/***************************************************************************** Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public License, Version 2. See the file README.Copyright for details. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _MCW_MRILIB_HEADER_ #define _MCW_MRILIB_HEADER_ #define MRILIB_7D #define _GNU_SOURCE /* 23 Jun 2011 */ #define COXEMAIL "rwcox@nih.gov" /* or /dev/null, if you prefer */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { /* care of Greg Balls 7 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #undef INLINE #ifdef __GNUC__ # define INLINE __inline__ #endif #ifndef INLINE # define INLINE /*nada*/ #endif #undef RESTRICT #ifdef __GNUC__ # define RESTRICT __restrict__ #else # define RESTRICT /*nada*/ #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern int MRILIB_verb ; /* 01 May 2009 */ extern char MRILIB_orients[] ; /* 12 Mar 2001 */ extern float MRILIB_zoff ; /* global variables from mri_read.c */ extern float MRILIB_tr ; /* 03 Dec 2001 */ extern float MRILIB_xoff ; /* 07 Dec 2001 */ extern float MRILIB_yoff ; extern int use_MRILIB_zoff ; /* 20 Dec 2001 */ extern int use_MRILIB_xoff ; extern int use_MRILIB_yoff ; extern int use_MRILIB_xcos ; /* 22 Jul 2002 */ extern int use_MRILIB_ycos ; extern int use_MRILIB_zcos ; extern float MRILIB_xcos[3] ; extern float MRILIB_ycos[3] ; extern float MRILIB_zcos[3] ; extern int use_MRILIB_slicespacing ; /* 10 Jan 2004 */ extern float MRILIB_slicespacing ; extern int MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex ; /* 32 Dec 2007 */ extern int assume_dicom_mosaic ; /* mri_read_dicom.c 13 Mar 2006 [rickr] */ extern int use_new_mosaic_code; /* mri_process_siemens.c 23 Dec 2010 [r] */ /* siemens slice timing info from mri_read.c 13 Apr 2011 [rickr] */ extern int g_siemens_timing_nused; /* number of times used */ extern float * g_siemens_timing_times; /* actual list of times */ extern int g_siemens_timing_units; /* time units, UNITS_MSEC_TYPE? */ extern int populate_g_siemens_times(int tunits); extern int get_and_display_siemens_times(void); extern int valid_g_siemens_times(int nz, float TR, int verb); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include "nifti1_io.h" extern int use_MRILIB_dicom_matrix ; /* 26 Jan 2006 */ extern mat44 MRILIB_dicom_matrix ; #include "mri_dicom_stuff.h" extern int MRILIB_dicom_count ; /* 15 Mar 2006 */ extern int MRILIB_dicom_s16_overflow ; /* 9 Jul 2013 [rickr] */ extern AFD_dicom_header **MRILIB_dicom_header ; /*! Clear the MRILIB globals (which transmit info from image files to to3d.c). */ #define CLEAR_MRILIB_globals \ do{ MRILIB_orients[0]='\0'; \ MRILIB_zoff=MRILIB_xoff=MRILIB_yoff=MRILIB_tr=0.0; \ use_MRILIB_xoff=use_MRILIB_yoff=use_MRILIB_zoff=0; \ use_MRILIB_xcos=use_MRILIB_ycos=use_MRILIB_zcos=0; \ use_MRILIB_slicespacing=0; \ use_MRILIB_dicom_matrix=0; \ MRILIB_dicom_count=0; MRILIB_dicom_header=NULL; \ } while(0) #include #include #include #include "mcw_malloc.h" /* 06 Mar 1999 addition */ #include "debugtrace.h" /* 26 Jan 2001 addition */ #include "Amalloc.h" /* 09 Dec 2003 addition */ #include "Aomp.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef PI # define PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #ifndef WAY_BIG /*! A big number (anything over this is infinity). */ # define WAY_BIG 1.e+10 #endif #ifndef FLDIF /*! Are 2 floats significantly different? */ # define FLDIF(x,y) ( fabs(x-y) > 1.e-4 * (fabs(x)+fabs(y)) ) #endif #ifndef MAX # define MAX(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? (b) : (a)) #endif #ifndef MIN # define MIN(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (b) : (a)) #endif /**** define types ****/ /*! The MRI_byte data type. */ #ifndef TYPEDEF_byte #define TYPEDEF_byte typedef unsigned char byte ; #endif #ifndef TYPEDEF_sbyte #define TYPEDEF_sbyte typedef signed char sbyte ; #endif /*! RGBA data type; not used anywhere (yet). */ #ifndef TYPEDEF_rgba #define TYPEDEF_rgba typedef struct { byte r,g,b,a ; } rgba ; /* 24 Aug 2001 */ #endif #define LOAD_rgba(s,rr,gg,bb,aa) ((s).r=(rr),(s).g=(gg),(s).b=(bb),(s).a=(bb)) #define UNLOAD_rgba(s,rr,gg,bb,aa) ((rr)=(s).r,(gg)=(s).g,(bb)=(s).b,(aa)=(s).a) /*! Scale a byte [0..255] to a float in [0..1). */ #define BYTE_TO_ZONE(b) (0.00392157*(b)) /*! Scale a float in [0..1] to a byte in [0..255]. */ #define ZONE_TO_BYTE(z) ((byte)(255.49*(z))) /*! Integer flags for different image types. Sometimes called the "datum". */ typedef enum MRI_TYPE { MRI_byte , MRI_short , MRI_int , MRI_float , MRI_double , MRI_complex , MRI_rgb , MRI_rgba , MRI_fvect } MRI_TYPE ; #define MRI_KIND MRI_TYPE ; /* to alleviate stupidity */ #define MRI_type MRI_TYPE ; #define MRI_kind MRI_TYPE ; #define MRI_rgbyte MRI_rgb /*! The last MRI_TYPE yet defined. */ #define LAST_MRI_TYPE 7 /*! String names for MRI_TYPE. */ static char * MRI_TYPE_name[9] = { "byte" , "short", "int", "float", "double", "complex", "rgb", "RGBA" , "fvect" } ; #define IS_REAL_TYPE(zkq) ((zkq)==MRI_byte || (zkq)==MRI_short || (zkq)==MRI_float) #define MRI_type_name MRI_TYPE_name /* because I forget */ #define MRI_TYPE_NAME(iimm) MRI_TYPE_name[(iimm)->kind] /* 26 Apr 2005 */ /*! Max value of a byte. */ #define MRI_maxbyte 255 /*! Max value of a short. */ #define MRI_maxshort 32767 /*! Max value of an int. */ #define MRI_maxint 2147483647 /*! Max values for various types, if they have them. */ static float MRI_TYPE_maxval[9] = { 255.0f, 32767.0f, 2147483647.0f, 0.0f,0.0f,0.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f } ; /*! Force a float into a short. */ #define SHORTIZE(xx) ( ((xx) < -32767.0) ? (short)-32767 \ : ((xx) > 32767.0) ? (short) 32767 : (short)rint(xx) ) /*! Force a float into a byte. */ #define BYTEIZE(xx) ( ((xx) < 0.0) ? (byte)0 \ : ((xx) > 255.0) ? (byte)255 : (byte)rint(xx) ) /*! Determine if a MRI_TYPE is an integer type. */ #define MRI_IS_INT_TYPE(typ) ((typ) < 3) #define MRI_IS_FLOAT_TYPE(typ) ((typ) >=3 && (typ) <= 5) /*! I suppose that the next C makes this pleonastic. */ #if defined(_SUNPERF_COMPLEX) || defined(DONT_DECLARE_COMPLEX) # define TYPEDEF_complex #endif #ifndef TYPEDEF_complex #define TYPEDEF_complex typedef struct complex { float r , i ; } complex ; #endif #ifndef TYPEDEF_float_pair #define TYPEDEF_float_pair typedef struct { float a,b ; } float_pair ; #endif #ifndef TYPEDEF_float_triple #define TYPEDEF_float_triple typedef struct { float a,b,c ; } float_triple ; #define float_trip float_triple #endif #ifndef TYPEDEF_float_quad #define TYPEDEF_float_quad typedef struct { float a,b,c,d ; } float_quad ; #endif #ifndef TYPEDEF_double_pair #define TYPEDEF_double_pair typedef struct { double a,b ; } double_pair ; #endif #ifndef TYPEDEF_double_triple #define TYPEDEF_double_triple typedef struct { double a,b,c ; } double_triple ; #endif #ifndef TYPEDEF_double_quad #define TYPEDEF_double_quad typedef struct { double a,b,c,d ; } double_quad ; #endif /*-------*/ /*! Triple to hold RGB bytes. */ #ifndef TYPEDEF_rgbyte #define TYPEDEF_rgbyte typedef struct rgbyte { byte r,g,b ; } rgbyte ; /* 15 Feb 1999 */ #undef RGBZEQ #undef RGBZAS #define RGBZEQ(q) ( (q).r==0 && (q).g==0 && (q).b==0 ) /* is == (0,0,0)? */ #define RGBZAS(q) ( (q).r = (q).g = (q).b = 0 ) /* set = (0,0,0). */ #endif static rgbyte tEMp_rgbyte_aAa ; /*! Convert one RBG triple (rgbyte) to a single int. */ #define RGBYTE_TO_INT(rgb) ( (rgb).r << 16 | (rgb).g << 8 | (rgb).b ) /*! Convert one int to a RGB triple (rgbyte). */ #define INT_TO_RGB(q) ( tEMp_rgbyte_aAa.r = ((q) >> 16) & 0xff , \ tEMp_rgbyte_aAa.g = ((q) >> 8) & 0xff , \ tEMp_rgbyte_aAa.b = (q) & 0xff , tEMp_rgbyte_aAa ) #define RGB_TO_FLOAT(rgb) (0.299*(rgb).r+0.587*(rgb).g+0.114*(rgb).b) /*-------*/ /** Mar 1996: Extended to images up to 7D; Not all routines work with images > 2D -- check top of file for "7D SAFE" comments **/ #undef USE_MRI_LABELS #ifdef USE_MRI_LABELS # define MRI_LABEL_SIZE 4 #endif #define INPUT_DELAY 1 #define BSWAP_DELAY 2 #define IS_PURGED 4 /*! Stores one image (1D to 7D). Why 7D, you ask? Well, I originally only had 2D images here. When extending AFNI from 3D to 3D+time and buckets, I thought that I might use 4D images (x,y,z,t) as the basic element. Instead, I decided to use an array of 3D images (in a THD_datablock), but by then I'd extended this typedef to allow (x,y,z,t,u,v,w) dimensioned arrays. I don't think anyplace ever uses more than 3D images, though. */ typedef struct MRI_IMAGE { int nx ; /*!< 1st dimension of image */ int ny ; /*!< 2nd dimension of image (1 for 1D image) */ int nz ; /*!< 3rd dimension of image (1 for 2D image) */ int nt ; /*!< 4th dimension of image (1 for 3D image) */ int nu ; /*!< 5th dimension of image (1 for 4D image) */ int nv ; /*!< 6th dimension of image (1 for 5D image) */ int nw ; /*!< 7th dimension of image (1 for 6D image) */ int nxy ; /*!< nx*ny */ int64_t nxyz ; /*!< nx*ny*nz */ int64_t nxyzt ; /*!< nx*ny*nz*nt */ int64_t nvox ; /*!< number of voxels total */ int pixel_size ; /*!< bytes per pixel */ MRI_TYPE kind ; /*!< one of the MRI_TYPE codes above */ void *im ; /*!< pointer to actual pixel data */ char *name ; /*!< string attached; may be NULL; might be filename */ float dx ; /*!< physical pixel size, if != 0 */ float dy ; /*!< physical pixel size, if != 0 */ float dz ; /*!< physical pixel size, if != 0 */ float dt ; /*!< physical pixel size, if != 0 */ float du ; /*!< physical pixel size, if != 0 */ float dv ; /*!< physical pixel size, if != 0 */ float dw ; /*!< physical pixel size, if != 0 */ float xo ; /*!< spatial origin of axis */ float yo ; /*!< spatial origin of axis */ float zo ; /*!< spatial origin of axis */ float to ; /*!< spatial origin of axis */ float uo ; /*!< spatial origin of axis */ float vo ; /*!< spatial origin of axis */ float wo ; /*!< spatial origin of axis */ #ifdef USE_MRI_LABELS char xlab[MRI_LABEL_SIZE] ; /*!< labels for each dimension */ ylab[MRI_LABEL_SIZE] ; /*!< labels for each dimension */ zlab[MRI_LABEL_SIZE] ; /*!< labels for each dimension */ tlab[MRI_LABEL_SIZE] ; /*!< labels for each dimension */ ulab[MRI_LABEL_SIZE] ; /*!< labels for each dimension */ vlab[MRI_LABEL_SIZE] ; /*!< labels for each dimension */ wlab[MRI_LABEL_SIZE] ; /*!< labels for each dimension */ #endif char *fname ; /*!