_AlignToExperiment. Create the RVT file: This is done by processing the experiment's cardiac and respiratory files using RetroTS.m, available in the AFNI Matlab library. While it is probably beneficial to remove the estimated cardiac and respiratory signals, this step is not necessary and this script will run fine without them. Processing is done in the following steps: Copy Files: The output directory (specified by -dest) is created and input files are copied to dest/tmp Despike: This step is done first, if at all, so that spikes are not 'smeared around' by registration and slice timing correction Alignment etc.: This step aligns the epi and anat datasets while also taking care of slice timing correction and the talairach transformation, if requested. These steps are combined using align_epi_anat.py to minimize the number of interpolations required. If processing is done in +orig space, the anat is aligned to the epi by default. Using -epi2anat will cause the epi to be aligned to the anat. The appropriate transformation is also applied to the aseg file and any masks provided by -localregmask and -globalregmask to keep them aligned with the anat. tcat: This is where the first few time points are thrown out. This step is delayed until after alignment so that the first high contrast epi image can be used in the alignment process. tSNR: At this stage in processing the tSNR of the EPI data is computed if requested. It is taken to be mean(pEPI) / stdev(det(pEPI)) where pEPI is the processed EPI (despiked, aligned, tshifted, catenated) and det represents detrending with polynomial order polort. SNR: If you have collected a scan with the RF turned off (used to estimate the varience of the noise) the SNR can be computed for each voxel. It is taken to be S/(sigma*corr) where S is the signal in the first frame of the epi timeseries, sigma is the standard deviation of the values in the noise scan, and corr is a correction factor based on the number of channels in the coil. After computing the SNR of the original EPI volume, it is transformed to be aligned with and have the same voxel size as the final EPI. Correction factors are: corr1 = 1.5263997 corr8 = 1.4257312 corr16 = 1.4198559 corr32 = 1.4170053 Normalize EPI: If a method of normalization is chosen, it is applied here. Normalization is done to scale the selected attribute to be -normval inside a brain mask. Specifically: -globalnorm computes the global mean signal across time and space in the brain and scales accordingly. normval * (voxel intensity)/(global mean) -modenorm computes the global mode intensity across time and space in the brain and scales accordingly. normval * (voxel intensity)/(global mode) -localnorm computes the temporal average for each voxel and scales accordingly. normval * (voxel intensity)/(voxel mean) Prep WM Mask: The WM mask is taken from the aseg file from freesurfer. It is first taken to be all voxels with labels: 2,7,16,41,46,251,252, 253,254,255. This mask is resampled to match the resolution of the epi dataset. After resampling, the mask is eroded so that it is less likely to contain any grey matter. By default, typical erosion is done which removes voxels which have a single non-mask neighbor from the mask. Prep Ventricle Mask: The ventricle mask is taken from the aseg file using labels 4 and 43. This mask is resampled to match the epi and then eroded. Erosion of the ventricle mask is by default less conservative than typical erosion. Voxels require two neighbors to be non-mask voxels in order to be eroded. This is done because a large number of subjects end up without any voxels in the ventricle mask using standard erosion and a 64x64 matrix. If your data are higher resolution, you may want to use -venterode 1. It is a good idea to check both the WM and ventricle masks to make sure they look good. Prep Blurring Mask: The last step (after regression) is to apply gaussian smoothing. By default (if -aseg was specified), this smoothing is done in the grey and nongrey matter seperately via 3dBlurInMask. The blurring mask is created so that grey matter voxels are labeled 1 and nongrey voxels (inside the brain) are labeld 2. The labeling is simply (automask + WM mask + Vent mask). If -aseg was not specified, or -smoothtogether was given, the smoothing is done using the whole brain as one region. Smoothing: If -smoothfirst was selected, this is where smoothing takes place. It is done as described below. Extract Regressors from masks: Regressor timeseries are extracted from the WM and ventricle masks as well as any masks supplied by the user with the -globalregmask and -localregmask options. A single regressor timeseries is computed as the average value for each supplied global masks and the ventricle mask. For the WM mask and any masks supplied with -localregmask, different regressors are computed for each voxel. For a single voxel, the regressor is defined as the average timeseries in voxels which are both within the supplied radius and included in the mask. -globalregmask and -localregmask are useful if you want to use software other than Freesurfer for the segmentation step. For example, using whatever method you like, you can create a ventricle mask and supply it as a global mask. Likewise, you can create a whitematter mask and supply it as a local regressor. Multiple local and global masks can be supplied. Differentiate Regressors: If desired, the temporal derivatives of each regressor are computed and added to the list of regressors. Detrend Regressors: The polynomial of order -polort is removed from each of the regressors (RVT, WM, Vent, Motion). This is done so there are no competing polynomial terms during the regression step. Bandpass Filtering: If bandpass filtering is selected, it is applied to the EPI data here after regression. This is also where the regressors are bandpass filtered if -bpassregs was selected. Regression: The regressors of noninterest (RVT,WM,Vent,Motion,other arbitrary regressors) are taken out of the epi timeseries using 3dTfitter, which also removes the polynomial selected using -polort. Create Censor File: If a censoring method was chosen, the offending time points are identified here. -outcensor: Make a temporal mask marking frames with more outliers than the threshold specified by -fraclimit. Make a temporal mask marking frames with more RMS motion than specified by -motlimit. Mark frames -censorleft and -censorright steps to the left and right of time points flagged in the two masks. Take the intersection of the two masks created above (or the union, if -censorunion was specified) -dvarscensor: Make a temporal mask marking frames with FD greater than the threshold specified by -fdlimit. Make a temporal mask marking frames with DVARS greater than the threshold specified by -dvarslimit. Mark frames -censorleft and -censorright steps to the left and right of time points flagged in the two masks. Take the intersection of the two masks created above (or the union, if -censorunion was specified) Smoothing: By default, 3dBlurInMask is used to smooth the timeseries in the grey and nongrey matter separately. Grey matter voxels are likely the interesting ones, but it can't hurt to apply the same process to nongrey voxels to see what they look like. The -smoothtogether flag can be used to apply uniform smoothing to all voxels in the brain instead. -smooth off skips this step. Censoring: If a censoring method was chosen, the censored time points are removed here. TcorrMap: At this point, the data have been preprocessed to remove uninteresting signals. It is now appropriate to do resting state functional connectivity analysis on the clean data. One thing to examine is the result of running 3dTcorrMap. For a full description of what this does, see the help from 3dTcorrMap. This script uses it as follows: 3dTcorrMap -input cleanEPI -mask automask -polort -1 -mean prefix.MeanCorr -Hist 400 prefix.CorHist -Cexpr 'step(r-t)*r' prefix.MeanCorrGT where t can be specified using -corrmapt and is 0.3 by default. Things to check after running this