#!/usr/bin/env python # general functions for use by uber_tool*.py import sys, os from time import asctime import glob import afni_base as BASE import afni_util as UTIL import lib_subjects as SUBJ DEF_UBER_DIR = 'uber_results' # top directory for output DEF_TOP_DIR = 'tool_results' # top subject dir under uber_results g_history = """ slow_surf_clustsim.py history 0.0 20 Jun, 2011: initial revision 0.1 08 Jul, 2011: added -on_surface, which might not be so useful 0.2 13 Jul, 2011: let plist be list of strings or floats 0.3 14 Jul, 2011: show date per iter block and use ./ in 3dcalc prefix 0.4 22 Jul, 2011: scale smoothed data to be normally distributed (i.e. divide by stdev) 0.5 25 Jul, 2011: added keepblocks var, to limit kept datasets 0.6 29 Jul, 2011: - name z.max files by the p-values - suggest quick.alpha.vals.py command 0.7 10 Feb, 2012: help update for HJ: -on_surface takes yes/no parameter 0.8 17 Jul, 2012: removed -Niter opt from SurfSmooth (let it decide) 0.9 08 Aug, 2012: pass along surf vol even for on_surface (plan to remove this later) 0.10 21 Aug, 2012: added 'sigma' uvar, for SurfSmooth """ g_version = '0.10 (August 21, 2012)' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # global values to apply as defaults # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # global definitions of result, control and user defaults # (as well as string versions of control and user defaults) # ---- resulting values returned after class actions ---- g_res_defs = SUBJ.VarsObject("slow_surf_clustsim result variables") g_res_defs.file_proc = '' # file name for process script g_res_defs.output_proc = '' # output from running proc script # ---- control variables: process control, not set by user in GUI g_ctrl_defs = SUBJ.VarsObject("slow_surf_clustsim control defaults") g_ctrl_defs.verb = 1 # verbose level g_ctrl_defs.proc_dir = '.' # process dir: holds scripts and result dir g_ctrl_defs.time_process = 'yes' # run /usr/bin/time on commands? # rcr - default to 'no' g_ctrl_defs.on_surface = 'no' # default to starting from the volume g_ctrl_defs.nsteps = 10 g_ctrl_defs.keepblocks = 10 # number of iteration block outputs to keep # ---- user variables: process control, alignment inputs and options ---- g_user_defs = SUBJ.VarsObject("slow_surf_clustsim user defaults") g_user_defs.copy_scripts = 'yes' # do we make .orig copies of scripts? g_user_defs.results_dir = 'clust.results' # where script puts results # required inputs g_user_defs.spec_file = '' g_user_defs.surf_vol = '' g_user_defs.vol_mask = '' # required only if not on_surface # other inputs g_user_defs.niter = 20 # total number of iterations g_user_defs.itersize = 10 # iteration block size (speed-up) g_user_defs.pthr_list = [ 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01 ] g_user_defs.blur = 4.0 g_user_defs.rmm = -1.0 g_user_defs.sigma = -1.0 # if > 0, apply in SurfSmooth g_user_defs.surfA = 'smoothwm' g_user_defs.surfB = 'pial' g_user_defs.map_func = 'ave' # string versions of variables - used by GUI and main # (when creating SurfClust object, string versions of vars are passed) g_cdef_strs = g_ctrl_defs.copy(as_strings=1) g_udef_strs = g_user_defs.copy(as_strings=1) g_make_empty_surf_str = """ # ------------------------------ # make an empty surface dataset (for data on surface and 3dmaskave) # get number of nodes SurfMeasures -spec $spec_file -sv $surf_vol -surf_A $surfA -out_1D nodes.1D set last_node = `tail -n 1 nodes.1D` if ( $last_node <= 0 ) then echo "** failed to count nodes from surface $surfA" exit endif # make $empty_surf of that size set empty_surf = empty.gii ConvertDset -o_gii -input nodes.1D -prefix $empty_surf \\ -add_node_index -pad_to_node $last_node # make an all-1 surface for 3dmaskave 3dcalc -a $empty_surf -expr 1 -prefix all_1.gii """ # main class definition class SurfClust(object): """class for creating surf clust script - cvars : control variables - uvars : user variables - rvars : return variables ** input vars might be string types, convert on merge variables: LV - local variables cvars - control variables uvars - user variables cmd_text - generated alignment script errors --> array of resulting error messages warnings --> array of resulting warning messages """ def __init__(self, cvars=None, uvars=None): # ------------------------------------------------------------ # variables # LV: variables local to this interface, not passed self.LV = SUBJ.VarsObject("local AP_Subject vars") self.LV.indent = 8 # default indent for main options self.LV.istr = ' '*self.LV.indent self.LV.retdir = '' # return directory (for jumping around) self.LV.rmsets = [] # items to delete after keepblocks # merge passed user variables with defaults self.cvars = g_ctrl_defs.copy() self.uvars = g_user_defs.copy() self.cvars.merge(cvars, typedef=g_ctrl_defs) self.uvars.merge(uvars, typedef=g_user_defs) # output variables self.rvars = g_res_defs.copy() # init result vars self.script = '' # resulting script self.errors = [] # list of error strings self.warnings = [] # list of warning strings # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # preperatory settings if self.check_inputs(): return # require spec, sv, vol_mask if self.set_directories(): return if self.cvars.verb > 3: self.LV.show('ready to start script') # do the work self.create_script() def check_inputs(self): """check for required inputs: anat, epi (check existence?)""" if self.uvars.is_empty('spec_file'): self.errors.append('** unspecified spec_file') if self.uvars.is_empty('surf_vol'): self.errors.append('** unspecified surf_vol dataset') if self.cvars.val('on_surface') != 'yes': # if not on surface, a volume mask is required if self.uvars.is_empty('vol_mask'): self.errors.append('** unspecified vol_mask (result grid) dataset') return len(self.errors) def set_directories(self): """always use $top_dir with absolute paths to datasets """ inputs = [self.uvars.surf_vol, self.uvars.spec_file] if self.cvars.val('on_surface') != 'yes': inputs.append(self.uvars.vol_mask) # try converting to absolute paths try: inputs = [ os.path.abspath(fname) for fname in inputs ] except: msg = '** cannot convert inputs to asolute path names:\n %s' % inputs self.errors.append(msg) return 1 top_dir, parent_dirs, short_dirs, short_names = \ UTIL.common_parent_dirs([inputs]) self.LV.top_dir = parent_dirs[0] # common parent dir self.LV.short_names = short_names # if top_dir is used, they are under it if self.cvars.verb > 2: if self.cvars.val('on_surface') != 'yes': print '-- set_dirs: top_dir = %s\n' \ ' short surf_vol = %s\n' \ ' short spec_file = %s\n' \ ' short vol_mask = %s\n' % (self.LV.top_dir, short_names[0][0], short_names[0][1], short_names[0][2]) else: # on surface print '-- set_dirs: top_dir = %s\n' \ ' short surf_vol = %s\n' \ ' short spec_file = %s\n' % (self.LV.top_dir, short_names[0][0], short_names[0][1]) # if top_dir isn't long enough, do not bother with it if self.LV.top_dir.count('/') < 2: self.LV.top_dir = '' if self.cvars.verb > 2: print ' (top_dir not worth using...)' return 0 def create_script(self): """attempt to generate an alignment script - write script - keep a list of any warnings or errors - - if there are errors, script might not be filled """ # script prep, headers and variable assignments self.script = self.script_init() self.script += self.script_set_vars() # do some actual work self.script += self.script_results_dir() self.script += self.script_main_process() self.script += self.script_tabulate_areas() self.script += self.script_finish() # add commands ... if len(self.errors) > 0: return # if any errors so far, give up return def script_finish(self): zfile = '$results_dir/z.max.area.