import mdp import warnings # import numeric module (scipy, Numeric or numarray) numx = mdp.numx def _check_roundoff(t, dtype): """Check if t is so large that t+1 == t up to 2 precision digits""" # limit precision limit = 10.**(numx.finfo(dtype).precision-2) if int(t) >= limit: wr = ('You have summed %e entries in the covariance matrix.' '\nAs you are using dtype \'%s\', you are ' 'probably getting severe round off' '\nerrors. See CovarianceMatrix docstring for more' ' information.' % (t, warnings.warn(wr, mdp.MDPWarning) class CovarianceMatrix(object): """This class stores an empirical covariance matrix that can be updated incrementally. A call to the 'fix' method returns the current state of the covariance matrix, the average and the number of observations, and resets the internal data. Note that the internal sum is a standard __add__ operation. We are not using any of the fancy sum algorithms to avoid round off errors when adding many numbers. If you want to contribute a CovarianceMatrix class that uses such algorithms we would be happy to include it in MDP. For a start see the Python recipe by Raymond Hettinger at For a review about floating point arithmetic and its pitfalls see """ def __init__(self, dtype=None, bias=False): """If dtype is not defined, it will be inherited from the first data bunch received by 'update'. All the matrices in this class are set up with the given dtype and no upcast is possible. If bias is True, the covariance matrix is normalized by dividing by T instead of the usual T-1. """ if dtype is None: self._dtype = None else: self._dtype = numx.dtype(dtype) self._input_dim = None # will be set in _init_internals # covariance matrix, updated during the training phase self._cov_mtx = None # average, updated during the training phase self._avg = None # number of observation so far during the training phase self._tlen = 0 self.bias = bias def _init_internals(self, x): """Init the internal structures. The reason this is not done in the constructor is that we want to be able to derive the input dimension and the dtype directly from the data this class receives. """ # init dtype if self._dtype is None: self._dtype = x.dtype dim = x.shape[1] self._input_dim = dim type_ = self._dtype # init covariance matrix self._cov_mtx = numx.zeros((dim, dim), type_) # init average self._avg = numx.zeros(dim, type_) def update(self, x): """Update internal structures. Note that no consistency checks are performed on the data (this is typically done in the enclosing node). """ if self._cov_mtx is None: self._init_internals(x) # cast input x = mdp.utils.refcast(x, self._dtype) # update the covariance matrix, the average and the number of # observations (try to do everything inplace) self._cov_mtx += mdp.utils.mult(x.T, x) self._avg += x.sum(axis=0) self._tlen += x.shape[0] def fix(self, center=True): """Returns a triple containing the covariance matrix, the average and the number of observations. The covariance matrix is then reset to a zero-state. If center is false, the returned matrix is the matrix of the second moments, i.e. the covariance matrix of the data without subtracting the mean.""" # local variables type_ = self._dtype tlen = self._tlen _check_roundoff(tlen, type_) avg = self._avg cov_mtx = self._cov_mtx ##### fix the training variables # fix the covariance matrix (try to do everything inplace) if self.bias: cov_mtx /= tlen else: cov_mtx /= tlen - 1 if center: avg_mtx = numx.outer(avg, avg) if self.bias: avg_mtx /= tlen*(tlen) else: avg_mtx /= tlen*(tlen - 1) cov_mtx -= avg_mtx # fix the average avg /= tlen ##### clean up # covariance matrix, updated during the training phase self._cov_mtx = None # average, updated during the training phase self._avg = None # number of observation so far during the training phase self._tlen = 0 return cov_mtx, avg, tlen class