script: Alignment: Make sure the various mask datasets are in good alignment with the anatomical dataset. Mask Coverage: Make sure the ventricle and white matter masks cover what you think are appropriate voxels. Example Usage: #Basic usage: #Remove RVT, motion parameters, WM and ventricle signals from #epi+orig #Store the results in a directory named preproc #Prefix each result file with subjX #Processing is done in orig space afni_restproc.py -anat mprage+orig. \\ -epi epi+orig. \\ -rvt RVT.slibase.1D \\ -aseg aseg.mgz \\ -dest preproc \\ -prefix subjX #Produce a tsnr map and results from 3dTcorrMap using a threshold of .15 #Write a script called proc.tcsh but don't execute it yet #This script can be modified and executed at your leisure afni_restproc.py -anat mprage+orig. \\ -epi epi+orig. \\ -rvt RVT.slibase.1D \\ -aseg aseg.mgz \\ -dest preproc \\ -prefix subjX \\ -corrmap \\ -corrmapt .15 \\ -tsnr \\ -script proc.tcsh \\ -exec off #Alignment and talairaching were done already, so skip those steps #Use the provided motion parameter file as a regressor afni_restproc.py \\ -epi epi+tlrc \\ -rvt RVT.slibase.1D \\ -anat mprage+tlrc \\ -aseg aseg+tlrc \\ -regressor epi_tsh_vr_motion.1D \\ -dest prealigned \\ -prefix subjX \\ -align off #Do processing like it was done in Power et al. Neuroimage 2012 afni_restproc.py \\ -despike off \\ -aseg aseg.mgz \\ -anat mprage+orig \\ -epi rest+orig \\ -script power_method.tcsh \\ -dest power_method_subjx \\ -prefix pm \\ -dvarscensor \\ -tlrc \\ -episize 3 \\ -dreg \\ -smoothfirst \\ -smoothrad 6 \\ -smoothtogether \\ -bandpass \\ -includebrain \\ -polort 0 \\ -globalwm \\ -censorleft 1 \\ -censorright 2 \\ -fdlimit 0.5 \\ -dvarslimit 5 \\ -modenorm #Apply a censor file to a timeseries. This will output a file called #epi.censored+orig that has TRs cut out wherever censor.1D is 0. afni_restproc.py \\ -apply_censor \\ epi+orig \\ censor.1D \\ epi.censored Original version by Rayus Kuplicki. University of Tulsa Laureate Institute for Brain Research Report problems or feature requests to rkuplicki@laureateinstitute.org. 12-18-12 """ change_string = """ Changelog for afni_restproc.py: 4-26-12 Initial version 5-4-12 fixed -dreg so now the derivatives of the regressors are computed and used properly if -smoothfirst is chosen, smoothing now takes place before computing regressors removed import subprocess fixed placement of comment about copying results 8-10-12 fixed a bug with -outcensor where neighbors of timepoints flagged for excessive motion were not also being flagged for censoring fixed a bug with -snr where the computed snr map was not copied to the result directory added -bpassregs added -keepuncensored -tsnr now detrends with polynomial order polort instead of 4 10-26-12 fixed a bug where using input files that had already been tshifted would result in a filename error added an error message when the user specifies an input file that does not exist fixed comment placement for normalization block fixed a naming conflict when using both -tsnr and -localnorm, -globalnorm, or -modenorm added -uniformize added -anat_has_skull 12-18-12 .nii (and .mgz) input files are now handled properly """ class RestInterface: """Rest Processing Interface Class""" def __init__(self, verb=1): self.init_options() self.oexec = "" self.prefix = "rest_proc" self.dest = "rest_proc" self.anat = None self.epi = None self.rvt = None self.aseg = None self.despike = True self.tlrc = False self.wmsize = "15" self.globalwm = False self.venterode = "2" self.wmerode = "1" self.smoothrad = "4" self.polort = "-1" self.trcut = "4" self.tsnr = False self.corrmap = False self.corrmapt = "0.3" self.align = True self.regressors = [] #list of regmasks. each element is either a string, indicating a global regressor mask, or a list contianing two strings #indicating a local regressor mask and the size to use with it. self.regmasks = [] self.dreg = False self.script = None self.execute = True self.epi2anat = False self.smoothtogether = False self.tlrclast = False self.smoothepi = True self.episize = 2 self.alignbase = None self.outcensor = False self.fraclimit = "0.05" self.motlimit = "0.3" self.fdlimit = "0.5" self.sfdlimit = "0.2" self.dvarslimit = "5" self.censorleft = "1" self.censorright = "2" self.scensorleft = "1" self.scensorright = "2" self.censorunion = False self.dvarscensor = False self.includebrain = False self.smoothfirst = False self.bandpass = False self.bandl = "0.009" self.bandh = "0.08" self.bpassregs = False self.localnorm = False self.globalnorm = False self.modenorm = False self.uniformize = False self.normval = "1000" self.noise = None self.channels = None self.keepuncensored = False self.ss = True def init_options(self): self.valid_opts = OL.OptionList('valid opts') #required options self.valid_opts.add_opt('-anat', 1, [], req=1, helpstr='anatomy dataset') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-epi', 1, [], req=1, helpstr='timeseries to process') #optional input self.valid_opts.add_opt('-prefix', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='output prefix') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-help', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='help') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-changelog', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='changelog') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-aseg', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='freeserfer segmentation file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-rvt', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='prepared RVT file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-despike', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='despike') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-tlrc', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='talairach at the beginning') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-wmsize', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='white matter sphere size') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-globalwm', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='use the global wm average') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-venterode', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='number of neighbors for erosion') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-wmerode', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='number of neighbors for erosion') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-smoothrad', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='radius for gaussian smoothing') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-polort', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='polort to detrend from regressors') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-trcut', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='number of TRs to cut off') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dest', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='dir to put results in') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-tsnr', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='compute tsnr map') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-snr', 2, [], req=0, helpstr='compute snr map') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-corrmap', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='use 3dTcorrMap') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-corrmapt', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='set threshold for 3dTcorrMap') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-align', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='do alignment and tshifting') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-anat_has_skull', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='specify if anatomy has skull') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-regressor', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='another regressor to remove') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-globalregmask', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='mask