$plast' cmd = '# done, suggest how to look at some results\n' \ 'set plast = $pthr_list[$#pthr_list]\n\n' \ '@ titers = $niter * $itersize\n\n' \ 'echo ""\n' \ 'echo "finished, consider the command:"\n' \ 'echo " quick.alpha.vals.py -niter $titers %s"\n' \ 'echo ""\n' % zfile return cmd def script_tabulate_areas(self): """for each zthr, for each clust file, extract max area""" cmd = SUBJ.comment_section_string('extract cluster counts') + '\n' cmd += '# tabulate all results for each uncorrected p-threshold\n' \ 'set maxa_list = () # track all max areas\n' \ 'set failures = () # track cluster failures\n' \ 'foreach pthr ( $pthr_list )\n' \ ' # make note of current file\n' \ ' set zfile = z.max.area.$pthr\n' \ '\n' \ ' # create empty file for this p-value\n' \ ' echo -n "" > $zfile\n' \ '\n' \ ' set file_list = ( clust.out.*.$pthr )\n' \ ' echo "-- processing $#file_list files for p = $pthr"\n' \ '\n' \ ' # process each file, counting through them\n' \ ' foreach findex ( `count -digits 1 1 $#file_list` )\n' \ ' set file = $file_list[$findex]\n' \ '\n' \ ' # print pacifier every 100 files\n' \ ' if ( ! ($findex % 100) ) echo -n .\n' \ ' if ( ! ($findex % 5000) ) echo ""\n' \ '\n' \ ' # grab the area field from first (largest) cluster\n' \ " set maxa = `awk '$1 == 1 {print $3}' $file`\n" \ '\n' \ ' # and append it to the max file (if results exist)\n' \ ' if ( $maxa != "" ) echo $maxa >> $zfile\n' \ '\n' \ ' end # file index\n' \ '\n' \ ' # grab the max area for this p-value, and add to list\n' \ ' # (if the max.area file is not empty for some reason)\n' \ ' set nlines = `cat $zfile | wc -l`\n' \ ' if ( $nlines != 0 ) then\n' \ ' set maxa = `sort -rn $zfile | head -n 1`\n' \ ' else\n' \ ' set failures = ( $failures $pthr )\n' \ ' set maxa = 0\n' \ ' endif\n' \ '\n' \ ' set maxa_list = ( $maxa_list $maxa )\n' \ '\n' \ 'end # pthr\n' \ '\n' \ 'echo ""\n' \ 'echo "p-value thresholds : $pthr_list"\n' \ 'echo "z-score thresholds : $zthr_list"\n' \ 'echo "maximum cluster areas: $maxa_list"\n' \ '\n' \ 'if ( $#failures ) then\n' \ ' echo ""\n' \ ' echo "** no clusters for p = $failures"\n' \ 'endif\n' \ '\n' return cmd def script_main_process(self): """setup is done, actually process the data """ cmd = self.script_analysis_prep() # prepare contents of foreach loop cmd_3dcalc = self.script_do_3dcalc(indent=3) if self.cvars.val('on_surface') != 'yes': cmd_v2s = self.script_do_3dv2s(indent=3) else: cmd_v2s = '' cmd_ss = self.script_do_surfsmooth(indent=3) cmd_scale = self.rescale_stdev(indent=3) cmd_clust = self.script_do_surfclust(indent=3) cmd_keepb = self.script_keepblocks(indent=3) cmd += \ '# for each iteration block, process $itersize sets of p/z-scores\n' \ 'foreach iter ( `count -digits 3 1 $niter` )\n\n' \ ' # track time for each iteration\n' \ ' echo "== iter block $iter (size $itersize) @ `date`"\n\n' \ + cmd_3dcalc + cmd_v2s + cmd_ss + cmd_scale \ + cmd_clust + cmd_keepb + \ 'end # of foreach iter loop\n\n' return cmd def script_keepblocks(self, indent=0): # are we using keepblocks and have something to delete? if self.cvars.verb > 1: print '-- keepblocks: kb=%d, rmsets=%d)' \ % (self.cvars.keepblocks, len(self.LV.rmsets)) if self.cvars.keepblocks <= 0 or len(self.LV.rmsets) == 0: return '' istr = ' '*indent clist = [ \ '# if we are past