#ifndef _AFNI_SUMA_HEADER_FILE_ #define _AFNI_SUMA_HEADER_FILE_ /**************************************************************/ /**** Header for SUMA functions (SUrface Mapping to AFNI?) ****/ /**** Strawman version: 24 Aug 2001 - RWCox ****/ /**** Woodman : 01 Mar 2002 ****/ /**** Tinman : 20 Jan 2004 ****/ /**************************************************************/ #include "vecmat.h" /* for THD_fvec3 type */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! Port number for talking to AFNI */ #ifndef SUMA_TCP_PORT #define SUMA_TCP_PORT 53211 /* my Zip code in Wisconsin */ #endif /*---------------------------- define types ----------------------------*/ /*! Type to store a node in 3D space. */ typedef struct { int id ; /*!< Node identifier (>= 0) */ float x ; /*!< x-coordinate */ float y ; /*!< y-coordinate */ float z ; /*!< z-coordinate */ } SUMA_ixyz ; /*! NIML rowtype definition for SUMA_ixyz struct */ #define SUMA_ixyz_defn "int,3*float" /*! Type to store a triangle (a triple of node identifiers). */ typedef struct { float id,jd,kd ; } SUMA_ijk ; /*! NIML rowtype definition for SUMA_ijk struct */ #define SUMA_ijk_defn "3*int" /*! Type to store a node+color list */ typedef struct { int id ; unsigned char r,g,b,a ; } SUMA_irgba ; /*! NIML rowtype definition for SUMA_irgba struct */ #define SUMA_irgba_defn "int,4*byte" /*! Typedef for a voxel-node list */ typedef struct { int nvox ; /*!< Number of voxels stored herein */ int *voxijk ; /*!< [i] = voxel index in dataset, i=0..nvox-1 */ int *numnod ; /*!< [i] = number of nodes in voxel #i */ int **nlist ; /*!< [i] = array of node indexes for voxel #i; nnlist[i][j] for j=0..numnod[i]-1 */ struct THD_3dim_dataset * dset ; /*!< Dataset to which this is linked */ } SUMA_vnlist ; /*! Type code for SUMA_surface structs */ #define SUMA_SURFACE_TYPE 53001 /*! A large number */ #ifndef WAY_BIG #define WAY_BIG 1.e+10 #endif /*! Typedef for voxel value list (used to store ROIs from SUMA) */ typedef struct { int nvox ; /*!< number of voxels */ int *voxijk ; /*!< voxel indexes */ float *voxval ; /*!< value at each voxel */ } SUMA_vvlist ; /*! Macro to free a SUMA_vvlist struct */ #define DESTROY_VVLIST(vv) \ do{ if( vv != NULL ){ \ if( vv->voxijk != NULL ) free(vv->voxijk) ; \ if( vv->voxval != NULL ) free(vv->voxval) ; \ free(vv) ; \ }} while(0) /*! A surface structure in 3D space: - a bunch of SUMA_ixyz's - a bunch of SUMA_ijk's linking them together - other miscellaneous and convenient information */ typedef struct { int type ; /*!< == SUMA_SURFACE_TYPE */ int num_ixyz ; /*!< Number of nodes */ int nall_ixyz; /*!< Number of node malloc-ed */ int num_ijk ; /*!< Number of triangles */ int nall_ijk ; /*!< Number of triangles malloc-ed */ int seq ; /*!< If 1, node .id's are sequential */ int seqbase ; /*!< If .id's sequential, is smallest .id */ int sorted ; /*!< If 1, node .id's are sorted */ SUMA_ixyz *ixyz ; /*!< Node list: num_ixyz long */ THD_fvec3 *norm ; /*!< Normals list: num_ixyz long */ SUMA_ijk *ijk ; /*!< Triangle list: num_ijk long */ float xbot ; /*!< Smallest x-coordinate in ixyz */ float ybot ; /*!< Smallest y-coordinate in ixyz */ float zbot ; /*!< Smallest z-coordinate in ixyz */ float xtop ; /*!< Largest x-coordinate in ixyz */ float ytop ; /*!< Largest y-coordinate in ixyz */ float ztop ; /*!< Largest z-coordinate in ixyz */ float xcen ; /*!< Averagest x-coordinate in ixyz */ float ycen ; /*!< Averagest y-coordinate in ixyz */ float zcen ; /*!< Averagest z-coordinate in ixyz */ char idcode[32] ; /*!