to use to extract a global regressor') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-localregmask', 2, [], req=0, helpstr='mask to use to extract a local regressor, and size') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dreg', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='add regressor derivatives') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-script', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='write the commands to a file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-exec', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='execute the commands') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-epi2anat', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='align epi to anat') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-smoothtogether', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='smooth using whole brain mask') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-tlrclast', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='talairach at the end') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-smooth', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='do not smooth the clean EPI data') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-episize', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='final size of epi voxels') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-alignbase', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='epi to align to') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-outcensor', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='create a censor file') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-fraclimit', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='fraction of points labeled outliers that causes censoring') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-motlimit', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='motion limit for censoring') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dvarscensor', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='use Power censoring') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-fdlimit', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='FD limit for censoring') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-sfdlimit', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='FD limit for censoring') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dvarslimit', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='DVARS limit for censoring') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censorleft', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='num points to mask left') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censorright', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='num of points to mask right') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-scensorleft', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='num points to mask left for strict motion') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-scensorright', 1, [], req=0, helpstr='num of points to mask right for strict motion') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-censorunion', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='censor union of FD and DVARS') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-keepuncensored', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='keep a copy of the uncensored timeseries') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-smoothfirst', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='smooth before regression') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-bandpass', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='do bandpass filtering') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-bpassregs', 0, [], req=0, helpstr='do bandpass filtering on regressors') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-setbands', 2, [], req=0, helpstr='set bandpass cutoffs') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-includebrain', 0, [], req=0, helpstr = 'include whole brain regressor') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-localnorm', 0, [], req=0, helpstr = 'normalize epi based on local mean') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-globalnorm', 0, [], req=0, helpstr = 'normalize epi based on global mean') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-modenorm', 0, [], req=0, helpstr = 'normalize epi based on global mode') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-uniformize', 0, [], req=0, helpstr = 'uniformize input anat') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-normval', 1, [], req=0, helpstr = 'normalize selected attribute to be normval') def process_options(self): if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print help_string return 0 if '-help' in sys.argv: if '-changelog' in sys.argv: print change_string print help_string return 0 if '-changelog' in sys.argv: print change_string return 0 if '-apply_censor' in sys.argv: #apply the censor file, cutting time points out of a timeseries self.apply_censor(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]) return 0 self.user_opts = OL.read_options(sys.argv, self.valid_opts) uopts = self.user_opts if not uopts: return 1 #error for opt in uopts.olist: if opt.name == '-anat': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.anat = val if self.anat[-1] == '.': self.anat = self.anat[0:-1] elif opt.name == '-epi': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.epi = val if self.epi[-1] == '.': self.epi = self.epi[0:-1] elif opt.name == '-prefix': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.prefix = val elif opt.name == '-aseg': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.aseg = val elif opt.name == '-rvt': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.rvt = val elif opt.name == '-despike': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val == 'on': self.despike = True elif val == 'off': self.despike = False else: print "ERROR: %s following -despike is not on or off" % val return 1 elif opt.name == '-tsnr': self.tsnr = True elif opt.name == '-snr': val,err = uopts.get_string_list("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.noise = val[0] self.channels = val[1] elif opt.name == '-outcensor': self.outcensor = True elif opt.name == '-tlrc': self.tlrc = True elif opt.name == '-includebrain': self.includebrain = True elif opt.name == '-localnorm': self.localnorm = True elif opt.name == '-globalnorm': self.globalnorm = True elif opt.name == '-modenorm': self.modenorm = True elif opt.name == '-uniformize': self.uniformize = True elif opt.name == '-normval': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.normval = val elif opt.name == '-wmsize': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.wmsize = val elif opt.name == '-fraclimit': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.fraclimit = val elif opt.name == '-motlimit': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.motlimit = val elif opt.name == '-venterode': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.venterode = val elif opt.name == '-episize': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.episize = val elif opt.name == '-alignbase': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.alignbase = val elif opt.name == '-wmerode': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.wmerode = val elif opt.name == '-smoothrad': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.smoothrad = val elif opt.name == '-polort': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.polort = val elif opt.name == '-trcut': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.trcut = val elif opt.name == '-dest': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.dest = val elif opt.name == '-align': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val == 'on': self.align = True elif val == 'off': self.align = False else: print "ERROR: %s following -align is not on or off" % val return 1 elif