keepblocks iterations, delete current datasets\n', 'set icount = `ccalc -i $iter` # avoid octal question\n', 'if ( $icount > $keepblocks ) then\n'] # add all of the delete linse for rmset in self.LV.rmsets: clist.append(' rm -f %s\n' % rmset) clist.append('endif\n\n') return istr + istr.join(clist) def script_do_surfclust(self, indent=0): istr = ' '*indent # time_str use is indended if self.LV.time_str: tstr = ' ' + self.LV.time_str else: tstr = '' clist = [ \ '# compute cluster sizes (for each iteration and p/z-score)\n', '@ iminus1 = $itersize - 1 # want 0-based indices\n', 'foreach index ( `count -digits 1 0 $iminus1` )\n', ' foreach pind ( `count -digits 1 1 $#pthr_list` )\n', ' # note corresponding p and z-values\n', ' set pthr = $pthr_list[$pind]\n', ' set zthr = $zthr_list[$pind]\n\n', tstr, ' SurfClust -spec $spec_file -surf_A $surfA \\\n', ' -input smooth.white.$iter.gii"[$index]" 0 \\\n', ' -sort_area -rmm $rmm -athresh $zthr \\\n', ' > clust.out.$iter.$index.$pthr\n', ' end\n', 'end\n\n' ] return istr + istr.join(clist) def rescale_stdev(self, indent=0): istr = ' '*indent clist = [ \ '# rescale noise to be normally distributed\n', '3dmaskave -mask all_1.gii -sigma smooth.noise.$iter.gii \\\n', " | awk '{print $2}' > t.stdev.1D\n", '3dcalc -a smooth.noise.$iter.gii -b t.stdev.1D -expr a/b \\\n', ' -prefix smooth.white.$iter.gii\n\n'] # add current output to optional delete list self.LV.rmsets.append('smooth.white.$iter.gii') return istr + istr.join(clist) def script_do_surfsmooth(self, indent=0): istr = ' '*indent if self.cvars.val('on_surface') == 'yes': inset = 'surf.noise.$iter.gii' niter = 5 else: inset = 'surf.noise.$iter.niml.dset' niter = 10 if self.uvars.val('sigma') > 0: sigopt = '-sigma %g' % self.uvars.val('sigma') else: sigopt = ' ' # removed -Niter option clist = [ \ '# smooth to the given target FWHM\n', self.LV.time_str, 'SurfSmooth -spec $spec_file -surf_A $surfA \\\n', ' -input %s \\\n' % inset, ' -met HEAT_07 -target_fwhm $blur %s \\\n' % sigopt, ' -blurmaster %s \\\n' % inset, ' -detrend_master \\\n', ' -output smooth.noise.$iter.gii \\\n', ' | tee params.surf.smooth.$iter.1D\n\n' ] # add current output to optional delete list self.LV.rmsets.append('smooth.noise.$iter.gii') return istr + istr.join(clist) def script_do_3dv2s(self, indent=3): istr = ' '*indent vv = self.LV.svset.view clist = [ '# map noise voxels to surface domain\n', self.LV.time_str, '3dVol2Surf -spec $spec_file \\\n', ' -surf_A $surfA \\\n', ' -surf_B $surfB \\\n', ' -sv $surf_vol \\\n', ' -grid_parent vol.noise.$iter%s \\\n' % vv, ' -map_func $map_func \\\n', ' -f_steps $nsteps \\\n', ' -f_index nodes \\\n', ' -oob_value 0 \\\n', ' -out_niml surf.noise.$iter.niml.dset\n\n' ] # add current output to optional delete list self.LV.rmsets.append('surf.noise.$iter.niml.dset') return istr + istr.join(clist) def script_do_3dcalc(self, indent=3): istr = ' '*indent if self.cvars.val('on_surface') == 'yes': domain = 'surface' else: domain = 'volume' dlist = [ '# do not include single TR "time series" in 3dcalc\n', 'if ( $itersize > 1 ) then\n', ' set bset = "-b dummy.TRs.$itersize.1D"\n', 'else\n', ' set bset = ""\n', 'endif\n\n', '# generate noise %s (possibly of $itersize TRs)\n' % domain, self.LV.time_str] if self.cvars.val('on_surface') == 'yes': clist = [ \ '3dcalc -a $empty_surf $bset -expr "gran(0,1)" \\\n', ' -prefix ./surf.noise.$iter.gii -datum float\n\n' ] rmset = 'surf.noise.$iter.gii' else: clist = [ \ '3dcalc -a $vol_mask $bset -expr "bool(a)*gran(0,1)" \\\n', ' -prefix ./vol.noise.$iter -datum float\n\n' ] rmset = 'vol.noise.