DelayCovarianceMatrix(object): """This class stores an empirical covariance matrix between the signal and time delayed signal that can be updated incrementally. Note that the internal sum is a standard __add__ operation. We are not using any of the fancy sum algorithms to avoid round off errors when adding many numbers. If you want to contribute a CovarianceMatrix class that uses such algorithms we would be happy to include it in MDP. For a start see the Python recipe by Raymond Hettinger at For a review about floating point arithmetic and its pitfalls see """ def __init__(self, dt, dtype=None, bias=False): """dt is the time delay. If dt==0, DelayCovarianceMatrix equals CovarianceMatrix. If dtype is not defined, it will be inherited from the first data bunch received by 'update'. All the matrices in this class are set up with the given dtype and no upcast is possible. If bias is True, the covariance matrix is normalized by dividing by T instead of the usual T-1. """ # time delay self._dt = int(dt) if dtype is None: self._dtype = None else: self._dtype = numx.dtype(dtype) # clean up variables to spare on space self._cov_mtx = None self._avg = None self._avg_dt = None self._tlen = 0 self.bias = bias def _init_internals(self, x): """Inits some internals structures. The reason this is not done in the constructor is that we want to be able to derive the input dimension and the dtype directly from the data this class receives. """ # init dtype if self._dtype is None: self._dtype = x.dtype dim = x.shape[1] self._input_dim = dim # init covariance matrix self._cov_mtx = numx.zeros((dim, dim), self._dtype) # init averages self._avg = numx.zeros(dim, self._dtype) self._avg_dt = numx.zeros(dim, self._dtype) def update(self, x): """Update internal structures.""" if self._cov_mtx is None: self._init_internals(x) # cast input x = mdp.utils.refcast(x, self._dtype) dt = self._dt # the number of data points in each block should be at least dt+1 tlen = x.shape[0] if tlen < (dt+1): err = 'Block length is %d, should be at least %d.' % (tlen, dt+1) raise mdp.MDPException(err) # update the covariance matrix, the average and the number of # observations (try to do everything inplace) self._cov_mtx += mdp.utils.mult(x[:tlen-dt, :].T, x[dt:tlen, :]) totalsum = x.sum(axis=0) self._avg += totalsum - x[tlen-dt:, :].sum(axis=0) self._avg_dt += totalsum - x[:dt, :].sum(axis=0) self._tlen += tlen-dt def fix(self, A=None): """The collected data is adjusted to compute the covariance matrix of the signal x(1)...x(N-dt) and the delayed signal x(dt)...x(N), which is defined as <(x(t)-<x(t)>)*(x(t+dt)-<x(t+dt)>)> . The function returns a tuple containing the covariance matrix, the average <x(t)> over the first N-dt points, the average of the delayed signal <x(t+dt)> and the number of observations. The internal data is then reset to a zero-state. If A is defined, the covariance matrix is transformed by the linear transformation Ax . E.g. to whiten the data, A is the whitening matrix. """ # local variables type_ = self._dtype tlen = self._tlen _check_roundoff(tlen, type_) avg = self._avg avg_dt = self._avg_dt cov_mtx = self._cov_mtx ##### fix the training variables # fix the covariance matrix (try to do everything inplace) avg_mtx = numx.outer(avg, avg_dt) avg_mtx /= tlen cov_mtx -= avg_mtx if self.bias: cov_mtx /= tlen else: cov_mtx /= tlen - 1 if A is not None: cov_mtx = mdp.utils.mult(A, mdp.utils.mult(cov_mtx, A.T)) # fix the average avg /= tlen avg_dt /= tlen ##### clean up variables to spare on space self._cov_mtx = None self._avg = None self._avg_dt = None self._tlen = 0 return cov_mtx, avg, avg_dt, tlen class MultipleCovarianceMatrices(object): """Container class for multiple covariance matrices to easily execute operations on all matrices at the same time. Note: all operations are done in place where possible.""" def __init__(self, covs): """Insantiate with a sequence of covariance matrices.""" # swap axes to get the different covmat on to the 3rd axis self.dtype = covs[0].dtype self.covs = (numx.array(covs, dtype=self.dtype)).transpose([1, 2, 0]) self.ncovs = len(covs) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.covs[:, :, item] def symmetrize(self): """Symmetrize matrices: C -> (C+C^T)/2 .""" # symmetrize cov matrices covs = self.covs covs = 0.5*(covs+covs.transpose([1, 0, 2])) self.covs = covs def weight(self, weights): """Apply a weighting factor to matrices. Argument can be a sequence or a single value. In the latter case the same weight is applied to all matrices.""" # apply a weighting vector to cov matrices err = ("len(weights)=%d does not match number " "of matrices (%d)" % (len(weights), self.ncovs)) assert len(weights) == self.ncovs, err self.covs *= mdp.utils.refcast(weights, self.dtype) def rotate(self, angle, indices): """Rotate matrices by angle in the plane defined by indices [i,j].""" covs = self.covs [i, j] = indices cos_ = numx.cos(angle) sin_ = numx.sin(angle) # rotate columns # you need to copy the first column that is modified covs_i = covs[:, i, :] + 0 covs_j = covs[:, j, :] covs[:, i, :] = cos_*covs_i - sin_*covs_j covs[:, j, :] = sin_*covs_i + cos_*covs_j # rotate rows # you need to copy the first row that is modified covs_i = covs[i, :, :] + 0 covs_j = covs[j, :, :] covs[i, :, :] = cos_*covs_i - sin_*covs_j covs[j, :, :] = sin_*covs_i + cos_*covs_j self.covs = covs def permute(self, indices): """Swap two columns and two rows of all matrices, whose indices are specified as [i,j].""" covs = self.covs [i, j] = indices covs[i, :, :], covs[j, :, :] = covs[j, :, :], covs[i, :, :] + 0 covs[:, i, :], covs[:, j, :] = covs[:, j, :], covs[:, i, :] + 0 self.covs = covs def transform(self, trans_matrix): """Apply a linear transformation to all matrices, defined by the transformation matrix.""" trans_matrix = mdp.utils.refcast(trans_matrix, self.dtype) for cov in range(self.ncovs): self.covs[:, :, cov] = mdp.utils.mult( mdp.utils.mult(trans_matrix.T, self.covs[:, :, cov]), trans_matrix) def copy(self): """Return a deep copy of the instance.""" return MultipleCovarianceMatrices(self.covs.transpose([2, 0, 1])) class CrossCovarianceMatrix(CovarianceMatrix): def _init_internals(self, x, y): if self._dtype is None: self._dtype = x.dtype if y.dtype != x.dtype: err = 'dtype mismatch: x (%s) != y (%s)'%(x.dtype, y.dtype) raise mdp.MDPException(err) dim_x = x.shape[1] dim_y = y.shape[1] type_ = self._dtype self._cov_mtx = numx.zeros((dim_x, dim_y), type_) self._avgx = numx.zeros(dim_x, type_) self._avgy = numx.zeros(dim_y, type_) def update(self, x, y): # check internal dimensions consistency if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: err = '# samples mismatch: x (%d) != y (%d)'%(x.shape[0], y.shape[0]) raise mdp.MDPException(err) if self._cov_mtx is None: self._init_internals(x, y) # cast input x = mdp.utils.refcast(x, self._dtype) y = mdp.utils.refcast(y, self._dtype) self._cov_mtx += mdp.utils.mult(x.T, y) self._avgx += x.sum(axis=0) self._avgy += y.sum(axis=0) self._tlen += x.shape[0] def fix(self): type_ = self._dtype tlen = self._tlen _check_roundoff(tlen, type_) avgx = self._avgx avgy = self._avgy cov_mtx = self._cov_mtx ##### fix the training variables # fix the covariance matrix (try to do everything inplace) avg_mtx = numx.outer(avgx, avgy) if self.bias: avg_mtx /= tlen*(tlen) cov_mtx /= tlen else: avg_mtx /= tlen*(tlen - 1) cov_mtx /= tlen - 1 cov_mtx -= avg_mtx # fix the average avgx /= tlen avgy /= tlen ##### clean up # covariance matrix, updated during the training phase self._cov_mtx = None # average, updated during the training phase self._avgx = None self._avgy = None # number of observation so far during the training phase self._tlen = 0 return cov_mtx, avgx, avgy, tlen