opt.name == '-anat_has_skull': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val == 'yes': self.ss = True elif val == 'no': self.ss = False else: print "ERROR: %s following -anat_has_skull is not yes or no" % val return 1 elif opt.name == '-corrmap': self.corrmap = True elif opt.name == '-exec': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val == 'on': self.execute = True elif val == 'off': self.execute = False else: print "ERROR: %s following -execute is not on or off" % val return 1 elif opt.name == '-tlrclast': self.tlrclast = True elif opt.name == '-smooth': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val == 'on': self.smoothepi = True elif val == 'off': self.smoothepi = False else: print "ERROR: %s following -smooth is not on or off" % val return 1 elif opt.name == '-smoothtogether': self.smoothtogether = True elif opt.name == '-smoothfirst': self.smoothfirst = True elif opt.name == '-globalwm': self.globalwm = True elif opt.name == '-corrmapt': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.corrmapt = val elif opt.name == '-script': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.script = val elif opt.name == '-regressor': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val[-1] == '.': val = val[0:-1] self.regressors.append(val) elif opt.name == '-localregmask': val,err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val[0][-1] == '.': val[0] = val[0][0:-1] self.regmasks.append(val) elif opt.name == '-globalregmask': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if err: return 1 if val[-1] == '.': val = val[0:-1] self.regmasks.append(val) elif opt.name == '-bandpass': self.bandpass = True elif opt.name == '-bpassregs': self.bpassregs = True elif opt.name == '-setbands': val,err = uopts.get_string_list("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.bandl = val[0] self.bandh = val[1] elif opt.name == '-epi2anat': self.epi2anat = True elif opt.name == '-dvarscensor': self.dvarscensor = True elif opt.name == '-fdlimit': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.fdlimit = val elif opt.name == '-sfdlimit': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.sfdlimit = val elif opt.name == '-dvarslimit': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.dvarslimit = val elif opt.name == '-censorleft': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.censorleft = val elif opt.name == '-censorright': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.censorright = val elif opt.name == '-scensorleft': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.scensorleft = val elif opt.name == '-scensorright': val,err = uopts.get_string_opt("", opt=opt) if err: return 1 self.scensorright = val elif opt.name == '-censorunion': self.censorunion = True elif opt.name == '-keepuncensored': self.keepuncensored = True elif opt.name == '-dreg': self.dreg = True #make the destination dir match the prefix if it wasn't explicitly named if self.dest == "rest_proc": self.dest = self.prefix #make sure conflicting arguments aren't chosen if self.globalnorm and self.modenorm: print "ERROR: Please choose either -globalnorm or -modenorm, not both." sys.exit(1) if self.tlrc and self.tlrclast: print "ERROR: Please choose either -tlrc or -tlrclast, not both." sys.exit(1) if self.outcensor and self.dvarscensor: print "ERROR: Please choose either -outcensor or -dvarscensor" sys.exit(1) if self.tlrc and self.alignbase is not None: print "ERROR: Please choose either -tlrc or -alignbase, not both." sys.exit(1) if self.epi2anat and self.alignbase is not None: print "ERROR: Please choose either -epi2anat or -alignbase, not both." sys.exit(1) if self.epi2anat and self.alignbase is not None: print "ERROR: Please choose either -epi2anat or -alignbase, not both." sys.exit(1) if self.smoothfirst and not self.smoothepi: print "ERROR: -smoothfirst and -nosmooth don't make sense together" sys.exit(1) if self.bpassregs and not self.bandpass: print "ERROR: -bpassregs selected without -bandpass" sys.exit(1) if not self.align and (self.outcensor or self.dvarscensor): print "ERROR: -align off is not compatible with -outcensor or -dvarscensor" sys.exit(1) return def despike_epi(self, curEPI): #despike curEPI and return the name of the despiked timeseries #ignore the timepoints that will be cut off self.info("Despike EPI") epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) nextEPI = epip + '.despike' cmd = "3dDespike -nomask -prefix %s -ignore %s %s" % (nextEPI, self.trcut, curEPI) self.write_execute(cmd) return nextEPI + epis def normalize_epi(self, curEPI, maskBRAIN): #normalize the epi timeseries, only inside the brain if not (self.localnorm or self.globalnorm or self.modenorm): return curEPI if self.localnorm: self.info("Normalize based on voxel mean") if self.modenorm: self.info("Normalize based on global mode") if self.globalnorm: self.info("Normalize based on global mean") epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) cmd = "3dTstat -mean -prefix %s.mean %s" % (epip, curEPI) self.write_execute(cmd) if self.globalnorm: #normalize based on global mean cmd = "3dmaskave -mask %s -q %s.mean%s > totalmean.1D" % (maskBRAIN, epip, epis) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -b %s -expr \"(a / `1dcat totalmean.1D\'[0]\'`) * %s * b\" -prefix %s.norm" % \ (curEPI, maskBRAIN, self.normval, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) elif self.modenorm: #normalize based on global mode cmd = "3dhistog -nbins 100 -doall -omit 0 -mask %s %s > %s.hist.1D" % (maskBRAIN, curEPI, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "1dTsort -dec -col 1 %s.hist.1D > %s.hist.sort.1D" % (epip, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -b %s -expr \"(a / `1dcat %s.hist.sort.1D\'[0]{0}\'`) * %s * b\" -prefix %s.norm" % \ (curEPI, maskBRAIN, epip, self.normval, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) elif self.localnorm: #normalize based on individual voxel means cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -b %s.mean%s -c %s -expr \'(a / b) * %s * c\' -prefix %s.norm" % \ (curEPI, epip, epis, maskBRAIN, self.normval, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) return "%s.norm%s" % (epip, epis) def convert_to_float(self, curEPI): #convert EPI to float to avoid scaling misfit errors self.info("Convert to float to avoid scaling misfit errors") epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) nextEPI = epip + '.float' cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -expr 'a' -prefix %s -float" % (curEPI, nextEPI) self.write_execute(cmd) return nextEPI + epis def uniformize_anat(self, curANAT): #uniformize anatomy if not self.uniformize: return curANAT self.info("Uniformize anatomy") anatp,anats = remove_suffix(curANAT) nextANAT = anatp + '.uniform' cmd = "3dUniformize -anat %s -prefix %s" % (curANAT, nextANAT) self.write_execute(cmd) return nextANAT + anats def align_etc(self, curEPI, curANAT, curASEG, curALIGN, curREGMASKS): if not self.align: return curEPI,curANAT,None,curASEG,None,curREGMASKS if self.tlrc: #tlrc, tshift, and register return self.tlrc_all(curEPI,curANAT,curASEG,curREGMASKS) else: #or tshift, register, and align return self.shift_reg_align(curEPI,curANAT,curASEG,curALIGN,curREGMASKS) def tlrc_all(self, curEPI, curANAT, curASEG, curREGMASKS): #tlrc the anatomical, then align epi to anat #also tshift and register at the same time, minimizing interpolation #return the names of the motion params and the aligned EPI #also transform the aseg file to tlrc space self.info("Talairach all input datasets") if self.ss: cmd = "@auto_tlrc -base TT_N27+tlrc -input %s" % curANAT else: cmd = "@auto_tlrc -base TT_N27+tlrc -no_ss -input %s" % curANAT self.write_execute(cmd) epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) anatp,anats = remove_suffix(curANAT) anatt = anatp + "+tlrc" epit = epip + "_tlrc_al+tlrc" if self.ss: cmd = "align_epi_anat.py -epi %s -anat %s -epi_base 0 -epi2anat -tlrc_apar %s -master_tlrc %s" \ % (curEPI, curANAT, anatt, self.episize) else: cmd = "align_epi_anat.py -epi %s -anat %s -anat_has_skull no -epi_base 0 -epi2anat -tlrc_apar %s -master_tlrc %s" \ % (curEPI, curANAT, anatt, self.episize) self.write_execute(cmd) #tlrc the aseg file, assuming it is aligned with the original anat if curASEG != None: asegp,asegs = remove_suffix(curASEG) asegt = asegp + "+tlrc" cmd = "@auto_tlrc -onewarp -apar %s -rmode NN -input %s " % (anatt, curASEG) self.write_execute(cmd) else: asegt = None for i in range(len(curREGMASKS)): #talairach any user supplied regressor masks if isinstance(curREGMASKS[i], list): #local regmask regmask = curREGMASKS[i][0] regmaskp,regmasks = remove_suffix(regmask) regmaskt = regmaskp + "+tlrc" cmd = "@auto_tlrc -onewarp -apar %s -rmode NN -input %s " % (anatt, regmask) self.write_execute(cmd) curREGMASKS[i] = [regmaskt, curREGMASKS[i][1]] else: #globalregmask regmask = curREGMASKS[i] regmaskp,regmasks = remove_suffix(regmask) regmaskt = regmaskp + "+tlrc" cmd = "@auto_tlrc -onewarp -apar %s -rmode NN -input %s " % (anatt, regmask) self.write_execute(cmd) curREGMASKS[i] = regmaskt if self.tshift: motparams = epip + "_tsh_vr_motion.1D" else: motparams = epip + "_vr_motion.1D" return epit,anatt,motparams, asegt, epip + "_al_tlrc_mat.aff12.1D",curREGMASKS def tlrc_anat(self, curANAT): cmd = "@auto_tlrc -base TT_N27+tlrc -no_ss -input %s" % curANAT self.write_execute(cmd) anatp,anats = remove_suffix(curANAT) anatt = anatp + "+tlrc" return anatt def shift_reg_align(self, curEPI, curANAT, curASEG, curALIGN, curREGMASKS): #tshift and register epi #also align anat to epi #also align the aseg file epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) anatp,anats = remove_suffix(curANAT) if self.ss: has_skull = "yes" else: has_skull = "no" if self.epi2anat: #align epi 2 anat self.info("Align EPI to ANAT") cmd = "align_epi_anat.py -anat %s -epi %s -suffix _al -epi_base 0 -epi2anat -save_vr -volreg on -anat_has_skull %s" % \ (curANAT, curEPI, has_skull) self.write_execute(cmd) #no change to aseg because it is already aligned with anat aseg_al = curASEG epi_al = epip + "_al" + epis anat_al = curANAT xform = epip + "_al_tlrc_mat.aff12.1D" else: #align anat 2 epi if curALIGN is not None: self.info("Align EPI and ANAT to a common EPI base dataset") cmd = "align_epi_anat.py -anat %s -epi %s\'[0]\' -suffix _al -epi_base 0 -save_vr -volreg on -child_epi %s -anat_has_skull %s" % \ (curANAT, curALIGN, curEPI, has_skull) else: self.info("Align ANAT to EPI") cmd = "align_epi_anat.py -anat %s -epi %s -suffix _al -epi_base 0 -save_vr -volreg on -anat_has_skull %s" % \ (curANAT, curEPI, has_skull) self.write_execute(cmd) #align the aseg file, assuming it started in alignment with the anat if curASEG != None: asegp,asegs = remove_suffix(curASEG) cmd = "3dAllineate -final NN -1Dmatrix_apply %s_al_mat.aff12.1D -prefix %s_al %s" % (anatp, \ asegp, curASEG) self.write_execute(cmd) aseg_al = asegp + "_al" + asegs else: aseg_al = None for i in range(len(curREGMASKS)): #align any user supplied regressor masks if isinstance(curREGMASKS[i], list): #local regmask regmask = curREGMASKS[i][0] regmaskp,regmasks = remove_suffix(regmask) cmd = "3dAllineate -final NN -1Dmatrix_apply %s_al_mat.aff12.1D -prefix %s_al %s" % (anatp, \ regmaskp, regmask) self.write_execute(cmd) curREGMASKS[i] = [regmaskp + "_al" + regmasks, curREGMASKS[i][1]] else: #globalregmask regmask = curREGMASKS[i] regmaskp,regmasks = remove_suffix(regmask) cmd = "3dAllineate -final NN -1Dmatrix_apply %s_al_mat.aff12.1D -prefix %s_al %s" % (anatp, \ regmaskp, regmask) self.write_execute(cmd) curREGMASKS[i] = regmaskp + "_al" + regmasks if self.tshift: epi_al = epip + "_tsh_vr" + epis else: epi_al = epip + "_vr" + epis anat_al = anatp + "_al" + anats xform = None if self.tshift: mot = epip + "_tsh_vr_motion.1D" else: mot = epip + "_vr_motion.1D" return epi_al, anat_al, mot, aseg_al, xform, curREGMASKS def tcat(self, curEPI, curMOTION, curRVT): #remove first self.trcut time points from EPI, motion params, and RVT self.info("Remove first TRs from EPI, motion params, and any user supplied regressors") nextEPI = self.tcat_4d(curEPI) nextMOTION = None if curMOTION != None: #motion file w/o .1D motp = curMOTION[:-3] nextMOTION = motp + ".tcat.1D" cmd = "1dcat %s\'{%s..$}\' > %s" % (curMOTION, self.trcut, nextMOTION) self.write_execute(cmd) #since there might not be an RVT file... nextRVT = None if curRVT != None: rvtp = curRVT[:-3] nextRVT = rvtp + ".tcat.1D" cmd = "1dcat %s\'[0..12]{%s..$}\' > %s" % (curRVT, self.trcut, nextRVT) self.write_execute(cmd) #catenate the user provided regressors for i in range(len(self.regressors)): if self.regressors[i] == None: continue elif self.regressors[i][-3:] == ".1D": self.regressors[i] = self.tcat_1d(self.regressors[i]) elif self.regressors[i][-5:] == "+orig" or self.regressors[i][-5:] == "+tlrc" or self.regressors[i][-5:] == "+lcpc": self.regressors[i] = self.tcat_4d(self.regressors[i]) else: print "ERROR: %s is not a .1D or a .BRIK file" % regs[i] return nextEPI, nextMOTION, nextRVT def tcat_1d(self, cur1D): cur1dpre = cur1D[:-3] next1d = cur1dpre + ".tcat.1D" cmd = "1dcat %s\'{%s..$}\' > %s" % (cur1D, self.trcut, next1d) self.write_execute(cmd) return next1d def tcat_4d(self, cur4D): pre,suf = remove_suffix(cur4D) nextpre = pre + '.tcat' cmd = "3dTcat -prefix %s %s\'[%s..$]\'" % (nextpre, cur4D, self.trcut) self.write_execute(cmd) return nextpre + suf def ext_wm(self, curEPI, curASEG): #prep the WM mask using the selected erosion #extract the local WM regressors using the selected sphere size if curASEG == None: return None self.info("Prepare white matter regressor mask") asegp,asegs = remove_suffix(curASEG) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -prefix mask.WM -expr \'equals(a,2)+equals(a,7)+equals(a,41)+equals(a,46)+equals(a,251)+equals(a,252)+equals(a,253)+equals(a,254)+equals(a,255)+equals(a,16)\'" % curASEG self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dresample -master %s -rmode NN -inset mask.WM%s -prefix mask.WM.resample" % (curEPI,asegs) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dcalc -a mask.WM.resample%s -b a+i -c a-i -d a+j -e a-j -f a+k -g a-k -expr \'a*(step(step(b) + step(c) + step(d) + step(e) + step(f) + step(g) - %d))\' -prefix mask.WM.resample.erode" % (asegs,(6 - int(self.wmerode))) self.write_execute(cmd) if self.globalwm: return "mask.WM.resample.erode%s" % asegs else: return ["mask.WM.resample.erode%s" % asegs, self.wmsize] def resample_regmasks(self, curEPI, curREGMASKS): if len(filter(None, curREGMASKS)) == 0: #if there's nothing to do, return return curREGMASKS self.info("Resample regressor masks") for i in range(len(curREGMASKS)): if isinstance(curREGMASKS[i], list): #local regmask regmask = curREGMASKS[i][0] regmaskp,regmasks = remove_suffix(regmask) cmd = "3dresample -master %s -rmode NN -inset %s -prefix %s.resample" % (curEPI,regmask,regmaskp) self.write_execute(cmd) curREGMASKS[i] = ["%s.resample%s" % (regmaskp, regmasks), curREGMASKS[i][1]] else: #globalregmask regmask = curREGMASKS[i] regmaskp,regmasks = remove_suffix(regmask) cmd = "3dresample -master %s -rmode NN -inset %s -prefix %s.resample" % (curEPI,regmask,regmaskp) self.write_execute(cmd) curREGMASKS[i] = "%s.resample%s" % (regmaskp, regmasks) return curREGMASKS def ext_mask_regs(self, curEPI, curREGLIST, curREGMASKS): self.info("Extract regressors from masks") for i in range(len(curREGMASKS)): if curREGMASKS[i] == None: continue if isinstance(curREGMASKS[i], list): #local regmask regmask = curREGMASKS[i][0] regmaskp,regmasks = remove_suffix(regmask) cmd = "3dLocalstat -prefix %s.reg -nbhd \'SPHERE(%s)\' -stat mean -mask %s -use_nonmask %s" % \ (regmaskp,curREGMASKS[i][1], regmask, curEPI) self.write_execute(cmd) curREGLIST.append("%s.reg%s" % (regmaskp, regmasks)) else: #globalregmask regmask = curREGMASKS[i] regmaskp,regmasks = remove_suffix(regmask) cmd = "3dmaskave -q -mask %s %s > %s.reg.1D" % (regmask, curEPI, regmaskp) self.write_execute(cmd) curREGLIST.append("%s.reg.1D" % regmaskp) return curREGLIST def ext_vent(self, curEPI, curASEG): #prep the ventricle mask using the selected erosion #extract the ventricle signal regressor if