< to read actual image data after delay */ unsigned int foffset ; /*!< offset into fname of image data */ int fondisk ; /*!< flag to indicate if is on disk (?) */ int was_swapped ; /* 07 Mar 2002 */ int vdim ; /* 28 Nov 2008 */ int flags ; /* 21 Mar 2013 */ } MRI_IMAGE ; #ifdef USE_MRI_LABELS /*! Copy auxiliary data from one MRI_IMAGE to another. */ # define MRI_COPY_AUX(nn,oo) \ ( (nn)->dx = (oo)->dx , (nn)->dy = (oo)->dy , (nn)->dz = (oo)->dz , \ (nn)->dt = (oo)->dt , (nn)->du = (oo)->du , (nn)->dv = (oo)->dv , \ (nn)->dw = (oo)->dw , \ (nn)->xo = (oo)->xo , (nn)->yo = (oo)->yo , (nn)->zo = (oo)->zo , \ (nn)->to = (oo)->to , (nn)->uo = (oo)->uo , (nn)->vo = (oo)->vo , \ (nn)->wo = (oo)->wo , \ strcpy((nn)->xlab,(oo)->xlab) , strcpy((nn)->ylab,(oo)->ylab) , \ strcpy((nn)->zlab,(oo)->zlab) , strcpy((nn)->tlab,(oo)->tlab) , \ strcpy((nn)->ulab,(oo)->ulab) , strcpy((nn)->vlab,(oo)->vlab) , \ strcpy((nn)->wlab,(oo)->wlab) , \ mri_add_name( (oo)->name , (nn) ) ) #else # define MRI_COPY_AUX(nn,oo) \ ( (nn)->dx = (oo)->dx , (nn)->dy = (oo)->dy , (nn)->dz = (oo)->dz , \ (nn)->dt = (oo)->dt , (nn)->du = (oo)->du , (nn)->dv = (oo)->dv , \ (nn)->dw = (oo)->dw , \ (nn)->xo = (oo)->xo , (nn)->yo = (oo)->yo , (nn)->zo = (oo)->zo , \ (nn)->to = (oo)->to , (nn)->uo = (oo)->uo , (nn)->vo = (oo)->vo , \ (nn)->wo = (oo)->wo , \ mri_add_name( (oo)->name , (nn) ) ) #endif /*! Check if MRI_IMAGE is 1D (ny=1) */ #define MRI_IS_1D(iq) ((iq)->ny == 1) /*! Check if MRI_IMAGE is 2D (nz=1) */ #define MRI_IS_2D(iq) ((iq)->ny > 1 && (iq)->nz == 1) /*! Check if MRI_IMAGE is 3D (nt=1) */ #define MRI_IS_3D(iq) ((iq)->nz > 1 && (iq)->nt == 1) /*! Check if MRI_IMAGE is 4D (nu=1) */ #define MRI_IS_4D(iq) ((iq)->nt > 1 && (iq)->nu == 1) /*! Return dimensionality of MRI_IMAGE */ #if 1 extern int mri_dimensionality(MRI_IMAGE *) ; /* 12 Dec 2007 */ #define MRI_DIMENSIONALITY mri_dimensionality #else #define MRI_DIMENSIONALITY(iq) \ ( ((iq)->ny == 1) ? 1 : ((iq)->nz == 1) ? 2 : \ ((iq)->nt == 1) ? 3 : ((iq)->nu == 1) ? 4 : \ ((iq)->nv == 1) ? 5 : ((iq)->nw == 1) ? 6 : 7 ) #endif #define MRI_BYTE_PTR(iq) ((byte *)mri_data_pointer(iq)) #define MRI_SHORT_PTR(iq) ((short *)mri_data_pointer(iq)) #define MRI_INT_PTR(iq) ((int *)mri_data_pointer(iq)) #define MRI_FLOAT_PTR(iq) ((float *)mri_data_pointer(iq)) #define MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(iq) ((double *)mri_data_pointer(iq)) #define MRI_COMPLEX_PTR(iq) ((complex *)mri_data_pointer(iq)) #define MRI_RGB_PTR(iq) ((byte *)mri_data_pointer(iq)) #define MRI_RGBA_PTR(iq) ((rgba *)mri_data_pointer(iq)) /* only used in afni.c -- don't use these generally! */ #define MRI_BYTE_2D(iq,ix,jy) MRI_BYTE_PTR(iq)[(ix)+(jy)*(iq)->nx] #define MRI_SHORT_2D(iq,ix,jy) MRI_SHORT_PTR(iq)[(ix)+(jy)*(iq)->nx] #define MRI_INT_2D(iq,ix,jy) MRI_INT_PTR(iq)[(ix)+(jy)*(iq)->nx] #define MRI_FLOAT_2D(iq,ix,jy) MRI_FLOAT_PTR(iq)[(ix)+(jy)*(iq)->nx] #define MRI_DOUBLE_2D(iq,ix,jy) MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(iq)[(ix)+(jy)*(iq)->nx] #define MRI_COMPLEX_2D(iq,ix,jy) MRI_COMPLEX_PTR(iq)[(ix)+(jy)*(iq)->nx] #define FLOAT_TO_BYTE(fff) \ ( ((fff)<=0.0) ? (0) : ((fff)>=255.5) ? (255) : (byte)((fff)+0.49) ) #define SHORT_TO_BYTE(fff) \ ( ((fff)<=0) ? (0) : ((fff)>=255) ? (255) : (byte)(fff) ) #define FLOAT_TO_SHORT(fff) ((short)(fff)) /*********** Type: array of MRI_IMAGE pointers ***********/ /*! Array of MRI_IMAGE pointers. */ typedef struct MRI_IMARR { int num ; /*!< Number of actual MRI_IMAGE here */ int nall ; /*!< Size of imarr array currently allocated */ MRI_IMAGE **imarr ; /*!< Array of MRI_IMAGE pointers */ } MRI_IMARR ; /*! Get the nn-th image from the image array "name". */ #define IMAGE_IN_IMARR(name,nn) ((name)->imarr[(nn)]) #define IMARR_SUBIMAGE IMAGE_IN_IMARR #define IMARR_SUBIM IMAGE_IN_IMARR /*! Get the number of images in the image array "name". */ #define IMARR_COUNT(name) ((name)->num) #define IMARR_LASTIM(name) ((name)->imarr[(name)->num-1]) #define IMARR_FIRSTIM(name) ((name)->imarr[0]) #define INC_IMARR 32 /*! Initialize an MRI_IMARR struct. */ #define INIT_IMARR(name) \ do{ int iq ; (name) = (MRI_IMARR *) malloc(sizeof(MRI_IMARR)) ; \ (name)->num = 0 ; (name)->nall = INC_IMARR ; \ (name)->imarr = (MRI_IMAGE **)malloc(sizeof(MRI_IMAGE *)*INC_IMARR) ; \ for( iq=(name)->num ; iq < (name)->nall ; iq++ ) (name)->imarr[iq] = NULL ; \ break ; } while(0) /*! Add one MRI_IMAGE to the MRI_IMARR struct. */ #define ADDTO_IMARR(name,imm) \ do{ int nn , iq ; \ if( (name)->num == (name)->nall ){ \ nn = (name)->nall = 1.1*(name)->nall + INC_IMARR ; \ (name)->imarr = (MRI_IMAGE **)realloc( (name)->imarr,sizeof(MRI_IMAGE *)*nn );\ for( iq=(name)->num ; iq < (name)->nall ; iq++ ) (name)->imarr[iq] = NULL ; } \ nn = (name)->num ; ((name)->num)++ ; \ (name)->imarr[nn] = (imm) ; break ; } while(0) /*! Free the MRI_IMARR struct (but not the images within). */ #define FREE_IMARR(name) \ do{ if( (name) != NULL ){ \ free((name)->imarr); free((name)); (name) = NULL; } break; } while(0) /*! Free the MRI_IMARR struct, including the images within. */ #define DESTROY_IMARR(name) \ do{ int nn ; \ if( (name) != NULL ){ \ for( nn=0 ; nn < (name)->num ; nn++ ) mri_free((name)->imarr[nn]) ; \ free((name)->imarr); free((name)); (name) = NULL; } break; } while(0) /*! Free all images at-and-after [qq] in the MRI_IMARR struct. */ #define TRUNCATE_IMARR(name,qq) \ do{ int nn ; \ if( (name) != NULL && qq < (name)->num ){ \ for( nn=qq ; nn < (name)->num ; nn++ ) mri_free((name)->imarr[nn]); \ (name)->num = qq ; \ } } while(0) extern MRI_IMARR * mri_to_imarr( MRI_IMAGE *imin ) ; /* 06 Dec 2007 */ /******* macros for complex arithmetic, using comma operator *******/ static float MRI_fla ; /* float temporaries */ static complex MRI_cxa , MRI_cxb , MRI_cxc ; /* complex temporaries */ /*! Return a complex from two floats. */ #define CMPLX(x,y) ( MRI_cxa.r = (x) , MRI_cxa.i = (y) , MRI_cxa ) /*! Return complex u+v */ #define CADD(u,v) ( MRI_cxa.r = u.r + v.r , \ MRI_cxa.i = u.i + v.r , MRI_cxa ) /*! complex u += v */ #define CADDTO(u,v) ( u.r += v.r , u.i += v.i ) /*! Return complex u-v */ #define CSUB(u,v) ( MRI_cxa.r = u.r - v.r , \ MRI_cxa.i = u.i - v.i , MRI_cxa ) /*! complex u -= v */ #define CSUBFROM(u,v) ( u.r -= v.r , u.i -= v.i ) /*! Return complex u*v */ #define CMULT(u,v) ( MRI_cxb.r = u.r * v.r - u.i * v.i , \ MRI_cxb.i = u.r * v.i + u.i * v.r , MRI_cxb ) /*! complex u *= v */ #define CMULTBY(u,v) ( MRI_fla = u.r * v.r - u.i * v.i , \ u.i = u.r * v.i + u.i * v.r , u.r = MRI_fla ) /*! Return complex u * conjg(v) */ #define CJMULT(u,v) ( MRI_cxb.r = u.r * v.r + u.i * v.i , \ MRI_cxb.i = u.i * v.r - u.r * v.i , MRI_cxb ) /*! complex u *= conjg(v) */ #define CJMULTBY(u,v) ( MRI_fla = u.r * v.r + u.i * v.i , \ u.i = u.i * v.r - u.r * v.i , u.r = MRI_fla ) /*! complex w += u*v */ #define CMADD(u,v,w) ( w.r += u.r * v.r - u.i * v.i , \ w.i += u.r * v.i + u.i * v.r ) /*! Return complex exp(I*t) */ #define CEXPIT(t) ( MRI_cxc.r = cos(t) , MRI_cxc.i = sin(t) , MRI_cxc ) /**** macros ****/ static int MRI_mm ; /*! Median of 3. */ #define MEDIAN(a,b,c) ( MRI_mm = 4*((a)<(b)) + 2*((a)<(c)) + ((b)<(c)) , \ (MRI_mm==3||MRI_mm==4) ? (a) : \ (MRI_mm==7||MRI_mm==0) ? (b) : (c) ) #define ABS(a) ( (a) < 0 ? (-(a)):(a) ) #define SIGN(a) ( (a) < 0 ? -1:1 ) /*! Order-statistic filter of 3. */ #define OSFSUM(p,q,r) (0.70*(p)+0.15*((q)+(r))) /*! Order-statistic filter of 3. */ #define OSFILT(a,b,c) ( MRI_mm = 4*((a)<(b)) + 2*((a)<(c)) + ((b)<(c)) , \ (MRI_mm==3||MRI_mm==4) ? OSFSUM(a,b,c) : \ (MRI_mm==7||MRI_mm==0) ? OSFSUM(b,a,c) : OSFSUM(c,a,b) ) #ifndef TRUE # define TRUE (1) #endif #ifndef FALSE # define FALSE (0) #endif #ifndef MAYBE # define MAYBE (-1) /* 26 Feb 2010 */ #endif #define MRI_BILINEAR (1) /* for the warping function */ #define MRI_LINEAR (1) #define MRI_BICUBIC (2) #define MRI_CUBIC (2) #define MRI_FOURIER (3) #define MRI_NN (0) #define MRI_QUINTIC (4) /* Nov 1998 */ #define MRI_HEPTIC (5) #define MRI_TSSHIFT (6) /* Dec 1999 */ #define MRI_VARP1 (71) /* 24 Dec 2008 */ #define MRI_WSINC5 (72) /* 02 Jan 2009 */ #define MRI_FOURIER_NOPAD (66) /* 13 May 2003 */ #define MRI_HIGHORDER(x) ((x) != MRI_NN && (x) != MRI_LINEAR) #define SQR(x) ((x)*(x)) #define CSQR(z) (SQR(z.r)+SQR(z.i)) #define CABS(z) complex_abs(z) #define CARG(z) ( ((z).r!=0.0 || (z).i!=0.0) ? atan2f((z).i,(z).r) : 0.0 ) /*! complex z /= abs(z) */ #define CUNITIZE(z) ( MRI_fla=CABS(z) , z.r=z.r/MRI_fla , z.i=z.i/MRI_fla ) #ifdef MRI_DEBUG # define WHOAMI fprintf(stderr,"in file: %s at line %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #else # define WHOAMI #endif #ifdef MRI_DEBUG # define IMHEADER(f) \ fprintf(stderr,"%s: nx=%d ny=%d kind=%d\n",#f,f->nx,f->ny,f->kind); #else # define IMHEADER(f) #endif #define MRI_FATAL_ERROR \ {fprintf(stderr,"in file: %s at line %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);EXIT(1);} #undef NULL_CHECK #define NULL_CHECK(p) \ do{ if( (p)==NULL ){ ERROR_message("malloc failure: out of RAM?"); EXIT(1); } } while(0) /**** prototypes ****/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { /* care of Greg Balls 7 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ #endif extern void mri_input_delay( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_purge_delay( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_add_fname_delay( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_file_delay( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_3D_delay( char * ) ; extern void mri_purge ( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 20 Dec 2006 */ extern void mri_unpurge ( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_killpurge( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern char * mri_purge_get_tmpdir(void) ; /* 21 Dec 2006 */ extern char * mri_purge_get_tsuf(void) ; /* 02 Aug 2007 */ extern char * mri_get_tempfilename( char * ); /* 27 Jul 2009 */ extern int mri_counter( MRI_IMAGE * , float , float ) ; /* 16 Jul 2007 */ #define MRI_IS_PURGED(iq) \ ( (iq)!=NULL && (iq)->fondisk==IS_PURGED && (iq)->fname!=NULL ) #define MRI_HAS_DATA(iq) \ ( (iq)!= NULL && \ ( ( (iq)->fondisk==IS_PURGED && (iq)->fname!