< IDCODE for this structure */ /* changed idcode_domaingroup to idcode_ldp 06 Oct 2004 [rickr] */ char idcode_ldp[32] ; /*!< IDCODE for surface's local domain parent */ char idcode_dset[32] ; /*!< IDCODE for AFNI dataset domain parent */ char label[64] ; /*!< Label for user interaction */ char label_ldp[64] ; /*!< Label of surface's local domain parent */ char spec_file[256] ; /*!< suma spec file name 8 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ SUMA_vvlist *vv ; /*!< For ROIs from SUMA */ SUMA_vnlist *vn ; /*!< Voxel-to-node mapping, for overlays */ } SUMA_surface ; /*! Macro for node count in a SUMA_surface struct */ #define SUMA_NODE_COUNT(su) ((su)->num_ixyz) /*! Macro for triangle count in a SUMA_surface struct */ #define SUMA_TRIANGLE_COUNT(su) ((su)->num_ijk) /*! Max number nodes allowed in a surface (67.1 million) [higher order bits are reserved for other purposes]. */ #define SUMA_MAX_NODES (1<<26) /** These macros are used in SUMA_map_dset_to_surf() to create an easily searched map between dataset voxel indexes and surface nodes (currently disabled) **/ #define SUMA_VMAP_LEVMASK(ll) (ll << 26) /* for ll=0..7 only! */ #define SUMA_VMAP_UNMASK(v) ((v) & ((1<<26)-1)) #define SUMA_VMAP_LEVEL(v) (((v) & (7<<26)) >> 26) #define SUMA_VMAP_LEVZERO(v) (((v) & (7<<26)) == 0) #define SUMA_VMAP_TO_ID(ag,v) ((ag)->ixyz[SUMA_VMAP_UNMASK(v)]) /*! For the SUMA_surfacegroup typedef below. */ #define SUMA_SURFACEGROUP_TYPE 53003 /*! A typedef for a struct that contains a bunch of associated surfaces. */ typedef struct { int type ; /*!< == SUMA_SURFACEGROUP_TYPE */ int num_surf ; /*!< number of surfaces herein */ SUMA_surface **surf ; /*!< array of pointers to surface */ char idcode[32] ; /*!< IDCODE for this group of surfaces */ } SUMA_surfacegroup ; /*------------------------ function prototypes -----------------------*/ extern SUMA_surface * SUMA_create_empty_surface(void) ; extern void SUMA_destroy_surface( SUMA_surface * ) ; extern void SUMA_add_nodes_ixyz( SUMA_surface *, int, int *, float *, float *, float *) ; extern void SUMA_add_node_ixyz( SUMA_surface *, int, float, float, float ); extern int SUMA_add_norms_xyz( SUMA_surface *, int, float *, float *, float *); extern void SUMA_add_triangles( SUMA_surface *, int, int *, int *, int * ) ; extern void SUMA_add_triangle( SUMA_surface *, int, int, int ) ; extern void SUMA_truncate_memory ( SUMA_surface * ) ; extern void SUMA_ixyzsort_surface( SUMA_surface * ) ; extern int SUMA_find_node_id ( SUMA_surface *, int ) ; extern SUMA_surface * SUMA_read_surface( char * , struct THD_3dim_dataset * ) ; extern void SUMA_get_surfname( struct THD_3dim_dataset * ) ; extern int * SUMA_map_vol_to_surf( SUMA_surface * , int nx , int ny , int nz , float xoff, float yoff, float zoff, float dx , float dy , float dz ) ; extern int * SUMA_map_dset_to_surf( SUMA_surface *, struct THD_3dim_dataset *); extern SUMA_vnlist * SUMA_make_vnlist(SUMA_surface *,struct THD_3dim_dataset *); extern int AFNI_find_closest_node( int , SUMA_ixyz *, /* 20 Feb 2003 */ float,float,float , float,float , float,float , float,float ) ; extern void AFNI_get_xhair_node( void *, int *, int * ) ; extern void SUMA_load ( struct THD_3dim_dataset * ) ; extern void SUMA_unload( struct THD_3dim_dataset * ) ; extern THD_fvec3 THD_dicomm_to_surefit( struct THD_3dim_dataset *, THD_fvec3 ) ; extern THD_fvec3 THD_surefit_to_dicomm( struct THD_3dim_dataset *, THD_fvec3 ) ; extern void SUMA_import_surefit( SUMA_surface *, char *, struct THD_3dim_dataset * ); extern void SUMA_destroy_vnlist( SUMA_vnlist *vnlist ) ; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SUMA_HEADER_FILE */