curASEG == None: return None self.info("Extract ventricle regressor") asegp,asegs = remove_suffix(curASEG) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -prefix mask.vent -expr \'equals(a,4)+equals(a,43)\'" % curASEG self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dresample -master %s -rmode NN -inset mask.vent%s -prefix mask.vent.resample" % (curEPI, asegs) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dcalc -a mask.vent.resample%s -b a+i -c a-i -d a+j -e a-j -f a+k -g a-k -expr \'a*(step(step(b) + step(c) + step(d) + step(e) + step(f) + step(g) - %d))\' -prefix mask.vent.resample.erode" % (asegs, (6 - int(self.venterode))) self.write_execute(cmd) return "mask.vent.resample.erode%s" % asegs def ext_brain_mask(self, curANAT, curEPI): self.info("Extract brain mask") anatp,anats = remove_suffix(curANAT) cmd = "3dAutomask -prefix mask.brain %s" % curANAT self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dresample -master %s -rmode NN -inset mask.brain%s -prefix mask.brain.resample" % \ (curEPI, anats) self.write_execute(cmd) return "mask.brain.resample%s" % anats def prep_blur(self, maskWM, maskVENT, curANAT, curEPI, maskBRAIN): #prep the blurring mask with grey matter labeled 1 and non-grey matter labeled 2 if maskWM == None: #if no aseg file is given, just blur everything return maskBRAIN, None self.info("Prepare blurring mask with GM=1, NG=2") anatp,anats = remove_suffix(curANAT) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -b %s -c %s -prefix mask.grey.nongrey -expr \'a + b + c\'" % \ (maskBRAIN, maskWM, maskVENT) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dcalc -a mask.grey.nongrey%s -expr 'equals(a, 1)' -prefix mask.grey" % anats self.write_execute(cmd) return "mask.grey.nongrey" + anats, "mask.grey" + anats def differentiate_all(self, regs): #add the first derivatives as additional regressors if not self.dreg: return regs self.info("Differentiate regressors") newregs = list(regs) for i in range(len(regs)): if regs[i] == None: continue elif regs[i][-3:] == ".1D": newregs.append(self.dif_1D(regs[i])) elif regs[i][-5:] == "+orig" or regs[i][-5:] == "+tlrc" or regs[i][-5:] == "+lcpc": newregs.append(self.dif_4D(regs[i])) else: print "ERROR: %s is not a .1D or a .BRIK file" % regs[i] #regs = newregs return newregs def dif_1D(self, cur1D): #differentiate the given 1D file (simple backwards differences) cur1Dp = split_1D(cur1D) cmd = "1d_tool.py -derivative -infile %s -write %s.backdif.1D" % (cur1D, cur1Dp) self.write_execute(cmd) return "%s.backdif.1D" % cur1Dp def dif_4D(self, cur4D): #differentiate the given 4D file (simple backwards differences) epip,epis = remove_suffix(cur4D) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -b \'a[0,0,0,-1]\' -expr \'a - b\' -prefix %s.backdif" % (cur4D, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) return "%s.backdif%s" % (epip, epis) def detrend_all(self, regs): if len(filter(None, regs)) == 0 or self.polort == "0": #if there's nothing to do, return return #detrend all regressors, including those supplied by the user self.info("Detrend regressors") for i in range(len(regs)): if regs[i] == None: continue elif regs[i][-3:] == ".1D": regs[i] = self.det_1d(regs[i]) elif regs[i][-5:] == "+orig" or regs[i][-5:] == "+tlrc" or regs[i][-5:] == "+lcpc": regs[i] = self.det_4d(regs[i]) else: print "ERROR: %s is not a .1D or a .BRIK file" % regs[i] def det_1d(self, cur1D): if cur1D == None: return None if self.polort == "0": return cur1D cur1Dp = split_1D(cur1D) next1D = cur1Dp + ".detrend.1D" cmd = "3dDetrend -DAFNI_1D_TRANOUT=YES -normalize -prefix %s -polort %s %s\\'" % \ (next1D, self.polort, cur1D) self.write_execute(cmd) return next1D def det_4d(self, cur4D): if cur4D == None: return None if self.polort == "0": return cur4D cur4Dp,cur4Ds = remove_suffix(cur4D) next4D = cur4Dp + ".detrend" + cur4Ds cmd = "3dDetrend -normalize -prefix %s.detrend -polort %s %s" % (cur4Dp, self.polort, cur4D) self.write_execute(cmd) return next4D def regress(self, curEPI, regs): self.info("Regress out nuisance signals") epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) regstr = "" for r in regs: regstr = regstr + " " + nstr(r) cmd = "3dTfitter -polort %s -RHS %s -LHS %s -prefix %s.regcoefs -fitts %s.fitts" % (self.polort, nstr(curEPI), \ regstr, epip, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -b %s.fitts%s -expr \'a - b\' -prefix %s.clean -float" % (curEPI, epip, epis, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) return epip + ".clean" + epis def smooth(self, curEPI, maskBLUR): self.info("Smooth timeseries") epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) cmd = "3dBlurInMask -input %s -FWHM %s -Mmask %s -prefix %s.blur" % (curEPI, self.smoothrad, maskBLUR, \ epip) self.write_execute(cmd) return epip + ".blur" + epis def copy_result_1D(self, dset, dest): if dset == None: return cmd = "cp %s %s" % (dset, dest) self.write_execute(cmd) def copy_result_BRIK(self, dset, dest, anatt, rmode): #copy a result file that is in head/brik format #the result may not exist, so maybe do nothing if dset == None: return #talairach dset if tlrclast was chosen if self.tlrclast: dsetp,dsets = remove_suffix(dset) cmd = "@auto_tlrc -onewarp -apar %s -rmode %s -dxyz %s -input %s" % (anatt, rmode, self.episize, dset) self.write_execute(cmd) dset = dsetp + "+tlrc" cmd = "3dcopy %s %s" % (dset, dest) self.write_execute(cmd) def just_copy_result_BRIK(self, dset, dest): #just copy the result, no chance of talairaching (to handle the anat) if dset == None: return cmd = "3dcopy %s %s" % (dset, dest) self.write_execute(cmd) def create_out_censor(self, origEPI, curMOTION): #create a censor file based on ourliers in origEPI and excess motion in curMOTION #get outlier fractions self.info("Create outlier and RMS motion based censor file") epip,epis = remove_suffix(origEPI) cmd = "3dAutomask -prefix %s.brainmask %s" % (epip, origEPI) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dToutcount -mask %s.brainmask%s -fraction -polort %s -legendre %s\'[%s..$]\' > %s.outfracs.1D" \ % (epip, epis, self.polort, origEPI, self.trcut, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) #create temporal mask based on outlier fraction (including neighboring timepoints) curOUTCEN = self.mask_moderate_vals("%s.outfracs.1D" % epip, self.fraclimit, self.censorleft, self.censorright) #create temporal mask based on excessive motion cmd = "1d_tool.py -infile %s -set_tr %s -censor_motion %s motion" % (curMOTION, self.tr, self.motlimit) self.write_execute(cmd) #include neighboring timepoints in the mask curMOTCEN = self.mask_neighbors("motion_censor.1D", -int(self.censorleft)) curMOTCEN = self.mask_neighbors(curMOTCEN, int(self.censorright)) #combine the two censor files #if either file contains a 0 at a point, censor it -> union of bad time points cmd = "1deval -a %s -b %s -expr \'and(a, b)\' > outCensorUnion.1D" % (curOUTCEN, curMOTCEN) self.write_execute(cmd) #if both files contains 0's at a point, censor it -> intersection of bad time points cmd = "1deval -a %s -b %s -expr \'or(a, b)\' > outCensorIntersection.1D" % (curOUTCEN, curMOTCEN) self.write_execute(cmd) if self.censorunion: return "outCensorUnion.1D" else: return "outCensorIntersection.1D" def create_power_censor(self, curMOTION, curEPI, maskBRAIN): #Power as in the author... self.info("Create FD and DVARS based censor file") fdCEN = self.create_fd_censor(curMOTION, curEPI) dvarsCEN = self.create_dvars_censor(curEPI, maskBRAIN) #if either file contains a 0 at a point, censor it -> union of bad time points cmd = "1deval -a %s -b %s -expr \'and(a, b)\' > powerCensorUnion.1D" % (fdCEN, dvarsCEN) self.write_execute(cmd) #if both files contains 0's at a point, censor it -> intersection of bad time points cmd = "1deval -a %s -b %s -expr \'or(a, b)\' > powerCensorIntersection.1D" % (fdCEN, dvarsCEN) self.write_execute(cmd) if self.censorunion: return "powerCensorUnion.1D" else: return "powerCensorIntersection.1D" def create_fd_censor(self, curMOTION, curEPI): #create a censor file based on the FD measure from Power et. al Neuroimage 2012 self.info("create FD censor") cur1Dp = split_1D(curMOTION) cmd = "1d_tool.py -infile %s -derivative -write %s.deltamotion.1D" % (curMOTION, cur1Dp) self.write_execute(cmd) cur1D = "%s.deltamotion.1D" % cur1Dp cmd = "1deval -a %s\'[0]\' -b %s\'[1]\' -c %s\'[2]\' -d " % (cur1D, cur1D, cur1D) + \ "%s\'[3]\' -e %s\'[4]\' -f %s\'[5]\' -expr " % (cur1D, cur1D, cur1D) + \ "\'100*sind(abs(a)/2) + 100*sind(abs(b)/2) + " + \ "100*sind(abs(c)/2) + abs(d) + abs(e) + abs(f)\' > %s.deltamotion.FD.1D" % (cur1Dp) self.write_execute(cmd) curFDCEN = self.mask_moderate_vals("%s.deltamotion.FD.1D" % cur1Dp, self.fdlimit, self.censorleft, self.censorright) return curFDCEN def create_dvars_censor(self, curEPI, maskBRAIN): #create a censor file based on the dvars measure from Power et. al Neuroimage 2012 self.info("create DVARS censor") epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -b \'a[0,0,0,-1]\' -expr \'(a - b)^2\' -prefix %s.backdif2" % (curEPI, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dmaskave -mask %s -quiet %s.backdif2%s > %s.backdif2.avg.1D" % (maskBRAIN, epip, epis, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "1deval -a %s.backdif2.avg.1D -expr 'sqrt(a)' > %s.backdif2.avg.dvars.1D" % (epip, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) curCEN = self.mask_moderate_vals("%s.backdif2.avg.dvars.1D" % epip, self.dvarslimit, self.censorleft, self.censorright) cmd = "3dTstat -mean -stdev -prefix %s.backdif2.avg.dvars.stats.1D %s.backdif2.avg.dvars.1D\\\'" % \ (epip, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) return curCEN def mask_moderate_vals(self, cur1D, thresh, censorleft, censorright): #make a mask of time points in cur1D that are within [-thresh,thresh] cur1Dp = split_1D(cur1D) cmd = "1d_tool.py -infile %s -extreme_mask -1 %s -write %s.extreme%s.1D" % (cur1D, thresh, cur1Dp, thresh) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "1deval -a %s.extreme%s.1D -expr \'not(a)\' > %s.moderate%s.1D" % (cur1Dp, thresh, cur1Dp, thresh) self.write_execute(cmd) #also mask time points censorleft and censorright points left and right cur1D = self.mask_neighbors(cur1Dp + ".moderate%s.1D" % thresh, -int(censorleft)) cur1D = self.mask_neighbors(cur1D, int(censorright)) return cur1D def mask_neighbors(self, cur1D, stepsremaining): cur1Dp = split_1D(cur1D) if stepsremaining < 0: cmd = "1deval -a %s -b %s\'{1..$,0}\' -expr \'ispositive(a + b - 1)\' > %s.n.1D" % (cur1D, cur1D, cur1Dp) self.write_execute(cmd) return self.mask_neighbors("%s.n.1D" % cur1Dp, stepsremaining + 1) if stepsremaining > 0: cmd = "1deval -a %s -b %s\'{0,0..$}\' -expr \'ispositive(a + b - 1)\' > %s.n.1D" % (cur1D, cur1D, cur1Dp) self.write_execute(cmd) return self.mask_neighbors("%s.n.1D" % cur1Dp, stepsremaining - 1) return cur1D def compute_snr(self, origEPI, origNOISE, channels, epiXFORM, curEPI): #compute the SNR based on a scan with the RF turned off... self.info("Compute SNR") epip,epis = remove_suffix(origEPI) noisep,noises = remove_suffix(origNOISE) cmd = "3dmaskave -sigma -q %s\'[0]\' > %s.noise.1D" % (origNOISE, noisep) self.write_execute(cmd) #correction factors for SNR computation corr1 = 1.5263997 corr8 = 1.4257312 corr16 = 1.4198559 corr32 = 1.4170053 if channels == "1": cor = corr1 elif channels == "8": cor = corr8 elif channels == "16": cor = corr16 elif channels == "32": cor = corr32 else: print ("ERROR unknown number of channels: %s" % channels) sys.exit(1) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s\'[0]\' -expr \"a / (`1dcat %s.noise.1D\'[1]\'` * %s)\" -prefix %s.SNR" \ % (origEPI, noisep, cor, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) SNR = "%s.SNR%s" % (epip, epis) if epiXFORM is not None: mastp,masts = remove_suffix(curEPI) cmd = "3dAllineate -cubic -1Dmatrix_apply %s -prefix %s.SNR_al -master %s %s" % (epiXFORM, epip, curEPI, SNR) self.write_execute(cmd) SNR = "%s.SNR_al%s" % (epip, masts) #save a histogram of the SNR cmd = "3dhistog -min 0 -max 1300 %s > SNRhist.1D" % SNR self.write_execute(cmd) return SNR def write_apply_censor(self, curEPI, curCENSOR, prefix): #write the command to call this script to apply the censor file, in case -noexec was chosen #(in which case the censor file has not been created before, but will be when apply_censor is called) if curCENSOR == None: return curEPI self.info("Apply censor file") cmd = "afni_restproc.py -apply_censor %s %s %s" % (curEPI, curCENSOR, prefix) self.write_execute(cmd) epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) return "%s%s" % (prefix, epis) def apply_censor(self, curEPI, curCENSOR, prefix): #apply the given censor file, cutting TRs out of the EPI timeseries selectstr = '' i = 0 f = open(curCENSOR) #select time points corresponding to lines without zeros (with ones) for line in f: if line.find('0') == -1: selectstr += str(i) + ',' i = i + 1 selectstr = selectstr[0:-1] cmd = "3dTcat -prefix %s %s\'[%s]\'" % (prefix, curEPI, selectstr) self.write_execute(cmd) def compute_tsnr(self, curEPI): #compute the tSNR of curEPI as mean(curEPI) / stdev(det(curEPI)) where det(curEPI) is curEPI detrended with #polynomial order polort if not self.tsnr: return None self.info("Compute TSNR") epip,epis=remove_suffix(curEPI) cmd = "3dTstat -mean -prefix %s.tmean %s" % (epip, curEPI) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dDetrend -prefix %s.det -polort %s %s" % (epip, self.polort, curEPI) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dTstat -stdev -prefix %s.det.stdev %s" % (epip, epip + ".det" + epis) self.write_execute(cmd) cmd = "3dcalc -a %s.tmean%s -b %s.det.stdev%s -expr \'a / b\' -float -prefix %s.tsnr" % (epip, epis, \ epip, epis, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) return epip + ".tsnr" + epis def bpass(self, curEPI, regs): #do bandpass filtering if not self.bandpass: return curEPI if self.bpassregs: self.bpass_all_regs(regs) self.info("Bandpass filter EPI") epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) return self.bpass_4d(curEPI) def bpass_all_regs(self, regs): if len(filter(None, regs)) == 0: #if there's nothing to do, return return #bandpass filter all regressors, including those supplied by the user self.info("Bandpass filter regressors") for i in range(len(regs)): if regs[i] == None: continue elif regs[i][-3:] == ".1D": regs[i] = self.bpass_1d(regs[i]) elif regs[i][-5:] == "+orig" or regs[i][-5:] == "+tlrc" or regs[i][-5:] == "+lcpc": regs[i] = self.bpass_4d(regs[i]) else: print "ERROR: %s is not a .1D or a .BRIK file" % regs[i] def bpass_1d(self, cur1D): if cur1D == None: return None cur1Dp = split_1D(cur1D) next1D = cur1Dp + ".bpass.1D" cmd = "1dBandpass -nodetrend %s %s %s > %s" % (self.bandl, self.bandh, cur1D, next1D) self.write_execute(cmd) return next1D def bpass_4d(self, cur4D): if cur4D == None: return None cur4Dp,cur4Ds = remove_suffix(cur4D) next4D = cur4Dp + ".bpass" + cur4Ds cmd = "3dBandpass -nodetrend -prefix %s.bpass %s %s %s" % (cur4Dp, self.bandl, self.bandh, cur4D) self.write_execute(cmd) return next4D def set_polort(self, curEPI): #only set self.polort if it is -1 (not set by the user) com = shell_com("3dinfo -tr %s" % curEPI, self.oexec, capture=1) com.run() self.tr = ''.join(com.so) com = shell_com("3dinfo -nv %s" % curEPI, self.oexec, capture=1) com.run() self.trs = ''.join(com.so) if self.polort != '-1': return #default polort is 1 + floor(length / 150) self.polort = str(int(1 + float(self.tr) * float(self.trs) / 150)) def set_tshift(self, curEPI): #determine if the input EPI has already been tshifted com = shell_com("3dAttribute TAXIS_OFFSETS %s" % curEPI, self.oexec, capture=1) com.run() if len(com.so): self.tshift = True else: self.tshift = False def compute_corrmap(self, curEPI, maskGM): #compute average correlation maps using 3dTcorrMap if not self.corrmap: return None,None,None self.info("Compute global functional connectivity") epip,epis = remove_suffix(curEPI) cmd = "3dTcorrMap -input %s -mask %s -polort -1 -Hist 400 %s.CorHist -mean %s.MeanCorr -Cexpr \'step(r-%s)*r\' %s.MeanCorrGT" \ % (curEPI, maskGM, epip, epip, self.corrmapt, epip) self.write_execute(cmd) return epip + '.MeanCorr' + epis, epip + '.MeanCorrGT' + epis, epip + '.CorHist' + epis def process_data(self): #make sure the result directory doesn't already exist if os.path.exists(self.dest): print "ERROR: Result directory %s already exists. Will not overwrite." % self.dest sys.exit(1) #get the cwd to be able to copy files specified by relative paths origdir = os.getcwd() #make the destination dir and cd into it os.makedirs("%s" % self.dest) os.chdir(self.dest) if self.script != None: self.script = open(self.script, "w") self.script.write("#!