$iter+*' # add current output to optional delete list self.LV.rmsets.append(rmset) return istr + istr.join(dlist) + istr + istr.join(clist) def script_analysis_prep(self): """return a set of commands to: convert pthr_list to zthr_list create a dummy time series of lenth itersize (if > 1) divide (ceil) niter by itersize (if > 1) """ cmd = SUBJ.comment_section_string('prep: make z-scores, etc.') + '\n' cmd += '# make zthr_list (convert p-values to z-scores)\n' \ '# (2-tailed computation mirrors athresh() in SurfClust)\n'\ 'set zthr_list = ()\n' \ 'foreach pthr ( $pthr_list )\n' \ ' # convert from p to z (code for N(0,1) is 5)\n' \ ' set zthr = `ccalc "cdf2stat(1-$pthr,5,0,0,0)"`\n' \ ' set zthr_list = ( $zthr_list $zthr )\n' \ 'end\n\n' cmd += 'echo have p-values: $pthr_list\n' \ 'echo have z-scores: $zthr_list\n\n' cmd += '# make a dummy time file of length $itersize for 3dcalc\n' \ '1deval -num $itersize -expr t > dummy.TRs.$itersize.1D\n\n' cmd += '# divide niter by itersize (take ceiling)\n' \ '@ niter = ( $niter + $itersize - 1 ) / $itersize\n\n' # always create an empty surface, and then an all-1 surface cmd += g_make_empty_surf_str return cmd def script_init(self): cmd = '#!/bin/tcsh -xef\n\n' \ '# created by slow_surf_clustsim.py: version %s\n' \ '# creation date: %s\n\n' % (g_version, asctime()) return cmd def script_results_dir(self): # if no results dir, just put everything here if self.uvars.is_trivial_dir('results_dir'): return '' cmd = SUBJ.comment_section_string('test, create and enter results dir')\ + '\n' cmd += '# note directory for results\n' \ 'set results_dir = %s\n\n' % self.uvars.results_dir cmd += '# make sure it does not yet exist\n' \ 'if ( -e $results_dir ) then\n' \ ' echo "** results dir \'$results_dir\' already exists"\n' \ ' exit\n' \ 'endif\n\n' cmd += '# create and enter results directory\n' \ 'mkdir $results_dir\n' \ 'cd $results_dir\n\n' return cmd def script_set_vars(self): """use variables for inputs (anat, epi, epi_base) and for options (cost_main, cost_list, align_opts) """ U = self.uvars # for convenience # init with a section comment cmd = SUBJ.comment_section_string('set processing variables') + '\n' # maybe init with top_dir if not self.LV.is_trivial_dir('top_dir'): cmd += '# top data directory\n' \ 'set top_dir = %s\n\n' % self.LV.top_dir # surf_vol and vol_mask might use top_dir if self.LV.is_trivial_dir('top_dir'): # if self.cvars.val('on_surface') != 'yes': self.LV.svol = U.surf_vol # # rcr - fix this, surf_vol should not be needed if only on surface # (for getting the node count, avoid SurfMeasures or any other # program that uses -sv) self.LV.svol = U.surf_vol self.LV.svset = BASE.afni_name(self.LV.svol) self.LV.vmask = U.vol_mask self.LV.spec = U.spec_file else: self.LV.svol = '$top_dir/%s' % self.LV.short_names[0][0] self.LV.svset = BASE.afni_name(self.LV.svol) self.LV.spec = '$top_dir/%s' % self.LV.short_names[0][1] if self.cvars.val('on_surface') != 'yes': self.LV.vmask = '$top_dir/%s' % self.LV.short_names[0][2] cmd += '# input datasets and surface specification file\n' \ '# (absolute paths are used since inputs are not copied)\n' \ 'set surf_vol = %s\n' \ 'set spec_file = %s\n' % (self.LV.svol, self.LV.spec) if self.cvars.val('on_surface') != 'yes': cmd += 'set vol_mask = %s\n' % self.LV.vmask # as a list, these might come is as strings or floats, be generic plist = [ '%s'%p for p in U.pthr_list ] cmd += '\n' \ '# iterations and blur/clust parameters\n' \ 'set niter = %d\n' \ 'set itersize = %d\n' \ 'set pthr_list = ( %s )\n\n' \ 'set blur = %g\n' \ 'set rmm = %g\n\n' \ % (U.niter, U.itersize, ' '.join(plist), U.blur, U.rmm) cmd += '# surface mapping parameters\n' \ 'set surfA = %s\n' \ 'set