=NULL ) || \ (iq)->im != NULL ) ) extern int mri_equal( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 30 Jun 2003 */ extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_analyze75( char * ) ; /* 05 Feb 2001 */ extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_siemens( char * ) ; /* 12 Mar 2001 */ extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read3D_analyze75( char * ); /* 26 Aug 2002 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_stuff( char * ) ; /* 22 Nov 2002 */ extern void mri_inflate_pbm( MRI_IMAGE * ); /* 02 Jan 2002 */ extern void mri_add_name( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE ** mri_stat_seq( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_extract_from_mask( MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, int ) ; extern void binarize_mask( int , byte * ) ; /*--------------------------------*/ #define NSTAT_MEAN 0 #define NSTAT_SUM 1 #define NSTAT_SIGMA 2 #define NSTAT_CVAR 3 #define NSTAT_MEDIAN 4 #define NSTAT_MAD 5 #define NSTAT_MAX 6 #define NSTAT_MIN 7 #define NSTAT_ABSMAX 13 #define NSTAT_VAR 17 #define NSTAT_NUM 18 #define NSTAT_PERCENTILE 19 #define NSTAT_RANK 21 /* ZSS Jan 10 */ #define NSTAT_FRANK 22 /* ZSS Jan 10 */ #define NSTAT_P2SKEW 23 /* ZSS March 04 10*/ #define NSTAT_KURT 24 /* ZSS Jan 04 11*/ #define NSTAT_mMP2s0 25 #define NSTAT_mMP2s1 26 #define NSTAT_mMP2s2 27 #define NSTAT_mmMP2s0 28 #define NSTAT_mmMP2s1 29 #define NSTAT_mmMP2s2 30 #define NSTAT_mmMP2s3 31 #define NSTAT_FWHMx 63 /*these should be after all other NSTAT_* values */ #define NSTAT_FWHMy 64 #define NSTAT_FWHMz 65 #define NSTAT_FWHMbar 66 #define NSTAT_FWHMbar12 67 #define NBISTAT_BASE 66601 #define NBISTAT_SPEARMAN_CORR 66601 #define NBISTAT_QUADRANT_CORR 66602 #define NBISTAT_PEARSON_CORR 66603 #define NBISTAT_MUTUAL_INFO 66604 #define NBISTAT_NORMUT_INFO 66605 #define NBISTAT_JOINT_ENTROPY 66606 #define NBISTAT_HELLINGER 66607 #define NBISTAT_CORR_RATIO_M 66608 #define NBISTAT_CORR_RATIO_A 66609 #define NBISTAT_CORR_RATIO_U 66610 #define NBISTAT_NUM 66611 #define NBISTAT_NCD 66612 #define NBISTAT_KENDALL_TAUB 66613 /* 29 Apr 2010 */ #define NBISTAT_TICTACTOE_CORR 66614 /* 30 Mar 2011 */ #define NBISTAT_L2SLOPE 66615 /* 26 Apr 2012 */ #define NBISTAT_L1SLOPE 66616 /* 26 Apr 2012 */ #define NBISTAT_QUANTILE_CORR 66617 /* 11 May 2012 */ #define NBISTAT_BC_PEARSON_M 66691 #define NBISTAT_BC_PEARSON_V 66692 #define NBISTAT_EUCLIDIAN_DIST 66693 /* 4 May 2012, ZSS */ #define NBISTAT_CITYBLOCK_DIST 66694 /* 4 May 2012, ZSS */ extern float mri_nstat ( int , int , float * , float) ; /* 19 Aug 2005 */ extern float mri_nbistat( int , MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 26 Oct 2006 */ extern void mri_nbistat_setclip( float, float , float, float ) ; extern void mri_bistat_setweight( MRI_IMAGE *wm ) ; /* 14 Aug 2007 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_edit_image( float pthr, float power, MRI_IMAGE * im ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_mpeg( char * ) ; /* 03 Dec 2003 */ extern int mri_isgray( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern int mri_imcount_mpeg( char * ) ; extern void cfft( int , int , float * , float * ) ; extern void cfft2d_cox( int , int , int , float * , float * ) ; extern void csfft_cox( int,int , complex * ) ; extern void csfft_many( int,int,int , complex * ) ; extern int csfft_nextup(int) ; extern int csfft_nextup_one35(int) ; extern int csfft_nextup_even(int) ; extern void csfft_scale_inverse(int) ; extern void csfft_use_fftw( int ) ; /* 20 Oct 2000 */ extern void mri_fftshift( MRI_IMAGE *, float,float,float, int ) ; /* 13 May 2003 */ extern void * mri_data_pointer(MRI_IMAGE *) ; extern void mri_free( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_clear( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 31 Jan 2007 */ extern void mri_fix_data_pointer( void * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; #define mri_set_data_pointer(iq,pt) mri_fix_data_pointer((pt),(iq)) #define MRI_FREE(iq) do{ mri_free(iq); (iq)=NULL; } while(0) extern char * mri_dicom_header( char * ) ; /* 15 Jul 2002 */ extern void mri_dicom_pxlarr( off_t *, unsigned int * ) ; extern void mri_dicom_noname( int ) ; extern void mri_dicom_nohex ( int ) ; extern void mri_dicom_setvm ( int ) ; /* 28 Oct 2002 */ extern void mri_dicom_seterr( int ) ; /* 05 Nov 2002 */ extern void mri_dicom_header_use_printf( int ) ; /* 02 May 2008 */ extern void mri_dicom_header_show_size_offset( int ); /* 17 Oct 2012 [rcr] */ extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_dicom( char * ) ; extern int mri_imcount_dicom( char * ) ; extern char * mri_dicom_sexinfo( void ) ; /* 23 Dec 2002 */ extern char * mri_dicom_sex1010( void ) ; extern int mri_possibly_dicom( char * ) ; /* 07 May 2003 */ extern int mri_siemens_slice_times( int *, int *, float ** ); extern int mri_sst_get_verb( void ); extern int mri_sst_set_verb( int ); extern char * mri_dicom_hdrinfo( char *fname, int natt, char **att , int nposn ) ; /*! Set the data pointer in an MRI_IMAGE to NULL. */ #define mri_clear_data_pointer(iq) mri_fix_data_pointer(NULL,(iq)) /*! Clear the data pointer and free the MRI_IMAGE shell */ #define mri_clear_and_free(iq) \ do{ mri_fix_data_pointer(NULL,(iq)); mri_free((iq)); } while(0) /*! Set all pixels in MRI_IMAGE to zero. */ #define mri_zero_image(iq) \ memset(mri_data_pointer(iq),0,(iq)->nvox*(iq)->pixel_size) extern int mri_allzero( MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; /* check if all pixels are 0 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_zeropad_3D( int,int,int,int,int,int , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_zeropad_2D( int,int,int,int, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern double mri_max( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern double mri_min( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern double mri_maxabs( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern double_pair mri_minmax ( MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; /* Apr 2013 */ extern double_pair mri_minmax_nz( MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; /* Apr 2013 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_cut_2D( MRI_IMAGE * , int,int,int,int ) ; extern int mri_cut_many_2D(MRI_IMARR *, int,int,int,int ); extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_subset_x2D( int , int * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_check_2D( int , MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_cut_3D( MRI_IMAGE * , int,int,int,int,int,int ) ; /** 15 Apr 1999 **/ extern void upsample_7( int , int , float * , float * ) ; extern void upsample_1( int , int , float * , float * ) ; /* 12 Mar 2002 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_dup2D( int , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_dup2D_mode( int ) ; /* 12 Mar 2002 */ extern void mri_move_guts( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 28 Mar 2002 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_copy( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 17 Apr 2000 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_expand_2D( int , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 22 Feb 2004 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_new( int , int , MRI_TYPE ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_read( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_read_ge4( char * ) ; /* 03 Jun 2003 */ extern int mri_write( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern int mri_write_pnm( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern int mri_write_jpg( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 15 Apr 2005 */ extern int mri_write_png( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 11 Dec 2006 */ extern int mri_write_filtered( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 15 Dec 2006 */ extern int mri_write_7D( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern int mri_datum_size( MRI_TYPE typ ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_read_ascii( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_read_double_ascii( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_read_complex_ascii( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_read_ascii_ragged(char *, float) ; /* 28 Jul 2004 */ extern int mri_write_ascii( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern int mri_write_raw( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 05 Jan 2000 */ extern void mri_write_analyze( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 29 Nov 2001 */ extern char * mri_1D_tostring( MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; /* 15 Nov 2007 */ extern void mri_adjust_fvectim( MRI_IMAGE *im, int vdim ) ; /* 28 Nov 2008 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_new_fvectim( int nx, int ny, int nz, int vdim ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_ascii_ragged_complex(char *,float); /* 08 Mar 2007 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_ascii_ragged_fvect( char *, float, int ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_fvect_to_imarr( MRI_IMAGE *inim ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_imarr_to_fvect( MRI_IMARR *imar ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_pair_to_fvect( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_triple_to_fvect( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_fvect_subimage( MRI_IMAGE *inim , int kk ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_ragged_fromstring( char *, float); /* 05 Jan 2007 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_1D( char * ) ; /* 16 Nov 1999 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_double_1D( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_complex_1D( char * ) ; extern int mri_write_1D( char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 16 Nov 1999 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_1D_stdin(void) ; /* 25 Jan 2008 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_copy_1D_stdin(void) ; /* 05 Mar 2010 */ extern void mri_clear_1D_stdin(void); extern char * mri_read_1D_headerlines( char * ) ; /* 05 Dec 2010 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_4x4AffXfrm_1D( char *fname );/* 24 Nov 2009 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_1D_fromstring( char * ) ; /* 28 Apr 2003 */ extern int setup_mri_write_angif( void ) ; /* 28 Jun 2001 */ extern int mri_write_angif( char *, MRI_IMARR * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_colorsetup( int,int,int,int ) ; /* 05 Oct 2004 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_new_vol ( int,int,int , MRI_TYPE ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_new_vol_empty( int,int,int , MRI_TYPE ) ; MRI_IMAGE *mri_new_7D_generic( int nx, int ny, int nz, int nt, int nu, int nv, int nw, MRI_TYPE kind , int make_space ) ; /*! Create new MRI_IMAGE of type kk, with same dimensions as iq. */ #define mri_new_conforming(iq,kk) \ mri_new_7D_generic( (iq)->nx, (iq)->ny, (iq)->nz , (iq)->nt , \ (iq)->nu, (iq)->nv, (iq)->nw , (kk) , TRUE ) /*! Create new MRI_IMAGE of type kk, with same dimensions as iq, and with no data space allocated. */ #define mri_empty_conforming(iq,kk) \ mri_new_7D_generic( (iq)->nx, (iq)->ny, (iq)->nz , (iq)->nt , \ (iq)->nu, (iq)->nv, (iq)->nw , (kk) , FALSE ) extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_3D( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_3A( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_file( char * ) ; extern int mri_imcount( char * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_many_files( int nf , char * fn[] ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_resamp_many_files( int nf, char * fn[] , int nxnew, int nynew); /** returns array of byte images: red, green, blue **/ extern MRI_IMARR * mri_read_ppm3( char * fname ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_read_ppm( char * fname ) ; extern void mri_read_ppm_header( char *, int *, int *) ; /* 17 Sep 2001 */ MRI_IMAGE *mri_read_just_one( char * fname ) ; MRI_IMAGE *mri_read_nsize( char * fname ) ; MRI_IMARR *mri_read_many_nsize( int nf , char * fn[] ) ; void init_MCW_sizes(void) ; char * imsized_fname( char * fname ) ; char * my_strdup( char * str ) ; #define mri_filesize THD_filesize /* 22 Mar 2007 */ extern void mri_overlay_2D( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *, int,int ) ; extern void mri_swapbytes( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void swap_twobytes ( int n , void * ar ) ; /* 14 Sep 1998 */ extern void swap_fourbytes ( int n , void * ar ) ; extern void swap_eightbytes( int n , void * ar ) ; /* 06 Feb 2003 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_float( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_short( double , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_short_scl( double,double , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_short_sclip( double,double , int,int , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_complex( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_byte( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern byte *mri_to_bytemask( MRI_IMAGE *, float,float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_byte_scl( double , double , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_to_rgb( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_3to_rgb( MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_rgb_to_3float( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_rgb_to_3byte( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_sharpen_rgb( float , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_flatten_rgb( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_invert_inplace( MRI_IMAGE *) ; /* 07 Apr 2003 */ extern void mri_gamma_rgb_inplace( float gam , MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_make_rainbow( int, int, int, rgbyte * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_to_rgba( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 20 Mar 2002 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_pair_to_complex( MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR *mri_complex_to_pair( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern float complex_abs( complex z ) ; /* 24 Aug 2009 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_complex_ext( MRI_IMAGE * , int , int , int ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_scale_to_float( float , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_threshold( double , double , MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_mult_to_float( float * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_maskify( MRI_IMAGE *im , byte *mask ) ; /* Jul 2010 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_scalize( MRI_IMAGE *, int, float * ) ; /* 20 Oct 2003 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_multiply_complex( int , MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_complex_phase( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_complex_imag( MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; /* 18 Apr 2011 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_complex_real( MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_mri( int , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_to_mri_scl( int , double , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_complex_abs( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_fft_complex( int , float , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern float *mri_setup_taper( int , float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_warp( MRI_IMAGE * , int , int , int , void func(float,float,float *,float *) ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_warp_bicubic( MRI_IMAGE * , int , int , void func(float,float,float *,float *) ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_warp_bilinear( MRI_IMAGE * , int , int , void func(float,float,float *,float *) ) ; #undef WARP_POINT_ROUTINES #ifdef WARP_POINT_ROUTINES extern float mri_warp_bicubic_point( MRI_IMAGE * , int , int , void func( float,float,float *,float *) ) ; extern float mri_rotate_point( MRI_IMAGE *im, float,float,float,float, int,int ) ; #endif /* WARP_POINT_ROUTINES */ extern void mri_warp_setpow( float gg ) ; /* 15 Jan 2007 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_resize( MRI_IMAGE * , int , int ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_resize_NN( MRI_IMAGE *, int , int ) ; /* 08 Jun 2004 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_squareaspect( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_rotate ( MRI_IMAGE * , float,float,float,float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_rotate_bilinear( MRI_IMAGE * , float,float,float,float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_rota ( MRI_IMAGE * , float,float,float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_rota_bilinear( MRI_IMAGE * , float,float,float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_rota_shear ( MRI_IMAGE * , float,float,float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_rota_variable( int, MRI_IMAGE * , float,float,float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_aff2d_byte( MRI_IMAGE *,int,float,float,float,float) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_aff2d_rgb ( MRI_IMAGE *,int,float,float,float,float) ; /** 27 Nov 2001: mri_scale.c **/ extern void mri_scale_inplace( float , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void ft_shift2( int, int, float, float *, float, float * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_float_func( int,int, float , float , float , float , float (*func)(float,float) ) ; extern void mri_histogram( MRI_IMAGE * , float,float , int,int, int h[] ) ; extern void mri_histobyte ( MRI_IMAGE * , int * ) ; extern void mri_histoshort_all ( MRI_IMAGE * , int * ) ; /* 25 Jul 2001 */ extern void mri_histoshort_nonneg( MRI_IMAGE * , int * ) ; extern void mri_percents( MRI_IMAGE * , int nper , float per[] ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_flatten( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern float mri_quantile( MRI_IMAGE * im , float alpha ) ; extern float_pair mri_twoquantiles( MRI_IMAGE * im, float alpha, float beta ) ; extern void qsort_short( int , short * ) ; extern void qsort_float( int , float * ) ; extern void qsort_float_rev( int , float * ) ; extern void qsort_pair( int , float * , int * ) ; extern void qsort_int( int , int * ) ; extern void isort_short( int , short * ) ; extern void isort_float( int , float * ) ; extern void isort_pair ( int , float * , int * ) ; extern void mri_xsort_inplace( MRI_IMAGE *im , int rev ) ; extern void mri_csort_inplace( MRI_IMAGE *im , int rev , int jc ) ; /* 07 Oct 2011 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_nsize( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern float * mri_lsqfit( MRI_IMAGE * fitim , MRI_IMARR * refim , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern double * mri_startup_lsqfit( MRI_IMARR * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern float * mri_delayed_lsqfit( MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMARR * , double * ) ; extern float * lsqfit( int , float * , float * , int , float *ref[] ) ; extern double * startup_lsqfit( int , float * , int , float *ref[] ) ; extern float * delayed_lsqfit( int , float * , int , float *ref[] , double * ) ; extern void mri_polyfit_verb( int ) ; MRI_IMAGE * mri_polyfit( MRI_IMAGE *, int, MRI_IMARR *, byte *, float, int ) ; MRI_IMAGE * mri_polyfit_byslice( MRI_IMAGE *, int, MRI_IMARR *, byte *, float, int ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_pcvector ( MRI_IMARR *imar , int,int ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_meanvector( MRI_IMARR *imar , int,int ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_MMBvector ( MRI_IMARR *imar , int,int,int ) ; /* 05 Aug 2010 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_sobel( int , int , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_sharpen( float , int , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_transpose( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_interleave_columns(MRI_IMAGE *, int) ; /* 27 Jul 2009 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_rowmajorize_1D( MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; /* 14 Mar 2013 */ #define FILT_FFT_WRAPAROUND 1 extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_filt_fft( MRI_IMAGE * im , float,int,int,int ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_medianfilter( MRI_IMAGE *, float, byte *, int ); /* 22 Feb 2005 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_flatfilter ( MRI_IMAGE *, float, byte *, int ); /* 24 Jul 2008 */ extern void mri_medianfilter_usedxyz( int i ) ; /* 08 Aug 2006 */ extern void mri_flatfilter_usedxyz ( int i ) ; void mri_Set_KO_catwrap(void); void mri_Set_OK_catwrap(void); extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_cat2D( int,int,int,void *,MRI_IMARR *) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_uncat2D( int , int , MRI_IMAGE * im ) ; /* 09 May 2000 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_catvol_1D( MRI_IMARR *imar , int dir ); /* 08 Dec 2010 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_shift_1D( MRI_IMAGE * im , float shift ) ; /*** image alignment procedures and constants ***/ #define ALIGN_DFSPACE_TYPE 1 #define ALIGN_DFTIME_TYPE 2 #define ALIGN_VERBOSE_CODE 1 /* verbose output during routine */ #define ALIGN_NOITER_CODE 2 /* don't iterate alignment algorithm */ #define ALIGN_REGISTER_CODE 4 /* return MRI_IMARR * of registered images */ #define ALIGN_DETREND_CODE 8 /* remove trend from registered images (DFTIME only) */ #define ALIGN_DOBOTH_CODE 16 /* do dfspace before dftime (DFTIME only) */ #define ALIGN_DEBUG_CODE 32 /* print out debugging info */ #define ALIGN_FREEUP_CODE 64 /* free input images when no longer needed */ #define ALIGN_BILINEAR_CODE 128 /* use bilinear interpolation in mri_align */ #define ALIGN_FOURIER_CODE 256 /* use Fourier interpolation in mri_align */ extern MRI_IMARR * mri_align_dfspace( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMARR *, int, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_align_dftime( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMARR *, int, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern void mri_align_params( int,float,float,float,float,float,float ) ; extern void mri_align_method( int,int,int ) ; /* 01 Oct 1998 */ extern void mri_get_cmass_2D( MRI_IMAGE *, float *, float * ); /* 12 Nov 2001 */ extern void mri_get_cmass_3D( MRI_IMAGE *, float *, float * , float *); extern float mri_spearman_corr( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 08 Mar 2006 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 07 April 1998: routines for one-at-a-time alignment (mri_2dalign.c) */ /*! Struct used in 2D image registration. */ typedef struct { MRI_IMARR * fitim , * fine_fitim ; double * chol_fitim , * chol_fine_fitim ; } MRI_2dalign_basis ; extern void mri_2dalign_params( int,float,float,float,float,float,float ) ; extern void mri_2dalign_method( int,int,int ) ; extern MRI_2dalign_basis * mri_2dalign_setup( MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_2dalign_one( MRI_2dalign_basis * , MRI_IMAGE * , float * , float * , float * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_2dalign_many( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMARR *, float * , float * , float * ) ; extern void mri_2dalign_cleanup( MRI_2dalign_basis * ) ; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*** routine to flip 2D images around ***/ #define MRI_ROT_0 1 /* codes for various rotations */ #define MRI_ROT_90 2 /* [do not change these unless */ #define MRI_ROT_180 4 /* imseq.h is changed also!] */ #define MRI_ROT_270 8 #define MRI_FLMADD 128 extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_flippo( int rot , int mirror , MRI_IMAGE * im ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_flip3D( int,int,int , MRI_IMAGE *inim ) ; /* 19 Mar 2003 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------- 22 April 1998: byte order routines (mri_order.c) ----------*/ #define LSB_FIRST 1 #define MSB_FIRST 2 #define NATIVE_ORDER -1 #define REVERSE_ORDER(bord) (3-(bord)) /* 21 Jun 2002 */ #define ORDER_LEN 9 #define LSB_FIRST_STRING "LSB_FIRST" #define MSB_FIRST_STRING "MSB_FIRST" #define NATIVE_STRING "NATIVE_ORDER" #define BYTE_ORDER_STRING(qq) ( ((qq)==LSB_FIRST) ? LSB_FIRST_STRING \ : ((qq)==MSB_FIRST) ? MSB_FIRST_STRING \ : "Illegal Value" ) extern int mri_short_order(void) ; extern int mri_int_order(void) ; extern void mri_swap2( int , short * ) ; extern void mri_swap4( int , int * ) ; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------ 18 Sep 2001: drawing stuff -----------------------*/ extern void mri_drawline( MRI_IMAGE *im, int x0,int y0, int x1,int y1, byte r,byte g,byte b ); extern void mri_drawfilledrectangle( MRI_IMAGE *im , int x, int y, int width, int height , byte r,byte g,byte b ); extern void mri_drawemptyrectangle( MRI_IMAGE *im , int x, int y, int width, int height , byte r,byte g,byte b ); extern void mri_drawtext( MRI_IMAGE *im , int x, int y, int height, int angle, char *s, byte r,byte g,byte b ); extern void mri_draw_opacity( float ) ; extern void mri_drawcircle( MRI_IMAGE *im , int cx, int cy, int radius, byte r,byte g,byte b, int fill ) ; /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include "coxplot.h" #undef min #undef max #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { /* care of Greg Balls 7 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ #endif extern void set_memplot_RGB_box( int xbot, int ybot, int xtop, int ytop ) ; extern void memplot_to_RGB_sef( MRI_IMAGE *im , MEM_plotdata *mp , int start , int end , int freee ) ; extern void memplot_to_jpg( char * , MEM_plotdata * ) ; /* 05 Dec 2007 */ extern void memplot_to_png( char * , MEM_plotdata * ) ; extern void memplot_to_mri_set_dothick( int ) ; /* 30 Apr 2012 */ extern void memplot_to_mri_set_dofreee( int ) ; /* 30 Apr 2012 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_downsize_by2( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 27 Apr 2012 */ /************************ Statistics routines *************************/ /** if the math library doesn't have the log(gamma(x)) function (as on Linux, for example) **/ #ifdef NO_GAMMA /* extern double gamma_12 ( double ) ; these are static functions */ /* extern double gamma_asympt( double ) ; 7 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ extern double gamma ( double ) ; #endif extern double lnbeta ( double , double ) ; extern double incbeta ( double , double , double , double ) ; extern double incbeta_inverse( double , double , double , double ) ; extern double qginv ( double ) ; extern double qg ( double ) ; /* 21 Mar 2001 */ extern double log10qg ( double ) ; #define QG(x) (0.5*erfc(x/1.414213562373095)) #define erfcinv(y) (0.70710678*qginv(0.5*y)) /* 07 Oct 1999 */ extern double student_t2p( double , double ) ; extern double student_p2t( double , double ) ; extern double student_t2z( double , double ) ; extern double correl_t2p ( double , double , double , double ) ; extern double correl_t2z ( double , double , double , double ) ; extern double correl_p2t ( double , double , double , double ) ; extern double studave_t2p( double , double , double ) ; /* not implemented */ extern double studave_t2z( double , double , double ) ; /* not implemented */ extern double studave_p2t( double , double , double ) ; extern double fstat_p2t( double , double , double ) ; extern double fstat_t2p( double , double , double ) ; extern double fstat_t2z( double , double , double ) ; extern double normal_t2p ( double zz ) ; extern double normal_p2t ( double qq ) ; #define normal_t2z(x) (x) /* no function needed here! */ extern double chisq_t2p ( double xx , double dof ) ; extern double chisq_t2z ( double xx , double dof ) ; extern double chisq_p2t ( double qq , double dof ) ; extern double beta_t2p ( double xx , double aa , double bb ) ; extern double beta_t2z ( double xx , double aa , double bb ) ; extern double beta_p2t ( double qq , double aa , double bb ) ; extern double binomial_t2p( double ss , double ntrial , double ptrial ) ; extern double binomial_t2z( double ss , double ntrial , double ptrial ) ; extern double binomial_p2t( double qq , double ntrial , double ptrial ) ; extern double gamma_t2p ( double xx , double sh , double sc ) ; extern double gamma_t2z ( double xx , double sh , double sc ) ; extern double gamma_p2t ( double qq , double sh , double sc ) ; extern double poisson_t2p ( double xx , double lambda ) ; extern double poisson_t2z ( double xx , double lambda ) ; extern double poisson_p2t ( double qq , double lambda ) ; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /*----------------- Misc other types -------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { int i,j; } int_pair ; /* 12 Aug 2002 */ typedef struct { int i,j,k; } int_triple ; /*----------*/ typedef struct { int nar ; float *ar , dx,x0 ; } floatvec ; typedef struct { int nar ; double *ar , dx,x0 ; } doublevec ; #define KILL_floatvec(fv) \ do{ if( (fv) != NULL ){ \ if( (fv)->ar != NULL ) free((fv)->ar); \ free(fv); (fv) = NULL; \ }} while(0) #define KILL_doublevec KILL_floatvec #define MAKE_floatvec(fv,n) \ do{ (fv) = (floatvec *)malloc(sizeof(floatvec)) ; \ (fv)->nar = (n) ; (fv)->dx=1.0f; (fv)->x0=0.0f; \ (fv)->ar = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),(n)) ; \ } while(0) #define MAKE_doublevec(dv,n) \ do{ (dv) = (doublevec *)malloc(sizeof(doublevec)) ; \ (dv)->nar = (n) ; (dv)->dx=1.0; (dv)->x0=0.0; \ (dv)->ar = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),(n)) ; \ } while(0) #define COPY_floatvec(ev,fv) \ do{ int n = (fv)->nar ; MAKE_floatvec((ev),n) ; \ (ev)->dx = (fv)->dx ; (ev)->x0 = (fv)->x0 ; \ memcpy( (ev)->ar, (fv)->ar, sizeof(float)*n ) ; \ } while(0) #define RESIZE_floatvec(fv,m) \ do{ if( (fv)->nar != (m) ){ \ (fv)->nar = (m) ; \ (fv)->ar = (float *)realloc((fv)->ar,sizeof(float)*(m)); \ }} while(0) extern float interp_floatvec ( floatvec *fv , float x ) ; extern double interp_doublevec( doublevec *dv , double x ) ; extern float interp_inverse_floatvec( floatvec *fv , float y ) ; typedef struct { int nvec ; floatvec *fvar ; } floatvecvec ; /*----------*/ typedef struct { int nar ; int *ar ; } intvec ; #define KILL_intvec(iv) \ do{ if( (iv) != NULL ){ \ if( (iv)->ar != NULL ) free((iv)->ar); \ free(iv); (iv) = NULL; \ } } while(0) typedef struct { int nvec ; intvec *ivar ; } intvecvec ; #define MAKE_intvec(iv,n) \ do{ (iv) = (intvec *)malloc(sizeof(intvec)) ; \ (iv)->nar = (n) ; \ (iv)->ar = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int),(n)) ; \ } while(0) #define RESIZE_intvec(iv,m) \ do{ if( (iv)->nar != (m) ){ \ (iv)->nar = (m) ; \ (iv)->ar = (int *)realloc((iv)->ar,sizeof(int)*(m)); \ }} while(0) #define APPEND_intvec(iv,jv) \ do{ int ni = (iv)->nar ; \ RESIZE_intvec((iv),ni+(jv)->nar) ; \ memcpy( (iv)->ar+ni, (jv)->ar, sizeof(int)*(jv)->nar ) ; \ } while(0) /*----------*/ typedef struct { int nar ; short *ar ; } shortvec ; #define KILL_shortvec(iv) \ do{ if( (iv) != NULL ){ \ if( (iv)->ar != NULL ) free((iv)->ar); \ free(iv); (iv) = NULL; \ } } while(0) #define MAKE_shortvec(iv,n) \ do{ (iv) = (shortvec *)malloc(sizeof(shortvec)) ; \ (iv)->nar = (n) ; \ (iv)->ar = (short *)calloc(sizeof(short),(n)) ; \ } while(0) #define RESIZE_shortvec(iv,m) \ do{ if( (iv)->nar != (m) ){ \ (iv)->nar = (m) ; \ (iv)->ar = (short *)realloc((iv)->ar,sizeof(short)*(m)); \ }} while(0) /*----------*/ /* Jul 2010 */ typedef struct { int nar ; byte *ar ; } bytevec ; #define KILL_bytevec(iv) \ do{ if( (iv) != NULL ){ \ if( (iv)->ar != NULL ) free((iv)->ar); \ free(iv); (iv) = NULL; \ } } while(0) #define MAKE_bytevec(iv,n) \ do{ (iv) = (bytevec *)malloc(sizeof(bytevec)) ; \ (iv)->nar = (n) ; \ (iv)->ar = (byte *)calloc(sizeof(byte),(n)) ; \ } while(0) #define RESIZE_bytevec(iv,m) \ do{ if( (iv)->nar != (m) ){ \ (iv)->nar = (m) ; \ (iv)->ar = (byte *)realloc((iv)->ar,sizeof(byte)*(m)); \ }} while(0) /*----------*/ typedef struct { int nbot, ntop , gbot ; char name[64] ; } SYM_irange ; extern floatvecvec * SYM_expand_ranges( int, int, SYM_irange *, char * ); extern int SYM_expand_errcount(void) ; /* 03 May 2007 */ /*----------------- 30 Oct 1996: incorporation of cdflib ----------------*/ /*----------------- 09 May 2007: get them from nifticdf ----------------*/ #ifndef __COMPILE_UNUSED_FUNCTIONS__ #define __COMPILE_UNUSED_FUNCTIONS__ #endif #include "nifticdf.h" /* was cdflib.h */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------- 01 Feb 1998: incoroporation of mcw_glob -------------*/ #include "mcw_glob.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------- 06 Dec 2004: incorporation of list_struct ----------*/ #include "list_struct.h" /*----------------- 02 Feb 1998: incoroporation of 3ddata, 3dmaker, iochan -----------*/ #include "thd_iochan.h" #include "3ddata.h" #include "thd_maker.h" #include "editvol.h" #include "cs.h" /* 17 Aug 1998 addition */ #include "multivector.h" /* 18 May 1999 addition */ #include "afni_environ.h" /* 07 Jun 1999 addition */ #include "r_new_resam_dset.h" /* 31 Jul 2007 */ #include "r_idisp.h" #include "r_misc.h" #include "rcmat.h" /* 30 Dec 2008 */ #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB #include "zlib.h" /* 02 Mar 2009 */ #endif #include "misc_math.h" /* 21 Jun 2010 [rickr] */ #include "thd_atlas.h" /* 22 Feb 2012 [rickr] */ THD_string_array * mri_read_1D_headerline( char *fname ) ; /* 18 May 2010 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 13 Feb 2009: generic 4x4 matrix struct stuff */ typedef struct { double m[4][4] ; } dmat44 ; extern dmat44 generic_dmat44_inverse ( dmat44 P ) ; extern double generic_dmat44_determinant( dmat44 P ) ; /* apply a dmat44 matrix to a 4 vector (x,y,z,w) to produce (a,b,c,d) */ #undef DMAT44_VEC #define DMAT44_VEC(A,x,y,z,w,a,b,c,d) \ ( (a) = A.m[0][0]*(x) + A.m[0][1]*(y) + A.m[0][2]*(z) + A.m[0][3]*(w) , \ (b) = A.m[1][0]*(x) + A.m[1][1]*(y) + A.m[1][2]*(z) + A.m[1][3]*(w) , \ (c) = A.m[2][0]*(x) + A.m[2][1]*(y) + A.m[2][2]*(z) + A.m[2][3]*(w) , \ (d) = A.m[3][0]*(x) + A.m[3][1]*(y) + A.m[3][2]*(z) + A.m[3][3]*(w) ) /* print a dmat44 struct to stdout (with a string) */ #undef DUMP_DMAT44 #define DUMP_DMAT44(SS,AA) \ printf("# dmat44 %s:\n" \ " %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g\n" \ " %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g\n" \ " %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g\n" \ " %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g\n" , \ SS, AA.m[0][0], AA.m[0][1], AA.m[0][2], AA.m[0][3], \ AA.m[1][0], AA.m[1][1], AA.m[1][2], AA.m[1][3], \ AA.m[2][0], AA.m[2][1], AA.m[2][2], AA.m[2][3], \ AA.m[3][0], AA.m[3][1], AA.m[3][2], AA.m[3][3] ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MRI_IMAGE * mri_genARMA11( int nlen, int nvec, float ap, float lm, float sg ) ; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* some of these clusterize prototypes require editvol.h */ typedef struct { int nvox ; float volume , xcm , ycm , zcm ; float xpk , ypk , zpk ; } mri_cluster_detail ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_clusterize( float,float, MRI_IMAGE * , float,float, MRI_IMAGE * , int , byte * ); extern char * mri_clusterize_report(void) ; extern MCW_cluster_array * mri_clusterize_array(int clear) ; extern mri_cluster_detail mri_clusterize_detailize( MCW_cluster *cl ) ; extern void mri_fdr_setmask( byte *mmm ) ; /* 27 Mar 2009 */ extern int mri_fdrize( MRI_IMAGE *, int, float *, int ) ; /* 17 Jan 2008 */ extern floatvec * mri_fdr_curve( MRI_IMAGE *, int , float * ) ; extern floatvec * mri_fdr_getmdf(void) ; /* 22 Oct 2008 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- Functions in mri_matrix.c (matrix operations, stored as images) ----*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { /* care of Greg Balls 7 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ #endif extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_mult ( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *); extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_multranA ( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *); extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_multranB ( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *); extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_psinv ( MRI_IMAGE *, float * , float ); extern void mri_matrix_psinv_svd( int ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_ortproj ( MRI_IMAGE * , int ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_sadd ( float, MRI_IMAGE *, float, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_scale ( float, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_evalrpn ( char * ) ; extern char * mri_matrix_evalrpn_help(void) ; extern void mri_matrix_evalrpn_verb(int) ; extern float mri_matrix_size( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_matrix_psinv_ortproj( MRI_IMAGE *, int ) ; /* 13 Dec 2011 */ extern MRI_IMARR * mri_matrix_psinv_pair( MRI_IMAGE *, float ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_matrix_singvals ( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_matrix_detrend( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; #define mri_matrix_transpose(x) mri_transpose(x) extern double Plegendre( double x , int m ) ; extern void mri_matrix_print( FILE *fp , MRI_IMAGE *ima , char *label ) ; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern MRI_IMAGE * THD_average_timeseries( MCW_cluster_array *, THD_3dim_dataset *) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * THD_average_one_timeseries( MCW_cluster *, THD_3dim_dataset *) ; /** mri_warp3D.c functions: 14 Apr 2003 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_warp3D_cubic ( MRI_IMAGE *, int,int,int , void func( float,float,float, float *,float *,float *) ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_warp3D_linear( MRI_IMAGE *, int,int,int , void func( float,float,float, float *,float *,float *) ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_warp3D_NN ( MRI_IMAGE *, int,int,int , void func( float,float,float, float *,float *,float *) ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_warp3D ( MRI_IMAGE *, int,int,int , void func( float,float,float, float *,float *,float *) ) ; extern void mri_warp3D_method( int ) ; extern void mri_warp3D_zerout( int ) ; extern void mri_warp3D_set_womask( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 19 Nov 2004 */ extern MRI_IMAGE *mri_warp3D_quintic( MRI_IMAGE *, int,int,int , void func( float,float,float, float *,float *,float *) ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_warp3D_affine( MRI_IMAGE * , THD_vecmat ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_warp3D_resize( MRI_IMAGE *, int,int,int ) ; extern double mri_entropy16( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 09 Jan 2004 */ extern double mri_entropy8 ( MRI_IMAGE * ) ; /* 09 Jan 2004 */ extern float mri_scaled_diff( MRI_IMAGE *bim, MRI_IMAGE *nim, MRI_IMAGE *msk ) ; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "AFNI_label.h" #undef PRINT_VERSION #define PRINT_VERSION(pp) \ do{ if( !machdep_be_quiet() ) \ INFO_message("%s: AFNI version=%s (" __DATE__ ") [%d-bit]", \ (pp),AFNI_VERSION_LABEL,(int)(sizeof(void *)*8)) ; \ } while(0) #undef PRINT_COMPILE_DATE #define PRINT_COMPILE_DATE printf("\n++ Compile date = " __DATE__ "\n\n") #undef AUTHOR #define AUTHOR(aa) \ do{ if( !machdep_be_quiet() ) INFO_message("Authored by: %s",aa) ; } while(0) #undef WROTE_DSET_MSG #define WROTE_DSET_MSG(dd,ss) \ do{ if( THD_is_file(DSET_BRIKNAME(dd)) && !machdep_be_quiet() ) \ INFO_message("Output dataset %s {%s}",DSET_BRIKNAME(dd),(ss)); } while(0) #undef WROTE_DSET #define WROTE_DSET(dd) \ do{ if( !machdep_be_quiet() && THD_is_file(DSET_BRIKNAME(dd)) ) \ INFO_message("Output dataset %s",DSET_BRIKNAME(dd)); } while(0) #undef CHECK_OPEN_ERROR #define CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dd,nn) \ do{ if( !ISVALID_DSET(dd) ) ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s'",nn); }while(0) /* note that the following is a fatal error! */ #undef CHECK_LOAD_ERROR #define CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dd) \ do{ if( ISVALID_DSET(dd) && !DSET_LOADED(dd) ) \ ERROR_exit("Can't load dataset '%s': is it complete?",DSET_BRIKNAME(dd));\ } while(0) /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define METRIC_KULL 0 #define METRIC_HELL 1 #define METRIC_TRIA 2 #define METRIC_JDIV 3 #define METRIC_JSDV 4 #define METRIC_XISQ 5 #define METRIC_XXSQ 6 #define METRIC_AGDV 7 extern void mri_metrics( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *, float * ) ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** July 2006: stuff for generic alignment functions: mri_genalign.c **/ #include "mri_warpfield.h" /* definition of various convex neighborhoods */ #define GA_BLOK_BALL 1 /* sphere */ #define GA_BLOK_CUBE 2 /* cube */ #define GA_BLOK_RHDD 3 /* rhombic dodecahedron */ #define GA_BLOK_TOHD 4 /* truncated octahedron */ #define GA_BLOK_STRING(b) ( ((b)==GA_BLOK_BALL) ? "BALL" : \ ((b)==GA_BLOK_CUBE) ? "CUBE" : \ ((b)==GA_BLOK_RHDD) ? "RHDD" : \ ((b)==GA_BLOK_TOHD) ? "TOHD" : \ "UNKNOWN" ) /* method codes for matching scalar-valued images */ #define GA_MATCH_PEARSON_SCALAR 1 /* least squares, more-or-less */ #define GA_MATCH_SPEARMAN_SCALAR 2 /* rank-order correlation */ #define GA_MATCH_KULLBACK_SCALAR 3 /* Mutual Info */ #define GA_MATCH_MUTINFO_SCALAR 3 #define GA_MATCH_CORRATIO_SCALAR 4 /* Correlation Ratio: Sym Mul */ #define GA_MATCH_NORMUTIN_SCALAR 5 /* Normalized Mutual Info */ #define GA_MATCH_JOINTENT_SCALAR 6 /* Joint Entropy */ #define GA_MATCH_HELLINGER_SCALAR 7 /* Hellinger metric */ #define GA_MATCH_CRAT_SADD_SCALAR 8 /* Correlation Ratio: Sym Add */ #define GA_MATCH_CRAT_USYM_SCALAR 9 /* Correlation Ratio: Unsym */ #define GA_MATCH_PEARSON_SIGNED 10 /* experimental */ #define GA_MATCH_PEARSON_LOCALS 11 /* experimental */ #define GA_MATCH_PEARSON_LOCALA 12 /* experimental */ #define GA_MATCH_LPC_MICHO_SCALAR 13 /* experimental [24 Feb 2010] */ #define GA_MATCH_NCDZLIB 14 /* very experimental */ #define GA_MATCH_PEARCLP_SCALAR 15 #define GA_MATCH_METHNUM_SCALAR 14 /* Largest value in sequence above */ /* methods for smoothing images */ #define GA_SMOOTH_GAUSSIAN 1 #define GA_SMOOTH_MEDIAN 2 /* kernels for histogram estimation */ #define GA_KERNEL_GAUSSIAN 1 #define GA_KERNEL_QUADRATIC 2 #define GA_KERNEL_QUARTIC 3 /* prototype/typedef for a spatial warping function */ typedef void GA_warpfunc( int, float *, int, float *,float *,float *, float *,float *,float * ); typedef MRI_warp3D_param_def GA_param ; /* cf. 3ddata.h */ #define GA_HIST_EQWIDE 1 #define GA_HIST_EQHIGH 2 #define GA_HIST_CLEQWD 3 /***** struct and macro for local statistics in BLOKs (e.g., LPC) *****/ typedef struct { int num , *nelm , **elm ; } GA_BLOK_set ; /** delete a GA_BLOK_set struct and its contents **/ #define GA_BLOK_KILL(gbs) \ do{ int ee ; \ if( (gbs)->nelm != NULL ) free((gbs)->nelm) ; \ if( (gbs)->elm != NULL ){ \ for( ee=0 ; ee < (gbs)->num ; ee++ ) \ if( (gbs)->elm[ee] != NULL ) free((gbs)->elm[ee]) ; \ free((gbs)->elm) ; \ } \ free((gbs)) ; \ } while(0) /** create a GA_BLOK_set; cf. mri_genalign_util.c **/ extern GA_BLOK_set * create_GA_BLOK_set( int nx , int ny , int nz , float dx , float dy , float dz , int npt, float *im, float *jm, float *km, int bloktype, float blokrad, int minel, float shfac , int verb ) ; /** compute correlations in each blok **/ extern floatvec * GA_pearson_vector( GA_BLOK_set *, float *, float *, float * ); extern void GA_pearson_ignore_zero_voxels(int) ; /* 23 Feb 2010 */ /******* end of BLOK-ization stuff here -- also see mri_genalign_util.c *******/ /* struct to control mri_genalign.c optimization */ typedef struct { int match_code ; /* set by user */ int smooth_code ; /* set by user */ float smooth_radius_base ; /* set by user */ float smooth_radius_targ ; /* set by user */ int interp_code ; /* set by user */ mat44 base_cmat , targ_cmat ; /* set by user */ mat44 base_imat , targ_imat ; float base_di,base_dj,base_dk ; float targ_di,targ_dj,targ_dk ; int usetemp ; /* set by user */ int bloktype, blokmin ; /* set by user */ float blokrad ; /* set by user */ GA_BLOK_set *blokset ; int old_sc ; float old_sr_base , old_sr_targ ; MRI_IMAGE *bsim , *bsims , *bsmask ; float bsbot,bstop , bsclip ; int dim_bvec ; int nmask ; int nvox_mask ; int nbsmask ; byte *bmask ; MRI_IMAGE *bwght ; MRI_IMAGE *ajim , *ajims , *ajmask , *ajimor; float ajbot,ajtop , ajclip , aj_ubot,aj_usiz ; int dim_avec , abdim , najmask ; int ajmask_ranfill ; int npt_match ; /* set by user */ floatvec *im, *jm, *km , *bvm , *wvm ; float bvstat ; int hist_mode ; /* set by user */ float hist_param ; /* set by user */ int need_hist_setup ; int ccount_do , ccount_val ; /* 22 Feb 2010 */ float ccount_bthr , ccount_athr ; #if 0 /*** NOT USED YET ***/ int kernel_code ; /* set by user */ float kernel_radius ; /* set by user */ int npt_sum ; /* set by user */ intvec *is, *js, *ks ; floatvec *bvs ; /********************/ #endif int wfunc_numpar ; /* set by user */ GA_param *wfunc_param ; /* set by user */ GA_warpfunc *wfunc ; /* set by user */ int wfunc_numfree ; int *wfunc_pma ; int wfunc_ntrial ; int setup ; float vbest ; } GA_setup ; #undef IFREE #define IFREE(x) do{ if((x)!=NULL)free(x); (x)=NULL; }while(0) #undef FREE_GA_setup #define FREE_GA_setup(st) \ do{ if( (st) != NULL ){ \ mri_free((st)->bsim); mri_free((st)->ajim); IFREE((st)->bmask); \ mri_free((st)->bsims);mri_free((st)->ajims);mri_free((st)->bwght); \ KILL_floatvec((st)->im); KILL_floatvec((st)->jm); \ KILL_floatvec((st)->km); KILL_floatvec((st)->bvm); \ KILL_floatvec((st)->wvm); IFREE((st)->wfunc_param) ; \ mri_free((st)->ajmask); mri_free((st)->ajimor); \ mri_free((st)->bsmask); \ } \ } while(0) #define GA_LEGENDRE 1 #define GA_HERMITE 2 extern void GA_setup_polywarp(int) ; extern void mri_genalign_scalar_setup( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *, GA_setup * ) ; extern int mri_genalign_scalar_optim( GA_setup *, double, double, int) ; extern void mri_genalign_scalar_ransetup( GA_setup *, int ) ; extern void mri_genalign_affine( int, float *, int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_genalign_scalar_warpim( GA_setup * ) ; extern void mri_genalign_verbose(int) ; extern void mri_genalign_mat44( int, float *, int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern void mri_genalign_set_pgmat( int ) ; extern void mri_genalign_bilinear( int, float *, int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern void mri_genalign_cubic( int, float *, int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern void mri_genalign_quintic( int, float *, int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern void mri_genalign_heptic( int, float *, int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern void mri_genalign_nonic( int, float *, int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern int GA_polywarp_coordcode( int pnum ) ; /* 06 Dec 2010 */ extern char * GA_polywarp_funcname ( int pnum ) ; /* 09 Dec 2010 */ void mri_genalign_set_targmask( MRI_IMAGE *, GA_setup * ) ; /* 07 Aug 2007 */ void mri_genalign_set_basemask( MRI_IMAGE *, GA_setup * ) ; /* 25 Feb 2010 */ extern void GA_reset_fit_callback( void (*fc)(int,double*) ) ; extern void GA_do_dots(int) ; extern void GA_do_cost(int, byte) ; extern void GA_do_params(int) ; extern float mri_genalign_scalar_cost( GA_setup * , float *) ; extern void GA_set_outval( float ) ; extern float GA_get_outval(void) ; extern void GA_allow_ccount( int ) ; /* 22 Feb 2010 */ extern void GA_setup_micho( double,double,double,double,double ) ; /* 24 Feb 2010 */ extern void GA_set_nperval( int ) ; /* 15 Nov 2010 */ /**------ these functions are now in mri_genalign_util.c [10 Dec 2008] ------**/ extern void GA_interp_NN ( MRI_IMAGE *fim , int npp, float *ip, float *jp, float *kp, float *vv ) ; extern void GA_interp_linear ( MRI_IMAGE *fim , int npp, float *ip, float *jp, float *kp, float *vv ) ; extern void GA_interp_cubic ( MRI_IMAGE *fim , int npp, float *ip, float *jp, float *kp, float *vv ) ; extern void GA_interp_quintic( MRI_IMAGE *fim , int npp, float *ip, float *jp, float *kp, float *vv ) ; extern void GA_interp_varp1 ( MRI_IMAGE *fim , int npp, float *ip, float *jp, float *kp, float *vv ) ; extern void GA_interp_wsinc5 ( MRI_IMAGE *fim , int npp, float *ip, float *jp, float *kp, float *vv ) ; extern void GA_interp_wsinc5_2D( MRI_IMAGE *fim , int npp, float *ip, float *jp, float *vv ) ; extern int GA_gcd(int,int) ; extern int GA_find_relprime_fixed(int) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * GA_smooth( MRI_IMAGE *im, int meth, float rad ) ; extern void GA_set_outval(float) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * GA_indexwarp( MRI_IMAGE *, int, MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * GA_indexwarp_plus( MRI_IMAGE *, int, MRI_IMAGE *, float_triple , byte * ) ; extern void GA_affine_edit_warp( mat44 aff , MRI_IMAGE *wpim ) ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern floatvec * mri_genalign_scalar_allcosts( GA_setup * , float * ); /* 19 Sep 2007 */ #define MATORDER_SDU 1 /* matrix multiplication order: */ #define MATORDER_SUD 2 /* S = shear matrix */ #define MATORDER_DSU 3 /* D = diagonal scaling matrix */ #define MATORDER_DUS 4 /* U = rotation matrix */ #define MATORDER_USD 5 #define MATORDER_UDS 6 #define SMAT_UPPER 1 /* shear matrix is upper */ #define SMAT_LOWER 2 /* or lower triangular */ #define SMAT_XXX 3 /* x-axis only shears */ #define SMAT_YYY 4 /* y-axis only shears */ #define SMAT_ZZZ 5 /* z-axis only shears */ extern void mri_genalign_affine_setup( int,int,int ) ; extern void mri_genalign_affine_set_befafter( mat44 *, mat44 * ) ; extern void mri_genalign_affine_get_befafter( mat44 *, mat44 * ) ; extern void mri_genalign_affine_get_gammaijk( mat44 * ) ; /* 04 Apr 2007 */ extern void mri_genalign_affine_get_gammaxyz( mat44 * ) ; void mri_genalign_affine_use_befafter(int,int) ; /* 10 Dec 2010 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_genalign_scalar_warpone( /* 26 Sep 2006 */ int npar, float *wpar, GA_warpfunc *wfunc, MRI_IMAGE *imtarg , int nnx , int nny , int nnz , int icode ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_genalign_scalar_xyzwarp( /* 10 Dec 2010 */ int npar, float *wpar, GA_warpfunc *wfunc, int nnx , int nny , int nnz ) ; extern void mri_genalign_scalar_clrwght( GA_setup * ) ; /* 18 Oct 2006 */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Prototypes for functions in nifti_stats.c */ extern int nifti_intent_code ( char * ) ; extern double nifti_stat2cdf ( double, int, double,double,double ) ; extern double nifti_stat2rcdf ( double, int, double,double,double ) ; extern double nifti_cdf2stat ( double, int, double,double,double ) ; extern double nifti_rcdf2stat ( double, int, double,double,double ) ; extern double nifti_stat2zscore ( double, int, double,double,double ) ; extern double nifti_stat2hzscore( double, int, double,double,double ) ; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern THD_fvec3 mri_estimate_FWHM_1dif( MRI_IMAGE * , byte * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * THD_estimate_FWHM_all( THD_3dim_dataset *, byte *, int,int ) ; extern void FHWM_1dif_dontcheckplus( int ) ; extern THD_fvec3 mriarr_estimate_FWHM_1dif( MRI_IMARR *, byte * , int ) ; extern THD_fvec3 mri_estimate_FWHM_12dif( MRI_IMAGE * , byte * ) ; extern THD_fvec3 mri_estimate_FWHM_12dif_MAD( MRI_IMAGE * , byte * ) ; /* 24 Mar 2010 */ void mri_fwhm_setfester( THD_fvec3 (*func)(MRI_IMAGE *, byte *) ) ; extern THD_fvec3 mri_nstat_fwhmxyz( int,int,int , MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, MCW_cluster * ); extern int mri_nstat_mMP2S( int npt , float *far , float voxval, float *fv5); extern void mri_blur3D_variable( MRI_IMAGE * , byte * , MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; extern void mri_blur3D_inmask( MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, float,float,float,int ); extern void mri_blur3D_inmask_speedy( MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, float,float,float,int ); extern void mri_blur3D_addfwhm( MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, float ) ; extern void mri_blur3D_addfwhm_speedy( MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, float ) ; extern void mri_blur3D_inmask_NN( MRI_IMAGE *im, byte *mask, int ) ; extern void mri_blur3D_getfac ( float, float, float, float, int *, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_rgb_blur2D ( float sig , MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_byte_blur2D( float sig , MRI_IMAGE *im ); extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_float_blur2D( float sig , MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_float_blur3D( float sig , MRI_IMAGE *im ) ; void *Percentate (void *vec, byte *mm, int nxyz, int type, double *mpv, int N_mp, int option, double *perc , int zero_flag, int positive_flag, int negative_flag); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* RBF stuff -- cf. mri_rbfinterp.c -- 05 Feb 2009 */ typedef unsigned short RBFKINT ; typedef struct { int nknot ; /* number of knots */ float rad , rqq ; /* RBF radius and radius squared */ float xmid , ymid , zmid ; /* middle of the knots */ float xscl , yscl , zscl ; /* scale reciprocal of the knots */ float *xknot, *yknot, *zknot ; /* each is an nknot-long vector */ dmat44 Qmat ; /* 4x4 Q matrix for linear coefficents */ rcmat *Lmat ; /* Choleski factor of M matrix */ int uselin ; /* using linear coefficients? */ float *P0, *Px , *Py , *Pz ; /* each is an nknot-long vector */ } RBF_knots ; #undef DESTROY_RBF_knots #define DESTROY_RBF_knots(rk) \ do{ IFREE((rk)->xknot); IFREE((rk)->yknot); IFREE((rk)->zknot); \ IFREE((rk)->P0); IFREE((rk)->Px); IFREE((rk)->Py); IFREE((rk)->Pz); \ rcmat_destroy((rk)->Lmat); free(rk); \ } while(0) typedef struct { int npt ; /* number of grid points */ float *xpt , *ypt , *zpt ; /* grid points on which to evaluate RBF */ RBFKINT *kfirst , *klast ; /* first & last knot indexes for each grid pt */ } RBF_evalgrid ; #undef MAKE_RBF_evalgrid #define MAKE_RBF_evalgrid(rg,nn) \ do{ (rg) = (RBF_evalgrid *)malloc(sizeof(RBF_evalgrid)) ; \ (rg)->npt = (nn) ; \ (rg)->xpt = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),(nn)) ; \ (rg)->ypt = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),(nn)) ; \ (rg)->zpt = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),(nn)) ; \ (rg)->kfirst = (rg)->klast = NULL ; \ } while(0) #undef DESTROY_RBF_evalgrid #define DESTROY_RBF_evalgrid(rg) \ do{ free((rg)->xpt); free((rg)->ypt); free((rg)->zpt); \ if( (rg)->klast != NULL ) free((rg)->klast ) ; \ if( (rg)->kfirst!= NULL ) free((rg)->kfirst) ; \ free(rg) ; \ } while(0) typedef struct { int code ; /* 0 ==> val has func values; >0 ==> knot wts */ float b0 , bx , by , bz ; /* linear polynomial coefficients */ float *val ; /* nknot of these */ } RBF_evalues ; #undef MAKE_RBF_evalues #define MAKE_RBF_evalues(rv,nn) \ do{ (rv) = (RBF_evalues *)calloc(1,sizeof(RBF_evalues)) ; \ (rv)->code = 0 ; \ (rv)->val = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(nn)) ; } while(0) #undef DESTROY_RBF_evalues #define DESTROY_RBF_evalues(rv) do{ free((rv)->val); free(rv); } while(0) extern RBF_knots * RBF_setup_knots( int, float, int, float *, float *, float * ) ; extern int RBF_setup_evalues( RBF_knots *rbk, RBF_evalues *rbe ) ; extern int RBF_evaluate( RBF_knots *, RBF_evalues *, RBF_evalgrid *, float * ) ; extern void RBF_set_verbosity( int ) ; extern void RBF_setup_kranges( RBF_knots *rbk , RBF_evalgrid *rbg ) ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Test if a image is vector-valued (fvect, rgb, or complex) **/ #undef ISVECTIM #define ISVECTIM(tim) ((tim)->kind==MRI_fvect || (tim)->kind==MRI_rgb \ || (tim)->kind==MRI_complex) /** Vectorize a call to an image producing function that takes as input 1 float image and produces as output 1 float image. To use this macro, first #define the CALLME macro which takes 2 arguments, the input image pointer and the output image name. For example, to median filter a possible vector image named 'inim' into the output 'outim' do #undef CALLME #define CALLME(inn,out) (out) = mri_medianfilter( (inn), irad,mask,verb ) if( ISVECTIM(inim) ){ VECTORME(inim,outim) ; return outim ; } ... normal processing of a scalar image goes here ... idea is that the CALLME macro is recursive to the local function ... this example would be inserted into source code mri_medianfilter.c **/ #undef VECTORME #define VECTORME(inpp,outp) \ do{ int vv ; MRI_IMARR *qxmpq=NULL; MRI_IMAGE *qxm=NULL; \ (outp) = NULL ; \ switch( (inpp)->kind ){ \ default: break ; \ case MRI_fvect: qxmpq = mri_fvect_to_imarr(inpp) ; break ; \ case MRI_rgb: qxmpq = mri_rgb_to_3float (inpp) ; break ; \ case MRI_complex: qxmpq = mri_complex_to_pair(inpp); break ; \ } \ if( qxmpq == NULL ) break ; \ for( vv=0 ; vv < IMARR_COUNT(qxmpq) ; vv++ ){ \ CALLME( IMARR_SUBIM(qxmpq,vv) , qxm ) ; \ mri_free(IMARR_SUBIM(qxmpq,vv)) ; \ IMARR_SUBIM(qxmpq,vv) = qxm ; \ } \ switch( (inpp)->kind ){ \ default: break ; \ case MRI_fvect: (outp) = mri_imarr_to_fvect(qxmpq) ; \ break ; \ case MRI_rgb: (outp) = mri_3to_rgb(IMARR_SUBIM(qxmpq,0), \ IMARR_SUBIM(qxmpq,1), \ IMARR_SUBIM(qxmpq,2) ) ; \ break ; \ case MRI_complex: (outp) = mri_pair_to_complex(IMARR_SUBIM(qxmpq,0), \ IMARR_SUBIM(qxmpq,1) ); \ break ; \ } \ DESTROY_IMARR(qxmpq) ; \ } while(0) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern THD_3dim_dataset * THD_svdblur( THD_3dim_dataset *inset, byte *mask, float rad, int pdim, int nort, float **ort ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * THD_get_dset_nbhd_array( THD_3dim_dataset *dset, byte *mask, int xx, int yy, int zz, MCW_cluster *nbhd ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_svdproj( MRI_IMARR *imar , int nev ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_first_principal_vector( MRI_IMARR *imar ) ; extern int mri_principal_vectors( MRI_IMARR *imar, int nvec, float *sval, float *uvec ) ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* for mri_nwarp.c */ typedef struct { int nx , ny , nz ; float *xd , *yd , *zd , *hv , *je , *se ; mat33 emat ; int use_emat ; /* stuff below here is for conversion to/from 3D dataset format */ mat44 cmat , imat ; /* cmat: i->x ; imat: x->i */ char *geomstring ; int view ; } IndexWarp3D ; typedef struct { int nwarp ; IndexWarp3D **warp ; } IndexWarp3DArray ; typedef struct { MRI_IMAGE *im ; IndexWarp3D *warp ; } Image_plus_Warp ; typedef struct { IndexWarp3D *fwarp ; IndexWarp3D *iwarp ; } IndexWarp3D_pair ; typedef struct { mat44 fwarp ; mat44 iwarp ; } mat44_pair ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_create( int nx , int ny , int nz ) ; extern void IW3D_destroy( IndexWarp3D *AA ) ; extern float IW3D_normL1 ( IndexWarp3D *AA , IndexWarp3D *BB ) ; extern float IW3D_normL2 ( IndexWarp3D *AA , IndexWarp3D *BB ) ; extern float IW3D_normLinf( IndexWarp3D *AA , IndexWarp3D *BB ) ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_empty_copy( IndexWarp3D *AA ) ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_copy( IndexWarp3D *AA , float fac ) ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_sum( IndexWarp3D *AA, float Afac, IndexWarp3D *BB, float Bfac ) ; extern void IW3D_scale( IndexWarp3D *AA , float fac ) ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_from_dataset( THD_3dim_dataset *dset , int empty , int ivs ) ; extern THD_3dim_dataset * IW3D_to_dataset( IndexWarp3D *AA , char *prefix ) ; extern float IW3D_load_hexvol( IndexWarp3D *AA , float *hv ) ; extern float IW3D_load_energy( IndexWarp3D *AA ) ; extern void IW3D_load_bsv( IndexWarp3D *AA , float,float,float, float *bb , float *ss , float *vv ) ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_compose( IndexWarp3D *AA , IndexWarp3D *BB , int icode ) ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_invert ( IndexWarp3D *AA , IndexWarp3D *BBinit , int icode ) ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_sqrtinv( IndexWarp3D *AA , IndexWarp3D *BBinit , int icode ) ; extern IndexWarp3D * IW3D_from_poly( int npar, float *par, IndexWarp3D *WW ) ; extern THD_3dim_dataset * NwarpCalcRPN( char *expr, char *prefix, int icode, int acode ) ; extern void NwarpCalcRPN_verb(int i) ; extern void THD_interp_floatim( MRI_IMAGE *fim , int np , float *ip , float *jp , float *kp , int code, float *outar ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * THD_setup_nwarp( MRI_IMARR *bimar, int use_amat , mat44 amat , mat44 cmat_bim , int incode , float wfac , mat44 cmat_src , mat44 cmat_out , int nx_out , int ny_out , int nz_out ) ; extern THD_3dim_dataset * THD_nwarp_dataset( THD_3dim_dataset *dset_nwarp , THD_3dim_dataset *dset_src , THD_3dim_dataset *dset_mast , char *prefix , int wincode , int dincode , float dxyz_mast , float wfac , int nvlim , MRI_IMAGE *amatim ) ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CPU_IS_64_BIT() ((sizeof(void *) == 8) ? 1 : 0 ) #endif /* _MCW_MRILIB_HEADER_ */