/usr/bin/tcsh\n\n") self.script.write("cd tmp\n") #make tmp dir for all input and intermediate files os.mkdir("tmp") os.chdir("tmp") #copy files into the temp directory curASEG = copy_input(self.aseg, origdir) curALIGN = copy_input(self.alignbase, origdir) curNOISE = copy_input(self.noise, origdir) curRVT = copy_input(self.rvt, origdir) for i in range(len(self.regressors)): self.regressors[i] = copy_input(self.regressors[i], origdir) for i in range(len(self.regmasks)): self.regmasks[i] = copy_input(self.regmasks[i], origdir) curANAT = copy_input(self.anat, origdir) curEPI = copy_input(self.epi, origdir) #set polort automatically if it was not chosen by the user self.set_polort(curEPI) #determine if the input dataset has already been tshifted self.set_tshift(curEPI) #convert epi to float format to avoid bothersome scaling misfit errors curEPI = self.convert_to_float(curEPI) #save origional epi name for censoring later origEPI = curEPI #despike if self.despike: curEPI = self.despike_epi(curEPI) #uniformize anatomy curANAT = self.uniformize_anat(curANAT) #align, tshift, tlrc, register, save the xform for transforming the SNR later curEPI,curANAT,curMOTION,curASEG,epiXFORM,curREGMASKS = self.align_etc(curEPI, curANAT, curASEG, curALIGN, self.regmasks) #tcat curEPI,curMOTION,curRVT = self.tcat(curEPI, curMOTION, curRVT) cattedMOTION = curMOTION #compute tsnr curTSNR = self.compute_tsnr(curEPI) #extract brain mask maskBRAIN = self.ext_brain_mask(curANAT, curEPI) #normalize the EPI curEPI = self.normalize_epi(curEPI, maskBRAIN) #resample user supplied reg masks to match EPI curREGMASKS = self.resample_regmasks(curEPI, curREGMASKS) #prep white matter mask maskWM = self.ext_wm(curEPI, curASEG) curREGMASKS.append(maskWM) if isinstance(maskWM, list): maskWM = maskWM[0] #prep ventricle mask maskVENT = self.ext_vent(curEPI, curASEG) curREGMASKS.append(maskVENT) #prep blurring mask maskBLUR,maskGM = self.prep_blur(maskWM, maskVENT, curANAT, curEPI, maskBRAIN) #include whole brain regressor, if requested if self.includebrain: curREGMASKS.append(maskBRAIN) #smooth before regression, if desired if self.smoothfirst: if self.smoothtogether: curEPI = self.smooth(curEPI, maskBRAIN) else: curEPI = self.smooth(curEPI, maskBLUR) #extract regressors from masks self.regressors = self.ext_mask_regs(curEPI, self.regressors, curREGMASKS) self.regressors.append(curMOTION) self.regressors.append(curRVT) #differentiate regressors, if requested self.regressors = self.differentiate_all(self.regressors) #detrend regressors self.detrend_all(self.regressors) #do bandpass filtering curEPI = self.bpass(curEPI, self.regressors) #do regression curEPI = self.regress(curEPI, self.regressors) #compute SNR if self.noise != None: SNR = self.compute_snr(origEPI, curNOISE, self.channels, epiXFORM, curEPI) else: SNR = None #create censor file if self.dvarscensor: curCENSOR = self.create_power_censor(cattedMOTION, curEPI, maskBRAIN) elif self.outcensor: curCENSOR = self.create_out_censor(origEPI, curMOTION) else: curCENSOR = None #smooth results if self.smoothepi and not self.smoothfirst: if self.smoothtogether: curEPI = self.smooth(curEPI, maskBRAIN) else: curEPI = self.smooth(curEPI, maskBLUR) #remove censored trs epip,epis=remove_suffix(curEPI) if self.keepuncensored: curEPIUNC = curEPI else: curEPIUNC = None curEPI = self.write_apply_censor(curEPI, curCENSOR, "%s.censor" % epip) #compute corr map curMC,curMCGT,curHIST = self.compute_corrmap(curEPI, maskGM) #copy and name results #also talairach them if -tlrclast is chosen self.info("Copy results, possibly talairaching them") if self.tlrclast: curANATT = self.tlrc_anat(curANAT) self.just_copy_result_BRIK(curANATT, "../%s.anat" % (self.prefix)) else: curANATT = None self.just_copy_result_BRIK(curANAT, "../%s.anat" % (self.prefix)) self.copy_result_1D(curCENSOR, "../%s.censor.1D" % self.prefix) self.copy_result_BRIK(curEPI, "../%s.cleanEPI" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "quintic") self.copy_result_BRIK(curEPIUNC, "../%s.cleanEPI.uncensored" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "quintic") self.copy_result_BRIK(maskVENT, "../%s.mask.vent" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") self.copy_result_BRIK(maskWM, "../%s.mask.wm" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") self.copy_result_BRIK(maskGM, "../%s.mask.gm" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") self.copy_result_BRIK(maskBRAIN, "../%s.mask.brain" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") self.copy_result_BRIK(curTSNR, "../%s.tsnr" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") self.copy_result_BRIK(SNR, "../%s.snr" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") self.copy_result_BRIK(curMC, "../%s.meancorr" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") self.copy_result_BRIK(curMCGT, "../%s.meancorrGT" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") self.copy_result_BRIK(curHIST, "../%s.CorHist" % (self.prefix), curANATT, "NN") return def write_execute(self, cmd): if self.script != None: self.script.write(cmd + "\n") if self.execute: shell_com(cmd).run() def info(self, msg): if self.script != None: self.script.write("\n#%s\n" % msg) if self.execute: shell_com("echo INFO: %s" % msg).run() def copy_input(infile, origdir): if infile == None: return None if isinstance(infile, list): #should only be true when processing a localregmask--will have infile and radius if infile[0][0] == '/': #input is an absolute path copy_or_error("%s*" % infile[0]) return [remove_path_and_convert(infile[0]), infile[1]] return [remove_path(infile[0]), infile[1]] else: #input is a relative path copy_or_error("%s/%s*" % (origdir, infile[0])) return [remove_path_and_convert(infile[0]), infile[1]] return [remove_path(infile[0]), infile[1]] if infile[0] == '/': #input is an absolute path copy_or_error("%s*" % infile) return remove_path_and_convert(infile) return remove_path(infile) else: #input is a relative path copy_or_error("%s/%s*" % (origdir, infile)) return remove_path_and_convert(infile) return remove_path(infile) print "ERROR: copying input %s. This should never happen" % infile sys.exit(1) def copy_or_error(infile): #copy an input file if it exists, otherwise throw an error s = shell_com("cp %s ." % infile, capture=1) s.run() if s.se: print "ERROR: Cannot find input file %s. Exiting." % infile sys.exit(1) def nstr(s): #to convert None to "" conveniently if s == None: return "" return str(s) def remove_path_and_convert(dset): #remove path and convert any .nii or .mgz files to .BRIK format infile = dset[dset.rfind('/') + 1::] if infile == None: return None if infile[-4:] == ".mgz": inp = infile[:-4] cmd = "mri_convert -it mgz -ot nii -i %s -o %s.nii" % (infile, inp) shell_com(cmd, capture=0).run() #self.write_execute(cmd) infile = inp + ".nii" if infile[-4:] == ".nii": inp = infile[:-4] cmd = "3dcalc -a %s -expr \'a\' -prefix %s+orig" % (infile, inp) shell_com(cmd, capture=0).run() #self.write_execute(cmd) infile = inp + "+orig" return infile def remove_path(dset): return dset[dset.rfind('/') + 1::] def remove_suffix(dset): #remove +ORIG +TLRC or +ACPC (possibly followed by .) from dset #also return the suffix if dset[-1] == '.': return dset[0:-6],dset[-6:] return dset[0:-5],dset[-5:] def split_1D(dset): return dset[0:-3] def main(): nint = RestInterface() if not nint: return 1 rv = nint.process_options() if rv != None: return rv rv = nint.process_data() if rv != None: return rv return if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())