surfB = %s\n' \ 'set map_func = %s\n' \ 'set nsteps = %d\n\n' \ % (U.surfA, U.surfB, U.map_func, self.cvars.nsteps) if self.cvars.keepblocks > 0: cmd += '# note how many blocks to keep output datasets for\n' \ 'set keepblocks = %d\n\n' % self.cvars.keepblocks if self.cvars.time_process: cmd += "# prepare to possibly time programs (/usr/bin/time or '')\n" \ "set time_str = /usr/bin/time \n\n" self.LV.time_str = '$time_str \\\n' else: self.LV.time_str = '' return cmd def get_script(self): """return status, message status = number of error messages if 0: message = command else: message = error string Requests for warnings must be made separately, since they are not fatal. """ if len(self.errors) > 0: return 1, SUBJ.make_message_list_string(self.errors, "errors") return 0, self.script def get_warnings(self): """return the number of warnings and a warnings string""" return len(self.warnings), \ SUBJ.make_message_list_string(self.warnings, "warnings") def proc_dir_filename(self, vname): """file is either fname or proc_dir/fname (if results is set) vname : results file variable (must convert to fname) """ fname = self.rvars.val(vname) return self.cvars.file_under_dir('proc_dir', fname) def nuke_old_results(self): """if the results directory exists, remove it""" if self.uvars.results_dir == '': return # ------------------------- do the work ------------------------- self.LV.retdir = SUBJ.goto_proc_dir(self.cvars.proc_dir) if os.path.isdir(self.uvars.results_dir): print '-- nuking old results: %s' % self.uvars.results_dir os.system('rm -fr %s' % self.uvars.results_dir) self.LV.retdir = SUBJ.ret_from_proc_dir(self.LV.retdir) # ------------------------- done ------------------------- def copy_orig_proc(self): """if the proc script exists, copy to .orig.SCRIPTNAME""" if self.rvars.file_proc == '': return pfile = self.rvars.file_proc # ------------------------- do the work ------------------------- self.LV.retdir = SUBJ.goto_proc_dir(self.cvars.proc_dir) if os.path.isfile(pfile): cmd = 'cp -f %s .orig.%s' % (pfile, pfile) if self.cvars.verb > 1: print '++ exec: %s' % cmd os.system(cmd) elif self.cvars.verb > 1: print "** no proc '%s' to copy" % pfile self.LV.retdir = SUBJ.ret_from_proc_dir(self.LV.retdir) # ------------------------- done ------------------------- def write_script(self, fname=''): """write processing script to a file (in the proc_dir) - if fname is set, use it, else generate - set rvars.file_proc and output_proc """ if not self.script: print '** no alignment script to write out' return 1 if fname: name = fname else: # if self.svars.sid: name = 'script.align.%s' % self.svars.sid name = 'script.align' # store (intended) names for calling tool to execute with self.rvars.file_proc = name # store which file we have written to self.rvars.output_proc = 'output.%s' % name # file for command output if self.cvars.verb > 0: print '++ writing script to %s' % name # if requested, make an original copy self.LV.retdir = SUBJ.goto_proc_dir(self.cvars.proc_dir) if self.uvars.copy_scripts == 'yes': # make an orig copy UTIL.write_text_to_file('.orig.%s'%name, self.script, exe=1) rv = UTIL.write_text_to_file(name, self.script, exe=1) self.LV.retdir = SUBJ.ret_from_proc_dir(self.LV.retdir) return rv # =========================================================================== # help strings accessed both from command-line and GUI # =========================================================================== helpstr_todo = """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- todo list: - include example in class data - set up regression testing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """